/** LuaXML License LuaXml is licensed under the terms of the MIT license reproduced below, the same as Lua itself. This means that LuaXml is free software and can be used for both academic and commercial purposes at absolutely no cost. Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Gerald Franz, eludi.net Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #if defined __WIN32__ || defined WIN32 # include # define _EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else # define _EXPORT #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "civetweb_lua.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #include #include #include #include static const char ESC=27; static const char OPN=28; static const char CLS=29; //--- auxliary functions ------------------------------------------- static const char* char2code(unsigned char ch, char buf[8]) { unsigned char i=0; buf[i++]='&'; buf[i++]='#'; if(ch>99) buf[i++]=ch/100+48; if(ch>9) buf[i++]=(ch%100)/10+48; buf[i++]=ch%10+48; buf[i++]=';'; buf[i]=0; return buf; } static size_t find(const char* s, const char* pattern, size_t start) { const char* found =strstr(s+start, pattern); return found ? found-s : strlen(s); } //--- internal tokenizer ------------------------------------------- typedef struct Tokenizer_s { /// stores string to be tokenized const char* s; /// stores size of string to be tokenized size_t s_size; /// stores current read position size_t i; /// stores current read context int tagMode; /// stores next token, if already determined const char* m_next; /// size of next token size_t m_next_size; /// pointer to current token char* m_token; /// size of current token size_t m_token_size; /// capacity of current token size_t m_token_capacity; } Tokenizer; Tokenizer* Tokenizer_new(const char* str, size_t str_size) { Tokenizer *tok = (Tokenizer*)malloc(sizeof(Tokenizer)); memset(tok, 0, sizeof(Tokenizer)); tok->s_size = str_size; tok->s = str; return tok; } void Tokenizer_delete(Tokenizer* tok) { free(tok->m_token); free(tok); } //void Tokenizer_print(Tokenizer* tok) { printf(" @%u %s\n", tok->i, !tok->m_token ? "(null)" : (tok->m_token[0]==ESC)?"(esc)" : (tok->m_token[0]==OPN)?"(open)": (tok->m_token[0]==CLS)?"(close)" : tok->m_token); fflush(stdout); } static const char* Tokenizer_set(Tokenizer* tok, const char* s, size_t size) { if(!size||!s) return 0; free(tok->m_token); tok->m_token = (char*)malloc(size+1); strncpy(tok->m_token,s, size); tok->m_token[size] = 0; tok->m_token_size = tok->m_token_capacity = size; //Tokenizer_print(tok); return tok->m_token; } static void Tokenizer_append(Tokenizer* tok, char ch) { if(tok->m_token_size+1>=tok->m_token_capacity) { tok->m_token_capacity = (tok->m_token_capacity==0) ? 16 : tok->m_token_capacity*2; tok->m_token = (char*)realloc(tok->m_token, tok->m_token_capacity); } tok->m_token[tok->m_token_size]=ch; tok->m_token[++tok->m_token_size]=0; } const char* Tokenizer_next(Tokenizer* tok) { const char* ESC_str = "\033"; const char* OPEN_str = "\034"; const char* CLOSE_str = "\035"; int quotMode=0; int tokenComplete = 0; if(tok->m_token) { free(tok->m_token); tok->m_token = 0; tok->m_token_size=tok->m_token_capacity = 0; } while(tok->m_next_size || (tok->i < tok->s_size)) { if(tok->m_next_size) { Tokenizer_set(tok, tok->m_next, tok->m_next_size); tok->m_next=0; tok->m_next_size=0; return tok->m_token; } switch(tok->s[tok->i]) { case '"': case '\'': if(tok->tagMode) { if(!quotMode) quotMode=tok->s[tok->i]; else if(quotMode==tok->s[tok->i]) quotMode=0; } Tokenizer_append(tok, tok->s[tok->i]); break; case '<': if(!quotMode&&(tok->i+4s_size)&&(strncmp(tok->s+tok->i,"", tok->i+4)+2; else if(!quotMode&&(tok->i+9s_size)&&(strncmp(tok->s+tok->i,"i+9; tok->i=find(tok->s, "]]>",b)+3; if(!tok->m_token_size) return Tokenizer_set(tok, tok->s+b, tok->i-b-3); tokenComplete = 1; tok->m_next = tok->s+b; tok->m_next_size = tok->i-b-3; --tok->i; } else if(!quotMode&&(tok->i+1s_size)&&((tok->s[tok->i+1]=='?')||(tok->s[tok->i+1]=='!'))) // strip meta information tok->i=find(tok->s, ">", tok->i+2); else if(!quotMode&&!tok->tagMode) { if((tok->i+1s_size)&&(tok->s[tok->i+1]=='/')) { tok->m_next=ESC_str; tok->m_next_size = 1; tok->i=find(tok->s, ">", tok->i+2); } else { tok->m_next = OPEN_str; tok->m_next_size = 1; tok->tagMode=1; } tokenComplete = 1; } else Tokenizer_append(tok, tok->s[tok->i]); break; case '/': if(tok->tagMode&&!quotMode) { tokenComplete = 1; if((tok->i+1 < tok->s_size) && (tok->s[tok->i+1]=='>')) { tok->tagMode=0; tok->m_next=ESC_str; tok->m_next_size = 1; ++tok->i; } else Tokenizer_append(tok, tok->s[tok->i]); } else Tokenizer_append(tok, tok->s[tok->i]); break; case '>': if(!quotMode&&tok->tagMode) { tok->tagMode=0; tokenComplete = 1; tok->m_next = CLOSE_str; tok->m_next_size = 1; } else Tokenizer_append(tok, tok->s[tok->i]); break; case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': if(tok->tagMode&&!quotMode) { if(tok->m_token_size) tokenComplete=1; } else if(tok->m_token_size) Tokenizer_append(tok, tok->s[tok->i]); break; default: Tokenizer_append(tok, tok->s[tok->i]); } ++tok->i; if((tok->i>=tok->s_size)||(tokenComplete&&tok->m_token_size)) { tokenComplete=0; while(tok->m_token_size&&isspace(tok->m_token[tok->m_token_size-1])) // trim whitespace tok->m_token[--tok->m_token_size]=0; if(tok->m_token_size) break; } } //Tokenizer_print(tok); return tok->m_token; } //--- local variables ---------------------------------------------- /// stores number of special character codes static size_t sv_code_size=0; /// stores currently allocated capacity for special character codes static size_t sv_code_capacity=16; /// stores code table for special characters static char** sv_code=0; //--- public methods ----------------------------------------------- static void Xml_pushDecode(lua_State* L, const char* s, size_t s_size) { luaL_Buffer b; const char* found = strstr(s, "&#"); size_t start=0, pos, i; if(!s_size) s_size=strlen(s); luaL_buffinit(L, &b); found = strstr(s, "&#"); pos = found ? found-s : s_size; while(found) { char ch = 0; size_t i=0; for(found += 2; i<3; ++i, ++found) if(isdigit(*found)) ch = ch * 10 + (*found - 48); else break; if(*found == ';') { if(pos>start) luaL_addlstring(&b, s+start, pos-start); luaL_addchar(&b, ch); start = pos + 3 + i; } found = strstr(found+1, "&#"); pos = found ? found-s : s_size; } if(pos>start) luaL_addlstring(&b,s+start, pos-start); luaL_pushresult(&b); for(i=sv_code_size-1; i1) lua_settop(L,-2); // this tag has no content, only attributes else break; } } else if(token[0]==ESC) { // previous tag is over if(lua_gettop(L)>1) lua_settop(L,-2); // pop current table else break; } else { // read elements lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)lua_rawlen(L,-1)+1); Xml_pushDecode(L, token, 0); lua_settable(L, -3); } Tokenizer_delete(tok); free(str); return lua_gettop(L); } int Xml_load (lua_State *L) { const char * filename = luaL_checkstring(L,1); FILE * file=fopen(filename,"r"); char* buffer; size_t sz; if(!file) return luaL_error(L,"LuaXml ERROR: \"%s\" file error or file not found!",filename); fseek (file , 0 , SEEK_END); sz = ftell (file); rewind (file); buffer = (char*)malloc(sz+1); sz = fread (buffer,1,sz,file); fclose(file); buffer[sz]=0; lua_pushlightuserdata(L,buffer); lua_replace(L,1); return Xml_eval(L); }; int Xml_registerCode(lua_State *L) { const char * decoded = luaL_checkstring(L,1); const char * encoded = luaL_checkstring(L,2); size_t i; for(i=0; isv_code_capacity) { sv_code_capacity*=2; sv_code = (char**)realloc(sv_code, sv_code_capacity*sizeof(char*)); } sv_code[sv_code_size]=(char*)malloc(strlen(decoded)+1); strcpy(sv_code[sv_code_size++], decoded); sv_code[sv_code_size]=(char*)malloc(strlen(encoded)+1); strcpy(sv_code[sv_code_size++],encoded); return 0; } int Xml_encode(lua_State *L) { char buf[8]; size_t start, pos; luaL_Buffer b; const char* s; size_t i; if(lua_gettop(L)!=1) return 0; luaL_checkstring(L,-1); for(i=0; istart) luaL_addlstring(&b,s+start, pos-start); luaL_addstring(&b,char2code((unsigned char)(s[pos]),buf)); start=pos+1; } if(pos>start) luaL_addlstring(&b,s+start, pos-start); luaL_pushresult(&b); lua_remove(L,-2); return 1; } #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int _EXPORT luaopen_LuaXML_lib (lua_State* L) { static const struct luaL_Reg funcs[] = { {"load", Xml_load}, {"eval", Xml_eval}, {"encode", Xml_encode}, {"registerCode", Xml_registerCode}, {NULL, NULL} }; luaL_newlibtable(L, funcs); luaL_setfuncs(L, funcs, 0); lua_setglobal(L, "xml"); // register default codes: if(!sv_code) { sv_code=(char**)malloc(sv_code_capacity*sizeof(char*)); sv_code[sv_code_size++]="&"; sv_code[sv_code_size++]="&"; sv_code[sv_code_size++]="<"; sv_code[sv_code_size++]="<"; sv_code[sv_code_size++]=">"; sv_code[sv_code_size++]=">"; sv_code[sv_code_size++]="\""; sv_code[sv_code_size++]="""; sv_code[sv_code_size++]="'"; sv_code[sv_code_size++]="'"; } return 1; } #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif