/* * Copyright 2023 Fabian Blatz * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #define DT_DRV_COMPAT zephyr_lvgl_pointer_input #include "lvgl_common_input.h" #include "lvgl_pointer_input.h" #include #include LOG_MODULE_DECLARE(lvgl, CONFIG_LV_Z_LOG_LEVEL); struct lvgl_pointer_input_config { struct lvgl_common_input_config common_config; /* Needs to be first member */ bool swap_xy; bool invert_x; bool invert_y; }; struct lvgl_pointer_input_data { struct lvgl_common_input_data common_data; uint32_t point_x; uint32_t point_y; }; static void lvgl_pointer_process_event(struct input_event *evt, void *user_data) { const struct device *dev = user_data; const struct lvgl_pointer_input_config *cfg = dev->config; struct lvgl_pointer_input_data *data = dev->data; lv_display_t *disp = lv_display_get_default(); struct lvgl_disp_data *disp_data = (struct lvgl_disp_data *)lv_display_get_user_data(disp); struct display_capabilities *cap = &disp_data->cap; lv_point_t *point = &data->common_data.pending_event.point; switch (evt->code) { case INPUT_ABS_X: if (cfg->swap_xy) { data->point_y = evt->value; } else { data->point_x = evt->value; } break; case INPUT_ABS_Y: if (cfg->swap_xy) { data->point_x = evt->value; } else { data->point_y = evt->value; } break; case INPUT_BTN_TOUCH: data->common_data.pending_event.state = evt->value ? LV_INDEV_STATE_PRESSED : LV_INDEV_STATE_RELEASED; break; } if (!evt->sync) { return; } lv_point_t tmp_point = { .x = data->point_x, .y = data->point_y, }; if (cfg->invert_x) { if (cap->current_orientation == DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_NORMAL || cap->current_orientation == DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_ROTATED_180) { tmp_point.x = cap->x_resolution - tmp_point.x; } else { tmp_point.x = cap->y_resolution - tmp_point.x; } } if (cfg->invert_y) { if (cap->current_orientation == DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_NORMAL || cap->current_orientation == DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_ROTATED_180) { tmp_point.y = cap->y_resolution - tmp_point.y; } else { tmp_point.y = cap->x_resolution - tmp_point.y; } } /* rotate touch point to match display rotation */ switch (cap->current_orientation) { case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_NORMAL: point->x = tmp_point.x; point->y = tmp_point.y; break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_ROTATED_90: point->x = tmp_point.y; point->y = cap->y_resolution - tmp_point.x; break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_ROTATED_180: point->x = cap->x_resolution - tmp_point.x; point->y = cap->y_resolution - tmp_point.y; break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_ROTATED_270: point->x = cap->x_resolution - tmp_point.y; point->y = tmp_point.x; break; default: LOG_ERR("Invalid display orientation"); break; } /* filter readings within display */ if (point->x <= 0) { point->x = 0; } else if (point->x >= cap->x_resolution) { point->x = cap->x_resolution - 1; } if (point->y <= 0) { point->y = 0; } else if (point->y >= cap->y_resolution) { point->y = cap->y_resolution - 1; } if (k_msgq_put(cfg->common_config.event_msgq, &data->common_data.pending_event, K_NO_WAIT) != 0) { LOG_WRN("Could not put input data into queue"); } } int lvgl_pointer_input_init(const struct device *dev) { return lvgl_input_register_driver(LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER, dev); } #define LVGL_POINTER_INPUT_DEFINE(inst) \ LVGL_INPUT_DEFINE(inst, pointer, CONFIG_LV_Z_POINTER_INPUT_MSGQ_COUNT, \ lvgl_pointer_process_event); \ static const struct lvgl_pointer_input_config lvgl_pointer_input_config_##inst = { \ .common_config.event_msgq = &LVGL_INPUT_EVENT_MSGQ(inst, pointer), \ .swap_xy = DT_INST_PROP(inst, swap_xy), \ .invert_x = DT_INST_PROP(inst, invert_x), \ .invert_y = DT_INST_PROP(inst, invert_y), \ }; \ static struct lvgl_pointer_input_data lvgl_pointer_input_data_##inst; \ DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(inst, NULL, NULL, &lvgl_pointer_input_data_##inst, \ &lvgl_pointer_input_config_##inst, POST_KERNEL, \ CONFIG_INPUT_INIT_PRIORITY, NULL); DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(LVGL_POINTER_INPUT_DEFINE)