/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include "hal/ccm.h" #include "hal/radio.h" #include "hal/ticker.h" #include "hal/radio_df.h" #include "util/util.h" #include "util/memq.h" #include "util/dbuf.h" #include "pdu_df.h" #include "pdu_vendor.h" #include "pdu.h" #include "lll.h" #include "lll_vendor.h" #include "lll_clock.h" #include "lll_chan.h" #include "lll_df_types.h" #include "lll_scan.h" #include "lll_sync.h" #include "lll_internal.h" #include "lll_tim_internal.h" #include "lll_prof_internal.h" #include "lll_scan_internal.h" #include "lll_df.h" #include "lll_df_internal.h" #include "ll_feat.h" #include #include #include "hal/debug.h" static int init_reset(void); static void prepare(void *param); static int create_prepare_cb(struct lll_prepare_param *p); static int prepare_cb(struct lll_prepare_param *p); static int prepare_cb_common(struct lll_prepare_param *p, uint8_t chan_idx); static int is_abort_cb(void *next, void *curr, lll_prepare_cb_t *resume_cb); static void abort_cb(struct lll_prepare_param *prepare_param, void *param); static int isr_rx(struct lll_sync *lll, uint8_t node_type, uint8_t crc_ok, uint8_t phy_flags_rx, uint8_t cte_ready, uint8_t rssi_ready, enum sync_status status); static void isr_rx_adv_sync_estab(void *param); static void isr_rx_adv_sync(void *param); static void isr_rx_aux_chain(void *param); static void isr_rx_done_cleanup(struct lll_sync *lll, uint8_t crc_ok, bool sync_term); static void isr_done(void *param); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) static int iq_report_create_put(struct lll_sync *lll, uint8_t rssi_ready, uint8_t packet_status); static int iq_report_incomplete_create_put(struct lll_sync *lll); static void iq_report_incomplete_release_put(struct lll_sync *lll); static bool is_max_cte_reached(uint8_t max_cte_count, uint8_t cte_count); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ static uint8_t data_channel_calc(struct lll_sync *lll); static enum sync_status sync_filtrate_by_cte_type(uint8_t cte_type_mask, uint8_t filter_policy); static uint8_t trx_cnt; int lll_sync_init(void) { int err; err = init_reset(); if (err) { return err; } return 0; } int lll_sync_reset(void) { int err; err = init_reset(); if (err) { return err; } return 0; } void lll_sync_create_prepare(void *param) { int err; prepare(param); /* Invoke common pipeline handling of prepare */ err = lll_prepare(is_abort_cb, abort_cb, create_prepare_cb, 0, param); LL_ASSERT(!err || err == -EINPROGRESS); } void lll_sync_prepare(void *param) { int err; prepare(param); /* Invoke common pipeline handling of prepare */ err = lll_prepare(is_abort_cb, abort_cb, prepare_cb, 0, param); LL_ASSERT(!err || err == -EINPROGRESS); } static void prepare(void *param) { struct lll_prepare_param *p; struct lll_sync *lll; int err; /* Request to start HF Clock */ err = lll_hfclock_on(); LL_ASSERT(err >= 0); p = param; lll = p->param; lll->lazy_prepare = p->lazy; /* Accumulate window widening */ lll->window_widening_prepare_us += lll->window_widening_periodic_us * (lll->lazy_prepare + 1U); if (lll->window_widening_prepare_us > lll->window_widening_max_us) { lll->window_widening_prepare_us = lll->window_widening_max_us; } } void lll_sync_aux_prepare_cb(struct lll_sync *lll, struct lll_scan_aux *lll_aux) { struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx; /* Initialize Trx count */ trx_cnt = 0U; /* Start setting up Radio h/w */ radio_reset(); radio_phy_set(lll_aux->phy, PHY_FLAGS_S8); radio_pkt_configure(RADIO_PKT_CONF_LENGTH_8BIT, LL_EXT_OCTETS_RX_MAX, RADIO_PKT_CONF_PHY(lll_aux->phy)); node_rx = ull_pdu_rx_alloc_peek(1); LL_ASSERT(node_rx); radio_pkt_rx_set(node_rx->pdu); /* Set access address for sync */ radio_aa_set(lll->access_addr); radio_crc_configure(PDU_CRC_POLYNOMIAL, sys_get_le24(lll->crc_init)); lll_chan_set(lll_aux->chan); radio_isr_set(isr_rx_aux_chain, lll); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) struct lll_df_sync_cfg *cfg; cfg = lll_df_sync_cfg_latest_get(&lll->df_cfg, NULL); if (cfg->is_enabled) { int err; /* Prepare additional node for reporting insufficient memory for IQ samples * reports. */ err = lll_df_iq_report_no_resources_prepare(lll); if (!err) { err = lll_df_conf_cte_rx_enable(cfg->slot_durations, cfg->ant_sw_len, cfg->ant_ids, lll_aux->chan, CTE_INFO_IN_PAYLOAD, lll_aux->phy); if (err) { lll->is_cte_incomplete = true; } } else { lll->is_cte_incomplete = true; } cfg->cte_count = 0; } else { /* If CTE reception is disabled, release additional node allocated to report * insufficient memory for IQ samples. */ iq_report_incomplete_release_put(lll); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ radio_switch_complete_and_disable(); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING) enum sync_status lll_sync_cte_is_allowed(uint8_t cte_type_mask, uint8_t filter_policy, uint8_t rx_cte_time, uint8_t rx_cte_type) { bool cte_ok; if (cte_type_mask == BT_HCI_LE_PER_ADV_CREATE_SYNC_CTE_TYPE_NO_FILTERING) { return SYNC_STAT_ALLOWED; } if (rx_cte_time > 0) { if ((cte_type_mask & BT_HCI_LE_PER_ADV_CREATE_SYNC_CTE_TYPE_NO_CTE) != 0) { cte_ok = false; } else { switch (rx_cte_type) { case BT_HCI_LE_AOA_CTE: cte_ok = !(cte_type_mask & BT_HCI_LE_PER_ADV_CREATE_SYNC_CTE_TYPE_NO_AOA); break; case BT_HCI_LE_AOD_CTE_1US: cte_ok = !(cte_type_mask & BT_HCI_LE_PER_ADV_CREATE_SYNC_CTE_TYPE_NO_AOD_1US); break; case BT_HCI_LE_AOD_CTE_2US: cte_ok = !(cte_type_mask & BT_HCI_LE_PER_ADV_CREATE_SYNC_CTE_TYPE_NO_AOD_2US); break; default: /* Unknown or forbidden CTE type */ cte_ok = false; } } } else { /* If there is no CTEInfo in advertising PDU, Radio will not parse the S0 byte and * CTESTATUS register will hold zeros only. * Zero value in CTETime field of CTESTATUS may be used to distinguish between PDU * that includes CTEInfo or not. Allowed range for CTETime is 2-20. */ if ((cte_type_mask & BT_HCI_LE_PER_ADV_CREATE_SYNC_CTE_TYPE_ONLY_CTE) != 0) { cte_ok = false; } else { cte_ok = true; } } if (!cte_ok) { return filter_policy ? SYNC_STAT_CONT_SCAN : SYNC_STAT_TERM; } return SYNC_STAT_ALLOWED; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING */ static int init_reset(void) { return 0; } static int create_prepare_cb(struct lll_prepare_param *p) { uint16_t event_counter; struct lll_sync *lll; uint8_t chan_idx; int err; DEBUG_RADIO_START_O(1); lll = p->param; /* Calculate the current event latency */ lll->skip_event = lll->skip_prepare + lll->lazy_prepare; /* Calculate the current event counter value */ event_counter = lll->event_counter + lll->skip_event; /* Reset accumulated latencies */ lll->skip_prepare = 0U; chan_idx = data_channel_calc(lll); /* Update event counter to next value */ lll->event_counter = (event_counter + 1U); err = prepare_cb_common(p, chan_idx); if (err) { DEBUG_RADIO_START_O(1); return 0; } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) struct lll_df_sync_cfg *cfg; cfg = lll_df_sync_cfg_latest_get(&lll->df_cfg, NULL); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ if (false) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) } else if (cfg->is_enabled) { /* In case of call in create_prepare_cb, new sync event starts hence discard * previous incomplete state. */ lll->is_cte_incomplete = false; /* Prepare additional node for reporting insufficient IQ report nodes issue */ err = lll_df_iq_report_no_resources_prepare(lll); if (!err) { err = lll_df_conf_cte_rx_enable(cfg->slot_durations, cfg->ant_sw_len, cfg->ant_ids, chan_idx, CTE_INFO_IN_PAYLOAD, lll->phy); if (err) { lll->is_cte_incomplete = true; } } else { lll->is_cte_incomplete = true; } cfg->cte_count = 0; } else { /* If CTE reception is disabled, release additional node allocated to report * insufficient memory for IQ samples. */ iq_report_incomplete_release_put(lll); #else } else { #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF)) { /* Disable CTE reception and sampling in Radio */ radio_df_cte_inline_set_enabled(false); } } radio_switch_complete_and_disable(); /* RSSI enable must be called after radio_switch_XXX function because it clears * RADIO->SHORTS register, thus disables all other shortcuts. */ radio_rssi_measure(); radio_isr_set(isr_rx_adv_sync_estab, lll); DEBUG_RADIO_START_O(1); return 0; } static int prepare_cb(struct lll_prepare_param *p) { uint16_t event_counter; struct lll_sync *lll; uint8_t chan_idx; int err; DEBUG_RADIO_START_O(1); lll = p->param; /* Calculate the current event latency */ lll->skip_event = lll->skip_prepare + lll->lazy_prepare; /* Calculate the current event counter value */ event_counter = lll->event_counter + lll->skip_event; /* Reset accumulated latencies */ lll->skip_prepare = 0U; chan_idx = data_channel_calc(lll); /* Update event counter to next value */ lll->event_counter = (event_counter + 1U); err = prepare_cb_common(p, chan_idx); if (err) { DEBUG_RADIO_START_O(1); return 0; } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) struct lll_df_sync_cfg *cfg; cfg = lll_df_sync_cfg_latest_get(&lll->df_cfg, NULL); if (cfg->is_enabled) { /* In case of call in prepare, new sync event starts hence discard previous * incomplete state. */ lll->is_cte_incomplete = false; /* Prepare additional node for reporting insufficient IQ report nodes issue */ err = lll_df_iq_report_no_resources_prepare(lll); if (!err) { err = lll_df_conf_cte_rx_enable(cfg->slot_durations, cfg->ant_sw_len, cfg->ant_ids, chan_idx, CTE_INFO_IN_PAYLOAD, lll->phy); if (err) { lll->is_cte_incomplete = true; } } else { lll->is_cte_incomplete = true; } cfg->cte_count = 0; } else { /* If CTE reception is disabled, release additional node allocated to report * insufficient memory for IQ samples. */ iq_report_incomplete_release_put(lll); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ radio_switch_complete_and_disable(); /* RSSI enable must be called after radio_switch_XXX function because it clears * RADIO->SHORTS register, thus disables all other shortcuts. */ radio_rssi_measure(); radio_isr_set(isr_rx_adv_sync, lll); DEBUG_RADIO_START_O(1); return 0; } static int prepare_cb_common(struct lll_prepare_param *p, uint8_t chan_idx) { struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx; uint32_t ticks_at_event; uint32_t ticks_at_start; uint32_t remainder_us; struct lll_sync *lll; struct ull_hdr *ull; uint32_t remainder; uint32_t hcto; uint32_t ret; lll = p->param; /* Current window widening */ lll->window_widening_event_us += lll->window_widening_prepare_us; lll->window_widening_prepare_us = 0; if (lll->window_widening_event_us > lll->window_widening_max_us) { lll->window_widening_event_us = lll->window_widening_max_us; } /* Reset chain PDU being scheduled by lll_sync context */ lll->is_aux_sched = 0U; /* Initialize Trx count */ trx_cnt = 0U; /* Start setting up Radio h/w */ radio_reset(); radio_phy_set(lll->phy, PHY_FLAGS_S8); radio_pkt_configure(RADIO_PKT_CONF_LENGTH_8BIT, LL_EXT_OCTETS_RX_MAX, RADIO_PKT_CONF_PHY(lll->phy)); radio_aa_set(lll->access_addr); radio_crc_configure(PDU_CRC_POLYNOMIAL, sys_get_le24(lll->crc_init)); lll_chan_set(chan_idx); node_rx = ull_pdu_rx_alloc_peek(1); LL_ASSERT(node_rx); radio_pkt_rx_set(node_rx->pdu); ticks_at_event = p->ticks_at_expire; ull = HDR_LLL2ULL(lll); ticks_at_event += lll_event_offset_get(ull); ticks_at_start = ticks_at_event; ticks_at_start += HAL_TICKER_US_TO_TICKS(EVENT_OVERHEAD_START_US); remainder = p->remainder; remainder_us = radio_tmr_start(0, ticks_at_start, remainder); radio_tmr_aa_capture(); hcto = remainder_us + ((EVENT_JITTER_US + EVENT_TICKER_RES_MARGIN_US + lll->window_widening_event_us) << 1) + lll->window_size_event_us; hcto += radio_rx_ready_delay_get(lll->phy, PHY_FLAGS_S8); hcto += addr_us_get(lll->phy); hcto += radio_rx_chain_delay_get(lll->phy, PHY_FLAGS_S8); radio_tmr_hcto_configure(hcto); radio_tmr_end_capture(); #if defined(HAL_RADIO_GPIO_HAVE_LNA_PIN) radio_gpio_lna_setup(); radio_gpio_pa_lna_enable(remainder_us + radio_rx_ready_delay_get(lll->phy, PHY_FLAGS_S8) - HAL_RADIO_GPIO_LNA_OFFSET); #endif /* HAL_RADIO_GPIO_HAVE_LNA_PIN */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_XTAL_ADVANCED) && \ (EVENT_OVERHEAD_PREEMPT_US <= EVENT_OVERHEAD_PREEMPT_MIN_US) uint32_t overhead; overhead = lll_preempt_calc(ull, (TICKER_ID_SCAN_SYNC_BASE + ull_sync_lll_handle_get(lll)), ticks_at_event); /* check if preempt to start has changed */ if (overhead) { LL_ASSERT_OVERHEAD(overhead); radio_isr_set(isr_done, lll); radio_disable(); return -ECANCELED; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_XTAL_ADVANCED */ ret = lll_prepare_done(lll); LL_ASSERT(!ret); DEBUG_RADIO_START_O(1); return 0; } static int is_abort_cb(void *next, void *curr, lll_prepare_cb_t *resume_cb) { /* Sync context shall not resume when being preempted, i.e. they * shall not use -EAGAIN as return value. */ ARG_UNUSED(resume_cb); /* Different radio event overlap */ if (next != curr) { struct lll_scan_aux *lll_aux; struct lll_scan *lll; lll = ull_scan_lll_is_valid_get(next); if (lll) { /* Do not abort current periodic sync event as next * event is a scan event. */ return 0; } lll_aux = ull_scan_aux_lll_is_valid_get(next); if (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_SKIP_ON_SCAN_AUX) && lll_aux) { /* Do not abort current periodic sync event as next * event is a scan aux event. */ return 0; } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SCAN_AUX_SYNC_RESERVE_MIN) struct lll_sync *lll_sync_next; struct lll_sync *lll_sync_curr; lll_sync_next = ull_sync_lll_is_valid_get(next); if (!lll_sync_next) { lll_sync_curr = curr; /* Do not abort if near supervision timeout */ if (lll_sync_curr->forced) { return 0; } /* Abort current event as next event is not a * scan and not a scan aux event. */ return -ECANCELED; } lll_sync_curr = curr; if (lll_sync_curr->abort_count < lll_sync_next->abort_count) { if (lll_sync_curr->abort_count < UINT8_MAX) { lll_sync_curr->abort_count++; } /* Abort current event as next event has higher abort * count. */ return -ECANCELED; } if (lll_sync_next->abort_count < UINT8_MAX) { lll_sync_next->abort_count++; } #else /* !CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SCAN_AUX_SYNC_RESERVE_MIN */ /* Abort current event as next event is not a * scan and not a scan aux event. */ return -ECANCELED; #endif /* !CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SCAN_AUX_SYNC_RESERVE_MIN */ } /* Do not abort if current periodic sync event overlaps next interval * or next event is a scan event. */ return 0; } static void abort_cb(struct lll_prepare_param *prepare_param, void *param) { struct event_done_extra *e; struct lll_sync *lll; int err; /* NOTE: This is not a prepare being cancelled */ if (!prepare_param) { /* Perform event abort here. * After event has been cleanly aborted, clean up resources * and dispatch event done. */ radio_isr_set(isr_done, param); radio_disable(); return; } /* NOTE: Else clean the top half preparations of the aborted event * currently in preparation pipeline. */ err = lll_hfclock_off(); LL_ASSERT(err >= 0); /* Accumulate the latency as event is aborted while being in pipeline */ lll = prepare_param->param; lll->skip_prepare += (lll->lazy_prepare + 1U); /* Extra done event, to check sync lost */ e = ull_event_done_extra_get(); LL_ASSERT(e); e->type = EVENT_DONE_EXTRA_TYPE_SYNC; e->trx_cnt = 0U; e->crc_valid = 0U; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING) && \ defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_CTEINLINE_SUPPORT) e->sync_term = 0U; #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING && * CONFIG_BT_CTLR_CTEINLINE_SUPPORT */ lll_done(param); } static void isr_aux_setup(void *param) { struct pdu_adv_aux_ptr *aux_ptr; struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx; uint32_t window_widening_us; uint32_t window_size_us; struct node_rx_ftr *ftr; uint32_t aux_offset_us; uint32_t aux_start_us; struct lll_sync *lll; uint32_t start_us; uint8_t phy_aux; uint32_t hcto; lll_isr_status_reset(); node_rx = param; ftr = &node_rx->rx_ftr; aux_ptr = ftr->aux_ptr; phy_aux = BIT(PDU_ADV_AUX_PTR_PHY_GET(aux_ptr)); ftr->aux_phy = phy_aux; lll = ftr->param; /* Determine the window size */ if (aux_ptr->offs_units) { window_size_us = OFFS_UNIT_300_US; } else { window_size_us = OFFS_UNIT_30_US; } /* Calculate the aux offset from start of the scan window */ aux_offset_us = (uint32_t) PDU_ADV_AUX_PTR_OFFSET_GET(aux_ptr) * window_size_us; /* Calculate the window widening that needs to be deducted */ if (aux_ptr->ca) { window_widening_us = SCA_DRIFT_50_PPM_US(aux_offset_us); } else { window_widening_us = SCA_DRIFT_500_PPM_US(aux_offset_us); } /* Setup radio for auxiliary PDU scan */ radio_phy_set(phy_aux, PHY_FLAGS_S8); radio_pkt_configure(RADIO_PKT_CONF_LENGTH_8BIT, LL_EXT_OCTETS_RX_MAX, RADIO_PKT_CONF_PHY(phy_aux)); lll_chan_set(aux_ptr->chan_idx); radio_pkt_rx_set(node_rx->pdu); radio_isr_set(isr_rx_aux_chain, lll); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) struct lll_df_sync_cfg *cfg; cfg = lll_df_sync_cfg_latest_get(&lll->df_cfg, NULL); if (cfg->is_enabled && is_max_cte_reached(cfg->max_cte_count, cfg->cte_count)) { int err; /* Prepare additional node for reporting insufficient memory for IQ samples * reports. */ err = lll_df_iq_report_no_resources_prepare(lll); if (!err) { err = lll_df_conf_cte_rx_enable(cfg->slot_durations, cfg->ant_sw_len, cfg->ant_ids, aux_ptr->chan_idx, CTE_INFO_IN_PAYLOAD, PDU_ADV_AUX_PTR_PHY_GET(aux_ptr)); if (err) { lll->is_cte_incomplete = true; } } else { lll->is_cte_incomplete = true; } } else if (!cfg->is_enabled) { /* If CTE reception is disabled, release additional node allocated to report * insufficient memory for IQ samples. */ iq_report_incomplete_release_put(lll); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ radio_switch_complete_and_disable(); /* Setup radio rx on micro second offset. Note that radio_end_us stores * PDU start time in this case. */ aux_start_us = ftr->radio_end_us + aux_offset_us; aux_start_us -= lll_radio_rx_ready_delay_get(phy_aux, PHY_FLAGS_S8); aux_start_us -= window_widening_us; aux_start_us -= EVENT_JITTER_US; start_us = radio_tmr_start_us(0, aux_start_us); LL_ASSERT(start_us == (aux_start_us + 1U)); /* Setup header complete timeout */ hcto = start_us; hcto += EVENT_JITTER_US; hcto += window_widening_us; hcto += lll_radio_rx_ready_delay_get(phy_aux, PHY_FLAGS_S8); hcto += window_size_us; hcto += radio_rx_chain_delay_get(phy_aux, PHY_FLAGS_S8); hcto += addr_us_get(phy_aux); radio_tmr_hcto_configure_abs(hcto); /* capture end of Rx-ed PDU, extended scan to schedule auxiliary * channel chaining, create connection or to create periodic sync. */ radio_tmr_end_capture(); /* scanner always measures RSSI */ radio_rssi_measure(); #if defined(HAL_RADIO_GPIO_HAVE_LNA_PIN) radio_gpio_lna_setup(); radio_gpio_pa_lna_enable(start_us + radio_rx_ready_delay_get(phy_aux, PHY_FLAGS_S8) - HAL_RADIO_GPIO_LNA_OFFSET); #endif /* HAL_RADIO_GPIO_HAVE_LNA_PIN */ } /** * @brief Common part of ISR responsible for handling PDU receive. * * @param lll Pointer to LLL sync object. * @param node_type Type of a receive node to be set for handling by ULL. * @param crc_ok Informs if received PDU has correct CRC. * @param phy_flags_rx Received Coded PHY coding scheme (0 - S1, 1 - S8). * @param cte_ready Informs if received PDU has CTEInfo present and IQ samples were collected. * @param rssi_ready Informs if RSSI for received PDU is ready. * @param status Informs about periodic advertisement synchronization status. * * @return Zero in case of there is no chained PDU or there is a chained PDUs but spaced long enough * to schedule its reception by ULL. * @return -EBUSY in case there is a chained PDU scheduled by LLL due to short spacing. */ static int isr_rx(struct lll_sync *lll, uint8_t node_type, uint8_t crc_ok, uint8_t phy_flags_rx, uint8_t cte_ready, uint8_t rssi_ready, enum sync_status status) { bool sched = false; int err; /* Check CRC and generate Periodic Advertising Report */ if (crc_ok) { struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx; /* Verify if there are free RX buffers for: * - reporting just received PDU * - allocating an extra node_rx for periodic report incomplete * - a buffer for receiving data in a connection * - a buffer for receiving empty PDU * * If this is a reception of chained PDU, node_type is * NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_REPORT, then there is no need to reserve * again a node_rx for periodic report incomplete. */ if (node_type != NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_REPORT) { node_rx = ull_pdu_rx_alloc_peek(4); } else { node_rx = ull_pdu_rx_alloc_peek(3); } if (node_rx) { struct node_rx_ftr *ftr; struct pdu_adv *pdu; ull_pdu_rx_alloc(); node_rx->hdr.type = node_type; ftr = &(node_rx->rx_ftr); ftr->param = lll; ftr->lll_aux = lll->lll_aux; ftr->aux_failed = 0U; ftr->rssi = (rssi_ready) ? radio_rssi_get() : BT_HCI_LE_RSSI_NOT_AVAILABLE; ftr->ticks_anchor = radio_tmr_start_get(); ftr->radio_end_us = radio_tmr_end_get() - radio_rx_chain_delay_get(lll->phy, phy_flags_rx); ftr->phy_flags = phy_flags_rx; ftr->sync_status = status; ftr->sync_rx_enabled = lll->is_rx_enabled; if (node_type != NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_REPORT) { ftr->extra = ull_pdu_rx_alloc(); } pdu = (void *)node_rx->pdu; ftr->aux_lll_sched = lll_scan_aux_setup(pdu, lll->phy, phy_flags_rx, isr_aux_setup, lll); if (ftr->aux_lll_sched) { if (node_type != NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_REPORT) { lll->is_aux_sched = 1U; } err = -EBUSY; } else { err = 0; } ull_rx_put(node_rx->hdr.link, node_rx); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) if (cte_ready) { /* If there is a periodic advertising report generate IQ data * report with valid packet_status if there were free nodes for * that. Or report insufficient resources for IQ data report. * * Returned value is not checked because it does not matter if there * is a IQ report to be send towards ULL. There is always periodic * sync report to be send. */ (void)iq_report_create_put(lll, rssi_ready, BT_HCI_LE_CTE_CRC_OK); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ sched = true; } else { if (node_type == NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_REPORT) { err = -ENOMEM; } else { err = 0; } } } else { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SAMPLE_CTE_FOR_PDU_WITH_BAD_CRC) /* In case of reception of chained PDUs IQ samples report for a PDU with wrong * CRC is handled by caller. It has to be that way to be sure the IQ report * follows possible periodic advertising report. */ if (cte_ready && node_type != NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_REPORT) { err = iq_report_create_put(lll, rssi_ready, BT_HCI_LE_CTE_CRC_ERR_CTE_BASED_TIME); if (!err) { sched = true; } } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SAMPLE_CTE_FOR_PDU_WITH_BAD_CRC */ err = 0; } if (sched) { ull_rx_sched(); } return err; } static void isr_rx_adv_sync_estab(void *param) { enum sync_status sync_ok; struct lll_sync *lll; uint8_t phy_flags_rx; uint8_t rssi_ready; uint8_t cte_ready; uint8_t trx_done; uint8_t crc_ok; int err; lll = param; /* Read radio status and events */ trx_done = radio_is_done(); if (trx_done) { crc_ok = radio_crc_is_valid(); rssi_ready = radio_rssi_is_ready(); phy_flags_rx = radio_phy_flags_rx_get(); sync_ok = sync_filtrate_by_cte_type(lll->cte_type, lll->filter_policy); trx_cnt = 1U; if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX)) { cte_ready = radio_df_cte_ready(); } else { cte_ready = 0U; } } else { crc_ok = phy_flags_rx = rssi_ready = cte_ready = 0U; /* Initiated as allowed, crc_ok takes precended during handling of PDU * reception in the situation. */ sync_ok = SYNC_STAT_ALLOWED; } /* Clear radio rx status and events */ lll_isr_rx_status_reset(); /* No Rx */ if (!trx_done) { /* TODO: Combine the early exit with above if-then-else block */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) LL_ASSERT(!lll->node_cte_incomplete); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ goto isr_rx_done; } /* Save radio ready and address capture timestamp for later use for * drift compensation. */ radio_tmr_aa_save(radio_tmr_aa_get()); radio_tmr_ready_save(radio_tmr_ready_get()); /* Handle regular PDU reception if CTE type is acceptable */ if (sync_ok == SYNC_STAT_ALLOWED) { err = isr_rx(lll, NODE_RX_TYPE_SYNC, crc_ok, phy_flags_rx, cte_ready, rssi_ready, SYNC_STAT_ALLOWED); if (err == -EBUSY) { return; } } else if (sync_ok == SYNC_STAT_TERM) { struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx; /* Verify if there are free RX buffers for: * - reporting just received PDU * - a buffer for receiving data in a connection * - a buffer for receiving empty PDU */ node_rx = ull_pdu_rx_alloc_peek(3); if (node_rx) { struct node_rx_ftr *ftr; ull_pdu_rx_alloc(); node_rx->hdr.type = NODE_RX_TYPE_SYNC; ftr = &node_rx->rx_ftr; ftr->param = lll; ftr->sync_status = SYNC_STAT_TERM; ull_rx_put_sched(node_rx->hdr.link, node_rx); } } isr_rx_done: #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING) && \ defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_CTEINLINE_SUPPORT) isr_rx_done_cleanup(lll, crc_ok, sync_ok != SYNC_STAT_ALLOWED); #else isr_rx_done_cleanup(lll, crc_ok, false); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING && CONFIG_BT_CTLR_CTEINLINE_SUPPORT */ } static void isr_rx_adv_sync(void *param) { struct lll_sync *lll; uint8_t phy_flags_rx; uint8_t rssi_ready; uint8_t cte_ready; uint8_t trx_done; uint8_t crc_ok; int err; lll = param; /* Read radio status and events */ trx_done = radio_is_done(); if (trx_done) { crc_ok = radio_crc_is_valid(); rssi_ready = radio_rssi_is_ready(); phy_flags_rx = radio_phy_flags_rx_get(); trx_cnt = 1U; if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX)) { cte_ready = radio_df_cte_ready(); } else { cte_ready = 0U; } } else { crc_ok = phy_flags_rx = rssi_ready = cte_ready = 0U; } /* Clear radio rx status and events */ lll_isr_rx_status_reset(); /* No Rx */ if (!trx_done) { /* TODO: Combine the early exit with above if-then-else block */ goto isr_rx_done; } /* Save radio ready and address capture timestamp for later use for * drift compensation. */ radio_tmr_aa_save(radio_tmr_aa_get()); radio_tmr_ready_save(radio_tmr_ready_get()); /* When periodic advertisement is synchronized, the CTEType may change. It should not * affect synchronization even when new CTE type is not allowed by sync parameters. * Hence the SYNC_STAT_READY is set. */ err = isr_rx(lll, NODE_RX_TYPE_SYNC_REPORT, crc_ok, phy_flags_rx, cte_ready, rssi_ready, SYNC_STAT_READY); if (err == -EBUSY) { return; } isr_rx_done: isr_rx_done_cleanup(lll, crc_ok, false); } static void isr_rx_aux_chain(void *param) { struct lll_scan_aux *lll_aux; struct lll_sync *lll; uint8_t phy_flags_rx; uint8_t rssi_ready; uint8_t cte_ready; uint8_t trx_done; uint8_t crc_ok; int err; lll = param; lll_aux = lll->lll_aux; if (!lll_aux) { /* auxiliary context not assigned (yet) in ULL execution * context, drop current reception and abort further chain PDU * receptions, if any. */ lll_isr_status_reset(); rssi_ready = 0U; cte_ready = 0U; crc_ok = 0U; err = 0; goto isr_rx_aux_chain_done; } /* Read radio status and events */ trx_done = radio_is_done(); if (trx_done) { crc_ok = radio_crc_is_valid(); phy_flags_rx = radio_phy_flags_rx_get(); rssi_ready = radio_rssi_is_ready(); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX)) { cte_ready = radio_df_cte_ready(); } else { cte_ready = 0U; } } else { crc_ok = phy_flags_rx = rssi_ready = cte_ready = 0U; } /* Clear radio rx status and events */ lll_isr_rx_status_reset(); /* No Rx */ if (!trx_done) { /* TODO: Combine the early exit with above if-then-else block */ err = 0; goto isr_rx_aux_chain_done; } /* When periodic advertisement is synchronized, the CTEType may change. It should not * affect synchronization even when new CTE type is not allowed by sync parameters. * Hence the SYNC_STAT_READY is set. */ err = isr_rx(lll, NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_REPORT, crc_ok, phy_flags_rx, cte_ready, rssi_ready, SYNC_STAT_READY); if (err == -EBUSY) { return; } isr_rx_aux_chain_done: if (!crc_ok || err) { struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx; /* Generate message to release aux context and flag the report * generated thereafter by HCI as incomplete. */ node_rx = ull_pdu_rx_alloc(); LL_ASSERT(node_rx); node_rx->hdr.type = NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_RELEASE; node_rx->rx_ftr.param = lll; node_rx->rx_ftr.lll_aux = lll->lll_aux; node_rx->rx_ftr.aux_failed = 1U; ull_rx_put(node_rx->hdr.link, node_rx); if (!crc_ok) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SAMPLE_CTE_FOR_PDU_WITH_BAD_CRC) if (cte_ready) { (void)iq_report_create_put(lll, rssi_ready, BT_HCI_LE_CTE_CRC_ERR_CTE_BASED_TIME); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SAMPLE_CTE_FOR_PDU_WITH_BAD_CRC */ } else { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) /* Report insufficient resources for IQ data report and release additional * noder_rx_iq_data stored in lll_sync object, to avoid buffers leakage. */ iq_report_incomplete_create_put(lll); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ } ull_rx_sched(); } if (lll->is_aux_sched) { lll->is_aux_sched = 0U; isr_rx_done_cleanup(lll, 1U, false); } else { lll_isr_cleanup(lll_aux); } } static void isr_rx_done_cleanup(struct lll_sync *lll, uint8_t crc_ok, bool sync_term) { struct event_done_extra *e; /* Reset Sync context association with any Aux context as the chain reception is done. * By code inspection there should not be a race that ULL execution context assigns lll_aux * that would be reset here, because either we are here not receiving a chain PDU or the * lll_aux has been set in the node rx type NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_RELEASE before we are here. */ lll->lll_aux = NULL; /* Calculate and place the drift information in done event */ e = ull_event_done_extra_get(); LL_ASSERT(e); e->type = EVENT_DONE_EXTRA_TYPE_SYNC; e->trx_cnt = trx_cnt; e->crc_valid = crc_ok; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING) && \ defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_CTEINLINE_SUPPORT) e->sync_term = sync_term; #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING && CONFIG_BT_CTLR_CTEINLINE_SUPPORT */ if (trx_cnt) { e->drift.preamble_to_addr_us = addr_us_get(lll->phy); e->drift.start_to_address_actual_us = radio_tmr_aa_restore() - radio_tmr_ready_restore(); e->drift.window_widening_event_us = lll->window_widening_event_us; /* Reset window widening, as anchor point sync-ed */ lll->window_widening_event_us = 0U; lll->window_size_event_us = 0U; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SCAN_AUX_SYNC_RESERVE_MIN) /* Reset LLL abort count as LLL event is gracefully done and * was not aborted by any other event when current event could * have been using unreserved time space. */ lll->abort_count = 0U; #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SCAN_AUX_SYNC_RESERVE_MIN */ } lll_isr_cleanup(lll); } static void isr_done(void *param) { struct lll_sync *lll; lll_isr_status_reset(); /* Generate incomplete data status and release aux context when * sync event is using LLL scheduling. */ lll = param; /* LLL scheduling used for chain PDU reception is aborted/preempted */ if (lll->is_aux_sched) { struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx; lll->is_aux_sched = 0U; /* Generate message to release aux context and flag the report * generated thereafter by HCI as incomplete. */ node_rx = ull_pdu_rx_alloc(); LL_ASSERT(node_rx); node_rx->hdr.type = NODE_RX_TYPE_EXT_AUX_RELEASE; node_rx->rx_ftr.param = lll; node_rx->rx_ftr.lll_aux = lll->lll_aux; node_rx->rx_ftr.aux_failed = 1U; ull_rx_put_sched(node_rx->hdr.link, node_rx); } isr_rx_done_cleanup(param, ((trx_cnt) ? 1U : 0U), false); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX) static void iq_report_create(struct lll_sync *lll, uint8_t rssi_ready, uint8_t packet_status, uint8_t slot_durations, struct node_rx_iq_report *iq_report) { struct node_rx_ftr *ftr; uint8_t cte_info; uint8_t ant; cte_info = radio_df_cte_status_get(); ant = radio_df_pdu_antenna_switch_pattern_get(); iq_report->rx.hdr.type = NODE_RX_TYPE_SYNC_IQ_SAMPLE_REPORT; iq_report->sample_count = radio_df_iq_samples_amount_get(); iq_report->packet_status = packet_status; iq_report->rssi_ant_id = ant; iq_report->cte_info = *(struct pdu_cte_info *)&cte_info; iq_report->local_slot_durations = slot_durations; /* Event counter is updated to next value during event preparation, hence * it has to be subtracted to store actual event counter value. */ iq_report->event_counter = lll->event_counter - 1; ftr = &iq_report->rx.rx_ftr; ftr->param = lll; ftr->rssi = ((rssi_ready) ? radio_rssi_get() : BT_HCI_LE_RSSI_NOT_AVAILABLE); } static void iq_report_incomplete_create(struct lll_sync *lll, struct node_rx_iq_report *iq_report) { struct node_rx_ftr *ftr; iq_report->rx.hdr.type = NODE_RX_TYPE_SYNC_IQ_SAMPLE_REPORT; iq_report->sample_count = 0; iq_report->packet_status = BT_HCI_LE_CTE_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Event counter is updated to next value during event preparation, * hence it has to be subtracted to store actual event counter * value. */ iq_report->event_counter = lll->event_counter - 1; /* The PDU antenna is set in configuration, hence it is always * available. BT 5.3 Core Spec. does not say if this field * may be invalid in case of insufficient resources. */ iq_report->rssi_ant_id = radio_df_pdu_antenna_switch_pattern_get(); /* According to BT 5.3, Vol 4, Part E, section below * fields have invalid values in case of insufficient resources. */ iq_report->cte_info = (struct pdu_cte_info){.time = 0, .rfu = 0, .type = 0}; iq_report->local_slot_durations = 0; ftr = &iq_report->rx.rx_ftr; ftr->param = lll; ftr->rssi = BT_HCI_LE_RSSI_NOT_AVAILABLE; ftr->extra = NULL; } static int iq_report_create_put(struct lll_sync *lll, uint8_t rssi_ready, uint8_t packet_status) { struct node_rx_iq_report *iq_report; struct lll_df_sync_cfg *cfg; int err; cfg = lll_df_sync_cfg_curr_get(&lll->df_cfg); if (cfg->is_enabled) { if (!lll->is_cte_incomplete && is_max_cte_reached(cfg->max_cte_count, cfg->cte_count)) { iq_report = ull_df_iq_report_alloc(); LL_ASSERT(iq_report); iq_report_create(lll, rssi_ready, packet_status, cfg->slot_durations, iq_report); err = 0; } else if (lll->is_cte_incomplete && is_max_cte_reached(cfg->max_cte_count, cfg->cte_count)) { iq_report = lll->node_cte_incomplete; /* Reception of chained PDUs may be still in progress. Do not report * insufficient resources multiple times. */ if (iq_report) { iq_report_incomplete_create(lll, iq_report); lll->node_cte_incomplete = NULL; /* Report ready to be send to ULL */ err = 0; } else { /* Incomplete CTE was already reported */ err = -ENODATA; } } else { err = -ENODATA; } } else { err = -ENODATA; } if (!err) { ull_rx_put(iq_report->rx.hdr.link, iq_report); cfg->cte_count += 1U; } return err; } static int iq_report_incomplete_create_put(struct lll_sync *lll) { struct lll_df_sync_cfg *cfg; cfg = lll_df_sync_cfg_curr_get(&lll->df_cfg); if (cfg->is_enabled) { struct node_rx_iq_report *iq_report; iq_report = lll->node_cte_incomplete; /* Reception of chained PDUs may be still in progress. Do not report * insufficient resources multiple times. */ if (iq_report) { iq_report_incomplete_create(lll, iq_report); lll->node_cte_incomplete = NULL; ull_rx_put(iq_report->rx.hdr.link, iq_report); return 0; } else { /* Incomplete CTE was already reported */ return -ENODATA; } } return -ENODATA; } static void iq_report_incomplete_release_put(struct lll_sync *lll) { if (lll->node_cte_incomplete) { struct node_rx_iq_report *iq_report = lll->node_cte_incomplete; iq_report->rx.hdr.type = NODE_RX_TYPE_IQ_SAMPLE_REPORT_LLL_RELEASE; ull_rx_put(iq_report->rx.hdr.link, iq_report); lll->node_cte_incomplete = NULL; } } static bool is_max_cte_reached(uint8_t max_cte_count, uint8_t cte_count) { return max_cte_count == BT_HCI_LE_SAMPLE_CTE_ALL || cte_count < max_cte_count; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DF_SCAN_CTE_RX */ static uint8_t data_channel_calc(struct lll_sync *lll) { uint8_t data_chan_count; uint8_t *data_chan_map; /* Process channel map update, if any */ if (lll->chm_first != lll->chm_last) { uint16_t instant_latency; instant_latency = (lll->event_counter + lll->skip_event - lll->chm_instant) & EVENT_INSTANT_MAX; if (instant_latency <= EVENT_INSTANT_LATENCY_MAX) { /* At or past the instant, use channelMapNew */ lll->chm_first = lll->chm_last; } } /* Calculate the radio channel to use */ data_chan_map = lll->chm[lll->chm_first].data_chan_map; data_chan_count = lll->chm[lll->chm_first].data_chan_count; return lll_chan_sel_2(lll->event_counter + lll->skip_event, lll->data_chan_id, data_chan_map, data_chan_count); } static enum sync_status sync_filtrate_by_cte_type(uint8_t cte_type_mask, uint8_t filter_policy) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING) && \ defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_CTEINLINE_SUPPORT) uint8_t rx_cte_time; uint8_t rx_cte_type; rx_cte_time = nrf_radio_cte_time_get(NRF_RADIO); rx_cte_type = nrf_radio_cte_type_get(NRF_RADIO); return lll_sync_cte_is_allowed(cte_type_mask, filter_policy, rx_cte_time, rx_cte_type); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SYNC_PERIODIC_CTE_TYPE_FILTERING && CONFIG_BT_CTLR_CTEINLINE_SUPPORT */ return SYNC_STAT_ALLOWED; }