/* Copyright (c) 2024 Nordic Semiconductor * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(psa_its); #define SAMPLE_DATA_UID (psa_storage_uid_t)1 #define SAMPLE_DATA_FLAGS PSA_STORAGE_FLAG_NONE #ifdef CONFIG_SECURE_STORAGE #define SAMPLE_DATA_SIZE CONFIG_SECURE_STORAGE_ITS_MAX_DATA_SIZE #else #define SAMPLE_DATA_SIZE 128 #endif static int write_and_read_data(void) { LOG_INF("Writing to and reading back from ITS..."); psa_status_t ret; /* Data to be written to ITS. */ uint8_t p_data_write[SAMPLE_DATA_SIZE]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i != sizeof(p_data_write); ++i) { p_data_write[i] = i; } ret = psa_its_set(SAMPLE_DATA_UID, sizeof(p_data_write), p_data_write, SAMPLE_DATA_FLAGS); if (ret != PSA_SUCCESS) { LOG_ERR("Writing the data to ITS failed. (%d)", ret); return -1; } /* Data to be read from ITS. */ uint8_t p_data_read[SAMPLE_DATA_SIZE]; /* Read back the data starting from an offset. */ const size_t data_offset = SAMPLE_DATA_SIZE / 2; /* Number of bytes read. */ size_t p_data_length = 0; ret = psa_its_get(SAMPLE_DATA_UID, data_offset, sizeof(p_data_read), p_data_read, &p_data_length); if (ret != PSA_SUCCESS) { LOG_ERR("Reading back the data from ITS failed. (%d).", ret); return -1; } if (p_data_length != SAMPLE_DATA_SIZE - data_offset) { LOG_ERR("Unexpected amount of bytes read back. (%zu != %zu)", p_data_length, SAMPLE_DATA_SIZE - data_offset); return -1; } if (memcmp(p_data_write + data_offset, p_data_read, p_data_length)) { LOG_HEXDUMP_INF(p_data_write + data_offset, p_data_length, "Data written:"); LOG_HEXDUMP_INF(p_data_read, p_data_length, "Data read back:"); LOG_ERR("The data read back doesn't match the data written."); return -1; } LOG_INF("Successfully wrote to ITS and read back what was written."); return 0; } static int read_info(void) { LOG_INF("Reading the written entry's metadata..."); psa_status_t ret; /* The entry's metadata. */ struct psa_storage_info_t p_info; ret = psa_its_get_info(SAMPLE_DATA_UID, &p_info); if (ret != PSA_SUCCESS) { LOG_ERR("Failed to retrieve the entry's metadata. (%d)", ret); return -1; } if (p_info.capacity != SAMPLE_DATA_SIZE || p_info.size != SAMPLE_DATA_SIZE || p_info.flags != SAMPLE_DATA_FLAGS) { LOG_ERR("Entry metadata unexpected. (capacity:%zu size:%zu flags:0x%x)", p_info.capacity, p_info.size, p_info.flags); return -1; } LOG_INF("Successfully read the entry's metadata."); return 0; } static int remove_entry(void) { LOG_INF("Removing the entry from ITS..."); psa_status_t ret; ret = psa_its_remove(SAMPLE_DATA_UID); if (ret != PSA_SUCCESS) { LOG_ERR("Failed to remove the entry. (%d)", ret); return -1; } LOG_INF("Entry removed from ITS."); return 0; } int main(void) { LOG_INF("PSA ITS sample started."); if (write_and_read_data()) { return -1; } if (read_info()) { return -1; } if (remove_entry()) { return -1; } LOG_INF("Sample finished successfully."); return 0; }