* File Name: cyhal_clock_impl.h
* Description:
* CAT1 specific implementation for clocks API.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2018-2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "cyhal_hw_resources.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"
#if !defined(SRSS_NUM_PLL)
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1D)
#elif defined(COMPONENT_CAT1B)
#endif /* !defined(SRSS_NUM_PLL) */
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C)
#endif /* defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C) or other */
#if defined(CY_SRSS_ILO_PRESENT)
#elif ((CY_SRSS_ILO_COUNT) > 0) || defined(COMPONENT_CAT1A)
#endif /* (CY_SRSS_ILO_PRESENT) */
* \addtogroup group_hal_impl_clock Clocks
* \ingroup group_hal_impl
* \{
* Implementation specific interface for using the Clock driver. These items, while usable
* within the HAL, are not necessarily portable between devices. The diagrams below
* show how the clocks relate to each other. This is a superset of what is available. See
* the device specific Data Sheet for the exact set of clocks that are available on a
* specific device.
* \section section_clock_snippets_impl Code snippets
* \note Error handling code has been intentionally left out of snippets to highlight API usage.
* \subsection subsection_clock_snippet_5_impl Snippet: System initialization
* The following snippet shows the clock driver can be used to initialize all clocks in the system.
* \note This example is device specific.
* \snippet hal_clock.c snippet_cyhal_clock_system_init_p6
* \addtogroup group_hal_impl_clock_psoc6_01 PSoC™ 6S1 Clocks
* \{
* PSoC™ 6S1 Clock Tree:
* \image html psoc6able2_clock_tree.png
* \}
* \addtogroup group_hal_impl_clock_psoc6_02 PSoC™ 6S2 Clocks
* \{
* PSoC™ 6S2 Clock Tree:
* \image html psoc6a2m_clock_tree.png
* \}
* \addtogroup group_hal_impl_clock_psoc6_03 PSoC™ 6S3 Clocks
* \{
* PSoC™ 6S3 Clock Tree:
* \image html psoc6a512k_clock_tree.png
* \}
* \addtogroup group_hal_impl_clock_psoc6_04 PSoC™ 6S4 Clocks
* \{
* PSoC™ 6S4 Clock Tree:
* \image html psoc6a256k_clock_tree.png
* \}
* \addtogroup group_hal_impl_clock_xmc7100 XMC7100/T2G-B-H-4M Clocks
* \{
* XMC7100/T2G-B-H-4M Clock Tree:
* \image html xmc7100_clock_tree.png
* \}
* \addtogroup group_hal_impl_clock_xmc7200 XMC7200/T2G-B-H-8M Clocks
* \{
* XMC7200/T2G-B-H-8M Clock Tree:
* \image html xmc7200_clock_tree.png
* \}
/** \cond INTERNAL */
/** \endcond */
/** Internal Main Oscillator: This is a fixed-frequency clock that is commonly used as a general purpose source for clocks that do not require specific frequencies or very high accuracy. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_IMO;
/** Internal Main Oscillator: This is a fixed-frequency clock that is commonly used as a general purpose source for clocks that do not require specific frequencies or very high accuracy. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_IMO;
/** External Clock: This is an off-chip clock (not an oscillator). This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_EXT;
/** External Clock: This is an off-chip clock (not an oscillator). This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_EXT;
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C)
/*!< CLK MEM */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_MEM;
/*!< CLK MEM */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_MEM;
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1A) || defined(COMPONENT_CAT1B)
/** Internal Low Speed Oscillator: This is a low accuracy fixed-frequency clock in the kilohertz range that is available in sleep, deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_ILO;
/** Internal Low Speed Oscillator: This is a low accuracy fixed-frequency clock in the kilohertz range that is available in sleep, deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_ILO;
#elif defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C)
/** Internal Low Speed Oscillator: This is a low accuracy fixed-frequency clock in the kilohertz range that is available in sleep, deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_ILO[_CYHAL_SRSS_NUM_ILO];
/** Internal Low Speed Oscillator: This is a low accuracy fixed-frequency clock in the kilohertz range that is available in sleep, deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_ILO[_CYHAL_SRSS_NUM_ILO];
#endif /* (_CYHAL_SRSS_ILO_PRESENT) */
/** External Crystal Oscillator: This is an off-chip clock source that is used when specific frequencies and/or very high accuracy is required. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_ECO;
/** External Crystal Oscillator: This is an off-chip clock source that is used when specific frequencies and/or very high accuracy is required. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_ECO;
/** External Crystal Oscillator Prescaler. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_ECO_PRESCALER;
/** Alternate High Frequency Clock: A high speed clock input provided by a subsystem outside the clocking system. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_ALTHF;
/** Alternate High Frequency Clock: A high speed clock input provided by a subsystem outside the clocking system. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_ALTHF;
/** Alternate Low Frequency Clock: A low speed clock input provided by a subsystem outside the clocking system. This clock is the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_ALTLF;
/** Alternate Low Frequency Clock: A low speed clock input provided by a subsystem outside the clocking system. This clock is the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_ALTLF;
/** Precision ILO: An additional source that can provide a much more accurate 32.768kHz clock than ILO when periodically calibrated using a high-accuracy clock such as the ECO. This clock is stopped in the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PILO;
/** Precision ILO: An additional source that can provide a much more accurate 32.768kHz clock than ILO when periodically calibrated using a high-accuracy clock such as the ECO. This clock is stopped in the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PILO;
/** Watch Crystal Oscillator: This source is driven from an off-chip watch crystal that provides an extremely accurate source. This clock is stopped in the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_WCO;
/** Watch Crystal Oscillator: This source is driven from an off-chip watch crystal that provides an extremely accurate source. This clock is stopped in the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_WCO;
/** Low Power External Crystal Oscillator: This source is driven from an off-chip external crystal that provides an extremely accurate source. This clock is stopped in the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_LPECO_PRESCALER;
/** Low Power External Crystal Oscillator: This source is driven from an off-chip external crystal that provides an extremely accurate source. This clock is stopped in the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_LPECO_PRESCALER;
/** Medium Frequency Oscillator: This source produced by dividing the IMO by 4. The MFO works down to DeepSleep, and the IMO does not turn off if this clock requires it. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_MFO;
/** Medium Frequency Oscillator: This source produced by dividing the IMO by 4. The MFO works down to DeepSleep, and the IMO does not turn off if this clock requires it. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_MFO;
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1B) || (SRSS_MFO_PRESENT) || defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
/** Medium Frequency Clock: This clock is a medium frequency, between the Low Frequency Clock (LF) and High Frequency Clock (HF). */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_MF;
/** Medium Frequency Clock: This clock is a medium frequency, between the Low Frequency Clock (LF) and High Frequency Clock (HF). */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_MF;
/** Low Frequency Clock: This clock is the source for the multi-counter watchdog timers (MCWDT), and can also be a source for the RTC. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_LF;
/** Low Frequency Clock: This clock is the source for the multi-counter watchdog timers (MCWDT), and can also be a source for the RTC. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_LF;
/* PUMP clock is only available on CAT1A and CAT1B devices */
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1A) || defined(COMPONENT_CAT1B)
/** Analog Pump Clock: This clock ensures precision analog performance in low voltage applications. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PUMP;
/** Analog Pump Clock: This clock ensures precision analog performance in low voltage applications. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PUMP;
#endif /* defined(COMPONENT_CAT1A) || defined(COMPONENT_CAT1B) */
/** Backup Clock: This clock is available to the backup domain. Typically useful if an external WCO is not available. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_BAK;
/** Backup Clock: This clock is available to the backup domain. Typically useful if an external WCO is not available. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_BAK;
/** AltSysTickClk: Provides an optional external source for the CM4/CM0+ SysTick timers. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_ALT_SYS_TICK;
/** AltSysTickClk: Provides an optional external source for the CM4/CM0+ SysTick timers. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_ALT_SYS_TICK;
/** Path mux selection: A clock source for high frequency clocks. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PATHMUX[SRSS_NUM_CLKPATH];
/** Path mux selection: A clock source for high frequency clocks. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PATHMUX[SRSS_NUM_CLKPATH];
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1A)
/** Fast Clock: This clock is used for the CM4 and associated AHB-Lite bus infrastructure. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_FAST;
/** Fast Clock: This clock is used for the CM4 and associated AHB-Lite bus infrastructure. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_FAST;
/** Peripheral Clock: This is the source clock for any divided clock in the design. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PERI;
/** Peripheral Clock: This is the source clock for any divided clock in the design. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PERI;
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C)
/** Fast Clock: This clock is used for the CM4 and associated AHB-Lite bus infrastructure. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_FAST[_CYHAL_SRSS_NUM_FAST];
/** Fast Clock: This clock is used for the CM4 and associated AHB-Lite bus infrastructure. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_FAST[_CYHAL_SRSS_NUM_FAST];
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1A)
/** Timer Clock: This clock is intended as a source for high-frequency timers, such as the Energy Profiler and CPU SysTick clock. This clock is stopped in the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_TIMER;
/** Timer Clock: This clock is intended as a source for high-frequency timers, such as the Energy Profiler and CPU SysTick clock. This clock is stopped in the hibernate power mode. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_TIMER;
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1A) || defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C)
/** Slow Clock: This clock is used for the CM0+ CPU, Datawire and CRYPTO components and the associated CPUSS slow infrastructure. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_SLOW;
/** Slow Clock: This clock is used for the CM0+ CPU, Datawire and CRYPTO components and the associated CPUSS slow infrastructure. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_SLOW;
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1B) || defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C) || defined(COMPONENT_CAT1D)
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1B) || defined(COMPONENT_CAT1D)
/** Internal High-Speed Oscillator: This is a fixed-frequency clock that is commonly used as a general purpose source for clocks that do not require specific frequencies or very high accuracy. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_IHO;
/** Internal High-Speed Oscillator: This is a fixed-frequency clock that is commonly used as a general purpose source for clocks that do not require specific frequencies or very high accuracy. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_IHO;
/** Peripheral Clock: This is the source clock for any divided clock in the design. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PERI[CY_PERI_GROUP_NR];
/** Peripheral Clock: This is the source clock for any divided clock in the design. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PERI[CY_PERI_GROUP_NR];
/** Frequency-Locked Loop: This is a high-frequency clock suitable for most on-chip purposes. It is similar to a PLL, but starts up much faster and consumes less current. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_FLL;
/** Frequency-Locked Loop: This is a high-frequency clock suitable for most on-chip purposes. It is similar to a PLL, but starts up much faster and consumes less current. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_FLL;
#if (_CYHAL_SRSS_NUM_PLL > 0) && defined(COMPONENT_CAT1A)
/** Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PLL[_CYHAL_SRSS_NUM_PLL];
/** Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PLL[_CYHAL_SRSS_NUM_PLL];
#if (SRSS_NUM_PLL > 0) && defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C)
/** 200MHz Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PLL200[SRSS_NUM_PLL200M];
/** 200MHz Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PLL200M[SRSS_NUM_PLL200M];
#if (SRSS_NUM_PLL400M > 0) && defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C)
/** 400MHz Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PLL400[SRSS_NUM_PLL400M];
/** 400MHz Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PLL400M[SRSS_NUM_PLL400M];
#if (SRSS_NUM_PLL200M > 0) && defined(COMPONENT_CAT1B)
/** 200MHz Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PLL[SRSS_NUM_PLL200M];
/** 200MHz Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PLL[SRSS_NUM_PLL200M];
#if (SRSS_NUM_PLL400M > 0) && defined(COMPONENT_CAT1B)
/** 400MHz Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_PLL[SRSS_NUM_PLL400M];
/** 400MHz Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_PLL[SRSS_NUM_PLL400M];
#if (SRSS_NUM_DPLL250M > 0) && defined(COMPONENT_CAT1D)
/** 250MHz Digital Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_DPLL250[SRSS_NUM_DPLL250M];
/** 250MHz Digital Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_DPLL250M[SRSS_NUM_DPLL250M];
#if (SRSS_NUM_DPLL500M > 0) && defined(COMPONENT_CAT1D)
/** 500MHz Digital Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_DPLL500[SRSS_NUM_DPLL500M];
/** 500MHz Digital Phase-Locked Loop: A high-frequency clock able to generate a wide range of clock frequencies making it suitable for most on-chip purposes. This clock is stopped in the deep sleep and hibernate power modes. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_DPLL500M[SRSS_NUM_DPLL500M];
/** High Frequency Clock: A high-frequency clock output driving specific peripherals. */
extern const cyhal_clock_t CYHAL_CLOCK_HF[SRSS_NUM_HFROOT];
/** High Frequency Clock: A high-frequency clock output driving specific peripherals. */
extern const cyhal_resource_inst_t CYHAL_CLOCK_RSC_HF[SRSS_NUM_HFROOT];
/** \} group_hal_impl_clock */
cy_rslt_t _cyhal_clock_allocate_channel(cyhal_clock_t *clock, cyhal_clock_block_t block, const void* funcs);
const void* _cyhal_clock_get_funcs_pathmux(void);
const void* _cyhal_clock_get_funcs_pll(void);
const void* _cyhal_clock_get_funcs_hf(void);
const void* _cyhal_clock_get_funcs_peripheral(void);
static inline const void* _cyhal_clock_get_funcs(cyhal_clock_block_t block)
switch (block)
return _cyhal_clock_get_funcs_pathmux();
#if defined(COMPONENT_CAT1C)
#elif defined(COMPONENT_CAT1D)
return _cyhal_clock_get_funcs_pll();
return _cyhal_clock_get_funcs_hf();
return (block < 4 * _CYHAL_CLOCK_PERI_GROUPS)
? _cyhal_clock_get_funcs_peripheral()
static inline cy_rslt_t _cyhal_clock_allocate(cyhal_clock_t *clock, cyhal_clock_block_t block)
CY_ASSERT(NULL != clock);
const void* funcs = _cyhal_clock_get_funcs(block);
return (NULL == funcs)
: _cyhal_clock_allocate_channel(clock, block, funcs);
static inline cy_rslt_t _cyhal_clock_allocate_peri(cyhal_clock_t *clock, cyhal_clock_block_t block)
CY_ASSERT(NULL != clock);
const void* funcs = _cyhal_clock_get_funcs_peripheral();
return _cyhal_clock_allocate_channel(clock, block, funcs);
#define cyhal_clock_allocate(clock, block) _cyhal_clock_allocate(clock, block)
#if defined(__cplusplus)