# CMSIS-NN Documentation CMSIS-NN Documentation in HTML format is published online at [https://arm-software.github.io/CMSIS-NN](https://arm-software.github.io/CMSIS-NN). The version drop-down menu there allows to switch between the documentation provided with offical releases and the latest draft documentation for the main branch. The documentation source is maintained in `Documentation/Doxygen/` folder as a mixture of markdown and doxygen formats. Component source files, templates and examples may also contribute information that gets integrated into the final documentation. Generating the HTML-formatted documentation from the source is done with `gen_doc.sh` script: ```sh CMSIS-NN $ ./Documentation/Doxygen/gen_doc.sh ``` The script expects specific version of [doxygen](https://www.doxygen.nl/) to be installed locally. After successful execution the resulting documentation package is then available in `./Documentation/html/`.