/* * Copyright (c) Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include static volatile int expected_reason = -1; void z_thread_essential_clear(struct k_thread *thread); void k_sys_fatal_error_handler(unsigned int reason, const struct arch_esf *pEsf) { printk("Caught system error -- reason %d\n", reason); if (expected_reason == -1) { printk("Was not expecting a crash\n"); printk("PROJECT EXECUTION FAILED\n"); k_fatal_halt(reason); } if (reason != expected_reason) { printk("Wrong crash type got %d expected %d\n", reason, expected_reason); printk("PROJECT EXECUTION FAILED\n"); k_fatal_halt(reason); } printk("Fatal error expected as part of test case.\n"); expected_reason = -1; } /** * @brief This test case verifies when fatal error * log message can be captured. * @details * Test Objective: * - When the fatal error is triggered, if the debugging message function * is turned on, the system can capture the log information. * * Prerequisite Conditions: * - N/A * * Input Specifications: * - N/A * * Test Procedure: * -# Writing a function deliberately triggers a koops exception. * -# When the log module is enabled, it will log some information * in the process of exception. * -# The regex in testcase.yaml verify the kernel will dump thread id * information and error type when exception occurs. * * Expected Test Result: * - The expected log message is caught. * * Pass/Fail Criteria: * - Success if the log matching regex in step 3. * - Failure if the log is not matching regex in step 3. * * Assumptions and Constraints: * - N/A * @ingroup kernel_fatal_tests */ void test_message_capture(void) { unsigned int key; expected_reason = K_ERR_KERNEL_OOPS; key = irq_lock(); k_oops(); printk("SHOULD NEVER SEE THIS\n"); irq_unlock(key); } int main(void) { /* main() is an essential thread, and we try to OOPS it. When * this test was written, that worked (even though it wasn't * supposed to per docs). Now we trap a different error (a * panic and not an oops). Set the thread non-essential as a * workaround. */ z_thread_essential_clear(arch_current_thread()); test_message_capture(); return 0; }