/* env-vc6.lnt: environment parameters for Microsoft's Visual C++ 6.x If you are using the Microsoft Developer Studio and you wish to invoke PC-lint from that environment then add one or more commands to the Tools menu as follows. Unit Checkout ------------- For example, to add a unit check-out facility to the tools menu do the following: 1. From the Tools Menu choose "Customize ..." The Customize ... Dialog Box appears 2. Select the "Tools" tab 3. In the "Menu Contents" box, cursor down to the bottom where you see an open rectangle. Click on this line which will enable you to enter in a label that will identify the tool. Type "PC-lint (unit check)" or equivalent and hit Enter. 4. You will now be able to edit the fields of this Tool. Modify them so that they approximate the following: Command: C:\LINT\LINT-NT.EXE Arguments: -i"C:\LINT" -u std.lnt env-vc6.lnt "$(FileName)$(FileExt)" Init. Directory $(FileDir) X_Use Output Window __Prompt for arguments __Close window on exit 5. Select Close to return to the main environment. This will result in the Tools menu containing the additional item "PC-lint (unit check)". Checking 'X' on 'Use Output Window' is important because in this way you can advance from error to error using the F4 key (Shift F4 to reverse) or, less handily, using the "Next Error" ("Prev Error") entries in the "Search" menu. You probably want to advance your new tool upward into the initial position of all tools while you are testing and modifying the command. You can do this by using the stylized up-arrow button that appears on the Tools dialog. Note that by providing an "Initial Directory" and a local "$(FileName)S(FileExt)" the containing directory can have a std.lnt that overrides the global std.lnt. Also file-names in messages are not so long. HOWEVER, you may need to use $(FilePath) in place of $(FileName)$(FileExt) if the files are in a directory other that FileDir. If they are then use of $(FileName) will render Visual Studio incapable of locating the files when bouncing from message to message. *Caution* -- You MUST have parentheses with $(Filename)$(FileExt) and $(FileDir) or you will receive an incomprehensible diagnostic. Historically, you did not always need parentheses with VC++, so people have made this mistake. Project Check ------------- You will probably want to create a second item on the Tools menu called "PC-lint (project check)". For this tool follow the steps 1-5 doing exactly the same thing as above except in step 4, the information entered should be: Command: C:\LINT\LINT-NT.EXE Arguments -i"C:\LINT" std.lnt env-vc6.lnt project.lnt Initial Directory $(FileDir) This will require that the file that you are currently editing reside in a directory that contains a file called 'project.lnt'. This file you will create and maintain yourself; it is a list of the names of the modules (all files except headers) in your project. Such a list can usually be prepared with the help of the DIR command. For example, the following batch command will produce a list of all the .CPP files within a directory: DIR /b *.cpp >project.lnt If you are using full path names in your visual environment, in order to use the F4 key to bounce to the next error you should give an option to PC-lint to produce full file names. The option you will need is: +ffn If your project spans multiple directories or if multiple projects fit within a single directory the above simple-minded project linting scheme will not work. Rather do the following. In step 4 enter: Command: C:\LINT\LINT-NT.EXE Arguments +ffn -i"C:\LINT" std.lnt env-vc6.lnt $(WkspName).lnt Initial Directory $(WkspDir) The WkspDir is only slightly misnamed. It is actually the project directory and contains a file called NAME.dsp where NAME is the project name. You will have to create a file NAME.lnt bearing the names of your modules relative to the project directory. The best way of capturing the names is to use PC-lint itself. C:\LINT\LINT-NT NAME.dsp >NAME.lnt where, again, NAME is the name of the project. If you are working with a Workspace containing multiple Projects use the following commands for converting .dsp's to .lnt's: Command: C:\LINT\LINT-NT.EXE Arguments: -v -os(project.lnt) $(WkspName).dsp Initial Directory: $(WkspDir) You will need to set a project as the active project before you can convert its .dsp to a .lnt. To do so, select Project from the menu bar, then select Set Active Project and choose a Project. You then click the newly added conversion tool on the tools menu and then lint the project. Tool Bar -------- You also have the option of creating a PC-lint toolbar for your Visual C++ IDE. First create one or more tools as described above. Then, look at the Tools menu and make note of the icon(s) next to the menu item(s). It's usually a subscripted hammer; remember the subscript(s). Choose Customize from the Tools menu and select the Toolbars tab. Select New... and provide Visual C++ with the toolbar name "PC-lint". Confirm that the checkbox next to this name is selected. Click the Commands tab. In the drop-down box labelled Category, choose Tools. Drag the icon(s) corresponding to the PC-lint menu item(s) to your toolbar. Click Close and you now have your own PC-lint for C/C++ button. (Note: If you change the location of the PC-lint menu item on the Tools menu, you will change the subscript and you will need to change the button(s) on the toolbar.) */ -"format=%(%F(%l):%) error %n: (%t -- %m)" // Messages will contain // file information (%F), the line number (%l), the // message number (%n), message type (%t) and message text (%m). -hF2 // Make sure we ALWAYS provide file information ('F') and use 2 // lines (line in error plus message). -width(0) // don't break messages at any particular width -t4 // Presume that tabs are every 4 stops +e900 // issue a message at termination.