/* * Copyright (c) 2024 Meta Platforms * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include const struct symtab_info *symtab_get(void) { extern const struct symtab_info z_symtab; return &z_symtab; } const char *symtab_find_symbol_name(uintptr_t addr, uint32_t *offset) { const struct symtab_info *const symtab = symtab_get(); const uint32_t symbol_offset = addr - symtab->first_addr; uint32_t left = 0, right = symtab->length; uint32_t ret_offset = 0; const char *ret_name = "?"; /* No need to search if the address is out-of-bound */ if (symbol_offset < symtab->entries[symtab->length].offset) { while (left <= right) { uint32_t mid = left + (right - left) / 2; if ((symbol_offset >= symtab->entries[mid].offset) && (symbol_offset < symtab->entries[mid + 1].offset)) { ret_offset = symbol_offset - symtab->entries[mid].offset; ret_name = symtab->entries[mid].name; break; } else if (symbol_offset < symtab->entries[mid].offset) { right = mid - 1; } else { left = mid + 1; } } } if (offset != NULL) { *offset = ret_offset; } return ret_name; } #ifdef CONFIG_SYMTAB_SHELL static int cmd_symtab_list(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[]) { ARG_UNUSED(argc); ARG_UNUSED(argv); const struct symtab_info *const symtab = symtab_get(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < symtab->length; i++) { const struct z_symtab_entry *const entry = &symtab->entries[i]; shell_print(sh, "%d\t%p %s", i + 1, (void *)(entry->offset + symtab->first_addr), entry->name); } return 0; } SHELL_STATIC_SUBCMD_SET_CREATE(symtab_cmds, SHELL_CMD(list, NULL, "Show symbol list.", cmd_symtab_list), SHELL_SUBCMD_SET_END ); SHELL_CMD_REGISTER(symtab, &symtab_cmds, "Symbol table shell commands", NULL); #endif /* CONFIG_SYMTAB_SHELL */