.. zephyr:code-sample:: led-strip :name: LED strip :relevant-api: led_strip_interface Control an LED strip. Overview ******** This sample application demonstrates basic usage of the LED strip. Requirements ************ Zephyr supports various LED strip chips. For example, - WS2812, such as the `NeoPixel(WS2812 compatible) LED Strip from AdaFruit`_. - APA102, such as the `Dotstar(APA102 compatible) LED Strip from AdaFruit`_. - LPD8806, such as the `LPD8806 LED Strip from AdaFruit`_. - Power supply. These LED strips usually require a 5V supply. - If the LED strip connects to the SPI bus, SPI communications usually use 5V signaling, which may require a level translator, such as the `74AHCT125 datasheet`_. .. _NeoPixel(WS2812 compatible) LED Strip from AdaFruit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/3919 .. _Dotstar(APA102 compatible) LED Strip from AdaFruit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/2242 .. _LPD8806 LED Strip from AdaFruit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1948 .. _74AHCT125 datasheet: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/74AHC125.pdf Wiring ****** APA020 and LPD880x ================== #. Ensure your Zephyr board, the 5V power supply, and the LED strip share a common ground. #. Connect the MOSI pin of your board's SPI master to the data input pin of the first IC in the strip. #. Connect the SCLK pin of your board's SPI master to the clock input pin of the first IC in the strip. #. Connect the 5V power supply pin to the 5V input of the LED strip. WS2812 ====== #. Ensure your Zephyr board, and the LED strip share a common ground. #. Connect the LED strip control pin (either I2S SDOUT, SPI MOSI or GPIO) from your board to the data input pin of the first WS2812 IC in the strip. #. Power the LED strip at an I/O level compatible with the control pin signals. Note about thingy52 ------------------- The thingy52 has integrated NMOS transistors, that can be used instead of a level shifter. The I2S driver supports inverting the output to suit this scheme, using the ``out-active-low`` dts property. See the overlay file :zephyr_file:`samples/drivers/led/led_strip/boards/thingy52_nrf52832.overlay` for more detail. Building and Running ******************** The sample updates the LED strip periodically. The update frequency can be modified by changing the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SAMPLE_LED_UPDATE_DELAY`. The brightness level of each LED can be adjusted by changing the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SAMPLE_LED_BRIGHTNESS` configuration option. Then build and flash the application: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/drivers/led/led_strip :board: :goals: flash :compact: When you connect to your board's serial console, you should see the following output: .. code-block:: none ***** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.1.0-rc1-191-gd2466cdaf045 ***** [00:00:00.005,920] main: Found LED strip device WS2812 [00:00:00.005,950] main: Displaying pattern on strip References ********** - `WS2812 datasheet`_ - `LPD8806 datasheet`_ - `APA102C datasheet`_ - `74AHCT125 datasheet`_ - `RGB LED strips: an overview`_ - An excellent `blog post on WS2812 timing`_. .. _WS2812 datasheet: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/WS2812.pdf .. _LPD8806 datasheet: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/lpd8806+english.pdf .. _APA102C datasheet: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/product-files/2477/APA102C-iPixelLED.pdf .. _blog post on WS2812 timing: https://wp.josh.com/2014/05/13/ws2812-neopixels-are-not-so-finicky-once-you-get-to-know-them/ .. _RGB LED strips\: an overview: http://nut-bolt.nl/2012/rgb-led-strips/