/* * Autogenerated file * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include /* * WARNING: this variant has package exception. * * Read datasheet topics related to I/O Multiplexing and Considerations or * Peripheral Signal Multiplexing on I/O Lines for more information. */ /* pa3_gpio */ #define PA3_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 3, gpio, gpio) /* pa3a_twi0_twd */ #define PA3A_TWI0_TWD \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 3, a, periph) /* pa3b_lon_col1 */ #define PA3B_LON_COL1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 3, b, periph) /* pa3c_pmc_pck2 */ #define PA3C_PMC_PCK2 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 3, c, periph) /* pa3x_pio_piodc0 */ #define PA3X_PIO_PIODC0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 3, x, extra) /* pa4_gpio */ #define PA4_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 4, gpio, gpio) /* pa4a_twi0_twck */ #define PA4A_TWI0_TWCK \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 4, a, periph) /* pa4b_tc0_tclk0 */ #define PA4B_TC0_TCLK0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 4, b, periph) /* pa4c_uart1_txd */ #define PA4C_UART1_TXD \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 4, c, periph) /* pa4x_pio_piodc1 */ #define PA4X_PIO_PIODC1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 4, x, extra) /* pa4x_supc_wkup3 */ #define PA4X_SUPC_WKUP3 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 4, wkup3, wakeup) /* pa5_gpio */ #define PA5_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 5, gpio, gpio) /* pa5a_pwmc1_pwml3 */ #define PA5A_PWMC1_PWML3 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 5, a, periph) /* pa5b_isi_d4 */ #define PA5B_ISI_D4 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 5, b, periph) /* pa5c_uart1_rxd */ #define PA5C_UART1_RXD \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 5, c, periph) /* pa5x_pio_piodc2 */ #define PA5X_PIO_PIODC2 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 5, x, extra) /* pa5x_supc_wkup4 */ #define PA5X_SUPC_WKUP4 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 5, wkup4, wakeup) /* pa6_gpio */ #define PA6_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 6, gpio, gpio) /* pa6b_pmc_pck0 */ #define PA6B_PMC_PCK0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 6, b, periph) /* pa6c_uart1_txd */ #define PA6C_UART1_TXD \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 6, c, periph) /* pa7_gpio */ #define PA7_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 7, gpio, gpio) /* pa7b_pwmc0_pwmh3 */ #define PA7B_PWMC0_PWMH3 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 7, b, periph) /* pa7s_supc_xin32 */ #define PA7S_SUPC_XIN32 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 7, s, system) /* pa8_gpio */ #define PA8_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 8, gpio, gpio) /* pa8a_pwmc1_pwmh3 */ #define PA8A_PWMC1_PWMH3 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 8, a, periph) /* pa8b_afe0_adtrg */ #define PA8B_AFE0_ADTRG \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 8, b, periph) /* pa8s_supc_xout32 */ #define PA8S_SUPC_XOUT32 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 8, s, system) /* pa9_gpio */ #define PA9_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 9, gpio, gpio) /* pa9a_uart0_rxd */ #define PA9A_UART0_RXD \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 9, a, periph) /* pa9b_isi_d3 */ #define PA9B_ISI_D3 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 9, b, periph) /* pa9c_pwmc0_pwmfi0 */ #define PA9C_PWMC0_PWMFI0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 9, c, periph) /* pa9x_pio_piodc3 */ #define PA9X_PIO_PIODC3 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 9, x, extra) /* pa9x_supc_wkup6 */ #define PA9X_SUPC_WKUP6 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 9, wkup6, wakeup) /* pa10_gpio */ #define PA10_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 10, gpio, gpio) /* pa10a_uart0_txd */ #define PA10A_UART0_TXD \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 10, a, periph) /* pa10b_pwmc0_pwmextrg0 */ #define PA10B_PWMC0_PWMEXTRG0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 10, b, periph) /* pa10c_ssc_rd */ #define PA10C_SSC_RD \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 10, c, periph) /* pa10x_pio_piodc4 */ #define PA10X_PIO_PIODC4 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 10, x, extra) /* pa11_gpio */ #define PA11_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 11, gpio, gpio) /* pa11a_qspi_qcs */ #define PA11A_QSPI_QCS \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 11, a, periph) /* pa11b_pwmc0_pwmh0 */ #define PA11B_PWMC0_PWMH0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 11, b, periph) /* pa11c_pwmc1_pwml0 */ #define PA11C_PWMC1_PWML0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 11, c, periph) /* pa11x_pio_piodc5 */ #define PA11X_PIO_PIODC5 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 11, x, extra) /* pa11x_supc_wkup7 */ #define PA11X_SUPC_WKUP7 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 11, wkup7, wakeup) /* pa12_gpio */ #define PA12_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 12, gpio, gpio) /* pa12a_qspi_qio1 */ #define PA12A_QSPI_QIO1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 12, a, periph) /* pa12b_pwmc0_pwmh1 */ #define PA12B_PWMC0_PWMH1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 12, b, periph) /* pa12c_pwmc1_pwmh0 */ #define PA12C_PWMC1_PWMH0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 12, c, periph) /* pa12x_pio_piodc6 */ #define PA12X_PIO_PIODC6 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 12, x, extra) /* pa13_gpio */ #define PA13_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 13, gpio, gpio) /* pa13a_qspi_qio0 */ #define PA13A_QSPI_QIO0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 13, a, periph) /* pa13b_pwmc0_pwmh2 */ #define PA13B_PWMC0_PWMH2 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 13, b, periph) /* pa13c_pwmc1_pwml1 */ #define PA13C_PWMC1_PWML1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 13, c, periph) /* pa13x_pio_piodc7 */ #define PA13X_PIO_PIODC7 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 13, x, extra) /* pa14_gpio */ #define PA14_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 14, gpio, gpio) /* pa14a_qspi_qsck */ #define PA14A_QSPI_QSCK \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 14, a, periph) /* pa14b_pwmc0_pwmh3 */ #define PA14B_PWMC0_PWMH3 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 14, b, periph) /* pa14c_pwmc1_pwmh1 */ #define PA14C_PWMC1_PWMH1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 14, c, periph) /* pa14x_pio_pioden1 */ #define PA14X_PIO_PIODEN1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 14, x, extra) /* pa14x_supc_wkup8 */ #define PA14X_SUPC_WKUP8 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 14, wkup8, wakeup) /* pa21_gpio */ #define PA21_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 21, gpio, gpio) /* pa21a_usart1_rxd */ #define PA21A_USART1_RXD \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 21, a, periph) /* pa21b_pmc_pck1 */ #define PA21B_PMC_PCK1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 21, b, periph) /* pa21c_pwmc1_pwmfi0 */ #define PA21C_PWMC1_PWMFI0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 21, c, periph) /* pa21x_afe0_ad1 */ #define PA21X_AFE0_AD1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 21, x, extra) /* pa21x_pio_piodcen2 */ #define PA21X_PIO_PIODCEN2 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 21, x, extra) /* pa22_gpio */ #define PA22_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 22, gpio, gpio) /* pa22a_ssc_rk */ #define PA22A_SSC_RK \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 22, a, periph) /* pa22b_pwmc0_pwmextrg1 */ #define PA22B_PWMC0_PWMEXTRG1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 22, b, periph) /* pa22x_pio_piodcclk */ #define PA22X_PIO_PIODCCLK \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 22, x, extra) /* pa24_gpio */ #define PA24_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 24, gpio, gpio) /* pa24a_usart1_rts */ #define PA24A_USART1_RTS \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 24, a, periph) /* pa24b_pwmc0_pwmh1 */ #define PA24B_PWMC0_PWMH1 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 24, b, periph) /* pa24d_isi_pck */ #define PA24D_ISI_PCK \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 24, d, periph) /* pa27_gpio */ #define PA27_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 27, gpio, gpio) /* pa27a_usart1_dtr */ #define PA27A_USART1_DTR \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 27, a, periph) /* pa27b_tc0_tiob2 */ #define PA27B_TC0_TIOB2 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 27, b, periph) /* pa27c_hsmci_mcda3 */ #define PA27C_HSMCI_MCDA3 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 27, c, periph) /* pa27d_isi_d7 */ #define PA27D_ISI_D7 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 27, d, periph) /* pa30_gpio */ #define PA30_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 30, gpio, gpio) /* pa30a_pwmc0_pwml2 */ #define PA30A_PWMC0_PWML2 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 30, a, periph) /* pa30b_pwmc1_pwmextrg0 */ #define PA30B_PWMC1_PWMEXTRG0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 30, b, periph) /* pa30c_hsmci_mcda0 */ #define PA30C_HSMCI_MCDA0 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 30, c, periph) /* pa30d_i2sc0_do */ #define PA30D_I2SC0_DO \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 30, d, periph) /* pa30x_supc_wkup11 */ #define PA30X_SUPC_WKUP11 \ SAM_PINMUX(a, 30, wkup11, wakeup) /* pb0_gpio */ #define PB0_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 0, gpio, gpio) /* pb0a_pwmc0_pwmh0 */ #define PB0A_PWMC0_PWMH0 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 0, a, periph) /* pb0c_usart0_rxd */ #define PB0C_USART0_RXD \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 0, c, periph) /* pb0d_ssc_tf */ #define PB0D_SSC_TF \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 0, d, periph) /* pb0x_afe0_ad10 */ #define PB0X_AFE0_AD10 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 0, x, extra) /* pb0x_rtc_out0 */ #define PB0X_RTC_OUT0 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 0, x, extra) /* pb1_gpio */ #define PB1_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 1, gpio, gpio) /* pb1a_pwmc0_pwmh1 */ #define PB1A_PWMC0_PWMH1 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 1, a, periph) /* pb1c_usart0_txd */ #define PB1C_USART0_TXD \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 1, c, periph) /* pb1d_ssc_tk */ #define PB1D_SSC_TK \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 1, d, periph) /* pb1x_afe1_ad0 */ #define PB1X_AFE1_AD0 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 1, x, extra) /* pb1x_rtc_out1 */ #define PB1X_RTC_OUT1 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 1, x, extra) /* pb2_gpio */ #define PB2_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 2, gpio, gpio) /* pb2c_usart0_cts */ #define PB2C_USART0_CTS \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 2, c, periph) /* pb2d_spi0_npcs0 */ #define PB2D_SPI0_NPCS0 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 2, d, periph) /* pb2x_afe0_ad5 */ #define PB2X_AFE0_AD5 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 2, x, extra) /* pb3_gpio */ #define PB3_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 3, gpio, gpio) /* pb3b_pmc_pck2 */ #define PB3B_PMC_PCK2 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 3, b, periph) /* pb3c_usart0_rts */ #define PB3C_USART0_RTS \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 3, c, periph) /* pb3d_isi_d2 */ #define PB3D_ISI_D2 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 3, d, periph) /* pb3x_afe0_ad2 */ #define PB3X_AFE0_AD2 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 3, x, extra) /* pb3x_supc_wkup12 */ #define PB3X_SUPC_WKUP12 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 3, wkup12, wakeup) /* pb4_gpio */ #define PB4_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 4, gpio, gpio) /* pb4a_twi1_twd */ #define PB4A_TWI1_TWD \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 4, a, periph) /* pb4b_pwmc0_pwmh2 */ #define PB4B_PWMC0_PWMH2 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 4, b, periph) /* pb4d_usart1_txd */ #define PB4D_USART1_TXD \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 4, d, periph) /* pb4s_jtag_tdi */ #define PB4S_JTAG_TDI \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 4, s, system) /* pb5_gpio */ #define PB5_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 5, gpio, gpio) /* pb5a_twi1_twck */ #define PB5A_TWI1_TWCK \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 5, a, periph) /* pb5b_pwmc0_pwml0 */ #define PB5B_PWMC0_PWML0 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 5, b, periph) /* pb5d_ssc_td */ #define PB5D_SSC_TD \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 5, d, periph) /* pb5s_jtag_tdo */ #define PB5S_JTAG_TDO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 5, s, system) /* pb5s_swd_traceswo */ #define PB5S_SWD_TRACESWO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 5, s, system) /* pb5x_supc_wkup13 */ #define PB5X_SUPC_WKUP13 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 5, wkup13, wakeup) /* pb6_gpio */ #define PB6_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 6, gpio, gpio) /* pb6s_jtag_tms */ #define PB6S_JTAG_TMS \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 6, s, system) /* pb6s_swd_swdio */ #define PB6S_SWD_SWDIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 6, s, system) /* pb7_gpio */ #define PB7_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 7, gpio, gpio) /* pb7s_jtag_tck */ #define PB7S_JTAG_TCK \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 7, s, system) /* pb7s_swd_swclk */ #define PB7S_SWD_SWCLK \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 7, s, system) /* pb8_gpio */ #define PB8_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 8, gpio, gpio) /* pb8s_supc_xout */ #define PB8S_SUPC_XOUT \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 8, s, system) /* pb9_gpio */ #define PB9_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 9, gpio, gpio) /* pb9s_supc_xin */ #define PB9S_SUPC_XIN \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 9, s, system) /* pb12_gpio */ #define PB12_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 12, gpio, gpio) /* pb12a_pwmc0_pwml1 */ #define PB12A_PWMC0_PWML1 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 12, a, periph) /* pb12d_pcm_pck0 */ #define PB12D_PCM_PCK0 \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 12, d, periph) /* pb12s_flash_erase */ #define PB12S_FLASH_ERASE \ SAM_PINMUX(b, 12, s, system) /* pd0_gpio */ #define PD0_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 0, gpio, gpio) /* pd0b_pwmc1_pwml0 */ #define PD0B_PWMC1_PWML0 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 0, b, periph) /* pd0c_spi1_npcs1 */ #define PD0C_SPI1_NPCS1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 0, c, periph) /* pd0d_usart0_dcd */ #define PD0D_USART0_DCD \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 0, d, periph) /* pd0x_dacc_dac1 */ #define PD0X_DACC_DAC1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 0, x, extra) /* pd1_gpio */ #define PD1_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 1, gpio, gpio) /* pd1b_pwmc1_pwmh0 */ #define PD1B_PWMC1_PWMH0 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 1, b, periph) /* pd1c_spi1_npcs2 */ #define PD1C_SPI1_NPCS2 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 1, c, periph) /* pd1d_usart0_dtr */ #define PD1D_USART0_DTR \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 1, d, periph) /* pd2_gpio */ #define PD2_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 2, gpio, gpio) /* pd2b_pwmc1_pwml1 */ #define PD2B_PWMC1_PWML1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 2, b, periph) /* pd2c_spi1_npcs3 */ #define PD2C_SPI1_NPCS3 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 2, c, periph) /* pd2d_usart0_dsr */ #define PD2D_USART0_DSR \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 2, d, periph) /* pd3_gpio */ #define PD3_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 3, gpio, gpio) /* pd3b_pwmc1_pwmh1 */ #define PD3B_PWMC1_PWMH1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 3, b, periph) /* pd3c_uart4_txd */ #define PD3C_UART4_TXD \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 3, c, periph) /* pd3d_usart0_ri */ #define PD3D_USART0_RI \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 3, d, periph) /* pd4_gpio */ #define PD4_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 4, gpio, gpio) /* pd4b_pwmc1_pwml2 */ #define PD4B_PWMC1_PWML2 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 4, b, periph) /* pd4c_trace_d0 */ #define PD4C_TRACE_D0 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 4, c, periph) /* pd4d_usart2_dcd */ #define PD4D_USART2_DCD \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 4, d, periph) /* pd5_gpio */ #define PD5_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 5, gpio, gpio) /* pd5b_pwmc1_pwmh2 */ #define PD5B_PWMC1_PWMH2 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 5, b, periph) /* pd5c_trace_d1 */ #define PD5C_TRACE_D1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 5, c, periph) /* pd5d_usart2_dtr */ #define PD5D_USART2_DTR \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 5, d, periph) /* pd6_gpio */ #define PD6_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 6, gpio, gpio) /* pd6b_pwmc1_pwml3 */ #define PD6B_PWMC1_PWML3 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 6, b, periph) /* pd6c_trace_d2 */ #define PD6C_TRACE_D2 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 6, c, periph) /* pd6d_usart2_dsr */ #define PD6D_USART2_DSR \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 6, d, periph) /* pd7_gpio */ #define PD7_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 7, gpio, gpio) /* pd7b_pwmc1_pwmh3 */ #define PD7B_PWMC1_PWMH3 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 7, b, periph) /* pd7c_trace_d3 */ #define PD7C_TRACE_D3 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 7, c, periph) /* pd7d_usart2_ri */ #define PD7D_USART2_RI \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 7, d, periph) /* pd8_gpio */ #define PD8_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 8, gpio, gpio) /* pd8b_pwmc0_pwmfi1 */ #define PD8B_PWMC0_PWMFI1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 8, b, periph) /* pd8d_trace_clk */ #define PD8D_TRACE_CLK \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 8, d, periph) /* pd9_gpio */ #define PD9_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 9, gpio, gpio) /* pd9b_pwmc0_pwmfi2 */ #define PD9B_PWMC0_PWMFI2 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 9, b, periph) /* pd9c_afe1_adtrg */ #define PD9C_AFE1_ADTRG \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 9, c, periph) /* pd10_gpio */ #define PD10_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 10, gpio, gpio) /* pd10b_pwmc0_pwml0 */ #define PD10B_PWMC0_PWML0 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 10, b, periph) /* pd10c_ssc_td */ #define PD10C_SSC_TD \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 10, c, periph) /* pd11_gpio */ #define PD11_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 11, gpio, gpio) /* pd11b_pwmc0_pwmh0 */ #define PD11B_PWMC0_PWMH0 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 11, b, periph) /* pd11d_isi_d5 */ #define PD11D_ISI_D5 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 11, d, periph) /* pd12_gpio */ #define PD12_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 12, gpio, gpio) /* pd12c_spi0_npcs2 */ #define PD12C_SPI0_NPCS2 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 12, c, periph) /* pd12d_isi_d6 */ #define PD12D_ISI_D6 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 12, d, periph) /* pd21_gpio */ #define PD21_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 21, gpio, gpio) /* pd21a_pwmc0_pwmh1 */ #define PD21A_PWMC0_PWMH1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 21, a, periph) /* pd21b_spi0_mosi */ #define PD21B_SPI0_MOSI \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 21, b, periph) /* pd21c_tc3_tioa11 */ #define PD21C_TC3_TIOA11 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 21, c, periph) /* pd21d_isi_d1 */ #define PD21D_ISI_D1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 21, d, periph) /* pd22_gpio */ #define PD22_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 22, gpio, gpio) /* pd22a_pwmc0_pwmh2 */ #define PD22A_PWMC0_PWMH2 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 22, a, periph) /* pd22b_spi0_spck */ #define PD22B_SPI0_SPCK \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 22, b, periph) /* pd22c_tc3_tiob11 */ #define PD22C_TC3_TIOB11 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 22, c, periph) /* pd22d_isi_d0 */ #define PD22D_ISI_D0 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 22, d, periph) /* pd24_gpio */ #define PD24_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 24, gpio, gpio) /* pd24a_pwmc0_pwml0 */ #define PD24A_PWMC0_PWML0 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 24, a, periph) /* pd24b_ssc_rf */ #define PD24B_SSC_RF \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 24, b, periph) /* pd24c_tc3_tclk11 */ #define PD24C_TC3_TCLK11 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 24, c, periph) /* pd24d_isi_hsync */ #define PD24D_ISI_HSYNC \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 24, d, periph) /* pd25_gpio */ #define PD25_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 25, gpio, gpio) /* pd25a_pwmc0_pwml1 */ #define PD25A_PWMC0_PWML1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 25, a, periph) /* pd25b_spi0_npcs1 */ #define PD25B_SPI0_NPCS1 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 25, b, periph) /* pd25c_uart2_rxd */ #define PD25C_UART2_RXD \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 25, c, periph) /* pd25d_isi_vsync */ #define PD25D_ISI_VSYNC \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 25, d, periph) /* pd26_gpio */ #define PD26_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 26, gpio, gpio) /* pd26a_pwmc0_pwml2 */ #define PD26A_PWMC0_PWML2 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 26, a, periph) /* pd26b_ssc_td */ #define PD26B_SSC_TD \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 26, b, periph) /* pd26c_uart2_txd */ #define PD26C_UART2_TXD \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 26, c, periph) /* pd26d_uart1_txd */ #define PD26D_UART1_TXD \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 26, d, periph) /* pd31_gpio */ #define PD31_GPIO \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 31, gpio, gpio) /* pd31a_qspi_qio3 */ #define PD31A_QSPI_QIO3 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 31, a, periph) /* pd31b_uart3_txd */ #define PD31B_UART3_TXD \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 31, b, periph) /* pd31c_pmc_pck2 */ #define PD31C_PMC_PCK2 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 31, c, periph) /* pd31d_isi_d11 */ #define PD31D_ISI_D11 \ SAM_PINMUX(d, 31, d, periph)