/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "mocks/adv.h" #include "mocks/adv_expects.h" #include "mocks/conn.h" #include "mocks/conn_expects.h" #include "mocks/hci_core.h" #include "mocks/hci_core_expects.h" #include "mocks/net_buf.h" #include "mocks/net_buf_expects.h" #include "mocks/scan.h" #include "mocks/scan_expects.h" #include "testing_common_defs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include DEFINE_FFF_GLOBALS; static void fff_reset_rule_before(const struct ztest_unit_test *test, void *fixture) { memset(&bt_dev, 0x00, sizeof(struct bt_dev)); ADV_FFF_FAKES_LIST(RESET_FAKE); CONN_FFF_FAKES_LIST(RESET_FAKE); NET_BUF_FFF_FAKES_LIST(RESET_FAKE); HCI_CORE_FFF_FAKES_LIST(RESET_FAKE); } ZTEST_RULE(fff_reset_rule, fff_reset_rule_before, NULL); ZTEST_SUITE(bt_id_add, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* * Test adding key to the resolving list when size of the controller resolving list is zero * * Constraints: * - bt_dev.le.rl_size is set to 0 * * Expected behaviour: * - Passed key state is updated by setting 'BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED' bit */ ZTEST(bt_id_add, test_zero_controller_list_size) { struct bt_keys keys = {0}; uint8_t expected_rl_entries; bt_dev.le.rl_size = 0; bt_dev.le.rl_entries = 0; expected_rl_entries = bt_dev.le.rl_entries + 1; bt_id_add(&keys); expect_not_called_bt_conn_lookup_state_le(); zassert_equal(expected_rl_entries, bt_dev.le.rl_entries, "Incorrect entries count"); zassert_true((keys.state & BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED) == BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED, "Incorrect key state"); } /* * Test adding key to the resolving list when host side resolving is used * * Constraints: * - bt_dev.le.rl_size is set to a value greater than 0 * - 'bt_dev.le.rl_entries > bt_dev.le.rl_size' condition is true * * Expected behaviour: * - Passed key state is updated by setting 'BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED' bit */ ZTEST(bt_id_add, test_host_side_resolving_used) { struct bt_keys keys = {0}; uint8_t expected_rl_entries; bt_dev.le.rl_size = 1; bt_dev.le.rl_entries = 2; expected_rl_entries = bt_dev.le.rl_entries + 1; bt_id_add(&keys); expect_not_called_bt_conn_lookup_state_le(); zassert_equal(expected_rl_entries, bt_dev.le.rl_entries, "Incorrect entries count"); zassert_true((keys.state & BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED) == BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED, "Incorrect key state"); } /* * Test adding key to the resolving list if host side resolving isn't used. * bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns a valid connection reference. * * Constraints: * - bt_dev.le.rl_size is set to a value greater than 0 * - 'bt_dev.le.rl_entries > bt_dev.le.rl_size' condition is false * - bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns a valid connection reference. * * Expected behaviour: * - Passed key state is updated by setting 'BT_KEYS_ID_PENDING_ADD' bit * - 'BT_DEV_ID_PENDING' in bt_dev.flags is set */ ZTEST(bt_id_add, test_conn_lookup_returns_valid_conn_ref) { struct bt_keys keys = {0}; struct bt_conn conn_ref = {0}; /* Break the host-side resolving condition */ bt_dev.le.rl_size = 1; bt_dev.le.rl_entries = 1; bt_conn_lookup_state_le_fake.return_val = &conn_ref; bt_id_add(&keys); expect_single_call_bt_conn_lookup_state_le(BT_ID_DEFAULT, NULL, BT_CONN_INITIATING); expect_single_call_bt_conn_unref(&conn_ref); zassert_true((keys.state & BT_KEYS_ID_PENDING_ADD) == BT_KEYS_ID_PENDING_ADD, "Incorrect key state"); zassert_true(atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ID_PENDING), "Flags were not correctly set"); } void bt_le_ext_adv_foreach_custom_fake(void (*func)(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv, void *data), void *data) { struct bt_le_ext_adv adv_params = {0}; __ASSERT_NO_MSG(func != NULL); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(data != NULL); atomic_set_bit(adv_params.flags, BT_ADV_ENABLED); atomic_set_bit(adv_params.flags, BT_ADV_LIMITED); func(&adv_params, data); } /* * Test adding key to the resolving list if host side resolving isn't used. * bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns a NULL connection reference and 'CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER' and * 'CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV' are enabled. * * Constraints: * - bt_dev.le.rl_size is set to a value greater than 0 * - 'bt_dev.le.rl_entries > bt_dev.le.rl_size' condition is false * - bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns NULL. * - 'CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER' and 'CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV' are enabled. * - adv_is_limited_enabled() sets advertise enable flag to true * * Expected behaviour: * - Passed key state is updated by setting 'BT_KEYS_ID_PENDING_ADD' bit and 'BT_DEV_ID_PENDING' * in bt_dev.flags is set if advertising is enabled */ ZTEST(bt_id_add, test_conn_lookup_returns_null_broadcaster_ext_adv_enabled) { struct bt_keys keys = {0}; Z_TEST_SKIP_IFNDEF(CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV); Z_TEST_SKIP_IFNDEF(CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER); /* Break the host-side resolving condition */ bt_dev.le.rl_size = 1; bt_dev.le.rl_entries = 1; bt_conn_lookup_state_le_fake.return_val = NULL; /* When bt_le_ext_adv_foreach() is called, this callback will be triggered and causes * adv_is_limited_enabled() to set the advertising enable flag to true. */ bt_le_ext_adv_foreach_fake.custom_fake = bt_le_ext_adv_foreach_custom_fake; bt_id_add(&keys); expect_single_call_bt_le_ext_adv_foreach(); zassert_true((keys.state & BT_KEYS_ID_PENDING_ADD) == BT_KEYS_ID_PENDING_ADD, "Incorrect key state"); zassert_true(atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ID_PENDING), "Flags were not correctly set"); } /* * Test adding key to the resolving list if host side resolving isn't used. * bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns a NULL connection reference. * 'CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER' is enabled while 'CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV' isn't enabled. * * Constraints: * - bt_dev.le.rl_size is set to a value greater than 0 * - bt_dev.le.rl_entries equals bt_dev.le.rl_size * - bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns NULL. * - 'CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER' is enabled. * - 'CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV' isn't enabled. * * Expected behaviour: * - Passed key state is updated by setting 'BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED' bit */ ZTEST(bt_id_add, test_conn_lookup_returns_null_broadcaster_no_ext_adv) { struct bt_keys keys = {0}; struct net_buf net_buff = {0}; uint8_t expected_rl_entries; Z_TEST_SKIP_IFDEF(CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV); Z_TEST_SKIP_IFNDEF(CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER); /* Break the host-side resolving condition */ bt_dev.le.rl_size = 1; bt_dev.le.rl_entries = 1; expected_rl_entries = bt_dev.le.rl_entries + 1; bt_conn_lookup_state_le_fake.return_val = NULL; /* This makes addr_res_enable() succeeds and returns 0 */ bt_hci_cmd_create_fake.return_val = &net_buff; bt_hci_cmd_send_sync_fake.return_val = 0; bt_id_add(&keys); zassert_equal(expected_rl_entries, bt_dev.le.rl_entries, "Incorrect entries count"); zassert_true((keys.state & BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED) == BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED, "Incorrect key state"); } /* * Test adding key to the resolving list if host side resolving isn't used. * bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns a NULL connection reference. * Number of entries in the resolving list is 0. * 'CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER' is enabled while 'CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV' isn't enabled. * * Constraints: * - bt_dev.le.rl_size is set to a value greater than 0 * - bt_dev.le.rl_entries is set to 0 * - bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns NULL. * - 'CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER' is enabled. * - 'CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV' isn't enabled. * * Expected behaviour: * - Passed key state is updated by setting 'BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED' bit */ ZTEST(bt_id_add, test_conn_lookup_returns_null_no_ext_adv_no_resolving_entries) { struct bt_keys keys = {0}; struct net_buf net_buff = {0}; struct bt_hci_cp_le_add_dev_to_rl cp = {0}; uint8_t expected_rl_entries; uint8_t zero_irk[16] = {0}; uint8_t testing_irk_value[16] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15}; Z_TEST_SKIP_IFDEF(CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV); Z_TEST_SKIP_IFNDEF(CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER); bt_addr_le_copy(&keys.addr, BT_RPA_LE_ADDR); memcpy(keys.irk.val, testing_irk_value, 16); /* Break the host-side resolving condition */ bt_dev.le.rl_size = 1; bt_dev.le.rl_entries = 0; expected_rl_entries = bt_dev.le.rl_entries + 1; bt_conn_lookup_state_le_fake.return_val = NULL; /* This makes hci_id_add() succeeds and returns 0 */ net_buf_simple_add_fake.return_val = &cp; bt_hci_cmd_create_fake.return_val = &net_buff; bt_hci_cmd_send_sync_fake.return_val = 0; bt_id_add(&keys); /* This verifies hci_id_add() behaviour */ expect_single_call_net_buf_simple_add(&net_buff.b, sizeof(cp)); zassert_mem_equal(&cp.peer_id_addr, BT_RPA_LE_ADDR, sizeof(bt_addr_le_t), "Incorrect address was set"); zassert_mem_equal(cp.peer_irk, testing_irk_value, sizeof(testing_irk_value), "Incorrect IRK value was set"); zassert_mem_equal(cp.local_irk, zero_irk, sizeof(zero_irk), "Incorrect IRK value was set"); zassert_equal(expected_rl_entries, bt_dev.le.rl_entries, "Incorrect entries count"); zassert_true((keys.state & BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED) == BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED, "Incorrect key state"); } /* * Test stopping scanning procedure if it is currently active and re-enable it after updating keys. * If it is active, it is disabled then re-enabled after updating the key status. * bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns a NULL connection reference. * 'CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER', 'CONFIG_BT_OBSERVER' and 'CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV' are enabled. * * Constraints: * - bt_dev.le.rl_size is set to a value greater than 0 * - bt_dev.le.rl_entries is set to 0 * - bt_conn_lookup_state_le() returns NULL. * - 'CONFIG_BT_BROADCASTER' is enabled. * - 'CONFIG_BT_OBSERVER' is enabled. * - 'CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV' is enabled. * * Expected behaviour: * - Passed key state is updated by setting 'BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED' bit */ ZTEST(bt_id_add, test_scan_re_enabled_observer_enabled_ext_adv) { struct bt_keys keys = {0}; struct net_buf net_buff = {0}; struct bt_hci_cp_le_add_dev_to_rl cp = {0}; uint8_t expected_args_history[] = {BT_HCI_LE_SCAN_DISABLE, BT_HCI_LE_SCAN_ENABLE}; uint8_t expected_rl_entries; Z_TEST_SKIP_IFNDEF(CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV); Z_TEST_SKIP_IFNDEF(CONFIG_BT_OBSERVER); /* Break the host-side resolving condition */ bt_dev.le.rl_size = 1; bt_dev.le.rl_entries = 0; expected_rl_entries = bt_dev.le.rl_entries + 1; /* Make scan enabled flag true */ atomic_set_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_SCANNING); atomic_set_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_SCAN_LIMITED); bt_conn_lookup_state_le_fake.return_val = NULL; /* This makes hci_id_add() succeeds and returns 0 */ net_buf_simple_add_fake.return_val = &cp; bt_hci_cmd_create_fake.return_val = &net_buff; bt_hci_cmd_send_sync_fake.return_val = 0; bt_id_add(&keys); expect_call_count_bt_le_scan_set_enable(2, expected_args_history); zassert_equal(expected_rl_entries, bt_dev.le.rl_entries, "Incorrect entries count"); zassert_true((keys.state & BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED) == BT_KEYS_ID_ADDED, "Incorrect key state"); zassert_true((keys.state & BT_KEYS_ID_PENDING_ADD) == BT_KEYS_ID_PENDING_ADD, "Incorrect key state"); }