/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Foundries.io * Copyright (c) 2024 FTP Technologies * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #define LOG_MODULE_NAME net_lwm2m_obj_location #define LOG_LEVEL CONFIG_LWM2M_LOG_LEVEL #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(LOG_MODULE_NAME); #include #include #include "lwm2m_object.h" #include "lwm2m_engine.h" #define LOCATION_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define LOCATION_VERSION_MINOR 0 /* resource IDs */ #define LOCATION_LATITUDE_ID 0 #define LOCATION_LONGITUDE_ID 1 #define LOCATION_ALTITUDE_ID 2 #define LOCATION_RADIUS_ID 3 #define LOCATION_VELOCITY_ID 4 #define LOCATION_TIMESTAMP_ID 5 #define LOCATION_SPEED_ID 6 #define LOCATION_MAX_ID 7 /* * Calculate resource instances as follows: * start with LOCATION_MAX_ID */ #define RESOURCE_INSTANCE_COUNT (LOCATION_MAX_ID) /* resource state */ static double latitude; static double longitude; static time_t timestamp; static struct lwm2m_engine_obj location; static struct lwm2m_engine_obj_field fields[] = { OBJ_FIELD_DATA(LOCATION_LATITUDE_ID, R, FLOAT), OBJ_FIELD_DATA(LOCATION_LONGITUDE_ID, R, FLOAT), OBJ_FIELD_DATA(LOCATION_ALTITUDE_ID, R_OPT, FLOAT), OBJ_FIELD_DATA(LOCATION_RADIUS_ID, R_OPT, FLOAT), OBJ_FIELD_DATA(LOCATION_VELOCITY_ID, R_OPT, OPAQUE), OBJ_FIELD_DATA(LOCATION_TIMESTAMP_ID, R, TIME), OBJ_FIELD_DATA(LOCATION_SPEED_ID, R_OPT, FLOAT), }; static struct lwm2m_engine_obj_inst inst; static struct lwm2m_engine_res res[LOCATION_MAX_ID]; static struct lwm2m_engine_res_inst res_inst[RESOURCE_INSTANCE_COUNT]; static struct lwm2m_engine_obj_inst *location_create(uint16_t obj_inst_id) { int i = 0, j = 0; if (inst.resource_count) { LOG_ERR("Only 1 instance of Location object can exist."); return NULL; } init_res_instance(res_inst, ARRAY_SIZE(res_inst)); /* initialize instance resource data */ INIT_OBJ_RES_DATA(LOCATION_LATITUDE_ID, res, i, res_inst, j, &latitude, sizeof(latitude)); INIT_OBJ_RES_DATA(LOCATION_LONGITUDE_ID, res, i, res_inst, j, &longitude, sizeof(longitude)); INIT_OBJ_RES_OPTDATA(LOCATION_ALTITUDE_ID, res, i, res_inst, j); INIT_OBJ_RES_OPTDATA(LOCATION_RADIUS_ID, res, i, res_inst, j); INIT_OBJ_RES_OPTDATA(LOCATION_VELOCITY_ID, res, i, res_inst, j); INIT_OBJ_RES_DATA(LOCATION_TIMESTAMP_ID, res, i, res_inst, j, ×tamp, sizeof(timestamp)); INIT_OBJ_RES_OPTDATA(LOCATION_SPEED_ID, res, i, res_inst, j); inst.resources = res; inst.resource_count = i; LOG_DBG("Create Location instance: %d", obj_inst_id); return &inst; } static int ipso_location_init(void) { int ret; struct lwm2m_engine_obj_inst *obj_inst = NULL; location.obj_id = LWM2M_OBJECT_LOCATION_ID; location.version_major = LOCATION_VERSION_MAJOR; location.version_minor = LOCATION_VERSION_MINOR; location.is_core = true; location.fields = fields; location.field_count = ARRAY_SIZE(fields); location.max_instance_count = 1U; location.create_cb = location_create; lwm2m_register_obj(&location); /* auto create the only instance */ ret = lwm2m_create_obj_inst(LWM2M_OBJECT_LOCATION_ID, 0, &obj_inst); if (ret < 0) { LOG_DBG("Create LWM2M instance 0 error: %d", ret); } return ret; } LWM2M_CORE_INIT(ipso_location_init);