.. zephyr:code-sample:: proximity_polling :name: Proximity sensor :relevant-api: sensor_interface Get proximity data from up to 10 proximity sensors (polling mode). Overview ******** This sample demonstrates how to use one or multiple proximity sensors. Building and Running ******************** The sample supports up to 10 proximity sensors. The number of the sensors will automatically detected from the devicetree, you only need to set aliases from ``prox-sensor-0`` to ``prox-sensor-9``. For example: .. code-block:: devicetree / { aliases { prox-sensor0 = &tmd2620; }; }; After creating the devicetree overlay you can build the sample with: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/sensor/proximity_polling :board: :goals: build flash :compact: Sample Output ============= .. code-block:: console *** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.2.0-210-gd95295f08646 *** Proximity sensor sample application Found 1 proximity sensor(s): tmd2620@29 Proximity on tmd2620@29: 202 Proximity on tmd2620@29: 205 Proximity on tmd2620@29: 204 Proximity on tmd2620@29: 60 Proximity on tmd2620@29: 1