#compdef west # Copyright (c) 2022 Nordic Semiconductor ASA # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Ensure this works also when being source-ed compdef _west west typeset -A -g _opt_args _west_cmds() { local -a builtin_cmds=( 'init[create a west workspace]' 'update[update projects described in west manifest]' 'list[print information about projects]' 'manifest[manage the west manifest]' 'diff["git diff" for one or more projects]' 'status["git status" for one or more projects]' 'forall[run a command in one or more local projects]' 'config[get or set config file values]' 'topdir[print the top level directory of the workspace]' 'help[get help for west or a command]' ) local -a zephyr_ext_cmds=( 'completion[display shell completion scripts]' 'boards[display information about supported boards]' 'build[compile a Zephyr application]' 'sign[sign a Zephyr binary for bootloader chain-loading]' 'flash[flash and run a binary on a board]' 'debug[flash and interactively debug a Zephyr application]' 'debugserver[connect to board and launch a debug server]' 'attach[interactively debug a board]' 'zephyr-export[export Zephyr installation as a CMake config package]' 'spdx[create SPDX bill of materials]' 'blobs[work with binary blobs]' 'sdk[manage SDKs]' ) local -a all_cmds=(${builtin_cmds} ${zephyr_ext_cmds}) if [[ -v WEST_COMP_CHECK_WORKSPACE ]]; then west topdir &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then _values "west command" $all_cmds else _values "west command" $builtin_cmds fi else _values "west command" $all_cmds fi } # Completion script for Zephyr's meta-tool, west _west() { # Global options for all commands local -a global_opts=( # (: * -) as exclusion list means exclude everything else '(: * -)'{-h,--help}'[show help]' # An exclusion list with the very option means only allow once {-v,--verbose}'[enable verbosity]' '(: * -)'{-V,--version}'[print version]' '(-z --zephyr-base)'{-z,--zephyr-base}'[zephyr base folder]:zephyr base folder:_directories' ) typeset -A opt_args local curcontext="$curcontext" context state state_descr line local -a orig_words orig_words=( ${words[@]} ) _arguments -S -C \ $global_opts \ "1: :->cmds" \ "*::arg:->args" \ case "$state" in cmds) _west_cmds ;; args) _opt_args=( ${(@kv)opt_args} ) _call_function ret _west_$line[1] ;; esac } __west_x() { west 2>/dev/null "$@" } _get_west_projs() { local extra_args [[ -v _opt_args[-z] ]] && extra_args="-z $_opt_args[-z]" [[ -v _opt_args[--zephyr-base] ]] && extra_args="-z $_opt_args[--zephyr-base]" _west_projs=($(__west_x $extra_args list --format={name})) _describe 'projs' _west_projs } _get_west_boards() { _west_boards=( $(__west_x boards --format='{name}|{qualifiers}') ) for i in {1..${#_west_boards[@]}}; do local name="${_west_boards[$i]%%|*}" local transformed_board="${_west_boards[$i]//|//}" _west_boards[$i]="${transformed_board//,/ ${name}/}" done _west_boards=(${(@s/ /)_west_boards}) _describe 'boards' _west_boards } _west_init() { local -a opts=( '(-l --local)'{--mr,--manifest-rev}'[manifest revision]:manifest rev:' {--mf,--manifest-file}'[manifest file]:manifest file:' '(-l --local)'{-m,--manifest}'[manifest URL]:manifest URL:_directories' '(-m --manifest --mr --manifest-rev)'{-l,--local}'[use local directory as manifest repository]:local manifest repository directory:_directories' ) _arguments -S $opts \ "1:workspace directory:" } _west_update() { local -a opts=( '--stats[print performance stats]' '--name-cache[name-based cache]:name cache folder:_directories' '--path-cache[path-based cache]:path cache folder:_directories' {-f,--fetch}'[fetch strategy]:fetch strategy:(always smart)' {-o,--fetch-opt}'[fetch options]:fetch options:' {-n,--narrow}'[narrow fetch]' {-k,--keep-descendants}'[keep manifest-rev descendants checked out]' {-r,--rebase}'[rebase checked out branch onto the new manifest-rev]' ) _arguments -S $opts \ "1:west proj:_get_west_projs" } _west_list() { local -a opts=( {-a,--all}'[include inactive projects]' '--manifest-path-from-yaml[print performance stats]' {-f,--format}'[format string]:format string:' ) _arguments -S $opts \ "1:west proj:_get_west_projs" } _west_manifest() { local -a opts=( '--resolve[resolve into single manifest]' '--freeze[resolve into single manifest, with SHAs]' '--validate[silently validate manifest]' '--path[print the path to the top level manifest file]' {-o,--out}'[output file]:output file:_files' ) _arguments -S $opts } _west_diff() { local -a opts=( {-a,--all}'[include inactive projects]' ) _arguments -S $opts \ "1:west proj:_get_west_projs" } _west_status() { local -a opts=( {-a,--all}'[include inactive projects]' ) _arguments -S $opts \ "1:west proj:_get_west_projs" } _west_forall() { local -a opts=( '-c[command to execute]:command:' {-a,--all}'[include inactive projects]' ) _arguments -S $opts \ "1:west proj:_get_west_projs" } _west_config() { local -a opts=( {-l,--list}'[list all options and values]' {-d,--delete}'[delete an option in one config file]' {-D,--delete-all}"[delete an option everywhere it\'s set]" + '(mutex)' '--system[system-wide file]' '--global[global user-wide file]' "--local[this workspace\'s file]" ) _arguments -S $opts } _west_help() { _west_cmds } _west_completion() { _arguments -S "1:shell:(bash zsh fish)" } _west_boards() { local -a opts=( {-f,--format}'[format string]:format string:' {-n,--name}'[name regex]:regex:' '*--arch-root[Add an arch root]:arch root:_directories' '*--board-root[Add a board root]:board root:_directories' '*--soc-root[Add a soc root]:soc root:_directories' ) _arguments -S $opts } _west_build() { local -a opts=( '(-b --board)'{-b,--board}'[board to build for]:board:_get_west_boards' '(-d --build-dir)'{-d,--build-dir}'[build directory to create or use]:build dir:_directories' '(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[ignore errors and continue]' '--sysbuild[create multi-domain build system]' '--no-sysbuild[do not create multi-domain build system]' '(-c --cmake)'{-c,--cmake}'[force a cmake run]' '--cmake-only[just run cmake]' '--domain[execute build tool (make or ninja) for a given domain]:domain:' '(-t --target)'{-t,--target}'[run build system target]:target:' '(-T --test-item)'{-T,--test-item}'[Build based on test data in .yml]:test item:' {-o,--build-opt}'[options to pass to build tool (make or ninja)]:tool opt:' '(-n --just-print --dry-run --recon)'{-n,--just-print,--dry-run,--recon}"[just print build commands, don't run them]" '(-p --pristine)'{-p,--pristine}'[pristine build setting]:pristine:(auto always never)' ) _arguments -S $opts \ "1:source_dir:_directories" } _west_sign() { local -a opts=( '(-d --build-dir)'{-d,--build-dir}'[build directory to create or use]:build dir:_directories' '(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[suppress non-error output]' '(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[ignore errors and continue]' '(-t --tool)'{-t,--tool}'[image signing tool name]:tool:(imgtool rimage)' '(-p --tool-path)'{-p,--tool-path}'[path to the tool]:tool path:_directories' '(-D --tool-data)'{-D,--tool-data}'[path to tool data]:tool data path:_directories' '(--no-bin)--bin[produce a signed bin file]' '(--bin)--no-bin[do not produce a signed bin file]' '(-B --sbin)'{-B,--sbin}'[signed .bin filename]:bin filename:_files' '(--no-hex)--hex[produce a signed hex file]' '(--hex)--no-hex[do not produce a signed hex file]' '(-H --shex)'{-H,--shex}'[signed .hex filename]:hex filename:_files' ) _arguments -S $opts } typeset -a -g _west_runner_opts=( '(-H --context)'{-H,--context}'[print runner-specific options]' '--board-dir[board directory]:board dir:_directories' '(-f --file)'{-f,--file}'[path to binary]:path to binary:_files' '(-t --file-type)'{-t,--file-type}'[type of binary]:type of binary:(hex bin elf)' '--elf-file[path to zephyr.elf]:path to zephyr.elf:_files' '--hex-file[path to zephyr.hex]:path to zephyr.hex:_files' '--bin-file[path to zephyr.bin]:path to zephyr.bin:_files' '--gdb[path to GDB]:path to GDB:_files' '--openocd[path to openocd]:path to openocd:_files' '--openocd-search[path to add to openocd search path]:openocd search:_directories' ) _west_flash() { local -a opts=( '(-d --build-dir)'{-d,--build-dir}'[build directory to create or use]:build dir:_directories' '(-r --runner)'{-r,--runner}'[override default runner from build-dir]:runner:' '--skip-rebuild[do not refresh cmake dependencies first]' '--domain[execute build tool (make or ninja) for a given domain]:domain:' ) local -a all_opts=(${_west_runner_opts} ${opts}) _arguments -S $all_opts } _west_debug() { _west_flash } _west_debugserver() { _west_flash } _west_attach() { _west_flash } _west_spdx() { local -a opts=( '(-i --init)'{-i,--init}'[initialize CMake file-based API]' '(-d --build-dir)'{-d,--build-dir}'[build directory to create or use]:build dir:_directories' '(-n --namespace-prefix)'{-n,--namespace-prefix}'[namespace prefix]:namespace prefix:' '(-s --spdx-dir)'{-s,--spdx-dir}'[SPDX output directory]:spdx output dir:_directories' '--analyze-includes[also analyze included header files]' '--include-sdk[also generate SPDX document for SDK]' ) _arguments -S $opts } _west_blobs() { local -a blob_cmds=( 'list[list binary blobs]' 'fetch[fetch binary blobs]' 'clean[clean working tree of binary blobs]' ) local line state _arguments -S -C \ "1: :->cmds" \ "*::arg:->args" \ case "$state" in cmds) _values "west blob cmds" $blob_cmds ;; args) _opt_args=( ${(@kv)opt_args} ) _call_function ret _west_blob_$line[1] ;; esac } _west_blob_list () { local -a opts=( {-f,--format}'[format string]:format string:' ) _arguments -S $opts \ "1:west proj:_get_west_projs" } _west_blob_fetch () { _arguments -S "1:west proj:_get_west_projs" } _west_blob_clean () { _arguments -S "1:west proj:_get_west_projs" } # don't run the completion function when being source-ed or eval-ed if [ "$funcstack[1]" = "_west" ]; then _west fi