.. zephyr:code-sample:: video-tcpserversink :name: Video TCP server sink :relevant-api: video_interface bsd_sockets Capture video frames and send them over the network to a TCP client. Description *********** This sample application gets frames from a video capture device and sends them over the network to the connected TCP client. Requirements ************ This samples requires a video capture device and network support. - :zephyr:board:`mimxrt1064_evk` - `MT9M114 camera module`_ Wiring ****** On :zephyr:board:`mimxrt1064_evk`, The MT9M114 camera module should be plugged in the J35 camera connector. A USB cable should be connected from a host to the micro USB debug connector (J41) in order to get console output via the freelink interface. Ethernet cable must be connected to RJ45 connector. Building and Running ******************** For :zephyr:board:`mimxrt1064_evk`, the sample can be built with the following command. If a mt9m114 camera shield is missing, video software generator will be used instead. .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/drivers/video/tcpserversink :board: mimxrt1064_evk :shield: dvp_fpc24_mt9m114 :goals: build :compact: Sample Output ============= .. code-block:: console Video device detected, format: RGBP 480x272 TCP: Waiting for client... Then from a peer on the same network you can connect and grab frames. Example with gstreamer: .. code-block:: console gst-launch-1.0 tcpclientsrc host= port=5000 \ ! videoparse format=rgb16 width=480 height=272 \ ! queue \ ! videoconvert \ ! fpsdisplaysink sync=false For video software generator, the default resolution should be width=320 and height=160. References ********** .. target-notes:: .. _MT9M114 camera module: https://www.onsemi.com/PowerSolutions/product.do?id=MT9M114