* \file cy_sd_host.h
* \version 2.1
* This file provides constants and parameter values for
* the SD Host Controller driver.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2018-2021 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \addtogroup group_sd_host
* \{
* This driver provides the user an easy method for accessing standard
* Host Controller Interface (HCI) registers and provides some simple
* functionality on top of the HCI for reading and writing data to
* an SD card, eMMc card or a SDIO device.
* The functions and other declarations used in this driver are in cy_sd_host.h.
* You can include cy_pdl.h to get access to all functions
* and declarations in the PDL.
* Features:
* * Supports data transfer using CPU, SDMA, ADMA2 and ADMA3 modes
* * Supports a configurable block size (1 to 65,535 Bytes)
* * Supports interrupt enabling and masking
* * Supports SD-HCI Host version 4 mode or less
* * Compliant with the SD 6.0, SDIO 4.10 and eMMC 5.1 specifications and earlier versions
* * SD interface features:
* * - Supports the 4-bit interface
* * - Supports Ultra High Speed (UHS-I) mode
* * - Supports Default Speed (DS), High Speed (HS), SDR12, SDR25, SDR50, and DDR50 speed modes
* * - Supports SDIO card interrupts in both 1-bit and 4-bit modes
* * - Supports Standard capacity (SDSC), High capacity (SDHC)
* and Extended capacity (SDXC) memory
* * - Supports CRC and check for command and data packets
* * - Supports packet timeouts
* * - Handles the SDIO card interrupt
* * eMMC interface features:
* * - Supports 1-bit/4-bit/8-bit interfaces
* * - Supports legacy and High Speed SDR speed modes
* * - Supports CRC and check for command and data packets
* * - Supports packet timeouts
* Unsupported Features:
* * Wrap address transfers
* * eMMC boot operation
* * Suspend/Resume operation in an SDIO card
* * Operation in SDR104, UHS-II mode, HS200, and HS400
* * Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol mode
* * Interrupt input pins for the embedded SD system
* * Auto-tuning
* * Command queuing
* The SD, eMMC, and SDIO cards have the similar physical interface:
* clock, command line, and data lines.
* The SD card is removable and requires the SD card connector to connect
* to the PSoC device. This connector also has the card_mech_write_prot switch
* for mechanical write protection and the card_detect_n switch for card detection.
* The eMMC card also has DAT4-DAT7 pins for 8-bit mode and the EMMC_RESET pin.
* \image html sd_card_connector.png
* The driver has a low-level and high-level APIs.
* The low-level functions provide an easy method to read and write registers.
* Also, these functions allow valid interaction with an SD Card, eMMC card,
* and SDIO card.
* The high-level functions provide an easy mechanism to enumerate a device,
* read, write, and erase data. They are RTOS-friendly.
* When starting a command, these functions do not wait until the command completes.
* The interrupt and flags are used to check when the transfer completes.
* This allows to put RTOS delays in the user code.
* \section group_sd_host_section_Configuration_Considerations Configuration Considerations
* The SD Host driver configuration can be divided to a number of sequential
* steps listed below:
* * \ref group_sd_host_enable
* * \ref group_sd_host_pins
* * \ref group_sd_host_clock
* * \ref group_sd_host_intr
* * \ref group_sd_host_config
* * \ref group_sd_host_card_init
* \note
* The SD Host driver is built on top of the SDHC hardware block. The SDHC1 instance is
* used as an example for all code snippets. Modify the code to match your
* design.
* \subsection group_sd_host_enable Enable SD Host
* Enable the SDHC block calling \ref Cy_SD_Host_Enable.
* \subsection group_sd_host_pins Assign and Configure Pins
* Only dedicated SD Host pins can be used for SD Host operation. The HSIOM
* register must be configured to connect the block to the pins. Also, the SD Host
* pins must be configured in Strong Drive, Input buffer on:
* \snippet sd_host/snippet/main.c SD_HOST_CFG_PINS
* \subsection group_sd_host_clock Assign Clock Source
* The SD Host is sourced from the CLK_HF clock. The clock must be set to 100 MHz:
* \snippet sd_host/snippet/main.c SD_HOST_CFG_ASSIGN_CLOCK
* \subsection group_sd_host_intr Configure Interrupt (Optional)
* The user can set up the interrupt for SD Host operation.
* The user is responsible for writing its own Interrupt handler.
* The Interrupt must be called in the interrupt handler for the selected SDHC
* instance. Also this interrupt must be enabled in the NVIC otherwise
* it will not work.
* It is the user's responsibility to clear the normal and error interrupt statuses.
* The interrupt statuses can be read using \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptStatus
* and \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptStatus.
* To clear the interrupt statuses, use \ref Cy_SD_Host_ClearNormalInterruptStatus
* and \ref Cy_SD_Host_ClearErrorInterruptStatus.
* \snippet sd_host/snippet/main.c SD_HOST_INTR_A
* \snippet sd_host/snippet/main.c SD_HOST_INTR_B
* \subsection group_sd_host_config Configure SD Host
* To set up the SD Host driver, provide the configuration parameters in the
* \ref cy_stc_sd_host_init_config_t structure. Set the emmc parameter to true for
* the eMMC-device, otherwise set it to false. Set dmaType if DMA mode
* is used for read/write operations. The other parameters are optional for
* operation. To initialize the driver, call the \ref Cy_SD_Host_Init
* function providing a pointer to the filled \ref cy_stc_sd_host_init_config_t
* structure and allocated \ref cy_stc_sd_host_context_t.
* \snippet sd_host/snippet/main.c SD_HOST_CONTEXT
* \snippet sd_host/snippet/main.c SD_HOST_CFG
* The SD, eMMC or SDIO card can be configured using the \ref Cy_SD_Host_InitCard
* function as a pointer to the filled \ref cy_stc_sd_host_sd_card_config_t
* structure and allocated \ref cy_stc_sd_host_context_t.
* \subsection group_sd_host_card_init Initialize the card
* Finally, enable the card operation calling
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_InitCard.
* \snippet sd_host/snippet/main.c SD_HOST_ENABLE_CARD_INIT
* \section group_sd_host_use_cases Common Use Cases
* \subsection group_sd_host_sd_card_mode SD card Operation
* The master API is divided into two categories:
* \ref group_sd_host_high_level_functions and
* \ref group_sd_host_low_level_functions. Therefore, there are two
* methods for initiating SD card transactions using either Low-Level or
* High-Level API.
* \subsubsection group_sd_host_master_hl Use High-Level Functions
* Call \ref Cy_SD_Host_Read or \ref Cy_SD_Host_Write to
* communicate with the SD memory device. These functions do not block
* in DMA mode and only start a transaction. After a transaction starts,
* the user should check the further data-transaction complete event.
* The example below shows sending and reading data in DMA mode.
* \snippet sd_host/snippet/main.c SD_HOST_WRITE_READ_ADMA2
* \subsubsection group_sd_host_master_ll Use Low-Level Functions
* Call \ref Cy_SD_Host_InitDataTransfer to initialize the SD block
* for a data transfer. It does not start a transfer. To start a transfer
* call \ref Cy_SD_Host_SendCommand after calling this function.
* If DMA is not used for Data transfer then the buffer needs to be filled
* with data first if this is a write.
* Wait the transfer complete event.
* ADMA3 mode requires calling \ref Cy_SD_Host_InitDataTransfer to
* initialize the DMA transaction. The ADMA3 mode example is shown below.
* \snippet sd_host/snippet/main.c SD_HOST_WRITE_READ_ADMA3
* \subsection group_sd_host_emmc_card_mode eMMC Card Operation
* eMMC cards use the same API for writing and reading data.
* Additionally, eMMC requires configuring GPIO pins for DAT signals
* in 8-bit mode and card_emmc_reset_n pin if needed.
* The emmc member of \ref cy_stc_sd_host_init_config_t structure must
* be set to "true".
* \subsection group_sd_host_sdio_combo_card_mode eMMC SDIO or Combo Card Operation
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_InitCard() initializes all types of cards and
* automatically detects the card type: SD, SDIO or Combo card.
* SDIO cards have their input-output (I/O) functions that can be
* controlled using the GPIO driver.
* Combo Cards can use both I/O and memory API.
* \section group_sd_host_lp Low Power Support
* The SD Host does not operate in Hibernate and Deep Sleep modes but it
* can automatically continue write/read operation after restoring from
* Deep Sleep mode. SD CLK must be disabled before going to Deep Sleep mode
* and can be enabled after wake up from Deep Sleep mode.
* To reduce the power consumption in Active mode, the user can stop
* the clock of the SD bus but the following interrupts can be allowed:
* Card Insert, Card Removal and SDIO Interrupt.
* \section group_sd_host_remove_insert SD Card Removal and Insertion
* SD card removal or insertion can be detected by calling
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptStatus which returns
* the card removal or card insertion events
* These events should be reset using
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_ClearNormalInterruptStatus when they occur.
* When the card is removed, the SDHC block disables the CMD/DAT output.
* It is recommended to set DAT pins to
* the Digital High-Z (CY_GPIO_DM_HIGHZ) drive mode when
* card removal is detected. This can be doing using the GPIO driver.
* When the card is inserted, the SDHC block automatically disables
* the card power and clock. After card insertion,
* the user should set the DAT pins drive mode back to Strong Drive,
* Input buffer on (CY_GPIO_DM_STRONG), and then call \ref Cy_SD_Host_InitCard.
* \note If CARD_INTERRUPT is enabled and DAT pins are not set to
* Digital High-Z drive mode then the interrupt will continuously
* trigger because the DAT1 line is driven low upon card re-insertion.
* The user will have to detect the card removal in the ISR handler,
* apply the power to the card using \ref Cy_SD_Host_EnableCardVoltage,
* set to the DAT pins drive mode to the Digital High-Z (CY_GPIO_DM_HIGHZ)
* using \ref Cy_SD_Host_ClearNormalInterruptStatus.
* \section group_sd_host_low_voltage_signaling Low Voltage Signaling
* When lowVoltageSignaling is true, the SD Host driver sets UHS-I mode
* during the card initialization. The SD Host driver always starts talking
* to the card at 3.3V and then later switches to 1.8V. There is no internal
* regulator in the PSoC 6 to change SD signals from 3.3V to 1.8V.
* Thus, an external regulator is needed for the VDDIO of the PSoC device
* to provide the ability to go from 3.3V to 1.8V.
* The SD Host driver sets the io_volt_sel pin to high which is used to
* control the external regulator.
* \image html sd_host_low_voltage_signaling.png
* \section group_sd_host_more_information More Information
* Refer to the appropriate device technical reference manual (TRM) for
* a detailed description of the registers.
* \section group_sd_host_Changelog Changelog
* Version | Changes | Reason for Change |
* 2.1 |
* Updated the behaviour of \ref Cy_SD_Host_AbortTransfer function to check the R1B response. Minor documentation updates. |
* Defect fixing. Documentation enhancement. |
* 2.0 |
* Added support for DDR50 mode and modified Cy_SD_Host_InitCard() API
* to set highest possible bus speed mode. Minor documentation updates. |
* New feature implementation and documentation enhancement. |
* 1.90 |
* Fixed the Cy_SD_Host_SoftwareReset() function behaviour.
* Now it waits until corresponding reset bit gets cleared by SDHC IP block. |
* Defect fixing. |
* 1.80 |
* Added an internal function. |
* Code efficiency enhancement. |
* 1.70 |
* Allow SDIO Card initialization through Cy_SD_Host_InitCard() API.
* Added new API Cy_SD_Host_GetBlockCount().
* |
* Code enhancement, minor defect fixing. |
* 1.60 |
* Fixed/Documented MISRA 2012 violations. |
* MISRA 2012 compliance. |
* 1.50.1 |
* Minor documentation updates. |
* Documentation enhancement. |
* 1.50 |
* The default value of the SD-clock rump-up time during a wakeup
* from Deep Sleep is reduced to 1 us, for details,
* see \ref Cy_SD_Host_DeepSleepCallback description. |
* Optimization for cases of specific wakeup timing requirements. |
* 1.40 |
* Added a possibility to
* customize the SD-clock rump-up time during a wakeup from Deep Sleep,
* for details, see \ref Cy_SD_Host_DeepSleepCallback description. |
* Workaround for cases of specific wakeup timing requirements. |
* 1.30 |
* The internal function implementation is changed. |
* Code efficiency enhancement, minor defect fixing. |
* 1.20 |
* Added the Cy_SD_Host_DeepSleepCallback() function. |
* Driver maintenance. |
* Fixed the Cy_SD_Host_GetCsd() function behaviour.
* Now the cy_stc_sd_host_context_t::maxSectorNum is being updated correctly |
* Defect fixing. |
* 1.10.1 |
* Documentation of the MISRA rule violation. |
* MISRA compliance. |
* 1.10 |
* The PLL and CLK disable sequence in \ref Cy_SD_Host_DisableSdClk()
* is changed to disable CLK first.
* The Low-Power Support section is updated with additional
* information about disabling CLK.
* The context initialization in \ref Cy_SD_Host_Init() is corrected.
* Updated the Write/Read sequence in \ref Cy_SD_Host_Read() and
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_Write()functions for non DMA mode.
* |
* Defect fixing. |
* 1.0 |
* The initial version. |
* |
* \defgroup group_sd_host_macros Macros
* \{
* \defgroup group_sd_host_macros_general_purpose General Purpose Macros
* \defgroup group_sd_host_macros_card_states Card States
* \{
* The masks below can be used to check the CURRENT_STATE bitfield
* of the \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetCardStatus function return value.
* \}
* \defgroup group_sd_host_macros_card_status Card Status (CMD13) Bits
* \{
* The masks below can be used with the
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetCardStatus function.
* \}
* \defgroup group_sd_host_macros_scr SCR Register Masks
* \{
* The masks below can be used with the
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetScr function.
* \}
* \defgroup group_sd_host_macros_cid CID Register Masks
* \{
* The masks below can be used with the
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetCid function.
* \}
* \defgroup group_sd_host_macros_csd CSD Register Masks
* \{
* The masks below are for CSD Register Version 2.0 and can be
* used with the \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetCsd function.
* \}
* \defgroup group_sd_host_macros_events SD Host Events
* \{
* The constants below can be used with
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptStatus,
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_ClearNormalInterruptStatus,
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptStatus and
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_ClearErrorInterruptStatus functions.
* Each event is encoded in a separate bit, and therefore it is possible to
* notify about multiple events.
* \}
* \defgroup group_sd_host_macros_present_status SD Host Present Status
* \{
* The constants below can be used with the
* \ref Cy_SD_Host_GetPresentState function.
* Each status is encoded in a separate bit, and therefore it is possible to
* notify about multiple statuses.
* \}
* \}
* \defgroup group_sd_host_functions Functions
* \{
* \defgroup group_sd_host_high_level_functions High-Level
* \defgroup group_sd_host_low_level_functions Low-Level
* \defgroup group_sd_host_interrupt_functions Interrupt
* \}
* \defgroup group_sd_host_data_structures Data Structures
* \defgroup group_sd_host_enums Enumerated Types
#ifndef CY_SD_HOST_PDL_H
#define CY_SD_HOST_PDL_H
#include "cy_device.h"
#if defined (CY_IP_MXSDHC)
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#include "cy_syspm.h"
#if defined (__CC_ARM)
#pragma anon_unions
/* C binding of definitions if building with C++ compiler */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_macros_general_purpose
* \{
/** Driver major version */
/** Driver minor version */
* API Constants
#define CY_SD_HOST_BLOCK_SIZE (512UL) /**< The SD memory card block size. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_SDSC_ADDR_SHIFT (9U) /**< This constant is used to get the
* address for the SDSC card using the
* shift operation instead of multiply to 512.
/* SD output clock. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CLK_25M (25UL * 1000UL * 1000UL) /**< Clk = 25 MHz. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CLK_50M (50UL * 1000UL * 1000UL) /**< Clk = 50 MHz. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CLK_100M (100UL * 1000UL * 1000UL) /**< Clk = 100 MHz. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CLK_RAMP_UP_TIME_MS (100UL) /**< The host power ramp up time. */
* This is legacy constant.
* It is left here just for backward compatibility.
* Do not use it in new designs.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CLK_RAMP_UP_TIME_US_WAKEUP (1U) /**< The default host power ramp up time during wake up from deep sleep. */
#endif /* !defined CY_SD_HOST_CLK_RAMP_UP_TIME_MS_WAKEUP */
#endif /* !defined CY_SD_HOST_CLK_RAMP_UP_TIME_US_WAKEUP */
/* ADMA constants. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_NOP (0x0UL) /**< Does not execute the current line and go to next line. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_RSV (0x2UL) /**< Reserved. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_TRAN (0x4UL) /**< Transfers data of one descriptor line. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_LINK (0x6UL) /**< The link to another descriptor. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA3_CMD (0x1UL) /**< The Command descriptor. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA3_INTERGRATED (0x7UL) /**< The Integrated descriptor. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA2_DESCR_SIZE (0x2UL) /**< The ADMA2 descriptor size. */
/* ADMA descriptor table positions. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_ATTR_VALID_POS (0U) /**< The ADMA Attr Valid position. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_ATTR_END_POS (1U) /**< The ADMA Attr End position. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_ATTR_INT_POS (2U) /**< The ADMA Attr Int position. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_ACT_POS (3U) /**< The ADMA Act position. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_RESERVED2_POS (6U) /**< The ADMA Reserved2 position. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_LEN_POS (16U) /**< The ADMA Len position. */
/** \cond INTERNAL_MACROS */
#define CY_SD_HOST_EMMC_T_RSCA_US (200U)
#define CY_SD_HOST_INIT_CLK_FREQUENCY_KHZ (400U) /* The CLK frequency in kHz during card initialization. */
/** \endcond */
/** \} group_sd_host_macros_general_purpose */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_macros_card_states
* \{
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_IDLE (0x0UL) /**< The card idle state. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_READY (0x1UL) /**< The card ready state. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_IDENT (0x2UL) /**< The card identification state. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_STBY (0x3UL) /**< The card stand-by state. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_TRAN (0x4UL) /**< The card transition state. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_DATA (0x5UL) /**< The card sending-data state. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_RCV (0x6UL) /**< The card receive-data state. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_PRG (0x7UL) /**< The card programming state. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_DIS (0x8UL) /**< The card disconnect state. */
/** \} group_sd_host_macros_card_states */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_macros_card_status
* \{
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_OUT_OF_RANGE (31U) /**< The command's argument is out of range. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_ADDRESS_ERROR (30U) /**< The address does not match the block length. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_BLOCK_LEN_ERROR (29U) /**< The block length is not allowed for this card. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR (28U) /**< An error in the sequence of erase commands occurred. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_ERASE_PARAM (27U) /**< An invalid selection of write blocks for erase occurred. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_WP_VIOLATION (26U) /**< The host attempts to write to a protected block
* or to the permanent write-protected card.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_CARD_IS_LOCKED (25U) /**< The card is locked by the host. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_LOCK_ULOCK_FAILED (24U) /**< A sequence or password error occurred
* has been detected in the lock/unlock card command.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_COM_CRC_ERROR (23U) /**< The CRC of the previous command failed. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_ILLEGAL_COMMAND (22U) /**< The command is not legal for the card state. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_CARD_ECC_FAILED (21U) /**< The card internal ECC failed. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_CC_ERROR (20U) /**< An internal card-controller error. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_ERROR (19U) /**< A general or unknown error occurred. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_CSD_OVERWRITE (16U) /**< Can be either one of the following
* errors:
* - The read only section of the CSD
* does not match the card content.
* - An attempt to reverse the copy (set
* as original) or permanent WP
* (unprotected) bits was made.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_WP_ERASE_SKIP (15U) /**< Set when only partial address space
* was erased due to existing write protected blocks
* or a temporary or permanent write protected
* card was erased.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_CARD_ECC_DISABLED (14U) /**< The command has been executed
* without using the internal ECC.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_CURRENT_STATE (9U) /**< The state of the card. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_READY_FOR_DATA (8U) /**< The buffer is empty on the bus. */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_APP_CMD (5U) /**< The card will expect ACMD, or an
* indication that the command has
* been interpreted as ACMD.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_AKE_SEQ_ERROR (3U) /**< Error in the sequence of the
* authentication process.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD13_CURRENT_STATE_MSK (0x00001E00UL) /**< The current state mask of the card. */
/** \} group_sd_host_macros_card_status */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_macros_scr
* \{
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_SCR_STRUCTURE (0x000000F0UL) /**< Version number of the related SCR structure
* in the SD Memory Card Physical Layer Specification.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_SD_SPEC (0x0000000FUL) /**< Describes the SD Memory Card Physical Layer
* Specification version supported by this card.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_DATA_STAT_AFTER_ERASE (0x00008000UL) /**< Defines the data status after erase,
* whether it is '0' or '1' (the status is
* card vendor dependent).
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_SD_SECURITY (0x00007000UL) /**< Describes the security algorithm
* supported by the card.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_SD_BUS_WIDTHS (0x00000F00UL) /**< Describes all the DAT bus widths that
* are supported by this card.
/** \} group_sd_host_macros_scr */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_macros_cid
* \{
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_MDT (0x00000FFFUL) /**< The manufacturing date is composed of
* two hexadecimal digits (contained in cid[0]),
* one is 8 bits representing the year(y) and the
* other is 4 bits representing the month (m).
* The "m" field [11:8] is the month code. 1 = January.
* The "y" field [19:12] is the year code. 0 = 2000.
* As an example, the binary value of the Date field
* for production date "April 2018" will be:
* 00010010 0100.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_PSN_LSB (0xFFFF0000UL) /**< The mask for LSB part of the Serial Number
* (contained in cid[0]). The Serial Number is
* 32 bits of binary number.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_PSN_MSB (0x0000FFFFUL) /**< The mask for MSB part of the Serial Number
* (contained in cid[1]). The Serial Number is
* 32 bits of binary number.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_PRV (0x00FF0000UL) /**< The product revision is composed of two
* Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digits (contained in cid[1]),
* four bits each, representing an "n.m" revision number.
* The "n" is the most significant nibble and "m" is the
* least significant nibble.
* As an example, the PRV binary value field for product
* revision "6.2" will be: 0110 0010b.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_PNM_LSB (0xFF000000UL) /**< The mask for LSB part (the first 8 bits) of the
* product name (contained in cid[1]). The product
* name is a string, 5-character ASCII string.
* As an example, the PNM hex value field for product name
* "EB1QT" will be: 0x4542315154.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_PNM_MSB (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /**< The mask for MSB part (the last 32 bits) of the
* product name (contained in cid[2]). The product
* name is a string, 5-character ASCII string.
* As an example, the PNM hex value field for product name
* "EB1QT" will be: 0x4542315154.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_OID (0x0000FFFFUL) /**< The mask for the OID (contained in cid[3]).
* The OID is a 2-character ASCII string that
* identifies the card OEM and/or the card contents
* (when used as a distribution media either on ROM or
* FLASH cards). The OID number is controlled, defined,
* and allocated to a SD Memory Card manufacturer by
* the SD-3C, LLC. This procedure is established to ensure
* uniqueness of the CID register.
* As an example, the OID hex value field for the card OEM
* "SM" will be: 0x534D.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_MID (0x00FF0000UL) /**< The mask for the MID (contained in cid[3]).
* MID is a 8-bit binary number that identifies the
* card manufacturer. The MID number is controlled,
* defined, and allocated to a SD Memory Card manufacturer
* by the SD-3C, LLC. This procedure is established to
* ensure uniqueness of the CID register.
/** \} group_sd_host_macros_cid */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_macros_csd
* \{
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_CSD_STRUCTURE (0x0000FF00UL) /**< CSD structure (contained in csd[3]) */
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_TAAC (0x0000FF00UL) /**< The data read access-time (contained in csd[3]).
* This field is fixed to 0Eh, which indicates 1 ms.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_NSAC (0x000000FFUL) /**< The data read access-time in CLK cycles (NSAC*100)
* (contained in csd[3]).
* This field is fixed to 00h. NSAC should not
* be used to calculate time-out values
* for CSD Version 2.0.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_TRAN_SPEED (0xFF000000UL) /**< The max. data transfer rate (contained in csd[2]).
* Equals to 0x32 (25 MHz) or 0x5A (50 MHz).
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_CCC (0x00FFF000UL) /**< The card command classes (contained in csd[2]).
* The card command class register CCC defines which
* command classes are supported by this card.
* A value of 1 in a CCC bit means that the
* corresponding command class is supported.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_READ_BL_LEN (0x00000F00UL) /**< The max. read data block length (contained in csd[2]).
* This field is fixed to 9h, which
* indicates READ_BL_LEN=512 Byte.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_READ_BL_PARTIAL (0x00000080UL) /**< The partial blocks for read allowed (contained in csd[2]).
* This field is fixed to 0, which indicates
* partial block read is inhibited and only unit
* of block access is allowed.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN (0x00000040UL) /**< The write block misalignment (contained in csd[2]).
* This field is fixed to 0, which indicates
* write access crossing physical block boundaries
* is always disabled in High Capacity SD Memory Card.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_READ_BLK_MISALIGN (0x00000020UL) /**< The read block misalignment (contained in csd[2]).
* This field is fixed to 0, which indicates
* read access crossing physical block boundaries
* is always disabled in High Capacity SD Memory Card.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_DSR_IMP (0x00000010UL) /**< The DSR implemented (contained in csd[2]).
* Defines if the configurable driver stage is
* integrated on the card.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_C_SIZE_MASK (0x3FFFFF00UL) /**< The device size (contained in csd[1]).
* This parameter is used to calculate the
* user data area capacity in the SD memory card
* (not include the protected area).
* The user data area capacity is calculated
* from C_SIZE as follows:
* memory capacity = (C_SIZE+1) * 512K byte.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_ERASE_BLK_EN (0x00000040UL) /**< The erase single block enable (contained in csd[1]).
* This field is fixed to 1, which means the
* host can erase one or multiple units of 512 bytes.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_SECTOR_SIZE_MSB (0x0000003FUL) /**< The MSB of erase sector size (6 MSB bits contained in csd[1]).
* SECTOR_SIZE is fixed to 7Fh, which indicates 64 KBytes.
* This value does not relate to erase operation.
* Version 2.00 cards indicates memory boundary by
* AU size and this field should not be used.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_SECTOR_SIZE_LSB (0x80000000UL) /**< The LSB of erase sector size
* (1 LSB bit of SECTOR_SIZE contained in csd[0]).
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_WP_GRP_SIZE (0x7F000000UL) /**< The write protect group size (contained in csd[0]).
* This field is fixed to 00h. The High Capacity
* SD Memory Card does not support write protected groups.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_WP_GRP_ENABLE (0x00800000UL) /**< The write protect group enable (contained in csd[0]).
* This field is fixed to 0. The High Capacity SD Memory
* Card does not support write protected groups.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_R2W_FACTOR (0x001C0000UL) /**< The write speed factor (contained in csd[0]).
* This field is fixed to 2h, which indicates 4 multiples.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_WRITE_BL_LEN (0x0003C000UL) /**< The max. write data block length (contained in csd[0]).
* This field is fixed to 9h, which indicates
* WRITE_BL_LEN=512 Byte.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_WRITE_BL_PARTIAL (0x00002000UL) /**< The partial blocks for write allowed (contained in csd[0]).
* This field is fixed to 0, which indicates partial
* block read is inhibited and only unit of block
* access is allowed.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_FILE_FORMAT_GRP (0x00000080UL) /**< The File format group (contained in csd[0]).
* This field is set to 0. Host should not use this field.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_COPY (0x00000040UL) /**< The copy flag (OTP) (contained in csd[0]).
* Defines if the contents is original (=0) or
* has been copied (=1). The COPY bit for OTP and MTP
* devices, sold to end consumers, is set to 1,
* which identifies the card contents as a copy.
* The COPY bit is a one time programmable bit.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_PERM_WRITE_PROTECT (0x00000020UL) /**< The permanent write protection (contained in csd[0]).
* Permanently protects the entire card content
* against overwriting or erasing (all write and erase
* commands for this card are permanently disabled).
* The default value is 0, i.e. not permanently write
* protected.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_TMP_WRITE_PROTECT (0x00000010UL) /**< The temporary write protection (contained in csd[0]).
* Temporarily protects the entire card content
* from being overwritten or erased (all write
* and erase commands for this card are temporarily
* disabled). This bit can be set and reset.
* The default value is 0, i.e. not write protected.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CSD_V2_FILE_FORMAT (0x0000000CUL) /**< The File format (contained in csd[0]).
* This field is set to 0. Host should not use this field.
/** \} group_sd_host_macros_csd */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_macros_events
* \{
* Command complete. In SD/eMMC mode, this event is set
* after detecting the end bit of a response except for Auto CMD12 and Auto CMD23.
* This event is not generated when the Response Interrupt is disabled.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD_COMPLETE (0x0001U)
* Transfer complete. This event is set when a read/write
* transfer and a command with the Busy Status are completed.
#define CY_SD_HOST_XFER_COMPLETE (0x0002U)
* Block gap. This event is set when both read/write
* transactions are stopped at the block gap due to a
* Stop-at-Block-Gap Request.
#define CY_SD_HOST_BGAP (0x0004U)
* DMA Interrupt. This event is set if the Host Controller
* detects a SDMA Buffer Boundary during a transfer.
* For ADMA, the Host controller generates this
* interrupt by setting the Int field in the
* descriptor table.
* This interrupt is not generated after a Transfer
* Complete.
#define CY_SD_HOST_DMA_INTERRUPT (0x0008U)
* The Buffer Write is ready. This event is set if
* the Buffer Write Enable changes from 0 to 1.
#define CY_SD_HOST_BUF_WR_READY (0x0010U)
* The Buffer Read is ready. This event is set if
* the Buffer Read Enable changes from 0 to 1.
#define CY_SD_HOST_BUF_RD_READY (0x0020U)
* Card insertion. This event is set if
* the Card Inserted in the Present State
* register changes from 0 to 1.
* Card removal. This event is set if
* the Card Inserted in the Present State
* register changes from 1 to 0.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_REMOVAL (0x0080U)
* The Card interrupt. This event reflects the
* synchronized value of DAT[1] Interrupt Input for SD Mode
* FX event.
* This status is set when R[14] of the response register is set to 1
* and Response Type R1/R5 is set to 0 in the Transfer Mode
* register. This interrupt is used with the response check function.
#define CY_SD_HOST_FX_EVENT (0x2000U)
* Command Queuing event.
* This status is set if a Command Queuing/Crypto related event
* has occurred in eMMC/SD mode.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CQE_EVENT (0x4000U)
* Error Interrupt.
* If any of the bits in the Error Interrupt Status
* register are set, then this bit is set.
#define CY_SD_HOST_ERR_INTERRUPT (0x8000U)
* Command timeout error. In SD/eMMC Mode,
* this event is set only if no response is returned
* within 64 SD clock cycles from the end bit of the
* command. If the Host Controller detects a CMD line conflict,
* along with Command CRC Error bit, this event is set to 1,
* without waiting for 64 SD/eMMC card clock cycles.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD_TOUT_ERR (0x0001U)
* Command CRC error. A Command CRC Error is generated
* in SD/eMMC mode when:
* 1. A response is returned and the Command Timeout
* Error is set to 0 (indicating no timeout),
* this bit is set to 1 when detecting a CRC error
* in the command response.
* 2. The Host Controller detects a CMD line conflict by
* monitoring the CMD line when a command is issued. If
* the Host Controller drives the CMD line to level 1, but
* detects level 0 on the CMD line at the next SD clock
* edge, then the Host Controller aborts the command (stop
* driving CMD line) and sets this bit to 1. The Command
* Timeout Error is also set to 1 to distinguish a CMD line
* conflict.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD_CRC_ERR (0x0002U)
* Command End Bit error.
* This bit is set after detecting that the end bit of a command
* response is 0 in SD/eMMC mode.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD_END_BIT_ERR (0x0004U)
* Command Index error.
* This bit is set if a Command Index error occurs in the
* command response in SD/eMMC mode.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD_IDX_ERR (0x0008U)
* Data Timeout error.
* This bit is set in SD/eMMC mode when detecting one of the
* following timeout conditions:
* * Busy timeout for R1b, R5b type
* * Busy timeout after Write CRC status
* * Write CRC Status timeout
* * Read Data timeout.
#define CY_SD_HOST_DATA_TOUT_ERR (0x0010U)
* Data CRC error.
* This error occurs in SD/eMMC mode after detecting a CRC
* error while transferring read data that uses the DAT line,
* after detecting the Write CRC status having a value other
* than 010 or when writing a CRC status timeout.
#define CY_SD_HOST_DATA_CRC_ERR (0x0020U)
* Data End Bit error.
* This error occurs in SD/eMMC mode either when detecting 0
* at the end bit position of read data that uses the DAT line or
* at the end bit position of the CRC status.
#define CY_SD_HOST_DATA_END_BIT_ERR (0x0040U)
* Current Limit error.
* The SD Host driver does not support this function,
* this bit is always set to 0.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CUR_LMT_ERR (0x0080U)
* Auto CMD error.
* This error status is used by Auto CMD12 and Auto CMD23 in
* SD/eMMC mode. This bit is set after detecting that any of
* the bits D00 to D05 in the Auto CMD Error Status register has
* changed from 0 to 1. D07 is effective in case for Auto CMD12.
* The Auto CMD Error Status register is valid while this bit is set to
* 1 and may be cleared by clearing this bit.
#define CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_ERR (0x0100U)
* ADMA error.
* This bit is set when the Host Controller detects an error during
* an ADMA-based data transfer. The possible reasons for an error:
* * An error response is received from the System bus;
* * ADMA3, ADMA2 Descriptors are invalid;
* * CQE Task or Transfer descriptors are invalid.
* When an error occurs, the state of the ADMA is saved in the
* ADMA Error Status register.
#define CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_ERR (0x0200U)
* Tuning error.
* The SD Host driver does not support this function.
#define CY_SD_HOST_TUNING_ERR (0x0400U)
* Response error.
* Host Controller Version 4.00 supports the response error check
* function to avoid overhead of the response error check by Host
* Driver during DMA execution. If the Response Error Check
* Enable is set to 1 in the Transfer Mode register, the Host
* Controller checks R1 or R5 response. If an error is detected
* in a response, this bit is set to 1. This is applicable in
* SD/eMMC mode.
#define CY_SD_HOST_RESP_ERR (0x0800U)
* Boot Acknowledgement error.
* This bit is set when there is a timeout for boot
* acknowledgement or after detecting the boot ACK status having
* a value other than 010. This is applicable only when boot
* acknowledgement is expected in eMMC mode.
#define CY_SD_HOST_BOOT_ACK_ERR (0x1000U)
/** \} group_sd_host_macros_events */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_macros_present_status
* \{
* Command Inhibit (CMD).
* This bit indicates the following:
* - SD/eMMC mode: If this bit is set to 0, it indicates that the
* CMD line is not in use and the Host controller can issue
* an SD/eMMC command using the CMD line. This bit is
* set when the command register is written. This bit is
* cleared when the command response is received. This bit
* is not cleared by the response of auto CMD12/23 but
* cleared by the response of the Read/Write command.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD_INHIBIT (0x00000001UL)
* Command Inhibit (DAT).
* This bit is applicable for SD/eMMC mode and is generated if
* either the DAT line active or Read transfer active is set to 1. If
* this bit is set to 0, it indicates that the Host Controller can
* issue subsequent SD/eMMC commands.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD_CMD_INHIBIT_DAT (0x00000002UL)
* DAT Line Active (SD/eMMC Mode only).
* This bit indicates whether one of the DAT lines on the
* SD/eMMC bus is in use.
* For Read transactions, this bit indicates whether a
* read transfer is executing on the SD/eMMC bus.
* For Write transactions, this bit indicates whether a
* write transfer is executing on the SD/eMMC bus.
* For a command with the Busy status, this status indicates whether the
* command executing busy is executing on an SD or eMMC
* bus.
#define CY_SD_HOST_DAT_LINE_ACTIVE (0x00000004UL)
* DAT[7:4] Line Signal Level.
* These bits are used to check the DAT line level to recover from
* errors and for debugging. These bits reflect the value of the
* sd_dat_in (upper nibble) signal.
#define CY_SD_HOST_DAT_7_4 (0x000000F0UL)
* Write Transfer Active
* This status indicates whether the Write transfer is active for
* SD/eMMC mode.
#define CY_SD_HOST_WR_XFER_ACTIVE (0x00000100UL)
* Read Transfer Active.
* This bit indicates whether the Read transfer is active for
* SD/eMMC mode.
#define CY_SD_HOST_RD_XFER_ACTIVE (0x00000200UL)
* Buffer Write Enable.
* This bit is used for non-DMA transfers. This bit is set if space
* is available for writing data.
#define CY_SD_HOST_BUF_WR_ENABLE (0x00000400UL)
* Buffer Read Enable.
* This bit is used for non-DMA transfers. This bit is set if valid
* data exists in the Host buffer.
#define CY_SD_HOST_BUF_RD_ENABLE (0x00000800UL)
* Card Inserted.
* This bit indicates whether a card has been inserted. The
* Host Controller debounces this signal so that the Host Driver
* does not need to wait for the signal to stabilize.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_INSERTED (0x00010000UL)
* Card Stable.
* This bit indicates the stability of the Card Detect Pin Level. A
* card is not detected if this bit is set to 1 and the value of the
* CARD_INSERTED bit is 0.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CARD_STABLE (0x00020000UL)
* Card Detect Pin Level.
* This bit reflects the inverse synchronized value of the
* card_detect_n signal.
* Write Protect Switch Pin Level.
* This bit is supported only for memory and combo cards. This
* bit reflects the synchronized value of the card_write_prot
* signal.
#define CY_SD_HOST_WR_PROTECT_SW_LVL (0x00080000UL)
* DAT[3:0] Line Signal Level.
* This bit is used to check the DAT line level to recover from
* errors and for debugging. These bits reflect the value of the
* sd_dat_in (lower nibble) signal.
#define CY_SD_HOST_DAT_3_0 (0x00F00000UL)
* DAT[0] Line Signal Level.
* This bit is used to check the DAT0 line level to check R1b
* response. This bit reflects the value of the sd_dat_in[0]
* signal.
#define CY_SD_HOST_DAT_0_Msk (0x00100000UL)
* Command-Line Signal Level.
* This bit is used to check the CMD line level to recover from
* errors and for debugging. These bits reflect the value of the
* sd_cmd_in signal.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD_LINE_LVL (0x01000000UL)
* Host Regulator Voltage Stable.
* This bit is used to check whether the host regulator voltage is
* stable for switching the voltage of UHS-I mode. This bit
* reflects the synchronized value of the host_reg_vol_stable
* signal.
#define CY_SD_HOST_HOST_REG_VOL (0x02000000UL)
* Command Not Issued by Error.
* This bit is set if a command cannot be issued after setting
* the command register due to an error except an Auto
* CMD12 error.
#define CY_SD_HOST_CMD_ISSU_ERR (0x08000000UL)
* Sub Command Status.
* This bit is used to distinguish between a main command and
* a sub command status.
#define CY_SD_HOST_SUB_CMD_STAT (0x10000000UL)
* In Dormant Status.
* This bit indicates whether UHS-II lanes enter the Dormant state
* in the UHS-II mode. For SD/eMMC mode, this bit always
* returns 0.
#define CY_SD_HOST_IN_DORMANT_ST (0x20000000UL)
* Lane Synchronization.
* This bit indicates whether a lane is synchronized in UHSII
* mode. For SD/eMMC mode, this bit always returns 0.
#define CY_SD_HOST_LANE_SYNC (0x40000000UL)
* UHS-II Interface Detection.
* This bit indicates whether a card supports the UHS-II
* interface. For SD/eMMC mode, this bit always returns 0.
#define CY_SD_HOST_UHS2_IF_DETECT (0x80000000UL)
/** \} group_sd_host_macros_present_status */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_enums
* \{
* Enumerations
/** SD command types. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_CMD_NORMAL = 0U, /**< Other commands */
CY_SD_HOST_CMD_SUSPEND = 1U, /**< CMD52 for writing "Bus Suspend" in CCCR */
CY_SD_HOST_CMD_RESUME = 2U, /**< CMD52 for writing "Function Select" in CCCR */
CY_SD_HOST_CMD_ABORT = 3U /**< CMD12, CMD52 for writing "I/O Abort" in CCCR */
/** SD Host auto command enable selection. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_NONE = 0U, /**< Auto command disable. */
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_12 = 1U, /**< Auto command 12 enable. */
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_23 = 2U, /**< Auto command 23 enable. */
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_AUTO = 3U /**< Auto command Auto enable. */
/** SD Host reset types. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_RESET_DATALINE = 0U, /**< Reset the data circuit only. */
CY_SD_HOST_RESET_CMD_LINE = 1U, /**< Reset the command circuit only. */
CY_SD_HOST_RESET_ALL = 2U /**< Reset the whole SD Host controller. */
/** SD Host error interrupt types. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_ST_STOP = 0U, /**< Stop DMA - The SYS_ADR register points to
* a location next to the error descriptor.
CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_ST_FDS = 1U, /**< Fetch Descriptor - The SYS_ADR register
* points to the error descriptor.
CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_ST_TFR = 3U, /**< Transfer Data - SYS_ADR register points
* to a location next to the error descriptor.
CY_SD_HOST_ADMA_LEN_ERR = 4U /**< The ADMA Length Mismatch error. */
/** Auto CMD Status error codes. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD12_NOT_EXEC = 0U, /**< Auto CMD12 Not Executed. */
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_TOUT_ERR = 1U, /**< Auto CMD Timeout Error. */
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_CRC_ERR = 2U, /**< Auto CMD CRC Error. */
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_EBIT_ERR = 3U, /**< Auto CMD End Bit Error. */
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_IDX_ERR = 4U, /**< Auto CMD Index Error. */
CY_SD_HOST_AUTO_CMD_RESP_ERR = 5U, /**< Auto CMD Response Error. */
CY_SD_HOST_CMD_NOT_ISSUED_AUTO_CMD12 = 7U /**< Command Not Issued By Auto CMD12 Error. */
} cy_en_sd_host_auto_cmd_status_t;
/** SD host error codes. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_SUCCESS = 0U, /**< Successful. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERROR = CY_SD_HOST_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 1U, /**< Non-specific error code. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = CY_SD_HOST_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 2U, /**< The provided parameter is not valid. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS = CY_SD_HOST_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 3U, /**< A conflicting or requested operation is still in progress. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED = CY_SD_HOST_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 4U, /**< The module (or part of it) was not initialized properly. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_TIMEOUT = CY_SD_HOST_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 5U, /**< A Time Out error occurred */
CY_SD_HOST_OPERATION_INPROGRESS = CY_SD_HOST_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 6U, /**< The indicator for operation in progress. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_DISCONNECTED = CY_SD_HOST_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 8U /**< The card is disconnected. */
} cy_en_sd_host_status_t;
/** The widths of the data bus. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_WIDTH_1_BIT = 0U, /**< The 1-bit mode data transfer width. */
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_WIDTH_4_BIT = 1U, /**< The 4-bit mode data transfer width. */
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_WIDTH_8_BIT = 2U /**< The 8-bit mode data transfer width. */
} cy_en_sd_host_bus_width_t;
/** The bus speed modes. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_SPEED_DEFAULT = 0U, /**< Default Speed mode: 3.3V signaling at 25 MHz SDClk. */
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_SPEED_HIGHSPEED = 1U, /**< High Speed mode: 3.3V signaling at 50 MHz SDClk. */
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_SPEED_SDR12_5 = 2U, /**< SDR12: UHS-I (1.8V signaling) at 25 MHz SDClk (12.5 MB/sec). */
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_SPEED_SDR25 = 3U, /**< SDR25: UHS-I (1.8V signaling) at 50 MHz SDClk (25 MB/sec). */
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_SPEED_SDR50 = 4U, /**< SDR50: UHS-I (1.8V signaling) at 100 MHz SDClk (50 MB/sec). */
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_SPEED_EMMC_LEGACY = 5U, /**< Backwards Compatibility with legacy MMC card (26MB/sec max). */
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_SPEED_EMMC_HIGHSPEED_SDR = 6U, /**< eMMC High speed SDR (52MB/sec max) */
CY_SD_HOST_BUS_SPEED_DDR50 = 7U /**< DDR50: UHS-I (1.8V signaling) at 50 MHz SDClk (50 MB/sec). */
} cy_en_sd_host_bus_speed_mode_t;
/** The SD bus voltage select. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_IO_VOLT_3_3V = 0U, /**< 3.3V.*/
CY_SD_HOST_IO_VOLT_1_8V = 1U /**< 1.8V. */
} cy_en_sd_host_io_voltage_t;
/** Erase type. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_ERASE = 0U, /**< The ERASE operation.*/
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_DISCARD = 1U, /**< The DISCARD operation. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_FULE = 2U, /**< The Full User Area Logical Erase (FULE) operation. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_SECURE = 3U, /**< The secure purge according to
* Secure Removal Type in EXT_CSD
* on the erase groups identified by the
* startAddr&endAddr parameters and
* any copies of those erase groups.
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_SECURE_TRIM_STEP_2 = 4U, /**< The secure purge operation on
* the write blocks according to
* Secure Removal Type in EXT_CSD
* and copies of those write blocks
* that were previously identified
* using \ref Cy_SD_Host_Erase with
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_SECURE_TRIM_STEP_1 = 5U, /**< Mark the write blocks, indicated
* by the startAddr&endAddr parameters,
* for secure erase.
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_TRIM = 6U /**< Trim the write blocks identified by
* the startAddr&endAddr parameters. The controller
* can perform the actual erase at convenient time.
} cy_en_sd_host_erase_type_t;
/** Card type. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_SD = 0U, /**< The Secure Digital card (SD). */
CY_SD_HOST_SDIO = 1U, /**< The CD Input Output card (SDIO). */
CY_SD_HOST_EMMC = 2U, /**< The Embedded Multimedia card (eMMC). */
CY_SD_HOST_COMBO = 3U, /**< The Combo card (SD + SDIO). */
CY_SD_HOST_UNUSABLE = 4U, /**< The unusable or not supported. */
CY_SD_HOST_NOT_EMMC = 5U /**< The card is not eMMC. */
} cy_en_sd_host_card_type_t;
/** The card capacity type. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_SDSC = 0U, /**< SDSC - Secure Digital Standard Capacity (up to 2 GB). */
CY_SD_HOST_SDHC = 1U, /**< SDHC - Secure Digital High Capacity (up to 32 GB). */
CY_SD_HOST_EMMC_LESS_2G = 0U, /**< The eMMC block addressing for less than 2GB. */
CY_SD_HOST_EMMC_GREATER_2G = 1U, /**< The eMMC block addressing for greater than 2GB. */
CY_SD_HOST_SDXC = 2U, /**< SDXC - Secure Digital Extended Capacity (up to 2 TB). */
CY_SD_HOST_UNSUPPORTED = 4U /**< Not supported. */
/** SDHC response types. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_RESPONSE_NONE = 0U, /**< No Response. */
CY_SD_HOST_RESPONSE_LEN_136 = 1U, /**< Response Length 136. */
CY_SD_HOST_RESPONSE_LEN_48 = 2U, /**< Response Length 48. */
CY_SD_HOST_RESPONSE_LEN_48B = 3U /**< Response Length 48. Check Busy after response. */
/** The DMA type enum. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_DMA_SDMA = 0U, /**< SDMA mode. */
CY_SD_HOST_DMA_ADMA2 = 2U, /**< ADMA2 mode. */
CY_SD_HOST_DMA_ADMA2_ADMA3 = 3U /**< ADMA2-ADMA3 mode. */
/** Write Protect type enum. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_PERMANENT = 0U, /**< The permanent write protect. */
CY_SD_HOST_ENABLE_TEMPORARY = 1U, /**< The temporary write protect. */
CY_SD_HOST_DISABLE_TEMPORARY = 2U /**< Clear the temporary write protect. */
} cy_en_sd_host_write_protect_t;
/** Card status in R1 response type enum. */
typedef enum
CY_SD_HOST_AKE_SEQ_ERROR_R1_RESP = 3U, /**< Error in the sequence of the authentication process. */
CY_SD_HOST_APP_CMD_R1_RESP = 5U, /**< The card will expect ACMD, or an indication that the command has been interpreted as ACMD. */
CY_SD_HOST_FX_EVENT_R1_RESP = 6U, /**< Extension Functions may set this bit to get host to deal with events. */
CY_SD_HOST_READY_FOR_DATA_R1_RESP = 8U, /**< Corresponds to buffer empty signaling on the bus. */
CY_SD_HOST_CURRENT_STATE_0_R1_RESP = 9U, /**< The state of the card when receiving the command. The four bits are interpreted as a binary coded number between 0 and 15. It is 0th bit. */
CY_SD_HOST_CURRENT_STATE_1_R1_RESP = 10U, /**< The state of the card when receiving the command. The four bits are interpreted as a binary coded number between 0 and 15. It is 1st bit. */
CY_SD_HOST_CURRENT_STATE_2_R1_RESP = 11U, /**< The state of the card when receiving the command. The four bits are interpreted as a binary coded number between 0 and 15. It is 2nd bit. */
CY_SD_HOST_CURRENT_STATE_3_R1_RESP = 12U, /**< The state of the card when receiving the command. The four bits are interpreted as a binary coded number between 0 and 15. It is 3rd bit. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_RESET_R1_RESP = 13U, /**< It indicates if an erase sequence was cleared before executing because an out of erase sequence command was received. */
CY_SD_HOST_CARD_ECC_DISABLED_R1_RESP = 14U, /**< It indicates if the command has been executed without using the internal ECC. */
CY_SD_HOST_WP_ERASE_SKIP_R1_RESP = 15U, /**< It is set when only partial address space was erased due to existing write protected blocks or the temporary or permanent write protected card was erased. */
CY_SD_HOST_CSD_OVERWRITE_R1_RESP = 16U, /**< It indicates read only section of the CSD does not match the card content or there was an attempt to reverse the copy or permanent WP bits was made. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_R1_RESP = 19U, /**< A general or an unknown error occurred during the operation. */
CY_SD_HOST_CC_ERROR_R1_RESP = 20U, /**< Internal card controller error. */
CY_SD_HOST_CARD_ECC_FAILED_R1_RESP = 21U, /**< Card internal ECC was applied but failed to correct the data. */
CY_SD_HOST_ILLEGAL_COMMAND_R1_RESP = 22U, /**< Command not legal for the card. */
CY_SD_HOST_COM_CRC_ERROR_R1_RESP = 23U, /**< The CRC check of the previous command failed. */
CY_SD_HOST_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED_R1_RESP = 24U, /**< Set when a sequence or password error has been detected in lock/unlock card command. */
CY_SD_HOST_CARD_IS_LOCKED_R1_RESP = 25U, /**< When set, signals that the card is locked by the host. */
CY_SD_HOST_WP_VIOLATION_R1_RESP = 26U, /**< Set when the host attempts to write to a protected block or to the temporary or permanent write protected card. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_PARAM_R1_RESP = 27U, /**< An invalid selection of write-blocks for erase occurred. */
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR_R1_RESP = 28U, /**< An error in the sequence of erase commands occurred. */
CY_SD_HOST_BLOCK_LEN_ERROR_R1_RESP = 29U, /**< The transferred block length is not allowed for this card, or the number of transferred bytes does not match the block length. */
CY_SD_HOST_ADDRESS_ERROR_R1_RESP = 30U, /**< A misaligned address which did not match the block length was used in the command. */
CY_SD_HOST_OUT_OF_RANGE_R1_RESP = 31U, /**< The command's argument was out of the allowed range for this card. */
} cy_en_sd_host_r1_response_t;
/** \} group_sd_host_enums */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_data_structures
* \{
* Structures
/** SD Host initialization configuration structure. */
typedef struct
bool emmc; /**< Set to true of eMMC otherwise false. */
cy_en_sd_host_dma_type_t dmaType; /**< Selects the DMA type to be used. */
bool enableLedControl; /**< If true the SD clock controls one IO
* used to indicate when the card
* is being accessed.
} cy_stc_sd_host_init_config_t;
/** SD/eMMC card configuration structure. */
typedef struct
bool lowVoltageSignaling; /**< If true, the host supports the 1.8V signaling. */
cy_en_sd_host_bus_width_t busWidth; /**< The desired bus width. */
cy_en_sd_host_card_type_t *cardType; /**< The card type. */
uint32_t *rca; /**< The pointer to where to store the cards relative card address. */
cy_en_sd_host_card_capacity_t *cardCapacity; /**< Stores the card capacity. */
/** SD Host command configuration structure. */
typedef struct
uint32_t commandIndex; /**< The index of the command. */
uint32_t commandArgument; /**< The argument for the command. */
bool enableCrcCheck; /**< Enables the CRC check on the response. */
bool enableAutoResponseErrorCheck; /**< If true the hardware checks the response for errors. */
cy_en_sd_host_response_type_t respType; /**< The response type. */
bool enableIdxCheck; /**< Checks the index of the response. */
bool dataPresent; /**< true: Data is present to
* be transferred using the DAT line,
* false: Commands use the CMD line only.
cy_en_sd_host_cmd_type_t cmdType; /**< The command type. */
} cy_stc_sd_host_cmd_config_t;
/** The SD Host data transfer configuration structure. */
typedef struct
uint32_t blockSize; /**< The size of the data block. */
uint32_t numberOfBlock; /**< The number of blocks to send. */
bool enableDma; /**< Enables DMA for the transaction. */
cy_en_sd_host_auto_cmd_t autoCommand; /**< Selects which auto commands are used if any. */
bool read; /**< true = Read from the card, false = Write to the card. */
uint32_t* data; /**< The pointer to data to send/receive or
* the pointer to the DMA descriptor.
uint32_t dataTimeout; /**< The timeout value for the transfer. */
bool enableIntAtBlockGap; /**< Enables the interrupt generation at the block gap. */
bool enReliableWrite; /**< For EMMC enables the reliable write. */
/** SD Host Write/Read structure. */
typedef struct
uint32_t* data; /**< The pointer to data. */
uint32_t address; /**< The address to Write/Read data on the card or eMMC. */
uint32_t numberOfBlocks; /**< The number of blocks to Write/Read. */
cy_en_sd_host_auto_cmd_t autoCommand; /**< Selects which auto commands are used if any. */
uint32_t dataTimeout; /**< The timeout value for the transfer. */
bool enReliableWrite; /**< For EMMC cards, enables the reliable write. */
bool enableDma; /**< Enables DMA for the transaction. */
} cy_stc_sd_host_write_read_config_t;
/** Context structure. */
typedef struct
cy_en_sd_host_dma_type_t dmaType; /**< Defines the DMA type to be used. */
cy_en_sd_host_card_capacity_t cardCapacity; /**< The standard card or the card with the high capacity. */
uint32_t maxSectorNum; /**< The SD card maximum number of the sectors. */
uint32_t RCA; /**< The relative card address. */
cy_en_sd_host_card_type_t cardType; /**< The card type. */
uint32_t csd[4]; /**< The Card-Specific Data register. */
/** \} group_sd_host_data_structures */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_high_level_functions
* \{
* Functions
/* High level section */
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_InitCard(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_stc_sd_host_sd_card_config_t *config,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t *context);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_Read(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_stc_sd_host_write_read_config_t *config,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_Write(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_stc_sd_host_write_read_config_t *config,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_Erase(SDHC_Type *base,
uint32_t startAddr,
uint32_t endAddr,
cy_en_sd_host_erase_type_t eraseType,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
/** \} group_sd_host_high_level_functions */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_low_level_functions
* \{
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_Init(SDHC_Type *base,
const cy_stc_sd_host_init_config_t* config,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t *context);
void Cy_SD_Host_DeInit(SDHC_Type *base);
void Cy_SD_Host_Enable(SDHC_Type *base);
void Cy_SD_Host_Disable(SDHC_Type *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_EnableSdClk(SDHC_Type *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_DisableSdClk(SDHC_Type *base);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_SetSdClkDiv(SDHC_Type *base, uint16_t clkDiv);
bool Cy_SD_Host_IsWpSet(SDHC_Type const *base);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_SetHostBusWidth(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_en_sd_host_bus_width_t width);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_SetBusWidth(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_en_sd_host_bus_width_t width,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_SetHostSpeedMode(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_en_sd_host_bus_speed_mode_t speedMode);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_SetBusSpeedMode(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_en_sd_host_bus_speed_mode_t speedMode,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_SelBusVoltage(SDHC_Type *base,
bool enable18VSignal,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t *context);
void Cy_SD_Host_EnableCardVoltage(SDHC_Type *base);
void Cy_SD_Host_DisableCardVoltage(SDHC_Type *base);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_GetResponse(SDHC_Type const *base,
uint32_t *responsePtr,
bool largeResponse);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_SendCommand(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_stc_sd_host_cmd_config_t const *config);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_InitDataTransfer(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_stc_sd_host_data_config_t const *dataConfig);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_BufferRead(SDHC_Type const *base);
__STATIC_INLINE cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_BufferWrite(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t data);
void Cy_SD_Host_ChangeIoVoltage(SDHC_Type *base, cy_en_sd_host_io_voltage_t ioVoltage);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_StopAtBlockGap(SDHC_Type *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_ContinueFromBlockGap(SDHC_Type *base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetAutoCmdErrStatus(SDHC_Type const *base);
__STATIC_INLINE cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_EnableAutoCmd23(SDHC_Type *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_DisableAutoCmd23(SDHC_Type *base);
__STATIC_INLINE cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_EnableAsyncInterrupt(SDHC_Type *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_DisableAsyncInterrupt(SDHC_Type *base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetAdmaErrorStatus(SDHC_Type const *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_EMMC_Reset(SDHC_Type *base);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_AbortTransfer(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_WriteProtect(SDHC_Type *base,
cy_en_sd_host_write_protect_t writeProtect,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t *context);
uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetCardStatus(SDHC_Type *base, cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_GetSdStatus(SDHC_Type *base,
uint32_t *sdStatus,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetOcr(SDHC_Type *base, cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_GetCid(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t *cid);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_GetCsd(SDHC_Type *base,
uint32_t *csd,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t *context);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_GetExtCsd(SDHC_Type *base,
uint32_t *extCsd,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t *context);
uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetRca(SDHC_Type *base);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_GetScr(SDHC_Type *base,
uint32_t *scr,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t const *context);
uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetPresentState(SDHC_Type const *base);
bool Cy_SD_Host_IsCardConnected(SDHC_Type const *base);
void Cy_SD_Host_SoftwareReset(SDHC_Type *base, cy_en_sd_host_reset_t reset);
cy_en_syspm_status_t Cy_SD_Host_DeepSleepCallback(cy_stc_syspm_callback_params_t *callbackParams,
cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t mode);
cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_GetBlockCount(SDHC_Type *base,
uint32_t *block_count,
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t *context);
/** \} group_sd_host_low_level_functions */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_interrupt_functions
* \{
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptStatus(SDHC_Type const *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_ClearNormalInterruptStatus(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t status);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_SetNormalInterruptEnable(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t interrupt);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptEnable(SDHC_Type const *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_SetNormalInterruptMask(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptMask(SDHC_Type const *base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptStatus(SDHC_Type const *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_ClearErrorInterruptStatus(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t status);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_SetErrorInterruptEnable(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t interrupt);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptEnable(SDHC_Type const *base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_SetErrorInterruptMask(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptMask(SDHC_Type const *base);
/** \} group_sd_host_interrupt_functions */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_low_level_functions
* \{
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_EnableSdClk
* Enables the SD clock (SD host drives the SDCLK line).
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_EnableSdClk(SDHC_Type *base)
/* Check for NULL pointer */
if (NULL != base)
SDHC_CORE_CLK_CTRL_R(base) = (uint16_t)((uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_CLK_CTRL_R(base) |
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_DisableSdClk
* Disables the SD clock (The SD Host doesn't drive the SDCLK line).
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_DisableSdClk(SDHC_Type *base)
/* Check for NULL pointer */
if (NULL != base)
/* Disable SD CLK */
/* Wait for at least 3 card clock periods */
/* Disable PLL */
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_BufferRead
* Reads 32-bits of data from the read buffer.
* Only use this function if not using SD block DMA to transfer data from buffer.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return uint32_t
* Data that is being read.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_BufferRead(SDHC_Type const *base)
/* Return the Buffer Data Port Register value */
return SDHC_CORE_BUF_DATA_R(base);
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_BufferWrite
* Writes 32-bits of data into the write buffer.
* Only use this function if not using SD block DMA to transfer data to buffer.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \param data
* Data to be written.
* \return \ref cy_en_sd_host_status_t
__STATIC_INLINE cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_BufferWrite(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t data)
cy_en_sd_host_status_t ret = CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
/* Check for the NULL pointer */
if (NULL != base)
SDHC_CORE_BUF_DATA_R(base) = data;
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_StopAtBlockGap
* Commands SD host to stop transmitting at the next block gap.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_StopAtBlockGap(SDHC_Type *base)
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_ContinueFromBlockGap
* Commands SD host to continue transmitting after stopping at the block gap.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_ContinueFromBlockGap(SDHC_Type *base)
SDHC_CORE_BGAP_CTRL_R(base) = (uint8_t)(((uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_BGAP_CTRL_R(base) &
~SDHC_CORE_BGAP_CTRL_R_STOP_BG_REQ_Msk) | /* Clear the Stop At Block Gap Request bit. */
SDHC_CORE_BGAP_CTRL_R_CONTINUE_REQ_Msk); /* Set the Continue Request bit. */
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_GetAutoCmdErrStatus
* Gets the SD host error status of the auto command.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return uint32_t
* The bit mask of the Auto Command status.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetAutoCmdErrStatus(SDHC_Type const *base)
uint32_t ret;
ret = (uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_AUTO_CMD_STAT_R(base);
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_EnableAutoCmd23
* If the card supports AutoCmd23 call this function to enable it in the host.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return \ref cy_en_sd_host_status_t.
__STATIC_INLINE cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_EnableAutoCmd23(SDHC_Type *base)
cy_en_sd_host_status_t ret = CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
/* Check for the NULL pointer */
if (NULL != base)
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_DisableAutoCmd23
* Removes support for AutoCmd23 if it was previously set.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_DisableAutoCmd23(SDHC_Type *base)
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_EnableAsyncInterrupt
* Enables the Asynchronous Interrupt for SDIO cards. Set this only
* if the card supports this feature.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return \ref cy_en_sd_host_status_t
__STATIC_INLINE cy_en_sd_host_status_t Cy_SD_Host_EnableAsyncInterrupt(SDHC_Type *base)
cy_en_sd_host_status_t ret = CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
/* Check for the NULL pointer */
if (NULL != base)
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_DisableAsyncInterrupt
* Removes the support for the Asynchronous Interrupt if it was previously set.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_DisableAsyncInterrupt(SDHC_Type *base)
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_GetAdmaErrorStatus
* Returns the ADMA Error Status register.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return uint32_t
* The bit mask of ADMA Error Status.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetAdmaErrorStatus(SDHC_Type const *base)
uint32_t ret;
ret = (uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_ADMA_ERR_STAT_R(base);
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_EMMC_Reset
* Resets the eMMC card.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_EMMC_Reset(SDHC_Type *base)
/* Wait RST_n pulse width of 1 us */
/* Wait RST_n to Command time (74 cycles of clock signal required
* before issuing CMD1 or CMD0 with argument 0xFFFFFFFA) - 200 us
/** \} group_sd_host_low_level_functions */
* \addtogroup group_sd_host_interrupt_functions
* \{
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptStatus
* Returns the normal Int Status register.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return uint32_t
* The Bit mask of the normal Int Status.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptStatus(SDHC_Type const *base)
uint32_t ret;
ret = (uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_NORMAL_INT_STAT_R(base);
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_ClearNormalInterruptStatus
* Clears the selected SD host normal status.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \param status
* The bitmask of statuses to clear.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_ClearNormalInterruptStatus(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t status)
SDHC_CORE_NORMAL_INT_STAT_R(base) = (uint16_t)status;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_SetNormalInterruptEnable
* Sets the bit to be active in the Int status register.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \param interrupt
* The Bit field of which normal interrupt status to enable.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_SetNormalInterruptEnable(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t interrupt)
SDHC_CORE_NORMAL_INT_STAT_EN_R(base) = (uint16_t)interrupt;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptEnable
* Returns which normal interrupts are enabled.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return uint32_t
* The Bit field of which normal interrupt statuses are enabled.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptEnable(SDHC_Type const *base)
uint32_t ret;
ret = (uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_NORMAL_INT_STAT_EN_R(base);
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_SetNormalInterruptMask
* Setting a bit in this register allows the enabled status to cause an interrupt.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \param interruptMask
* The Bit field of which normal interrupts can cause an interrupt.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_SetNormalInterruptMask(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
SDHC_CORE_NORMAL_INT_SIGNAL_EN_R(base) = (uint16_t)interruptMask;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptMask
* Returns which normal interrupts are masked to cause an interrupt.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return uint32_t
* The Bit field of which normal interrupts are masked to cause an interrupt.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptMask(SDHC_Type const *base)
uint32_t ret;
ret = (uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_NORMAL_INT_SIGNAL_EN_R(base);
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptStatus
* Returns the error Int Status register.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return uint32_t
* The bit mask of the error Int status.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptStatus(SDHC_Type const *base)
uint32_t ret;
ret = (uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_ERROR_INT_STAT_R(base);
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_ClearErrorInterruptStatus
* Clears the error interrupt status.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \param status
* The bitmask of statuses to clear.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_ClearErrorInterruptStatus(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t status)
SDHC_CORE_ERROR_INT_STAT_R(base) = (uint16_t)status;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_SetErrorInterruptEnable
* Setting a bit in this register allows for the bit to be active in
* the Int status register.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \param interrupt
* The Bit field of which error interrupt status to enable.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_SetErrorInterruptEnable(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t interrupt)
SDHC_CORE_ERROR_INT_STAT_EN_R(base) = (uint16_t)interrupt;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptEnable
* Returns which error interrupts are enabled.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return uint32_t
* The Bit field of which error interrupt statuses are enabled.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptEnable(SDHC_Type const *base)
uint32_t ret;
ret = (uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_ERROR_INT_STAT_EN_R(base);
return ret;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_SetErrorInterruptMask
* Setting a bit in this register allows the enabled status to cause an interrupt.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \param interruptMask
* The Bit filed of which error interrupts can cause an interrupt.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SD_Host_SetErrorInterruptMask(SDHC_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
SDHC_CORE_ERROR_INT_SIGNAL_EN_R(base) = (uint16_t)interruptMask;
* Function Name: Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptMask
* Returns which error interrupts are masked to cause an interrupt.
* \param *base
* The SD host registers structure pointer.
* \return uint32_t
* The Bit field of which error interrupts are masked to cause an interrupt.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptMask(SDHC_Type const *base)
uint32_t ret;
ret = (uint32_t)SDHC_CORE_ERROR_INT_SIGNAL_EN_R(base);
return ret;
/** \} group_sd_host_interrupt_functions */
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** \} group_sd_host */
#endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXSDHC) */
#endif /* CY_SD_HOST_PDL_H */
/* [] END OF FILE */