/* * Copyright (c) 2024 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #define STACKSIZE 512 #define PRIORITY 2 static struct k_sem *my_sem; static void tick_sub(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) { struct k_event *tick_evt = k_object_alloc(K_OBJ_EVENT); k_event_init(tick_evt); register_subscriber(CHAN_TICK, tick_evt); while (true) { printk("[ext3]Waiting event\n"); k_event_wait(tick_evt, CHAN_TICK, true, K_FOREVER); printk("[ext3]Got event, giving sem\n"); k_sem_give(my_sem); } } int start(void) { k_thread_stack_t *sub_stack; struct k_thread *sub_thread; /* Currently, any kobjects need to be dynamic on extensions, * so the semaphore, thread stack and thread objects are created * dynamically. */ my_sem = k_object_alloc(K_OBJ_SEM); k_sem_init(my_sem, 0, 1); sub_stack = k_thread_stack_alloc(STACKSIZE, K_USER); sub_thread = k_object_alloc(K_OBJ_THREAD); printk("[ext3]%p - %p\n", sub_stack, sub_thread); k_thread_create(sub_thread, sub_stack, STACKSIZE, tick_sub, NULL, NULL, NULL, PRIORITY, K_INHERIT_PERMS | K_USER, K_NO_WAIT); while (true) { long l; printk("[ext3]Waiting sem\n"); k_sem_take(my_sem, K_FOREVER); printk("[ext3]Got sem, reading channel\n"); receive(CHAN_TICK, &l, sizeof(l)); printk("[ext3]Read val: %ld\n", l); } return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(start);