/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #define FXOS8700_I2C_ADDR 0x1d /* Reduced regmap for FXOS8700 */ #define FXOS8700_REG_STATUS 0x00 #define FXOS8700_REG_F_SETUP 0x09 #define FXOS8700_REG_WHOAMI 0x0d #define FXOS8700_REG_CTRLREG1 0x2a #define FXOS8700_REG_CTRLREG2 0x2b #define FXOS8700_REG_CTRLREG3 0x2c #define FXOS8700_REG_CTRLREG4 0x2d #define FXOS8700_REG_CTRLREG5 0x2e #define WHOAMI_ID_FXOS8700 0xC7 #define FXOS8700_CTRLREG2_RST_MASK 0x40 static const struct device *const i2c_bus = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_NODELABEL(i2c0)); /** * Setup and enable the fxos8700 with its max sample rate and * FIFO. */ static int fxos8700_fifo_cfg(void) { int res; uint8_t data; TC_PRINT("Configuring FXOS8700\n"); /* Signal a reset */ i2c_reg_write_byte(i2c_bus, FXOS8700_I2C_ADDR, FXOS8700_REG_CTRLREG2, FXOS8700_CTRLREG2_RST_MASK); k_busy_wait(USEC_PER_MSEC); TC_PRINT("Getting whoami\n"); res = i2c_reg_read_byte(i2c_bus, FXOS8700_I2C_ADDR, FXOS8700_REG_WHOAMI, &data); if (res != 0) { TC_PRINT("Could not get WHOAMI value after reset\n"); return TC_FAIL; } if (data != WHOAMI_ID_FXOS8700) { TC_PRINT("Not an FXOS8700 sensor\n"); return TC_FAIL; } /* Enable FIFO mode with a watermark of 16 */ res = i2c_reg_write_byte(i2c_bus, FXOS8700_I2C_ADDR, FXOS8700_REG_F_SETUP, 0x50); if (res != 0) { TC_PRINT("Failed to setup FIFO\n"); return TC_FAIL; } /* Activate the sensor */ res = i2c_reg_write_byte(i2c_bus, FXOS8700_I2C_ADDR, FXOS8700_REG_CTRLREG1, 0x01); if (res != 0) { TC_PRINT("Failed to activate the sensor\n"); return TC_FAIL; } TC_PRINT("Configured FXOS8700\n"); return TC_PASS; } #define FXOS8700_XFERS 10 static uint8_t sample_buf[64]; static uint8_t reg = 0x01; static struct i2c_msg msgs[2] = { { .buf = ®, .len = 1, .flags = I2C_MSG_WRITE }, { .buf = sample_buf, .len = sizeof(sample_buf), .flags = I2C_MSG_READ | I2C_MSG_RESTART | I2C_MSG_STOP } }; /* Read 3 axis 14 bit (2 byte) data */ static int test_i2c_fxos8700_sync(void) { int res; TC_PRINT("fxos8700 sync test ...\n"); fxos8700_fifo_cfg(); for (int i = 0; i < FXOS8700_XFERS; i++) { res = i2c_transfer(i2c_bus, msgs, 2, FXOS8700_I2C_ADDR); zassert_ok(res, "expected xfer success"); } TC_PRINT("fxos8700 async test pass\n"); return TC_PASS; } ZTEST(frdm_k64f_i2c, test_i2c_sync) { zassert_equal(test_i2c_fxos8700_sync(), TC_PASS, "i2c sync test"); } static uint32_t xfer_count; static int xfer_res; static struct k_sem xfer_sem; static void test_i2c_fxos8700_async_cb(const struct device *dev, int result, void *userdata) { int res; if (result != 0) { xfer_res = result; k_sem_give(&xfer_sem); return; } if (xfer_count >= FXOS8700_XFERS) { xfer_res = 0; k_sem_give(&xfer_sem); return; } xfer_count++; res = i2c_transfer_cb(dev, msgs, 2, FXOS8700_I2C_ADDR, test_i2c_fxos8700_async_cb, NULL); zassert_ok(res, "expected ok for async transfer start"); } static int test_i2c_fxos8700_transfer_cb(void) { int res; TC_PRINT("fxos8700 async test ...\n"); fxos8700_fifo_cfg(); xfer_count = 0; k_sem_init(&xfer_sem, 0, 1); res = i2c_transfer_cb(i2c_bus, msgs, 2, FXOS8700_I2C_ADDR, test_i2c_fxos8700_async_cb, NULL); zassert_ok(res, "expected ok for async transfer start"); k_sem_take(&xfer_sem, K_FOREVER); zassert_ok(xfer_res, "expected success of xfer"); TC_PRINT("fxos8700 async test pass\n"); return TC_PASS; } ZTEST(frdm_k64f_i2c, test_i2c_transfer_cb) { zassert_equal(test_i2c_fxos8700_transfer_cb(), TC_PASS, "i2c_transfer_cb"); } static struct k_poll_signal xfer_signal; /* Mimic synchronous call with async_sem data and callback */ static int test_i2c_fxos8700_transfer_signal(void) { int res; TC_PRINT("fxos8700 i2c_transfer_signal test ...\n"); uint8_t usample_buf[64]; uint8_t ureg = 0x01; struct i2c_msg umsgs[2] = { { .buf = &ureg, .len = 1, .flags = I2C_MSG_WRITE }, { .buf = usample_buf, .len = sizeof(usample_buf), .flags = I2C_MSG_READ | I2C_MSG_RESTART | I2C_MSG_STOP } }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { TC_PRINT("umsgs[%d].flags %x\n", i, umsgs[i].flags); } k_poll_signal_init(&xfer_signal); struct k_poll_event events[1] = { K_POLL_EVENT_INITIALIZER(K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL, K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, &xfer_signal), }; fxos8700_fifo_cfg(); for (int i = 0; i < FXOS8700_XFERS; i++) { res = i2c_transfer_signal(i2c_bus, umsgs, 2, FXOS8700_I2C_ADDR, &xfer_signal); TC_PRINT("result of transfer_signal, %d\n", res); zassert_ok(res, "expected ok for async transfer start"); TC_PRINT("polling for completion\n"); /* Poll signal */ k_poll(events, 1, K_FOREVER); unsigned int signaled; int signal_result; k_poll_signal_check(&xfer_signal, &signaled, &signal_result); TC_PRINT("signaled %d, signal result %d\n", signaled, signal_result); zassert_true(signaled > 0, "expected signaled to be non-zero"); zassert_ok(signal_result, "expected result to be ok\n"); TC_PRINT("resetting signal\n"); k_poll_signal_reset(&xfer_signal); } TC_PRINT("fxos8700 i2c_transfer_signal test pass\n"); return TC_PASS; } ZTEST(frdm_k64f_i2c, test_i2c_transfer_signal) { zassert_equal(test_i2c_fxos8700_transfer_signal(), TC_PASS, "i2c_transfer_signal supervisor mode"); } ZTEST_SUITE(frdm_k64f_i2c, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);