/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUFFER_SIZE 32 struct busy_sim_data { uint32_t idle_avg; uint32_t active_avg; uint16_t idle_delta; uint16_t active_delta; uint32_t us_tick; struct counter_alarm_cfg alarm_cfg; busy_sim_cb_t cb; }; static struct k_work sim_work; static struct ring_buf rnd_rbuf; static uint8_t rnd_buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; struct busy_sim_config { const struct device *entropy; const struct device *counter; struct gpio_dt_spec pin_spec; }; #define DT_BUSY_SIM DT_COMPAT_GET_ANY_STATUS_OKAY(vnd_busy_sim) BUILD_ASSERT(DT_NUM_INST_STATUS_OKAY(vnd_busy_sim) == 1, "add exactly one vnd,busy-sim node to the devicetree"); #if defined(CONFIG_XOSHIRO_RANDOM_GENERATOR) || defined(CONFIG_TIMER_RANDOM_GENERATOR) #define USE_TEST_RANDOM 1 #endif static const struct busy_sim_config sim_config = { .entropy = COND_CODE_1(USE_TEST_RANDOM, (NULL), (DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_CHOSEN(zephyr_entropy)))), .counter = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_PHANDLE(DT_BUSY_SIM, counter)), .pin_spec = GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_OR(DT_BUSY_SIM, active_gpios, {0}), }; static struct busy_sim_data sim_data; static const struct device *const busy_sim_dev = DEVICE_DT_GET_ONE(vnd_busy_sim); static void rng_pool_work_handler(struct k_work *work) { uint8_t *buf; uint32_t len; const struct busy_sim_config *config = busy_sim_dev->config; len = ring_buf_put_claim(&rnd_rbuf, &buf, BUFFER_SIZE - 1); if (len) { int err = entropy_get_entropy(config->entropy, buf, len); if (err == 0) { ring_buf_put_finish(&rnd_rbuf, len); return; } ring_buf_put_finish(&rnd_rbuf, 0); } k_work_submit(work); } static uint32_t get_timeout(bool idle, bool use_rand) { struct busy_sim_data *data = busy_sim_dev->data; uint32_t avg = idle ? data->idle_avg : data->active_avg; uint32_t delta = idle ? data->idle_delta : data->active_delta; uint16_t rand_val; uint32_t len; if (use_rand) { sys_rand_get(&rand_val, sizeof(rand_val)); } else { len = ring_buf_get(&rnd_rbuf, (uint8_t *)&rand_val, sizeof(rand_val)); if (len < sizeof(rand_val)) { k_work_submit(&sim_work); rand_val = 0; } } avg *= data->us_tick; delta *= data->us_tick; return avg - delta + 2 * (rand_val % delta); } static void counter_alarm_callback(const struct device *dev, uint8_t chan_id, uint32_t ticks, void *user_data) { int err; const struct busy_sim_config *config = busy_sim_dev->config; struct busy_sim_data *data = busy_sim_dev->data; data->alarm_cfg.ticks = get_timeout(true, !config->entropy); if (config->pin_spec.port) { err = gpio_pin_set_dt(&config->pin_spec, 1); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(err >= 0); } /* Busy loop */ if (data->cb) { data->cb(); } k_busy_wait(get_timeout(false, !config->entropy) / data->us_tick); if (config->pin_spec.port) { err = gpio_pin_set_dt(&config->pin_spec, 0); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(err >= 0); } err = counter_set_channel_alarm(config->counter, 0, &data->alarm_cfg); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(err == 0); } void busy_sim_start(uint32_t active_avg, uint32_t active_delta, uint32_t idle_avg, uint32_t idle_delta, busy_sim_cb_t cb) { int err; const struct busy_sim_config *config = busy_sim_dev->config; struct busy_sim_data *data = busy_sim_dev->data; data->cb = cb; data->active_avg = active_avg; data->active_delta = active_delta; data->idle_avg = idle_avg; data->idle_delta = idle_delta; if (config->entropy) { err = k_work_submit(&sim_work); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(err >= 0); } data->alarm_cfg.ticks = counter_us_to_ticks(config->counter, 100); err = counter_set_channel_alarm(config->counter, 0, &data->alarm_cfg); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(err == 0); err = counter_start(config->counter); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(err == 0); } void busy_sim_stop(void) { int err; const struct busy_sim_config *config = busy_sim_dev->config; if (config->entropy) { k_work_cancel(&sim_work); } err = counter_cancel_channel_alarm(config->counter, 0); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(err == 0); err = counter_stop(config->counter); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(err == 0); } static int busy_sim_init(const struct device *dev) { uint32_t freq; const struct busy_sim_config *config = dev->config; struct busy_sim_data *data = dev->data; if ((config->pin_spec.port && !gpio_is_ready_dt(&config->pin_spec)) || !device_is_ready(config->counter) || (config->entropy && !device_is_ready(config->entropy))) { __ASSERT(0, "Devices needed by busy simulator not ready."); return -EIO; } if (config->pin_spec.port) { gpio_pin_configure_dt(&config->pin_spec, GPIO_OUTPUT | GPIO_OUTPUT_INIT_LOW); } freq = counter_get_frequency(config->counter); if (freq < 1000000) { __ASSERT(0, "Counter device has too low frequency for busy simulator."); return -EINVAL; } if (config->entropy) { k_work_init(&sim_work, rng_pool_work_handler); ring_buf_init(&rnd_rbuf, BUFFER_SIZE, rnd_buf); } data->us_tick = freq / 1000000; data->alarm_cfg.callback = counter_alarm_callback; data->alarm_cfg.flags = COUNTER_ALARM_CFG_EXPIRE_WHEN_LATE; return 0; } DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(DT_BUSY_SIM, busy_sim_init, NULL, &sim_data, &sim_config, POST_KERNEL, CONFIG_APPLICATION_INIT_PRIORITY, NULL);