/***************************************************************************//** * \file cy_dma.c * \version 2.40 * * \brief * The source code file for the DMA driver. * ******************************************************************************** * \copyright * Copyright 2016-2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ #include "cy_device.h" #if defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS_DMA) || defined (CY_IP_MXDW) #include "cy_dma.h" CY_MISRA_DEVIATE_BLOCK_START('MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.3', 5, \ 'DW_Type will typecast to either DW_V1_Type or DW_V2_Type but not both on PDL initialization based on the target device at compile time.'); CY_MISRA_DEVIATE_BLOCK_START('MISRA C-2012 Rule 10.8', 2, \ 'Value extracted from _VAL2FLD macro will not exceed enum range.'); /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: Cy_DMA_Crc_Init ****************************************************************************//** * * Initializes the DMA CRC functionality. * * \param base The pointer to the hardware DMA block. * * \param crcConfig The pointer to the CRC configuration structure * \ref cy_stc_dma_crc_config_t. * * \return The status /ref cy_en_dma_status_t. * * \funcusage * \snippet dma/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_DMA_Crc_Init * *******************************************************************************/ cy_en_dma_status_t Cy_DMA_Crc_Init(DW_Type * base, cy_stc_dma_crc_config_t const * crcConfig) { cy_en_dma_status_t ret = CY_DMA_BAD_PARAM; #ifdef CY_IP_MXDW if((NULL != base) && (NULL != crcConfig) ) #else if((NULL != base) && (NULL != crcConfig) && CY_DW_CRC) #endif /* CY_IP_MXDW */ { DW_CRC_CTL(base) = _BOOL2FLD(DW_V2_CRC_CTL_DATA_REVERSE, crcConfig->dataReverse) | _BOOL2FLD(DW_V2_CRC_CTL_REM_REVERSE, crcConfig->reminderReverse); DW_CRC_DATA_CTL(base) = _VAL2FLD(DW_V2_CRC_DATA_CTL_DATA_XOR, crcConfig->dataXor); DW_CRC_REM_CTL(base) = _VAL2FLD(DW_V2_CRC_REM_CTL_REM_XOR, crcConfig->reminderXor); DW_CRC_POL_CTL(base) = _VAL2FLD(DW_V2_CRC_POL_CTL_POLYNOMIAL, crcConfig->polynomial); DW_CRC_LFSR_CTL(base) = _VAL2FLD(DW_V2_CRC_LFSR_CTL_LFSR32, crcConfig->lfsrInitVal); ret = CY_DMA_SUCCESS; } return ret; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: Cy_DMA_Descriptor_Init ****************************************************************************//** * * Initializes the descriptor structure in SRAM from a pre-initialized * configuration structure. * This function initializes only the descriptor and not the channel. * * \param descriptor * The descriptor structure instance declared by the user/component. * * \param config * This is a configuration structure that has all initialization information for * the descriptor. * * \return * The status /ref cy_en_dma_status_t. * * \funcusage * \snippet dma/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_DMA_Enable * *******************************************************************************/ cy_en_dma_status_t Cy_DMA_Descriptor_Init(cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t * descriptor, const cy_stc_dma_descriptor_config_t * config) { cy_en_dma_status_t ret = CY_DMA_BAD_PARAM; if ((NULL != descriptor) && (NULL != config)) { CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_RETRIG_VALID(config->retrigger)); CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_TRIG_TYPE_VALID(config->interruptType)); CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_TRIG_TYPE_VALID(config->triggerOutType)); CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_TRIG_TYPE_VALID(config->triggerInType)); CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_XFER_SIZE_VALID(config->srcTransferSize)); CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_XFER_SIZE_VALID(config->dstTransferSize)); CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_CHANNEL_STATE_VALID(config->channelState)); CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_DATA_SIZE_VALID(config->dataSize)); CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_TYPE_VALID(config->descriptorType)); descriptor->ctl = _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_RETRIG, config->retrigger) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_INTR_TYPE, config->interruptType) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_TR_OUT_TYPE, config->triggerOutType) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_TR_IN_TYPE, config->triggerInType) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_SRC_SIZE, config->srcTransferSize) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_DST_SIZE, config->dstTransferSize) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_CH_DISABLE, config->channelState) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_DATA_SIZE, config->dataSize) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_TYPE, config->descriptorType); descriptor->src = (uint32_t)config->srcAddress; descriptor->dst = (uint32_t)config->dstAddress; switch(config->descriptorType) { case CY_DMA_SINGLE_TRANSFER: descriptor->xCtl = (uint32_t)config->nextDescriptor; ret = CY_DMA_SUCCESS; break; case CY_DMA_1D_TRANSFER: CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_INCR_VALID(config->srcXincrement)); CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_INCR_VALID(config->dstXincrement)); CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_COUNT_VALID(config->xCount)); descriptor->xCtl = _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_SRC_INCR, config->srcXincrement) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_DST_INCR, config->dstXincrement) | /* Convert the data count from the user's range (1-256) into the machine range (0-255). */ _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_COUNT, config->xCount - 1UL); descriptor->yCtl = (uint32_t)config->nextDescriptor; ret = CY_DMA_SUCCESS; break; case CY_DMA_2D_TRANSFER: CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_INCR_VALID(config->srcXincrement)); CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_INCR_VALID(config->dstXincrement)); CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_COUNT_VALID(config->xCount)); CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_INCR_VALID(config->srcYincrement)); CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_INCR_VALID(config->dstYincrement)); CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_COUNT_VALID(config->yCount)); descriptor->xCtl = _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_SRC_INCR, config->srcXincrement) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_DST_INCR, config->dstXincrement) | /* Convert the data count from the user's range (1-256) into the machine range (0-255). */ _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_COUNT, config->xCount - 1UL); descriptor->yCtl = _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_SRC_INCR, config->srcYincrement) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_DST_INCR, config->dstYincrement) | /* Convert the data count from the user's range (1-256) into the machine range (0-255). */ _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_COUNT, config->yCount - 1UL); descriptor->nextPtr = (uint32_t)config->nextDescriptor; ret = CY_DMA_SUCCESS; break; case CY_DMA_CRC_TRANSFER: if (CY_DW_CRC) { CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_INCR_VALID(config->srcXincrement)); CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_LOOP_COUNT_VALID(config->xCount)); descriptor->xCtl = _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_SRC_INCR, config->srcXincrement) | /* Convert the data count from the user's range (1-256) into the machine range (0-255). */ _VAL2FLD(CY_DMA_CTL_COUNT, config->xCount - 1UL); descriptor->yCtl = (uint32_t)config->nextDescriptor; ret = CY_DMA_SUCCESS; } break; default: /* An unsupported type of a descriptor */ break; } } return ret; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: Cy_DMA_Descriptor_DeInit ****************************************************************************//** * * Clears the content of the specified descriptor. * * \param descriptor * The descriptor structure instance declared by the user/component. * * \funcusage * \snippet dma/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_DMA_Descriptor_Deinit * *******************************************************************************/ void Cy_DMA_Descriptor_DeInit(cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t * descriptor) { CY_ASSERT_L1(descriptor); descriptor->ctl = 0UL; descriptor->src = 0UL; descriptor->dst = 0UL; descriptor->xCtl = 0UL; descriptor->yCtl = 0UL; descriptor->nextPtr = 0UL; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: Cy_DMA_Channel_Init ****************************************************************************//** * * Initializes the DMA channel with a descriptor and other parameters. * * \param base * The pointer to the hardware DMA block. * * \param channel * A channel number. * * \param channelConfig * The structure that has the initialization information for the * channel. * * \return * The status /ref cy_en_dma_status_t. * * \funcusage * \snippet dma/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_DMA_Enable * *******************************************************************************/ cy_en_dma_status_t Cy_DMA_Channel_Init(DW_Type * base, uint32_t channel, cy_stc_dma_channel_config_t const * channelConfig) { cy_en_dma_status_t ret = CY_DMA_BAD_PARAM; if ((NULL != base) && (NULL != channelConfig) && (NULL != channelConfig->descriptor) && (CY_DMA_IS_CH_NR_VALID(base, channel))) { CY_ASSERT_L2(CY_DMA_IS_PRIORITY_VALID(channelConfig->priority)); /* Set the current descriptor */ Cy_DMA_Channel_SetDescriptor(base, channel, channelConfig->descriptor); /* Set the channel configuration */ DW_CH_CTL(base, channel) = _BOOL2FLD(CY_DW_CH_CTL_PREEMPTABLE, channelConfig->preemptable) | _VAL2FLD(CY_DW_CH_CTL_PRIO, channelConfig->priority) | _BOOL2FLD(DW_CH_STRUCT_CH_CTL_ENABLED, channelConfig->enable) | _BOOL2FLD(DW_CH_STRUCT_CH_CTL_B, channelConfig->bufferable); ret = CY_DMA_SUCCESS; } return (ret); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: Cy_DMA_Channel_DeInit ****************************************************************************//** * * Clears the content of registers corresponding to the channel. * * \param base * The pointer to the hardware DMA block. * * \param channel * A channel number. * * \funcusage * \snippet dma/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_DMA_Disable * *******************************************************************************/ void Cy_DMA_Channel_DeInit(DW_Type * base, uint32_t channel) { CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_DMA_IS_CH_NR_VALID(base, channel)); DW_CH_CTL(base, channel) = 0UL; DW_CH_IDX(base, channel) = 0UL; DW_CH_CURR_PTR(base, channel) = 0UL; DW_CH_INTR_MASK(base, channel) = 0UL; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: Cy_DMA_Descriptor_SetNextDescriptor ****************************************************************************//** * * Sets a Next Descriptor for the specified descriptor. * * Based on the descriptor type, the offset of the address for the next descriptor may * vary. For the single-transfer descriptor type, this register is at offset 0x0c. * For the 1D-transfer descriptor type, this register is at offset 0x10. * For the 2D-transfer descriptor type, this register is at offset 0x14. * * \param descriptor * The descriptor structure instance declared by the user/component. * * \param nextDescriptor * The pointer to the next descriptor. * * \funcusage * \snippet dma/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_DMA_Descriptor_SetterFunctions * *******************************************************************************/ void Cy_DMA_Descriptor_SetNextDescriptor(cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t * descriptor, cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t const * nextDescriptor) { CY_ASSERT_L1(descriptor); switch((cy_en_dma_descriptor_type_t) _FLD2VAL(CY_DMA_CTL_TYPE, descriptor->ctl)) { case CY_DMA_SINGLE_TRANSFER: descriptor->xCtl = (uint32_t)nextDescriptor; break; case CY_DMA_CRC_TRANSFER: case CY_DMA_1D_TRANSFER: descriptor->yCtl = (uint32_t)nextDescriptor; break; case CY_DMA_2D_TRANSFER: descriptor->nextPtr = (uint32_t)nextDescriptor; break; default: /* Unsupported type of descriptor */ break; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: Cy_DMA_Descriptor_GetNextDescriptor ****************************************************************************//** * * Returns a next descriptor address of the specified descriptor. * * Based on the descriptor type, the offset of the address for the next descriptor may * vary. For a single-transfer descriptor type, this register is at offset 0x0c. * For the 1D-transfer descriptor type, this register is at offset 0x10. * For the 2D-transfer descriptor type, this register is at offset 0x14. * * \param descriptor * The descriptor structure instance declared by the user/component. * * \return * The pointer to the next descriptor. * * \funcusage * \snippet dma/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_DMA_Descriptor_GetterFunctions * *******************************************************************************/ cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t * Cy_DMA_Descriptor_GetNextDescriptor(cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t const * descriptor) { cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t * retVal = NULL; CY_ASSERT_L1(descriptor); switch((cy_en_dma_descriptor_type_t) _FLD2VAL(CY_DMA_CTL_TYPE, descriptor->ctl)) { case CY_DMA_SINGLE_TRANSFER: retVal = (cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t*) descriptor->xCtl; break; case CY_DMA_CRC_TRANSFER: case CY_DMA_1D_TRANSFER: retVal = (cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t*) descriptor->yCtl; break; case CY_DMA_2D_TRANSFER: retVal = (cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t*) descriptor->nextPtr; break; default: /* An unsupported type of the descriptor */ break; } return (retVal); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name: Cy_DMA_Descriptor_SetDescriptorType ****************************************************************************//** * * Sets the descriptor's type for the specified descriptor. * Moves the next descriptor register value into the proper place in accordance * to the actual descriptor type. * During the descriptor's type changing, the Xloop and Yloop settings, such as * data count and source/destination increment (i.e. the content of the * xCtl and yCtl descriptor registers) might be lost (overridden by the * next descriptor value) because of the different descriptor registers structures * for different descriptor types. Carefully set up the Xloop * (and Yloop, if used) data count and source/destination increment if the * descriptor type is changed from a simpler to a more complicated type * ("single transfer" -> "1D", "1D" -> "2D", etc.). * * \param descriptor * The descriptor structure instance declared by the user/component. * * \param descriptorType * The descriptor type \ref cy_en_dma_descriptor_type_t. * * \funcusage * \snippet dma/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_DMA_Descriptor_SetterFunctions * *******************************************************************************/ void Cy_DMA_Descriptor_SetDescriptorType(cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t * descriptor, cy_en_dma_descriptor_type_t descriptorType) { CY_ASSERT_L3(CY_DMA_IS_TYPE_VALID(descriptorType)); CY_ASSERT_L1(descriptor); if ((CY_DMA_CRC_TRANSFER != descriptorType) || CY_DW_CRC) { if (descriptorType != Cy_DMA_Descriptor_GetDescriptorType(descriptor)) /* Do not perform if the type is not changed */ { /* Store the current nextDescriptor pointer. */ cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t const * locNextDescriptor = Cy_DMA_Descriptor_GetNextDescriptor(descriptor); /* Change the descriptor type. */ CY_REG32_CLR_SET(descriptor->ctl, CY_DMA_CTL_TYPE, descriptorType); /* Restore the nextDescriptor pointer into the proper place. */ Cy_DMA_Descriptor_SetNextDescriptor(descriptor, locNextDescriptor); } } } CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.3'); CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 10.8'); #endif /* CY_IP_M4CPUSS_DMA, CY_IP_MXDW */ /* [] END OF FILE */