/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include "shell_ops.h" #define CMD_CURSOR_LEN 8 void z_shell_op_cursor_vert_move(const struct shell *sh, int32_t delta) { char dir = delta > 0 ? 'A' : 'B'; if (delta == 0) { return; } if (delta < 0) { delta = -delta; } Z_SHELL_VT100_CMD(sh, "\e[%d%c", delta, dir); } void z_shell_op_cursor_horiz_move(const struct shell *sh, int32_t delta) { char dir = delta > 0 ? 'C' : 'D'; if (delta == 0) { return; } if (delta < 0) { delta = -delta; } Z_SHELL_VT100_CMD(sh, "\e[%d%c", delta, dir); } /* Function returns true if command length is equal to multiplicity of terminal * width. */ static inline bool full_line_cmd(const struct shell *sh) { size_t line_length = sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len + z_shell_strlen(sh->ctx->prompt); if (line_length == 0) { return false; } return (line_length % sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons.terminal_wid == 0U); } /* Function returns true if cursor is at beginning of an empty line. */ bool z_shell_cursor_in_empty_line(const struct shell *sh) { return (((sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos * sh->ctx->cfg.flags.echo) + z_shell_strlen(sh->ctx->prompt)) % sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons.terminal_wid == 0U); } void z_shell_op_cond_next_line(const struct shell *sh) { if (z_shell_cursor_in_empty_line(sh) || full_line_cmd(sh)) { z_cursor_next_line_move(sh); } } void z_shell_op_cursor_position_synchronize(const struct shell *sh) { struct shell_multiline_cons *cons = &sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons; bool last_line; z_shell_multiline_data_calc(cons, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len); last_line = (cons->cur_y == cons->cur_y_end); /* In case cursor reaches the bottom line of a terminal, it will * be moved to the next line. */ if (full_line_cmd(sh)) { z_cursor_next_line_move(sh); } if (last_line) { z_shell_op_cursor_horiz_move(sh, cons->cur_x - cons->cur_x_end); } else { z_shell_op_cursor_vert_move(sh, cons->cur_y_end - cons->cur_y); z_shell_op_cursor_horiz_move(sh, cons->cur_x - cons->cur_x_end); } } void z_shell_op_cursor_move(const struct shell *sh, int16_t val) { struct shell_multiline_cons *cons = &sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons; uint16_t new_pos = sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos + val; int32_t row_span; int32_t col_span; z_shell_multiline_data_calc(cons, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len); /* Calculate the new cursor. */ row_span = z_row_span_with_buffer_offsets_get( &sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos, new_pos); col_span = z_column_span_with_buffer_offsets_get( &sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos, new_pos); z_shell_op_cursor_vert_move(sh, -row_span); z_shell_op_cursor_horiz_move(sh, col_span); sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos = new_pos; } static uint16_t shift_calc(const char *str, uint16_t pos, uint16_t len, int16_t sign) { bool found = false; uint16_t ret = 0U; uint16_t idx; while (1) { idx = pos + ret * sign; if (((idx == 0U) && (sign < 0)) || ((idx == len) && (sign > 0))) { break; } if (isalnum((int)str[idx]) != 0) { found = true; } else { if (found) { break; } } ret++; } return ret; } void z_shell_op_cursor_word_move(const struct shell *sh, int16_t val) { int16_t shift; int16_t sign; if (val < 0) { val = -val; sign = -1; } else { sign = 1; } while (val--) { shift = shift_calc(sh->ctx->cmd_buff, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len, sign); z_shell_op_cursor_move(sh, sign * shift); } } void z_shell_op_word_remove(const struct shell *sh) { /* Line must not be empty and cursor must not be at 0 to continue. */ if ((sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len == 0) || (sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos == 0)) { return; } char *str = &sh->ctx->cmd_buff[sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos - 1]; char *str_start = &sh->ctx->cmd_buff[0]; uint16_t chars_to_delete; /* Start at the current position. */ chars_to_delete = 0U; /* Look back for all spaces then for non-spaces. */ while ((str >= str_start) && (*str == ' ')) { ++chars_to_delete; --str; } while ((str >= str_start) && (*str != ' ')) { ++chars_to_delete; --str; } /* Manage the buffer. */ memmove(str + 1, str + 1 + chars_to_delete, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len - chars_to_delete); sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len -= chars_to_delete; sh->ctx->cmd_buff[sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len] = '\0'; /* Update display. */ z_shell_op_cursor_move(sh, -chars_to_delete); z_cursor_save(sh); z_shell_fprintf(sh, SHELL_NORMAL, "%s", str + 1); z_clear_eos(sh); z_cursor_restore(sh); } void z_shell_op_cursor_home_move(const struct shell *sh) { z_shell_op_cursor_move(sh, -sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos); } void z_shell_op_cursor_end_move(const struct shell *sh) { z_shell_op_cursor_move(sh, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len - sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos); } void z_shell_op_left_arrow(const struct shell *sh) { if (sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos > 0) { z_shell_op_cursor_move(sh, -1); } } void z_shell_op_right_arrow(const struct shell *sh) { if (sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos < sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len) { z_shell_op_cursor_move(sh, 1); } } static void reprint_from_cursor(const struct shell *sh, uint16_t diff, bool data_removed) { /* Clear eos is needed only when newly printed command is shorter than * previously printed command. This can happen when delete or backspace * was called. * * Such condition is useful for Bluetooth devices to save number of * bytes transmitted between terminal and device. */ if (data_removed) { z_clear_eos(sh); } if (z_flag_obscure_get(sh)) { int len = strlen(&sh->ctx->cmd_buff[sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos]); while (len--) { z_shell_raw_fprintf(sh->fprintf_ctx, "*"); } } else { z_shell_fprintf(sh, SHELL_NORMAL, "%s", &sh->ctx->cmd_buff[sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos]); } sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos = sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len; if (full_line_cmd(sh)) { if (((data_removed) && (diff > 0)) || (!data_removed)) { z_cursor_next_line_move(sh); } } z_shell_op_cursor_move(sh, -diff); } static void data_insert(const struct shell *sh, const char *data, uint16_t len) { uint16_t after = sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len - sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos; char *curr_pos = &sh->ctx->cmd_buff[sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos]; if ((sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len + len) >= CONFIG_SHELL_CMD_BUFF_SIZE) { return; } memmove(curr_pos + len, curr_pos, after); memcpy(curr_pos, data, len); sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len += len; sh->ctx->cmd_buff[sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len] = '\0'; if (!z_flag_echo_get(sh)) { sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos += len; return; } reprint_from_cursor(sh, after, false); } static void char_replace(const struct shell *sh, char data) { sh->ctx->cmd_buff[sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos++] = data; if (!z_flag_echo_get(sh)) { return; } if (z_flag_obscure_get(sh)) { data = '*'; } z_shell_raw_fprintf(sh->fprintf_ctx, "%c", data); if (z_shell_cursor_in_empty_line(sh)) { z_cursor_next_line_move(sh); } } void z_shell_op_char_insert(const struct shell *sh, char data) { if (z_flag_insert_mode_get(sh) && (sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len != sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos)) { char_replace(sh, data); } else { data_insert(sh, &data, 1); } } void z_shell_op_char_backspace(const struct shell *sh) { if ((sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len == 0) || (sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos == 0)) { return; } z_shell_op_cursor_move(sh, -1); z_shell_op_char_delete(sh); } void z_shell_op_char_delete(const struct shell *sh) { uint16_t diff = sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len - sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos; char *str = &sh->ctx->cmd_buff[sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos]; if (diff == 0U) { return; } memmove(str, str + 1, diff); --sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len; reprint_from_cursor(sh, --diff, true); } void z_shell_op_delete_from_cursor(const struct shell *sh) { sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len = sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos; sh->ctx->cmd_buff[sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos] = '\0'; z_clear_eos(sh); } void z_shell_op_completion_insert(const struct shell *sh, const char *compl, uint16_t compl_len) { data_insert(sh, compl, compl_len); } void z_shell_cmd_line_erase(const struct shell *sh) { z_shell_multiline_data_calc(&sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_pos, sh->ctx->cmd_buff_len); z_shell_op_cursor_horiz_move(sh, -(sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons.cur_x - 1)); z_shell_op_cursor_vert_move(sh, sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons.cur_y - 1); z_clear_eos(sh); } static void print_prompt(const struct shell *sh) { z_shell_fprintf(sh, SHELL_INFO, "%s", sh->ctx->prompt); } void z_shell_print_cmd(const struct shell *sh) { int beg_offset = 0; int end_offset = 0; int cmd_width = z_shell_strlen(sh->ctx->cmd_buff); int adjust = sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons.name_len; char ch; while (cmd_width > sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons.terminal_wid - adjust) { end_offset += sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons.terminal_wid - adjust; ch = sh->ctx->cmd_buff[end_offset]; sh->ctx->cmd_buff[end_offset] = '\0'; z_shell_raw_fprintf(sh->fprintf_ctx, "%s\n", &sh->ctx->cmd_buff[beg_offset]); sh->ctx->cmd_buff[end_offset] = ch; cmd_width -= (sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.cons.terminal_wid - adjust); beg_offset = end_offset; adjust = 0; } if (cmd_width > 0) { z_shell_raw_fprintf(sh->fprintf_ctx, "%s", &sh->ctx->cmd_buff[beg_offset]); } } void z_shell_print_prompt_and_cmd(const struct shell *sh) { print_prompt(sh); if (z_flag_echo_get(sh)) { z_shell_print_cmd(sh); z_shell_op_cursor_position_synchronize(sh); } } static void shell_pend_on_txdone(const struct shell *sh) { if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_MULTITHREADING) && (sh->ctx->state < SHELL_STATE_PANIC_MODE_ACTIVE)) { struct k_poll_event event; k_poll_event_init(&event, K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL, K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, &sh->ctx->signals[SHELL_SIGNAL_TXDONE]); k_poll(&event, 1, K_FOREVER); k_poll_signal_reset(&sh->ctx->signals[SHELL_SIGNAL_TXDONE]); } else { /* Blocking wait in case of bare metal. */ while (!z_flag_tx_rdy_get(sh)) { } z_flag_tx_rdy_set(sh, false); } } void z_shell_write(const struct shell *sh, const void *data, size_t length) { __ASSERT_NO_MSG(sh && data); size_t offset = 0; size_t tmp_cnt; while (length) { int err = sh->iface->api->write(sh->iface, &((const uint8_t *) data)[offset], length, &tmp_cnt); (void)err; __ASSERT_NO_MSG(err == 0); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(length >= tmp_cnt); offset += tmp_cnt; length -= tmp_cnt; if (tmp_cnt == 0 && (sh->ctx->state != SHELL_STATE_PANIC_MODE_ACTIVE)) { shell_pend_on_txdone(sh); } } } /* Function shall be only used by the fprintf module. */ void z_shell_print_stream(const void *user_ctx, const char *data, size_t len) { z_shell_write((const struct shell *) user_ctx, data, len); } static void vt100_bgcolor_set(const struct shell *sh, enum shell_vt100_color bgcolor) { if (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SHELL_VT100_COLORS)) { return; } if (bgcolor >= VT100_COLOR_END) { return; } if ((bgcolor == SHELL_NORMAL) || (sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.col.bgcol == bgcolor)) { return; } sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.col.bgcol = bgcolor; Z_SHELL_VT100_CMD(sh, "\e[403%dm", bgcolor); } void z_shell_vt100_color_set(const struct shell *sh, enum shell_vt100_color color) { if (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SHELL_VT100_COLORS)) { return; } if (color >= VT100_COLOR_END) { return; } if (sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.col.col == color) { return; } sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.col.col = color; if (color != SHELL_NORMAL) { Z_SHELL_VT100_CMD(sh, "\e[1;3%dm", color); } else { Z_SHELL_VT100_CMD(sh, SHELL_VT100_MODESOFF); } } void z_shell_vt100_colors_restore(const struct shell *sh, const struct shell_vt100_colors *color) { if (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SHELL_VT100_COLORS)) { return; } z_shell_vt100_color_set(sh, color->col); vt100_bgcolor_set(sh, color->bgcol); } void z_shell_vfprintf(const struct shell *sh, enum shell_vt100_color color, const char *fmt, va_list args) { if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SHELL_VT100_COLORS) && z_flag_use_colors_get(sh) && (color != sh->ctx->vt100_ctx.col.col)) { struct shell_vt100_colors col; z_shell_vt100_colors_store(sh, &col); z_shell_vt100_color_set(sh, color); z_shell_fprintf_fmt(sh->fprintf_ctx, fmt, args); z_shell_vt100_colors_restore(sh, &col); } else { z_shell_fprintf_fmt(sh->fprintf_ctx, fmt, args); } } void z_shell_fprintf(const struct shell *sh, enum shell_vt100_color color, const char *fmt, ...) { __ASSERT_NO_MSG(sh); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(sh->ctx); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(sh->fprintf_ctx); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(fmt); __ASSERT(z_flag_sync_mode_get(sh) || !k_is_in_isr(), "Thread context required."); va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); z_shell_vfprintf(sh, color, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void z_shell_backend_rx_buffer_flush(const struct shell *sh) { __ASSERT_NO_MSG(sh); int32_t max_iterations = 1000; uint8_t buf[64]; size_t count = 0; int err; do { err = sh->iface->api->read(sh->iface, buf, sizeof(buf), &count); } while (count != 0 && err == 0 && --max_iterations > 0); }