/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Libre Solar Technologies GmbH * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /* * This test suite checks that correct errors are returned when trying to use the ISO-TP * protocol with CAN FD mode even though the controller does not support CAN FD. */ #include #include static const struct device *const can_dev = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_CHOSEN(zephyr_canbus)); static struct isotp_recv_ctx recv_ctx; static struct isotp_send_ctx send_ctx; static bool canfd_capable; static const struct isotp_fc_opts fc_opts = { .bs = 0, .stmin = 0 }; static const struct isotp_msg_id rx_addr = { .std_id = 0x20, #ifdef CONFIG_TEST_USE_CAN_FD_MODE .dl = CONFIG_TEST_ISOTP_TX_DL, .flags = ISOTP_MSG_FDF | ISOTP_MSG_BRS, #endif }; static const struct isotp_msg_id tx_addr = { .std_id = 0x21, #ifdef CONFIG_TEST_USE_CAN_FD_MODE .dl = CONFIG_TEST_ISOTP_TX_DL, .flags = ISOTP_MSG_FDF | ISOTP_MSG_BRS, #endif }; ZTEST(isotp_conformance_mode_check, test_bind) { int err; err = isotp_bind(&recv_ctx, can_dev, &rx_addr, &tx_addr, &fc_opts, K_NO_WAIT); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_TEST_USE_CAN_FD_MODE) && !canfd_capable) { zassert_equal(err, ISOTP_N_ERROR); } else { zassert_equal(err, ISOTP_N_OK); } isotp_unbind(&recv_ctx); } ZTEST(isotp_conformance_mode_check, test_send) { uint8_t buf[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; int err; err = isotp_send(&send_ctx, can_dev, buf, sizeof(buf), &rx_addr, &tx_addr, NULL, NULL); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_TEST_USE_CAN_FD_MODE) && !canfd_capable) { zassert_equal(err, ISOTP_N_ERROR); } else { zassert_equal(err, ISOTP_N_OK); } } static void *isotp_conformance_mode_check_setup(void) { can_mode_t cap; int err; zassert_true(device_is_ready(can_dev), "CAN device not ready"); err = can_get_capabilities(can_dev, &cap); zassert_equal(err, 0, "failed to get CAN controller capabilities (err %d)", err); canfd_capable = (cap & CAN_MODE_FD) != 0; (void)can_stop(can_dev); err = can_set_mode(can_dev, CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK | (canfd_capable ? CAN_MODE_FD : 0)); zassert_equal(err, 0, "Failed to set mode [%d]", err); err = can_start(can_dev); zassert_equal(err, 0, "Failed to start CAN controller [%d]", err); return NULL; } ZTEST_SUITE(isotp_conformance_mode_check, NULL, isotp_conformance_mode_check_setup, NULL, NULL, NULL);