 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023-2024 Arm Limited and/or its affiliates <open-source-office@arm.com>
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Project:      CMSIS NN Library
 * Title:        arm_nn_mat_mult_nt_t_s4
 * Description:  Matrix multiplication support function with the right-hand-side (rhs) matrix transposed, and 4 bit rhs.
 * $Date:        10 April 2024
 * $Revision:    V.1.1.0
 * Target :  Arm(R) M-Profile Architecture
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include "arm_nnsupportfunctions.h"

 * @ingroup groupSupport

 * @addtogroup supportConvolution
 * @{

 * s4 matrix multiplication with the right-hand-side matrix transposed
 * Refer header file for details.
arm_cmsis_nn_status arm_nn_mat_mult_nt_t_s4(const int8_t *lhs,
                                            const int8_t *packed_rhs,
                                            const int32_t *bias,
                                            int8_t *dst,
                                            const int32_t *dst_multipliers,
                                            const int32_t *dst_shifts,
                                            const int32_t lhs_rows,
                                            const int32_t rhs_rows,
                                            const int32_t rhs_cols,
                                            const int32_t lhs_offset,
                                            const int32_t dst_offset,
                                            const int32_t activation_min,
                                            const int32_t activation_max,
                                            const int32_t lhs_cols_offset)
#if defined(ARM_MATH_MVEI)
    int i_items = 0;
    const int rhs_cols_offset = rhs_cols % 16;
    const int32_t blk_cnt = rhs_cols >> 4;
    const mve_pred16_t lower_nibble_mask = 21845; // 0101010101010101
    const uint8x16_t gather_offset = {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7};
    const uint32x4_t scatter_offset = {0, (uint32_t)rhs_rows, (uint32_t)rhs_rows * 2, (uint32_t)rhs_rows * 3};

    for (; i_items <= (lhs_rows - 4); i_items += 4)
        int8_t const *col_base = packed_rhs;
        for (int i = 0; i < rhs_rows; i++)

            int32_t acc_n0 = 0;
            int32_t acc_n1 = 0;
            int32_t acc_n2 = 0;
            int32_t acc_n3 = 0;

            int8_t const *ip_row_0 = lhs;
            int8_t const *ip_row_1 = lhs + lhs_cols_offset;
            int8_t const *ip_row_2 = lhs + (2 * lhs_cols_offset);
            int8_t const *ip_row_3 = lhs + (3 * lhs_cols_offset);
            int32_t sum_tmp = 0;

            mve_pred16_t rmdr_mask = vctp8q(rhs_cols_offset);

            if ((rhs_cols & 0x1) & (i & 0x1))
                rmdr_mask >>= 1;
                int32_t col = col_base[0] >> 4;
                sum_tmp = col;
                acc_n0 += ip_row_0[0] * col;
                acc_n1 += ip_row_1[0] * col;
                acc_n2 += ip_row_2[0] * col;
                acc_n3 += ip_row_3[0] * col;


            for (int j = blk_cnt; j > 0; --j)
                int8x16_t col_vec = vldrbq_gather_offset_s8(col_base, gather_offset);
                col_base += 8;

                col_vec = vrshlq_m_n_s8(col_vec, 4, lower_nibble_mask);
                col_vec = vshrq_n_s8(col_vec, 4);

                sum_tmp = vaddvaq_s8(sum_tmp, col_vec);

                int8x16_t lhs_vec = vldrbq_s8(ip_row_0);
                ip_row_0 += 16;
                acc_n0 = vmladavaq_s8(acc_n0, col_vec, lhs_vec);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_s8(ip_row_1);
                ip_row_1 += 16;
                acc_n1 = vmladavaq_s8(acc_n1, col_vec, lhs_vec);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_s8(ip_row_2);
                ip_row_2 += 16;
                acc_n2 = vmladavaq_s8(acc_n2, col_vec, lhs_vec);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_s8(ip_row_3);
                ip_row_3 += 16;
                acc_n3 = vmladavaq_s8(acc_n3, col_vec, lhs_vec);

            if (rmdr_mask)
                int8x16_t col_vec = vldrbq_gather_offset_z_s8(col_base, gather_offset, rmdr_mask);
                col_base += rhs_cols_offset >> 1;
                col_vec = vrshlq_m_n_s8(col_vec, 4, lower_nibble_mask);
                col_vec = vshrq_n_s8(col_vec, 4);

                sum_tmp = vaddvaq_p_s8(sum_tmp, col_vec, rmdr_mask);

                int8x16_t lhs_vec = vldrbq_z_s8(ip_row_0, rmdr_mask);
                acc_n0 = vmladavaq_p_s8(acc_n0, col_vec, lhs_vec, rmdr_mask);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_z_s8(ip_row_1, rmdr_mask);
                acc_n1 = vmladavaq_p_s8(acc_n1, col_vec, lhs_vec, rmdr_mask);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_z_s8(ip_row_2, rmdr_mask);
                acc_n2 = vmladavaq_p_s8(acc_n2, col_vec, lhs_vec, rmdr_mask);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_z_s8(ip_row_3, rmdr_mask);
                acc_n3 = vmladavaq_p_s8(acc_n3, col_vec, lhs_vec, rmdr_mask);

            int32x4_t res = {acc_n0, acc_n1, acc_n2, acc_n3};
            sum_tmp *= lhs_offset;
            if (bias)
                sum_tmp += bias[i];
            res = vaddq_n_s32(res, sum_tmp);

            res = arm_requantize_mve(res, dst_multipliers[i], dst_shifts[i]);
            res = vaddq_n_s32(res, dst_offset);

            res = vmaxq_s32(res, vdupq_n_s32(activation_min));
            res = vminq_s32(res, vdupq_n_s32(activation_max));

            vstrbq_scatter_offset_s32(dst, scatter_offset, res);
        lhs += 4 * lhs_cols_offset;
        dst += (3 * rhs_rows);
    if (lhs_rows % 4 == 3)
        int8_t const *col_base = packed_rhs;
        const mve_pred16_t requant_mask = vctp32q(3);
        for (int i = 0; i < rhs_rows; i++)

            int32_t acc_n0 = 0;
            int32_t acc_n1 = 0;
            int32_t acc_n2 = 0;

            int8_t const *ip_row_0 = lhs;
            int8_t const *ip_row_1 = lhs + lhs_cols_offset;
            int8_t const *ip_row_2 = lhs + (2 * lhs_cols_offset);
            int32_t sum_tmp = 0;

            mve_pred16_t rmdr_mask = vctp8q(rhs_cols_offset);

            if ((rhs_cols & 0x1) & (i & 0x1))
                rmdr_mask >>= 1;
                int32_t col = col_base[0] >> 4;
                sum_tmp = col;
                acc_n0 += ip_row_0[0] * col;
                acc_n1 += ip_row_1[0] * col;
                acc_n2 += ip_row_2[0] * col;


            for (int j = blk_cnt; j > 0; --j)
                int8x16_t col_vec = vldrbq_gather_offset_s8(col_base, gather_offset);
                col_base += 8;

                col_vec = vrshlq_m_n_s8(col_vec, 4, lower_nibble_mask);
                col_vec = vshrq_n_s8(col_vec, 4);

                sum_tmp = vaddvaq_s8(sum_tmp, col_vec);

                int8x16_t lhs_vec = vldrbq_s8(ip_row_0);
                ip_row_0 += 16;
                acc_n0 = vmladavaq_s8(acc_n0, col_vec, lhs_vec);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_s8(ip_row_1);
                ip_row_1 += 16;
                acc_n1 = vmladavaq_s8(acc_n1, col_vec, lhs_vec);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_s8(ip_row_2);
                ip_row_2 += 16;
                acc_n2 = vmladavaq_s8(acc_n2, col_vec, lhs_vec);

            if (rmdr_mask)
                int8x16_t col_vec = vldrbq_gather_offset_z_s8(col_base, gather_offset, rmdr_mask);
                col_base += rhs_cols_offset >> 1;
                col_vec = vrshlq_m_n_s8(col_vec, 4, (lower_nibble_mask & rmdr_mask));
                col_vec = vshrq_n_s8(col_vec, 4);

                sum_tmp = vaddvaq_p_s8(sum_tmp, col_vec, rmdr_mask);

                int8x16_t lhs_vec = vldrbq_z_s8(ip_row_0, rmdr_mask);
                acc_n0 = vmladavaq_p_s8(acc_n0, col_vec, lhs_vec, rmdr_mask);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_z_s8(ip_row_1, rmdr_mask);
                acc_n1 = vmladavaq_p_s8(acc_n1, col_vec, lhs_vec, rmdr_mask);

                lhs_vec = vldrbq_z_s8(ip_row_2, rmdr_mask);
                acc_n2 = vmladavaq_p_s8(acc_n2, col_vec, lhs_vec, rmdr_mask);

            int32x4_t res = {acc_n0, acc_n1, acc_n2, 0};
            sum_tmp *= lhs_offset;
            if (bias)
                sum_tmp += bias[i];

            res = vaddq_x_n_s32(res, sum_tmp, requant_mask);

            res = arm_requantize_mve_pred(res, dst_multipliers[i], dst_shifts[i], requant_mask);
            res = vaddq_x_n_s32(res, dst_offset, requant_mask);

            res = vmaxq_x_s32(res, vdupq_n_s32(activation_min), requant_mask);
            res = vminq_x_s32(res, vdupq_n_s32(activation_max), requant_mask);

            vstrbq_scatter_offset_p_s32(dst, scatter_offset, res, requant_mask);
        lhs += 3 * lhs_cols_offset;
        dst += (2 * rhs_rows);
        for (; i_items < lhs_rows; i_items++)
            int32_t acc[4];
            const int32_t *multipliers = dst_multipliers;
            const int32_t *shifts = dst_shifts;
            const int8_t *col_base = packed_rhs;
            int col_inc = rhs_cols_offset >> 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < rhs_rows; i++)
                int32_t acc_n0 = 0;
                const int8_t *ip_row_0 = lhs;
                int32_t sum_tmp = 0;
                mve_pred16_t rmdr_mask = vctp8q(rhs_cols_offset);

                if ((rhs_cols & 0x1) & (i & 0x1))
                    rmdr_mask >>= 1;
                    int32_t col = col_base[0] >> 4;
                    sum_tmp += col;
                    acc_n0 += ip_row_0[0] * col;


                for (int j = blk_cnt; j > 0; --j)
                    int8x16_t col_vec = vldrbq_gather_offset_s8(col_base, gather_offset);
                    col_base += 8;

                    col_vec = vrshlq_m_n_s8(col_vec, 4, lower_nibble_mask);
                    col_vec = vshrq_n_s8(col_vec, 4);

                    sum_tmp = vaddvaq_s8(sum_tmp, col_vec);

                    int8x16_t lhs_vec = vldrbq_s8(ip_row_0);
                    ip_row_0 += 16;
                    acc_n0 = vmladavaq_s8(acc_n0, col_vec, lhs_vec);

                if (rmdr_mask)
                    int8x16_t col_vec = vldrbq_gather_offset_z_s8(col_base, gather_offset, rmdr_mask);
                    col_base += col_inc;
                    col_vec = vrshlq_m_n_s8(col_vec, 4, lower_nibble_mask);
                    col_vec = vshrq_n_s8(col_vec, 4);

                    sum_tmp = vaddvaq_p_s8(sum_tmp, col_vec, rmdr_mask);

                    int8x16_t lhs_vec = vldrbq_z_s8(ip_row_0, rmdr_mask);
                    acc_n0 = vmladavaq_p_s8(acc_n0, col_vec, lhs_vec, rmdr_mask);

                sum_tmp *= lhs_offset;
                sum_tmp += acc_n0;
                if (bias)
                    sum_tmp += bias[i];
                const int32_t index = i & 0x3;
                acc[index] = sum_tmp;

                if (index == 3)
                    int32x4_t res = vldrwq_s32(acc);
                    res = arm_requantize_mve_32x4(res, vldrwq_s32(multipliers), vldrwq_s32(shifts));
                    multipliers += 4;
                    shifts += 4;
                    res = vaddq_n_s32(res, dst_offset);
                    res = vmaxq_s32(res, vdupq_n_s32(activation_min));
                    res = vminq_s32(res, vdupq_n_s32(activation_max));
                    vstrbq_s32(dst, res);
                    dst += 4;
            lhs += lhs_cols_offset;
            const int32_t tail_rows = rhs_rows & 0x3;
            for (int i = 0; i < tail_rows; i++)
                int32_t acc_n0 = acc[i];
                acc_n0 = arm_nn_requantize(acc_n0, multipliers[i], shifts[i]);
                acc_n0 += dst_offset;
                acc_n0 = MAX(acc_n0, activation_min);
                acc_n0 = MIN(acc_n0, activation_max);
                *dst++ = (int8_t)acc_n0;
#elif defined(ARM_MATH_DSP)
    const int32_t lhs_cols_off1 = lhs_cols_offset - 4;
    const int16_t i16_lhs_offset = (int16_t)lhs_offset;
    const uint32_t ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2 = PKHBT(i16_lhs_offset, i16_lhs_offset, 16);
    const int32_t rhs_cols_int4 = rhs_cols >> 1;

    for (int32_t rhs_rows_idx = 0; rhs_rows_idx <= (rhs_rows - 4); rhs_rows_idx += 4)

        const int8_t *lhs_ptr = &lhs[0];
        int8_t *dst_ptr = &dst[0];

        int32_t lhs_rows_idx = lhs_rows >> 1;
        while (lhs_rows_idx)
            const int8_t *packed_rhs_ptr = &packed_rhs[0];

            int32_t res00 = 0;
            int32_t res01 = 0;
            int32_t res10 = 0;
            int32_t res11 = 0;

            int32_t spillover00 = 0;
            int32_t spillover01 = 0;
            int32_t spillover10 = 0;
            int32_t spillover11 = 0;

            if (bias)
                res00 = bias[rhs_rows_idx];
                res01 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 2];
                res10 = bias[rhs_rows_idx];
                res11 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 2];
                spillover00 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 1];
                spillover01 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 3];
                spillover10 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 1];
                spillover11 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 3];

            int32_t rhs_cols_idx = 0;

            int32_t lhs_low, rhs_low0, rhs_high0, lhs_high, rhs_low1, rhs_high1;

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 16); rhs_cols_idx += 16)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);
            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 4); rhs_cols_idx += 4)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);
            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= rhs_cols - 2; rhs_cols_idx += 2)
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res01 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset + 1] + lhs_offset;
                res10 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res10 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res11 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res11 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr += 2;
            if (rhs_cols % 2)
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;
                rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;

                res10 += lhs_high * rhs_low0;
                res11 += lhs_high * rhs_low1;

                lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols - 1;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;

                spillover00 += lhs_low * rhs_high0;
                spillover01 += lhs_low * rhs_high1;

                spillover10 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                spillover11 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx]);
            res01 = arm_nn_requantize(res01, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 2], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 2]);
            res10 = arm_nn_requantize(res10, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx]);
            res11 = arm_nn_requantize(res11, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 2], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 2]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res01 += dst_offset;
            res10 += dst_offset;
            res11 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res01 = MAX(res01, activation_min);
            res01 = MIN(res01, activation_max);
            res10 = MAX(res10, activation_min);
            res10 = MIN(res10, activation_max);
            res11 = MAX(res11, activation_min);
            res11 = MIN(res11, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr[2] = (int8_t)res01;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;
            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res10;
            dst_ptr[2] = (int8_t)res11;
            dst_ptr -= rhs_rows;

            res00 = spillover00;
            res01 = spillover01;
            res10 = spillover10;
            res11 = spillover11;

            rhs_cols_idx = 0;

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 16); rhs_cols_idx += 16)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);
            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 4); rhs_cols_idx += 4)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                // 4 x MAC res10, res11
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res11);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);
                res11 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res11);
            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= rhs_cols - 2; rhs_cols_idx += 2)
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res01 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset + 1] + lhs_offset;
                res10 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res10 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res11 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res11 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr += 2;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 1], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 1]);
            res01 = arm_nn_requantize(res01, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 3], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 3]);
            res10 = arm_nn_requantize(res10, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 1], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 1]);
            res11 = arm_nn_requantize(res11, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 3], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 3]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res01 += dst_offset;
            res10 += dst_offset;
            res11 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res01 = MAX(res01, activation_min);
            res01 = MIN(res01, activation_max);
            res10 = MAX(res10, activation_min);
            res10 = MIN(res10, activation_max);
            res11 = MAX(res11, activation_min);
            res11 = MIN(res11, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[1] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr[3] = (int8_t)res01;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;
            dst_ptr[1] = (int8_t)res10;
            dst_ptr[3] = (int8_t)res11;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;

            lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols;
            lhs_ptr += 2 * lhs_cols_offset;


        // Left-over rows
        if (lhs_rows % 2)
            const int8_t *packed_rhs_ptr = &packed_rhs[0];

            int32_t res00 = 0;
            int32_t res01 = 0;

            int32_t spillover00 = 0;
            int32_t spillover01 = 0;

            if (bias)
                res00 = bias[rhs_rows_idx];
                spillover00 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 1];
                res01 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 2];
                spillover01 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 3];

            int32_t rhs_cols_idx = 0;

            int32_t lhs_low, rhs_low0, rhs_high0, lhs_high, rhs_low1, rhs_high1;

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 16); rhs_cols_idx += 16)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);
            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 4); rhs_cols_idx += 4)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);
            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= rhs_cols - 2; rhs_cols_idx += 2)
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res01 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr += 2;
            if (rhs_cols % 2)
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;
                rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols - 1;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                spillover00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                spillover01 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx]);
            res01 = arm_nn_requantize(res01, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 2], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 2]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res01 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res01 = MAX(res01, activation_min);
            res01 = MIN(res01, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr[2] = (int8_t)res01;

            res00 = spillover00;
            res01 = spillover01;

            rhs_cols_idx = 0;

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 16); rhs_cols_idx += 16)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);
            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 4); rhs_cols_idx += 4)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                read_and_pad_s4((const int8_t *)&packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols], &rhs_low1, &rhs_high1);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 4 x MAC res00, res01
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_low1, lhs_low, res01);
                res01 = SMLAD(rhs_high1, lhs_high, res01);
            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= rhs_cols - 2; rhs_cols_idx += 2)
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res01 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr += 2;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 1], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 1]);
            res01 = arm_nn_requantize(res01, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 3], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 3]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res01 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res01 = MAX(res01, activation_min);
            res01 = MIN(res01, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[1] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr[3] = (int8_t)res01;

        packed_rhs += 2 * rhs_cols;
        dst += 4;

    int8_t rhs_spilled_col = 0;
    const int32_t rhs_rows_finished = rhs_rows - (rhs_rows % 4);
    // Left over rhs rows will be in the range 0 -> 3
    for (int rhs_rows_idx = 0; rhs_rows_idx < rhs_rows % 4; ++rhs_rows_idx)
        const int8_t *lhs_ptr = &lhs[0];
        int8_t *dst_ptr = &dst[0];

        int32_t lhs_rows_idx = lhs_rows >> 1;
        while (lhs_rows_idx)
            const int8_t *packed_rhs_ptr = &packed_rhs[0];

            int32_t res00 = 0;
            int32_t res10 = 0;

            if (bias)
                res00 = bias[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx];
                res10 = bias[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx];

            // Since there can only be 3 rhs rows here we only need treat rhs_row_idx[1]
            // differently by dealing with the leftover column from rhs_row_idx[0]
            if (rhs_cols % 2 && rhs_rows_idx == 1)
                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_spilled_col;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;
                res10 += lhs_low * rhs_spilled_col;


            int32_t rhs_cols_idx = 0;

            int32_t lhs_low, rhs_low0, rhs_high0, lhs_high;

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 16); rhs_cols_idx += 16)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

                // 2 x MAC res10
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

                // 2 x MAC res10
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

                // 2 x MAC res10
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

                // 2 x MAC res10
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 4); rhs_cols_idx += 4)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

                // 2 x MAC res10
                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4((const int8_t *)&lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_off1]);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res10);
                res10 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res10);

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= rhs_cols - 2; rhs_cols_idx += 2)
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset + 1] + lhs_offset;
                res10 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res10 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;

                lhs_ptr += 2;

            if (rhs_cols % 2 && !(rhs_rows_idx % 2))
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res10 += lhs_high * rhs_low0;


            lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols;
            lhs_ptr += 2 * lhs_cols_offset;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(
                res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx]);
            res10 = arm_nn_requantize(
                res10, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res10 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res10 = MAX(res10, activation_min);
            res10 = MIN(res10, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;
            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res10;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;

        if (lhs_rows % 2)
            const int8_t *packed_rhs_ptr = &packed_rhs[0];

            int32_t res00 = 0;

            if (bias)
                res00 = bias[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx];

            // Since there can only be 3 rhs rows here we only need treat rhs_row_idx[1]
            // differently by dealing with the leftover column from rhs_row_idx[0]
            if (rhs_cols % 2 && rhs_rows_idx == 1)
                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_spilled_col;


            int32_t rhs_cols_idx = 0;

            int32_t lhs_low, rhs_low0, rhs_high0, lhs_high;

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 16); rhs_cols_idx += 16)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= (rhs_cols - 4); rhs_cols_idx += 4)
                read_and_pad_s4(packed_rhs_ptr, &rhs_low0, &rhs_high0);
                packed_rhs_ptr += 2;

                lhs_high = arm_nn_read_s8x4_ia((const int8_t **)&lhs_ptr);
                lhs_low = SXTAB16(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high);
                lhs_high = SXTAB16_RORn(ui32_lhs_offset_i16x2, lhs_high, 8);

                // 2 x MAC res00
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_low0, lhs_low, res00);
                res00 = SMLAD(rhs_high0, lhs_high, res00);

            for (; rhs_cols_idx <= rhs_cols - 2; rhs_cols_idx += 2)
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;

                lhs_ptr += 2;

            if (rhs_cols % 2 && !(rhs_rows_idx % 2))
                rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;


            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(
                res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res00;
        if (rhs_cols % 2 && !(rhs_rows_idx % 2))
            rhs_spilled_col = packed_rhs[rhs_cols_int4] >> 4;
            packed_rhs += rhs_cols_int4 + 1;
            rhs_spilled_col = 0;
            packed_rhs += rhs_cols_int4;


    const int32_t rhs_cols_int4 = rhs_cols >> 1;

    for (int32_t rhs_rows_idx = 0; rhs_rows_idx <= (rhs_rows - 4); rhs_rows_idx += 4)
        const int8_t *lhs_ptr = &lhs[0];
        int8_t *dst_ptr = &dst[0];

        for (int32_t lhs_rows_idx = (lhs_rows >> 1); lhs_rows_idx > 0; --lhs_rows_idx)
            // To avoid the issue of packed values leaking into the next rhs row
            // we instead evaluate the rhs rows in pairs like so:
            // rhs[0] and rhs[2], rhs[1] and rhs[3]

            // Start processing rhs_row[0] and rhs_row[2]
            const int8_t *packed_rhs_ptr = &packed_rhs[0];

            int32_t res00 = 0;
            int32_t res01 = 0;
            int32_t res10 = 0;
            int32_t res11 = 0;

            int32_t spillover00 = 0;
            int32_t spillover01 = 0;
            int32_t spillover10 = 0;
            int32_t spillover11 = 0;

            if (bias)
                res00 = bias[rhs_rows_idx];
                res01 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 2];
                res10 = bias[rhs_rows_idx];
                res11 = bias[rhs_rows_idx + 2];

            for (int32_t rhs_cols_idx = rhs_cols_int4; rhs_cols_idx != 0; --rhs_cols_idx)
                int8_t rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                int32_t lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res01 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset + 1] + lhs_offset;

                res10 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res10 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res11 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res11 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr += 2;
            if (rhs_cols % 2)
                int8_t rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                int32_t lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;

                res10 += lhs_high * rhs_low0;
                res11 += lhs_high * rhs_low1;

                lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols - 1;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;

                spillover00 += lhs_low * rhs_high0;
                spillover01 += lhs_low * rhs_high1;

                spillover10 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                spillover11 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx]);
            res01 = arm_nn_requantize(res01, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 2], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 2]);
            res10 = arm_nn_requantize(res10, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx]);
            res11 = arm_nn_requantize(res11, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 2], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 2]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res01 += dst_offset;
            res10 += dst_offset;
            res11 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res01 = MAX(res01, activation_min);
            res01 = MIN(res01, activation_max);
            res10 = MAX(res10, activation_min);
            res10 = MIN(res10, activation_max);
            res11 = MAX(res11, activation_min);
            res11 = MIN(res11, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr[2] = (int8_t)res01;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;
            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res10;
            dst_ptr[2] = (int8_t)res11;
            dst_ptr -= rhs_rows;

            // Start processing rhs_row[1] and rhs_row[3]
            res00 = spillover00;
            res01 = spillover01;
            res10 = spillover10;
            res11 = spillover11;
            if (bias)
                res00 += bias[rhs_rows_idx + 1];
                res01 += bias[rhs_rows_idx + 3];
                res10 += bias[rhs_rows_idx + 1];
                res11 += bias[rhs_rows_idx + 3];

            for (int32_t rhs_cols_idx = rhs_cols_int4; rhs_cols_idx != 0; --rhs_cols_idx)
                int8_t rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                int32_t lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res01 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset + 1] + lhs_offset;

                res10 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res10 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                res11 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res11 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr += 2;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 1], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 1]);
            res01 = arm_nn_requantize(res01, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 3], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 3]);
            res10 = arm_nn_requantize(res10, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 1], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 1]);
            res11 = arm_nn_requantize(res11, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 3], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 3]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res01 += dst_offset;
            res10 += dst_offset;
            res11 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res01 = MAX(res01, activation_min);
            res01 = MIN(res01, activation_max);
            res10 = MAX(res10, activation_min);
            res10 = MIN(res10, activation_max);
            res11 = MAX(res11, activation_min);
            res11 = MIN(res11, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[1] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr[3] = (int8_t)res01;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;
            dst_ptr[1] = (int8_t)res10;
            dst_ptr[3] = (int8_t)res11;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;

            lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols;
            lhs_ptr += 2 * lhs_cols_offset;

        // Left-over row
        if (lhs_rows % 2)
            const int8_t *packed_rhs_ptr = &packed_rhs[0];

            int32_t res00 = 0;
            int32_t res01 = 0;

            int32_t spillover00 = 0;
            int32_t spillover01 = 0;

            if (bias)
                res00 += bias[rhs_rows_idx];
                res01 += bias[rhs_rows_idx + 2];

            for (int32_t rhs_cols_idx = rhs_cols_int4; rhs_cols_idx != 0; --rhs_cols_idx)
                int8_t rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                int8_t rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                int32_t lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;

                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res01 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr += 2;
            if (rhs_cols % 2)
                int8_t rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols - 1;
                int32_t lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                spillover00 = lhs_high * rhs_high0;
                spillover01 = lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx]);
            res01 = arm_nn_requantize(res01, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 2], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 2]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res01 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res01 = MAX(res01, activation_min);
            res01 = MIN(res01, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr[2] = (int8_t)res01;

            res00 = spillover00;
            res01 = spillover01;

            if (bias)
                res00 += bias[rhs_rows_idx + 1];
                res01 += bias[rhs_rows_idx + 3];

            for (int32_t rhs_cols_idx = rhs_cols_int4; rhs_cols_idx != 0; --rhs_cols_idx)
                int8_t rhs_low0 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high0 = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                int8_t rhs_low1 = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high1 = packed_rhs_ptr[rhs_cols] >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                int32_t lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low0;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high0;

                res01 += lhs_low * rhs_low1;
                res01 += lhs_high * rhs_high1;

                lhs_ptr += 2;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 1], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 1]);
            res01 = arm_nn_requantize(res01, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_idx + 3], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_idx + 3]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res01 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res01 = MAX(res01, activation_min);
            res01 = MIN(res01, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[1] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr[3] = (int8_t)res01;

        packed_rhs += 2 * rhs_cols;
        dst += 4;

    int32_t spillover00 = 0;
    const int32_t rhs_rows_finished = rhs_rows - (rhs_rows % 4);
    // Left over rhs rows will be in the range 0 -> 3
    for (int rhs_rows_idx = 0; rhs_rows_idx < rhs_rows % 4; ++rhs_rows_idx)
        const int8_t *lhs_ptr = &lhs[0];
        int8_t *dst_ptr = &dst[0];

        for (int32_t lhs_rows_idx = (lhs_rows >> 1); lhs_rows_idx > 0; --lhs_rows_idx)
            const int8_t *packed_rhs_ptr = &packed_rhs[0];
            int32_t res00 = 0;
            int32_t res10 = 0;
            if (bias)
                res00 = bias[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx];
                res10 = bias[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx];
            // Since there can only be 3 rhs rows here we only need treat rhs_row_idx[1]
            // differently by dealing with the leftover column from rhs_row_idx[0]
            if (rhs_cols % 2 && rhs_rows_idx == 1)
                int32_t lhs_low = lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                res00 += lhs_low * spillover00;

                lhs_low = lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;
                res10 += lhs_low * spillover00;

            for (int32_t rhs_cols_idx = rhs_cols_int4; rhs_cols_idx != 0; --rhs_cols_idx)
                int8_t rhs_low = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                int32_t lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;
                lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset + 1] + lhs_offset;

                res10 += lhs_low * rhs_low;
                res10 += lhs_high * rhs_high;

                lhs_ptr += 2;
            if (rhs_cols % 2 && !(rhs_rows_idx % 2))
                int8_t rhs_low = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low;

                lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[lhs_cols_offset] + lhs_offset;

                res10 += lhs_low * rhs_low;


            lhs_ptr -= rhs_cols;
            lhs_ptr += 2 * lhs_cols_offset;

            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(
                res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx]);
            res10 = arm_nn_requantize(
                res10, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;
            res10 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);
            res10 = MAX(res10, activation_min);
            res10 = MIN(res10, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res00;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;
            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res10;
            dst_ptr += rhs_rows;
        if (lhs_rows % 2)
            const int8_t *packed_rhs_ptr = &packed_rhs[0];
            int32_t res00 = 0;
            if (bias)
                res00 = bias[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx];
            // Since there can only be 3 rhs rows here we only need treat rhs_row_idx[1]
            // differently by dealing with the leftover column from rhs_row_idx[0]
            if (rhs_cols % 2 && rhs_rows_idx == 1)
                int32_t lhs_low = lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                res00 += lhs_low * spillover00;

            for (int32_t rhs_cols_idx = rhs_cols_int4; rhs_cols_idx != 0; --rhs_cols_idx)
                int8_t rhs_low = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;
                int8_t rhs_high = packed_rhs_ptr[0] >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                int32_t lhs_high = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[1] + lhs_offset;

                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low;
                res00 += lhs_high * rhs_high;

                lhs_ptr += 2;
            if (rhs_cols % 2 && (rhs_rows_idx != 1))
                int8_t rhs_low = (int8_t)(packed_rhs_ptr[0] << 4) >> 4;

                int32_t lhs_low = (int8_t)lhs_ptr[0] + lhs_offset;
                res00 += lhs_low * rhs_low;


            // Quantize down
            res00 = arm_nn_requantize(
                res00, dst_multipliers[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx], dst_shifts[rhs_rows_finished + rhs_rows_idx]);

            // Add offset
            res00 += dst_offset;

            // Clamp the result
            res00 = MAX(res00, activation_min);
            res00 = MIN(res00, activation_max);

            dst_ptr[0] = (int8_t)res00;
        if (rhs_cols % 2 && !(rhs_rows_idx % 2))
            spillover00 = packed_rhs[rhs_cols_int4] >> 4;
            packed_rhs += rhs_cols_int4 + (rhs_cols & 0x1);
            spillover00 = 0;
            packed_rhs += rhs_cols_int4;



 * @} end of Doxygen group