/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "test_fifo.h" #define STACK_SIZE (512 + CONFIG_TEST_EXTRA_STACK_SIZE) #define LIST_LEN 4 #define LOOPS 32 static fdata_t data[LIST_LEN]; static struct k_fifo fifo; static K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE(tstack, STACK_SIZE); static struct k_thread tdata; static struct k_sem end_sema; static void tfifo_put(struct k_fifo *pfifo) { /**TESTPOINT: fifo put*/ for (int i = 0; i < LIST_LEN; i++) { k_fifo_put(pfifo, (void *)&data[i]); } } static void tfifo_get(struct k_fifo *pfifo) { void *rx_data; /*get fifo data from "fifo_put"*/ for (int i = 0; i < LIST_LEN; i++) { /**TESTPOINT: fifo get*/ rx_data = k_fifo_get(pfifo, K_NO_WAIT); zassert_equal(rx_data, (void *)&data[i]); } } /*entry of contexts*/ static void tIsr_entry(const void *p) { TC_PRINT("isr fifo get\n"); tfifo_get((struct k_fifo *)p); TC_PRINT("isr fifo put ---> "); tfifo_put((struct k_fifo *)p); } static void tThread_entry(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) { TC_PRINT("thread fifo get\n"); tfifo_get((struct k_fifo *)p1); k_sem_give(&end_sema); TC_PRINT("thread fifo put ---> "); tfifo_put((struct k_fifo *)p1); k_sem_give(&end_sema); } /* fifo read write job */ static void tfifo_read_write(struct k_fifo *pfifo) { k_sem_init(&end_sema, 0, 1); /**TESTPOINT: thread-isr-thread data passing via fifo*/ k_tid_t tid = k_thread_create(&tdata, tstack, STACK_SIZE, tThread_entry, pfifo, NULL, NULL, K_PRIO_PREEMPT(0), 0, K_NO_WAIT); TC_PRINT("main fifo put ---> "); tfifo_put(pfifo); irq_offload(tIsr_entry, pfifo); k_sem_take(&end_sema, K_FOREVER); k_sem_take(&end_sema, K_FOREVER); TC_PRINT("main fifo get\n"); tfifo_get(pfifo); k_thread_abort(tid); TC_PRINT("\n"); } /** * @addtogroup kernel_fifo_tests * @{ */ /** * @brief Verify zephyr fifo continuous read write in loop * * @details * - Test Steps * -# fifo put from main thread * -# fifo read from isr * -# fifo put from isr * -# fifo get from spawn thread * -# loop above steps for LOOPs times * - Expected Results * -# fifo data pass correctly and stably across contexts * * @see k_fifo_init(), k_fifo_put(), k_fifo_get() */ ZTEST(fifo_api_1cpu, test_fifo_loop) { k_fifo_init(&fifo); for (int i = 0; i < LOOPS; i++) { TC_PRINT("* Pass data by fifo in loop %d\n", i); tfifo_read_write(&fifo); } } /** * @} */