/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2023 Arm Limited and/or its affiliates * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Project: CMSIS NN Library * Title: arm_max_pool_s16.c * Description: Pooling function implementations * * $Date: 27 November 2023 * $Revision: V.2.2.0 * * Target Processor: Cortex-M CPUs * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "arm_nnfunctions.h" #include "arm_nnsupportfunctions.h" static void compare_and_replace_if_larger(int16_t *base, const int16_t *target, int32_t length) { #if defined(ARM_MATH_MVEI) int32_t loop_count = (length + 7) / 8; for (int i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) { mve_pred16_t p = vctp16q((uint32_t)length); const int16x8_t op_1 = vldrhq_z_s16(base, p); const int16x8_t op_2 = vldrhq_z_s16(target, p); const int16x8_t max = vmaxq_s16(op_1, op_2); vstrhq_p_s16(base, max, p); base += 8; target += 8; length -= 8; } #else int16_t *dst = base; const int16_t *src = target; union arm_nnword ref_max; union arm_nnword comp_max; int32_t cnt = length >> 1; while (cnt > 0l) { ref_max.word = arm_nn_read_s16x2(dst); comp_max.word = arm_nn_read_q15x2_ia(&src); if (comp_max.half_words[0] > ref_max.half_words[0]) { ref_max.half_words[0] = comp_max.half_words[0]; } if (comp_max.half_words[1] > ref_max.half_words[1]) { ref_max.half_words[1] = comp_max.half_words[1]; } arm_nn_write_q15x2_ia(&dst, ref_max.word); cnt--; } if (length & 0x1) { if (*src > *dst) { *dst = *src; } } #endif } static void clamp_output(int16_t *source, int32_t length, const int16_t act_min, const int16_t act_max) { #if defined(ARM_MATH_MVEI) const int16x8_t min = vdupq_n_s16((int16_t)act_min); const int16x8_t max = vdupq_n_s16((int16_t)act_max); int32_t loop_count = (length + 7) / 8; for (int i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) { mve_pred16_t p = vctp16q((uint32_t)length); length -= 8; const int16x8_t src = vldrhq_z_s16(source, p); int16x8_t res = vmaxq_x_s16(src, min, p); res = vminq_x_s16(res, max, p); vstrhq_p_s16(source, res, p); source += 8; } #else union arm_nnword in; int32_t cnt = length >> 1; while (cnt > 0l) { in.word = arm_nn_read_s16x2(source); in.half_words[0] = MAX(in.half_words[0], act_min); in.half_words[0] = MIN(in.half_words[0], act_max); in.half_words[1] = MAX(in.half_words[1], act_min); in.half_words[1] = MIN(in.half_words[1], act_max); arm_nn_write_q15x2_ia(&source, in.word); cnt--; } if (length & 0x1) { int16_t comp = *source; comp = MAX(comp, act_min); comp = MIN(comp, act_max); *source = comp; } #endif } /** * @ingroup Public */ /** * @addtogroup Pooling * @{ */ /* * Optimized s16 max pooling function * * Refer to header file for details. * */ arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_max_pool_s16(const cmsis_nn_context *ctx, const cmsis_nn_pool_params *pool_params, const cmsis_nn_dims *input_dims, const int16_t *src, const cmsis_nn_dims *filter_dims, const cmsis_nn_dims *output_dims, int16_t *dst) { (void)ctx; const int32_t input_y = input_dims->h; const int32_t input_x = input_dims->w; const int32_t output_y = output_dims->h; const int32_t output_x = output_dims->w; const int32_t stride_y = pool_params->stride.h; const int32_t stride_x = pool_params->stride.w; const int32_t kernel_y = filter_dims->h; const int32_t kernel_x = filter_dims->w; const int32_t pad_y = pool_params->padding.h; const int32_t pad_x = pool_params->padding.w; const int16_t act_min = pool_params->activation.min; const int16_t act_max = pool_params->activation.max; const int32_t channel_in = input_dims->c; const int32_t batch_size = input_x * input_y * channel_in; int32_t batch_cnt = input_dims->n; if (batch_cnt < 1) { return ARM_CMSIS_NN_ARG_ERROR; } while (batch_cnt) { int16_t *dst_base = dst; for (int i_y = 0, base_idx_y = -pad_y; i_y < output_y; base_idx_y += stride_y, i_y++) { for (int i_x = 0, base_idx_x = -pad_x; i_x < output_x; base_idx_x += stride_x, i_x++) { /* Condition for kernel start dimension: (base_idx_ + kernel__start) >= 0 */ const int32_t ker_y_start = MAX(0, -base_idx_y); const int32_t ker_x_start = MAX(0, -base_idx_x); /* Condition for kernel end dimension: (base_idx_ + kernel__end) < dim_src_ */ const int32_t kernel_y_end = MIN(kernel_y, input_y - base_idx_y); const int32_t kernel_x_end = MIN(kernel_x, input_x - base_idx_x); int count = 0; for (int k_y = ker_y_start; k_y < kernel_y_end; k_y++) { for (int k_x = ker_x_start; k_x < kernel_x_end; k_x++) { const int16_t *start = src + channel_in * (k_x + base_idx_x + (k_y + base_idx_y) * input_x); if (count == 0) { memcpy(dst, start, channel_in * sizeof(int16_t)); count++; } else { compare_and_replace_if_larger(dst, start, channel_in); } } } /* 'count' is expected to be non-zero here. */ dst += channel_in; } } clamp_output(dst_base, output_x * output_y * channel_in, act_min, act_max); src += batch_size; batch_cnt--; } return ARM_CMSIS_NN_SUCCESS; } /** * @} end of Pooling group */