/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include "common.h" CREATE_FLAG(flag_is_connected); CREATE_FLAG(flag_discover_complete); CREATE_FLAG(flag_security_changed); CREATE_FLAG(flag_write_complete); CREATE_FLAG(flag_read_complete); static struct bt_conn *g_conn; static uint16_t chrc_handle; static uint16_t long_chrc_handle; static uint16_t enc_chrc_handle; static uint16_t lesc_chrc_handle; static uint8_t att_err; static const struct bt_uuid *test_svc_uuid = TEST_SERVICE_UUID; #define ARRAY_ITEM(i, _) i static uint8_t chrc_data[] = { LISTIFY(CHRC_SIZE, ARRAY_ITEM, (,)) }; /* 1, 2, 3 ... */ static uint8_t long_chrc_data[] = { LISTIFY(LONG_CHRC_SIZE, ARRAY_ITEM, (,)) }; /* 1, 2, 3 ... */ static uint8_t data_received[LONG_CHRC_SIZE]; static uint16_t data_received_size; static void connected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t err) { char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN]; bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr)); if (err != 0) { FAIL("Failed to connect to %s (%u)\n", addr, err); return; } printk("Connected to %s\n", addr); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(g_conn == conn); SET_FLAG(flag_is_connected); } static void disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t reason) { char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN]; if (conn != g_conn) { return; } bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr)); printk("Disconnected: %s (reason 0x%02x)\n", addr, reason); bt_conn_unref(g_conn); g_conn = NULL; UNSET_FLAG(flag_is_connected); } static void security_changed(struct bt_conn *conn, bt_security_t level, enum bt_security_err err) { if (err != BT_SECURITY_ERR_SUCCESS) { FAIL("Security failed (err %d)\n", err); } else { SET_FLAG(flag_security_changed); } } static struct bt_conn_cb conn_callbacks = { .connected = connected, .disconnected = disconnected, .security_changed = security_changed, }; void device_found(const bt_addr_le_t *addr, int8_t rssi, uint8_t type, struct net_buf_simple *ad) { char addr_str[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN]; int err; if (g_conn != NULL) { return; } /* We're only interested in connectable events */ if (type != BT_HCI_ADV_IND && type != BT_HCI_ADV_DIRECT_IND) { return; } bt_addr_le_to_str(addr, addr_str, sizeof(addr_str)); printk("Device found: %s (RSSI %d)\n", addr_str, rssi); printk("Stopping scan\n"); err = bt_le_scan_stop(); if (err != 0) { FAIL("Could not stop scan: %d\n"); return; } err = bt_conn_le_create(addr, BT_CONN_LE_CREATE_CONN, BT_LE_CONN_PARAM_DEFAULT, &g_conn); if (err != 0) { FAIL("Could not connect to peer: %d\n", err); } } static uint8_t discover_func(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { int err; if (attr == NULL) { if (chrc_handle == 0 || long_chrc_handle == 0) { FAIL("Did not discover chrc (%x) or long_chrc (%x)\n", chrc_handle, long_chrc_handle); } (void)memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params)); SET_FLAG(flag_discover_complete); return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } printk("[ATTRIBUTE] handle %u\n", attr->handle); if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY && bt_uuid_cmp(params->uuid, TEST_SERVICE_UUID) == 0) { printk("Found test service\n"); params->uuid = NULL; params->start_handle = attr->handle + 1; params->type = BT_GATT_DISCOVER_CHARACTERISTIC; err = bt_gatt_discover(conn, params); if (err != 0) { FAIL("Discover failed (err %d)\n", err); } return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } else if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_CHARACTERISTIC) { struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = (struct bt_gatt_chrc *)attr->user_data; if (bt_uuid_cmp(chrc->uuid, TEST_CHRC_UUID) == 0) { printk("Found chrc\n"); chrc_handle = chrc->value_handle; } else if (bt_uuid_cmp(chrc->uuid, TEST_LONG_CHRC_UUID) == 0) { printk("Found long_chrc\n"); long_chrc_handle = chrc->value_handle; } else if (bt_uuid_cmp(chrc->uuid, TEST_ENC_CHRC_UUID) == 0) { printk("Found enc_chrc_handle\n"); enc_chrc_handle = chrc->value_handle; } else if (bt_uuid_cmp(chrc->uuid, TEST_LESC_CHRC_UUID) == 0) { printk("Found lesc_chrc_handle\n"); lesc_chrc_handle = chrc->value_handle; } } return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } static void gatt_discover(void) { static struct bt_gatt_discover_params discover_params; int err; printk("Discovering services and characteristics\n"); discover_params.uuid = test_svc_uuid; discover_params.func = discover_func; discover_params.start_handle = BT_ATT_FIRST_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE; discover_params.end_handle = BT_ATT_LAST_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE; discover_params.type = BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY; err = bt_gatt_discover(g_conn, &discover_params); if (err != 0) { FAIL("Discover failed(err %d)\n", err); } WAIT_FOR_FLAG(flag_discover_complete); printk("Discover complete\n"); } static void update_security(void) { int err; printk("Updating security\n"); err = bt_conn_set_security(g_conn, BT_SECURITY_L2); if (err != 0) { FAIL("Set security failed (err %d)\n", err); } WAIT_FOR_FLAG(flag_security_changed); printk("Security changed\n"); } static void gatt_write_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t err, struct bt_gatt_write_params *params) { (void)memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params)); att_err = err; SET_FLAG(flag_write_complete); } static void gatt_write(uint16_t handle, uint8_t expect_att_err) { static struct bt_gatt_write_params write_params; int err; if (handle == chrc_handle) { printk("Writing to chrc and expecting 0x%02X\n", expect_att_err); write_params.data = chrc_data; write_params.length = sizeof(chrc_data); } else if (handle == long_chrc_handle) { printk("Writing to long_chrc and expecting 0x%02X\n", expect_att_err); write_params.data = long_chrc_data; write_params.length = sizeof(long_chrc_data); } else if (handle == enc_chrc_handle) { printk("Writing to enc_chrc and expecting 0x%02X\n", expect_att_err); write_params.data = chrc_data; write_params.length = sizeof(chrc_data); } else if (handle == lesc_chrc_handle) { printk("Writing to lesc_chrc and expecting 0x%02X\n", expect_att_err); write_params.data = chrc_data; write_params.length = sizeof(chrc_data); } write_params.func = gatt_write_cb; write_params.handle = handle; UNSET_FLAG(flag_write_complete); err = bt_gatt_write(g_conn, &write_params); if (err != 0) { FAIL("bt_gatt_write failed: %d\n", err); } WAIT_FOR_FLAG(flag_write_complete); if (att_err != expect_att_err) { FAIL("Write failed: 0x%02X\n", att_err); } printk("success\n"); } static uint8_t gatt_read_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t err, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params, const void *data, uint16_t length) { att_err = err; if (err != BT_ATT_ERR_SUCCESS) { printk("Read failed: 0x%02X\n", err); (void)memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params)); SET_FLAG(flag_read_complete); return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } if (data != NULL) { if (data_received_size + length > sizeof(data_received)) { FAIL("Invalid amount of data received: %u\n", data_received_size + length); } else { memcpy(&data_received[data_received_size], data, length); data_received_size += length; } return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } if (params->single.handle == chrc_handle) { if (data_received_size != CHRC_SIZE || memcmp(data_received, chrc_data, data_received_size) != 0) { FAIL("chrc data different than expected (%u %u)\n", length, CHRC_SIZE); } } else if (params->single.handle == long_chrc_handle) { if (data_received_size != LONG_CHRC_SIZE || memcmp(data_received, long_chrc_data, data_received_size) != 0) { FAIL("long_chrc data different than expected (%u %u)\n", length, LONG_CHRC_SIZE); } } else if (params->single.handle == enc_chrc_handle) { if (data_received_size != CHRC_SIZE || memcmp(data_received, chrc_data, data_received_size) != 0) { FAIL("enc_chrc data different than expected (%u %u)\n", length, CHRC_SIZE); } } else if (params->single.handle == lesc_chrc_handle) { if (data_received_size != CHRC_SIZE || memcmp(data_received, chrc_data, data_received_size) != 0) { FAIL("lesc_chrc data different than expected (%u %u)\n", length, CHRC_SIZE); } } (void)memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params)); SET_FLAG(flag_read_complete); return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } static void gatt_read(uint16_t handle, uint8_t expect_att_err) { static struct bt_gatt_read_params read_params; int err; data_received_size = 0; memset(data_received, 0, sizeof(data_received)); if (handle == chrc_handle) { printk("Reading chrc and expecting 0x%02X\n", expect_att_err); } else if (handle == long_chrc_handle) { printk("Reading long_chrc and expecting 0x%02X\n", expect_att_err); } else if (handle == enc_chrc_handle) { printk("Reading enc_chrc and expecting 0x%02X\n", expect_att_err); } else if (handle == lesc_chrc_handle) { printk("Reading lesc_chrc and expecting 0x%02X\n", expect_att_err); } read_params.func = gatt_read_cb; read_params.handle_count = 1; read_params.single.handle = handle; read_params.single.offset = 0; UNSET_FLAG(flag_read_complete); err = bt_gatt_read(g_conn, &read_params); if (err != 0) { FAIL("bt_gatt_read failed: %d\n", err); } WAIT_FOR_FLAG(flag_read_complete); if (att_err != expect_att_err) { FAIL("Read failed: 0x%02X\n", att_err); } printk("success\n"); } static void test_main(void) { int err; bt_conn_cb_register(&conn_callbacks); err = bt_enable(NULL); if (err != 0) { FAIL("Bluetooth discover failed (err %d)\n", err); } err = bt_le_scan_start(BT_LE_SCAN_PASSIVE, device_found); if (err != 0) { FAIL("Scanning failed to start (err %d)\n", err); } printk("Scanning successfully started\n"); WAIT_FOR_FLAG(flag_is_connected); gatt_discover(); /* Write and read a few times to ensure stateless behavior */ for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { gatt_write(chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_SUCCESS); gatt_read(chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_SUCCESS); gatt_write(long_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_SUCCESS); gatt_read(long_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_SUCCESS); } gatt_write(enc_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION); gatt_read(enc_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION); gatt_write(lesc_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION); gatt_read(lesc_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION); update_security(); gatt_write(enc_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_SUCCESS); gatt_read(enc_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_SUCCESS); gatt_write(lesc_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_SUCCESS); gatt_read(lesc_chrc_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_SUCCESS); PASS("GATT client Passed\n"); } static const struct bst_test_instance test_vcs[] = { { .test_id = "gatt_client", .test_pre_init_f = test_init, .test_tick_f = test_tick, .test_main_f = test_main }, BSTEST_END_MARKER }; struct bst_test_list *test_gatt_client_install(struct bst_test_list *tests) { return bst_add_tests(tests, test_vcs); }