# Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro Limited. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 '''Runner for debugging with J-Link.''' import argparse import ipaddress import logging import os import shlex import socket import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from pathlib import Path from runners.core import FileType, RunnerCaps, ZephyrBinaryRunner try: import pylink from pylink.library import Library MISSING_REQUIREMENTS = False except ImportError: MISSING_REQUIREMENTS = True DEFAULT_JLINK_EXE = 'JLink.exe' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'JLinkExe' DEFAULT_JLINK_GDB_PORT = 2331 DEFAULT_JLINK_RTT_PORT = 19021 def is_ip(ip): if not ip: return False try: ipaddress.ip_address(ip.split(':')[0]) except ValueError: return False return True def is_tunnel(tunnel): return tunnel.startswith("tunnel:") if tunnel else False class ToggleAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, args, ignored, option): setattr(args, self.dest, not option.startswith('--no-')) class JLinkBinaryRunner(ZephyrBinaryRunner): '''Runner front-end for the J-Link GDB server.''' def __init__(self, cfg, device, dev_id=None, commander=DEFAULT_JLINK_EXE, dt_flash=True, erase=True, reset=False, iface='swd', speed='auto', flash_script = None, loader=None, gdbserver='JLinkGDBServer', gdb_host='', gdb_port=DEFAULT_JLINK_GDB_PORT, rtt_port=DEFAULT_JLINK_RTT_PORT, tui=False, tool_opt=None): super().__init__(cfg) self.file = cfg.file self.file_type = cfg.file_type self.hex_name = cfg.hex_file self.bin_name = cfg.bin_file self.elf_name = cfg.elf_file self.gdb_cmd = [cfg.gdb] if cfg.gdb else None self.device = device self.dev_id = dev_id self.commander = commander self.flash_script = flash_script self.dt_flash = dt_flash self.erase = erase self.reset = reset self.gdbserver = gdbserver self.iface = iface self.speed = speed self.gdb_host = gdb_host self.gdb_port = gdb_port self.tui_arg = ['-tui'] if tui else [] self.loader = loader self.rtt_port = rtt_port self.tool_opt = [] if tool_opt is not None: for opts in [shlex.split(opt) for opt in tool_opt]: self.tool_opt += opts @classmethod def name(cls): return 'jlink' @classmethod def capabilities(cls): return RunnerCaps(commands={'flash', 'debug', 'debugserver', 'attach', 'rtt'}, dev_id=True, flash_addr=True, erase=True, reset=True, tool_opt=True, file=True, rtt=True) @classmethod def dev_id_help(cls) -> str: return '''Device identifier. Use it to select the J-Link Serial Number of the device connected over USB. If the J-Link is connected over ip, the Device identifier is the ip.''' @classmethod def tool_opt_help(cls) -> str: return "Additional options for JLink Commander, e.g. '-autoconnect 1'" @classmethod def do_add_parser(cls, parser): # Required: parser.add_argument('--device', required=True, help='device name') # Optional: parser.add_argument('--loader', required=False, dest='loader', help='specifies a loader type') parser.add_argument('--id', required=False, dest='dev_id', help='obsolete synonym for -i/--dev-id') parser.add_argument('--iface', default='swd', help='interface to use, default is swd') parser.add_argument('--speed', default='auto', help='interface speed, default is autodetect') parser.add_argument('--flash-script', default=None, help='Custom flashing script, default is None') parser.add_argument('--tui', default=False, action='store_true', help='if given, GDB uses -tui') parser.add_argument('--gdbserver', default='JLinkGDBServer', help='GDB server, default is JLinkGDBServer') parser.add_argument('--gdb-host', default='', help='custom gdb host, defaults to the empty string ' 'and runs a gdb server') parser.add_argument('--gdb-port', default=DEFAULT_JLINK_GDB_PORT, help=f'pyocd gdb port, defaults to {DEFAULT_JLINK_GDB_PORT}') parser.add_argument('--commander', default=DEFAULT_JLINK_EXE, help=f'''J-Link Commander, default is {DEFAULT_JLINK_EXE}''') parser.add_argument('--reset-after-load', '--no-reset-after-load', dest='reset', nargs=0, action=ToggleAction, help='obsolete synonym for --reset/--no-reset') parser.add_argument('--rtt-client', default='JLinkRTTClient', help='RTT client, default is JLinkRTTClient') parser.add_argument('--rtt-port', default=DEFAULT_JLINK_RTT_PORT, help=f'jlink rtt port, defaults to {DEFAULT_JLINK_RTT_PORT}') parser.set_defaults(reset=False) @classmethod def do_create(cls, cfg, args): return JLinkBinaryRunner(cfg, args.device, dev_id=args.dev_id, commander=args.commander, dt_flash=args.dt_flash, erase=args.erase, reset=args.reset, iface=args.iface, speed=args.speed, flash_script=args.flash_script, gdbserver=args.gdbserver, loader=args.loader, gdb_host=args.gdb_host, gdb_port=args.gdb_port, rtt_port=args.rtt_port, tui=args.tui, tool_opt=args.tool_opt) def print_gdbserver_message(self): if not self.thread_info_enabled: thread_msg = '; no thread info available' elif self.supports_thread_info: thread_msg = '; thread info enabled' else: thread_msg = '; update J-Link software for thread info' self.logger.info('J-Link GDB server running on port ' f'{self.gdb_port}{thread_msg}') def print_rttserver_message(self): self.logger.info(f'J-Link RTT server running on port {self.rtt_port}') @property def jlink_version(self): # Get the J-Link version as a (major, minor, rev) tuple of integers. # # J-Link's command line tools provide neither a standalone # "--version" nor help output that contains the version. Hack # around this deficiency by using the third-party pylink library # to load the shared library distributed with the tools, which # provides an API call for getting the version. if not hasattr(self, '_jlink_version'): # pylink 0.14.0/0.14.1 exposes JLink SDK DLL (libjlinkarm) in # JLINK_SDK_STARTS_WITH, while other versions use JLINK_SDK_NAME if pylink.__version__ in ('0.14.0', '0.14.1'): sdk = Library.JLINK_SDK_STARTS_WITH else: sdk = Library.JLINK_SDK_NAME plat = sys.platform if plat.startswith('win32'): libname = Library.get_appropriate_windows_sdk_name() + '.dll' elif plat.startswith('linux'): libname = sdk + '.so' elif plat.startswith('darwin'): libname = sdk + '.dylib' else: self.logger.warning(f'unknown platform {plat}; assuming UNIX') libname = sdk + '.so' lib = Library(dllpath=os.fspath(Path(self.commander).parent / libname)) version = int(lib.dll().JLINKARM_GetDLLVersion()) self.logger.debug('JLINKARM_GetDLLVersion()=%s', version) # The return value is an int with 2 decimal digits per # version subfield. self._jlink_version = (version // 10000, (version // 100) % 100, version % 100) return self._jlink_version @property def jlink_version_str(self): # Converts the numeric revision tuple to something human-readable. if not hasattr(self, '_jlink_version_str'): major, minor, rev = self.jlink_version rev_str = chr(ord('a') + rev - 1) if rev else '' self._jlink_version_str = f'{major}.{minor:02}{rev_str}' return self._jlink_version_str @property def supports_nogui(self): # -nogui was introduced in J-Link Commander v6.80 return self.jlink_version >= (6, 80, 0) @property def supports_thread_info(self): # RTOSPlugin_Zephyr was introduced in 7.11b return self.jlink_version >= (7, 11, 2) @property def supports_loader(self): return self.jlink_version >= (7, 70, 4) def do_run(self, command, **kwargs): if MISSING_REQUIREMENTS: raise RuntimeError('one or more Python dependencies were missing; ' "see the getting started guide for details on " "how to fix") # Convert commander to a real absolute path. We need this to # be able to find the shared library that tells us what # version of the tools we're using. self.commander = os.fspath( Path(self.require(self.commander)).resolve()) self.logger.info(f'JLink version: {self.jlink_version_str}') rtos = self.thread_info_enabled and self.supports_thread_info plugin_dir = os.fspath(Path(self.commander).parent / 'GDBServer' / 'RTOSPlugin_Zephyr') big_endian = self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN') server_cmd = ( [self.gdbserver] + [ '-select', ('ip' if (is_ip(self.dev_id) or is_tunnel(self.dev_id)) else 'usb') + (f'={self.dev_id}' if self.dev_id else ''), ] + ['-port', str(self.gdb_port)] + ['-if', self.iface] + ['-speed', self.speed] + ['-device', self.device] + ['-silent'] + ['-endian' 'big' if big_endian else 'little'] + ['-singlerun'] + (['-nogui'] if self.supports_nogui else []) + (['-rtos', plugin_dir] if rtos else []) + ['-rtttelnetport', str(self.rtt_port)] + self.tool_opt ) if command == 'flash': self.flash(**kwargs) elif command == 'debugserver': if self.gdb_host: raise ValueError('Cannot run debugserver with --gdb-host') self.require(self.gdbserver) self.print_gdbserver_message() self.check_call(server_cmd) elif command == 'rtt': self.print_gdbserver_message() self.print_rttserver_message() server_cmd += ['-nohalt'] server_proc = self.popen_ignore_int(server_cmd) try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # wait for the port to be open while server_proc.poll() is None: try: sock.connect(('localhost', self.rtt_port)) break except ConnectionRefusedError: time.sleep(0.1) sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) time.sleep(0.1) self.run_telnet_client('localhost', self.rtt_port) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) finally: server_proc.terminate() server_proc.wait() else: if self.gdb_cmd is None: raise ValueError('Cannot debug; gdb is missing') if self.file is not None: if self.file_type != FileType.ELF: raise ValueError('Cannot debug; elf file required') elf_name = self.file elif self.elf_name is None: raise ValueError('Cannot debug; elf is missing') else: elf_name = self.elf_name client_cmd = (self.gdb_cmd + self.tui_arg + [elf_name] + ['-ex', f'target remote {self.gdb_host}:{self.gdb_port}']) if command == 'debug': client_cmd += ['-ex', 'monitor halt', '-ex', 'monitor reset', '-ex', 'load'] if self.reset: client_cmd += ['-ex', 'monitor reset'] if not self.gdb_host: self.require(self.gdbserver) self.print_gdbserver_message() self.run_server_and_client(server_cmd, client_cmd) else: self.run_client(client_cmd) def get_default_flash_commands(self): lines = [ 'ExitOnError 1', # Treat any command-error as fatal 'r', # Reset and halt the target 'BE' if self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN') else 'LE' ] if self.erase: lines.append('erase') # Erase all flash sectors # Get the build artifact to flash if self.file is not None: # use file provided by the user if not os.path.isfile(self.file): err = 'Cannot flash; file ({}) not found' raise ValueError(err.format(self.file)) flash_file = self.file if self.file_type == FileType.HEX: flash_cmd = f'loadfile "{self.file}"' elif self.file_type == FileType.BIN: if self.dt_flash: flash_addr = self.flash_address_from_build_conf(self.build_conf) else: flash_addr = 0 flash_cmd = f'loadfile "{self.file}" 0x{flash_addr:x}' else: err = 'Cannot flash; jlink runner only supports hex and bin files' raise ValueError(err) else: # Use hex, bin or elf file provided by the buildsystem. # Preferring .hex over .bin and .elf if self.hex_name is not None and os.path.isfile(self.hex_name): flash_file = self.hex_name flash_cmd = f'loadfile "{self.hex_name}"' # Preferring .bin over .elf elif self.bin_name is not None and os.path.isfile(self.bin_name): if self.dt_flash: flash_addr = self.flash_address_from_build_conf(self.build_conf) else: flash_addr = 0 flash_file = self.bin_name flash_cmd = f'loadfile "{self.bin_name}" 0x{flash_addr:x}' elif self.elf_name is not None and os.path.isfile(self.elf_name): flash_file = self.elf_name flash_cmd = f'loadfile "{self.elf_name}"' else: err = 'Cannot flash; no hex ({}), bin ({}) or elf ({}) files found.' raise ValueError(err.format(self.hex_name, self.bin_name, self.elf_name)) # Flash the selected build artifact lines.append(flash_cmd) if self.reset: lines.append('r') # Reset and halt the target lines.append('g') # Start the CPU # Reset the Debug Port CTRL/STAT register # Under normal operation this is done automatically, but if other # JLink tools are running, it is not performed. # The J-Link scripting layer chains commands, meaning that writes are # not actually performed until after the next operation. After writing # the register, read it back to perform this flushing. lines.append('writeDP 1 0') lines.append('readDP 1') lines.append('q') # Close the connection and quit self.logger.debug('JLink commander script:\n' + '\n'.join(lines)) return flash_file, lines def run_flash_cmd(self, fname, flash_file, **kwargs): loader_details = "" if self.supports_loader and self.loader: loader_details = "?" + self.loader cmd = ( [self.commander] + ( ['-IP', f'{self.dev_id}'] if (is_ip(self.dev_id) or is_tunnel(self.dev_id)) else (['-USB', f'{self.dev_id}'] if self.dev_id else []) ) + (['-nogui', '1'] if self.supports_nogui else []) + ['-if', self.iface] + ['-speed', self.speed] + ['-device', self.device + loader_details] + ['-CommanderScript', fname] + (['-nogui', '1'] if self.supports_nogui else []) + self.tool_opt ) if flash_file: self.logger.info(f'Flashing file: {flash_file}') kwargs = {} if not self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.DEVNULL self.check_call(cmd, **kwargs) def flash(self, **kwargs): fname = self.flash_script if fname is None: # Don't use NamedTemporaryFile: the resulting file can't be # opened again on Windows. with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix='jlink') as d: flash_file, lines = self.get_default_flash_commands() fname = os.path.join(d, 'runner.jlink') with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.writelines(bytes(line + '\n', 'utf-8') for line in lines) self.run_flash_cmd(fname, flash_file, **kwargs) else: self.run_flash_cmd(fname, None, **kwargs)