/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Vestas Wind Systems A/S * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_LEVEL CONFIG_CANOPEN_LOG_LEVEL #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(canopen_driver); K_KERNEL_STACK_DEFINE(canopen_tx_workq_stack, CONFIG_CANOPENNODE_TX_WORKQUEUE_STACK_SIZE); struct k_work_q canopen_tx_workq; struct canopen_tx_work_container { struct k_work work; CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule; }; struct canopen_tx_work_container canopen_tx_queue; K_MUTEX_DEFINE(canopen_send_mutex); K_MUTEX_DEFINE(canopen_emcy_mutex); K_MUTEX_DEFINE(canopen_co_mutex); static canopen_rxmsg_callback_t rxmsg_callback; inline void canopen_send_lock(void) { k_mutex_lock(&canopen_send_mutex, K_FOREVER); } inline void canopen_send_unlock(void) { k_mutex_unlock(&canopen_send_mutex); } inline void canopen_emcy_lock(void) { k_mutex_lock(&canopen_emcy_mutex, K_FOREVER); } inline void canopen_emcy_unlock(void) { k_mutex_unlock(&canopen_emcy_mutex); } inline void canopen_od_lock(void) { k_mutex_lock(&canopen_co_mutex, K_FOREVER); } inline void canopen_od_unlock(void) { k_mutex_unlock(&canopen_co_mutex); } void canopen_set_rxmsg_callback(canopen_rxmsg_callback_t callback) { rxmsg_callback = callback; } static void canopen_detach_all_rx_filters(CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule) { uint16_t i; if (!CANmodule || !CANmodule->rx_array || !CANmodule->configured) { return; } for (i = 0U; i < CANmodule->rx_size; i++) { if (CANmodule->rx_array[i].filter_id != -ENOSPC) { can_remove_rx_filter(CANmodule->dev, CANmodule->rx_array[i].filter_id); CANmodule->rx_array[i].filter_id = -ENOSPC; } } } static void canopen_rx_callback(const struct device *dev, struct can_frame *frame, void *user_data) { CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule = (CO_CANmodule_t *)user_data; CO_CANrxMsg_t rxMsg; CO_CANrx_t *buffer; canopen_rxmsg_callback_t callback = rxmsg_callback; int i; ARG_UNUSED(dev); /* Loop through registered rx buffers in priority order */ for (i = 0; i < CANmodule->rx_size; i++) { buffer = &CANmodule->rx_array[i]; if (buffer->filter_id == -ENOSPC || buffer->pFunct == NULL) { continue; } if (((frame->id ^ buffer->ident) & buffer->mask) == 0U) { #ifdef CONFIG_CAN_ACCEPT_RTR if (buffer->rtr && ((frame->flags & CAN_FRAME_RTR) == 0U)) { continue; } #endif /* CONFIG_CAN_ACCEPT_RTR */ rxMsg.ident = frame->id; rxMsg.DLC = frame->dlc; memcpy(rxMsg.data, frame->data, frame->dlc); buffer->pFunct(buffer->object, &rxMsg); if (callback != NULL) { callback(); } break; } } } static void canopen_tx_callback(const struct device *dev, int error, void *arg) { CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule = arg; ARG_UNUSED(dev); if (!CANmodule) { LOG_ERR("failed to process CAN tx callback"); return; } if (error == 0) { CANmodule->first_tx_msg = false; } k_work_submit_to_queue(&canopen_tx_workq, &canopen_tx_queue.work); } static void canopen_tx_retry(struct k_work *item) { struct canopen_tx_work_container *container = CONTAINER_OF(item, struct canopen_tx_work_container, work); CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule = container->CANmodule; struct can_frame frame; CO_CANtx_t *buffer; int err; uint16_t i; memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame)); CO_LOCK_CAN_SEND(); for (i = 0; i < CANmodule->tx_size; i++) { buffer = &CANmodule->tx_array[i]; if (buffer->bufferFull) { frame.id = buffer->ident; frame.dlc = buffer->DLC; frame.flags |= (buffer->rtr ? CAN_FRAME_RTR : 0); memcpy(frame.data, buffer->data, buffer->DLC); err = can_send(CANmodule->dev, &frame, K_NO_WAIT, canopen_tx_callback, CANmodule); if (err == -EAGAIN) { break; } else if (err != 0) { LOG_ERR("failed to send CAN frame (err %d)", err); CO_errorReport(CANmodule->em, CO_EM_GENERIC_SOFTWARE_ERROR, CO_EMC_COMMUNICATION, 0); } buffer->bufferFull = false; } } CO_UNLOCK_CAN_SEND(); } void CO_CANsetConfigurationMode(void *CANdriverState) { struct canopen_context *ctx = (struct canopen_context *)CANdriverState; int err; err = can_stop(ctx->dev); if (err != 0 && err != -EALREADY) { LOG_ERR("failed to stop CAN interface (err %d)", err); } } void CO_CANsetNormalMode(CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule) { int err; err = can_start(CANmodule->dev); if (err != 0 && err != -EALREADY) { LOG_ERR("failed to start CAN interface (err %d)", err); return; } CANmodule->CANnormal = true; } CO_ReturnError_t CO_CANmodule_init(CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule, void *CANdriverState, CO_CANrx_t rxArray[], uint16_t rxSize, CO_CANtx_t txArray[], uint16_t txSize, uint16_t CANbitRate) { struct canopen_context *ctx = (struct canopen_context *)CANdriverState; uint16_t i; int err; int max_filters; LOG_DBG("rxSize = %d, txSize = %d", rxSize, txSize); if (!CANmodule || !rxArray || !txArray || !CANdriverState) { LOG_ERR("failed to initialize CAN module"); return CO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } max_filters = can_get_max_filters(ctx->dev, false); if (max_filters != -ENOSYS) { if (max_filters < 0) { LOG_ERR("unable to determine number of CAN RX filters"); return CO_ERROR_SYSCALL; } if (rxSize > max_filters) { LOG_ERR("insufficient number of concurrent CAN RX filters" " (needs %d, %d available)", rxSize, max_filters); return CO_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else if (rxSize < max_filters) { LOG_DBG("excessive number of concurrent CAN RX filters enabled" " (needs %d, %d available)", rxSize, max_filters); } } canopen_detach_all_rx_filters(CANmodule); canopen_tx_queue.CANmodule = CANmodule; CANmodule->dev = ctx->dev; CANmodule->rx_array = rxArray; CANmodule->rx_size = rxSize; CANmodule->tx_array = txArray; CANmodule->tx_size = txSize; CANmodule->CANnormal = false; CANmodule->first_tx_msg = true; CANmodule->errors = 0; CANmodule->em = NULL; for (i = 0U; i < rxSize; i++) { rxArray[i].ident = 0U; rxArray[i].pFunct = NULL; rxArray[i].filter_id = -ENOSPC; } for (i = 0U; i < txSize; i++) { txArray[i].bufferFull = false; } err = can_set_bitrate(CANmodule->dev, KHZ(CANbitRate)); if (err) { LOG_ERR("failed to configure CAN bitrate (err %d)", err); return CO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } err = can_set_mode(CANmodule->dev, CAN_MODE_NORMAL); if (err) { LOG_ERR("failed to configure CAN interface (err %d)", err); return CO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } CANmodule->configured = true; return CO_ERROR_NO; } void CO_CANmodule_disable(CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule) { int err; if (!CANmodule || !CANmodule->dev) { return; } canopen_detach_all_rx_filters(CANmodule); err = can_stop(CANmodule->dev); if (err != 0 && err != -EALREADY) { LOG_ERR("failed to disable CAN interface (err %d)", err); } } uint16_t CO_CANrxMsg_readIdent(const CO_CANrxMsg_t *rxMsg) { return rxMsg->ident; } CO_ReturnError_t CO_CANrxBufferInit(CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule, uint16_t index, uint16_t ident, uint16_t mask, bool_t rtr, void *object, CO_CANrxBufferCallback_t pFunct) { struct can_filter filter; CO_CANrx_t *buffer; if (CANmodule == NULL) { return CO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } if (!pFunct || (index >= CANmodule->rx_size)) { LOG_ERR("failed to initialize CAN rx buffer, illegal argument"); CO_errorReport(CANmodule->em, CO_EM_GENERIC_SOFTWARE_ERROR, CO_EMC_SOFTWARE_INTERNAL, 0); return CO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } buffer = &CANmodule->rx_array[index]; buffer->object = object; buffer->pFunct = pFunct; buffer->ident = ident; buffer->mask = mask; #ifndef CONFIG_CAN_ACCEPT_RTR if (rtr) { LOG_ERR("request for RTR frames, but RTR frames are rejected"); CO_errorReport(CANmodule->em, CO_EM_GENERIC_SOFTWARE_ERROR, CO_EMC_SOFTWARE_INTERNAL, 0); return CO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } #else /* !CONFIG_CAN_ACCEPT_RTR */ buffer->rtr = rtr; #endif /* CONFIG_CAN_ACCEPT_RTR */ filter.flags = 0U; filter.id = ident; filter.mask = mask; if (buffer->filter_id != -ENOSPC) { can_remove_rx_filter(CANmodule->dev, buffer->filter_id); } buffer->filter_id = can_add_rx_filter(CANmodule->dev, canopen_rx_callback, CANmodule, &filter); if (buffer->filter_id == -ENOSPC) { LOG_ERR("failed to add CAN rx callback, no free filter"); CO_errorReport(CANmodule->em, CO_EM_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, CO_EMC_SOFTWARE_INTERNAL, 0); return CO_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return CO_ERROR_NO; } CO_CANtx_t *CO_CANtxBufferInit(CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule, uint16_t index, uint16_t ident, bool_t rtr, uint8_t noOfBytes, bool_t syncFlag) { CO_CANtx_t *buffer; if (CANmodule == NULL) { return NULL; } if (index >= CANmodule->tx_size) { LOG_ERR("failed to initialize CAN rx buffer, illegal argument"); CO_errorReport(CANmodule->em, CO_EM_GENERIC_SOFTWARE_ERROR, CO_EMC_SOFTWARE_INTERNAL, 0); return NULL; } buffer = &CANmodule->tx_array[index]; buffer->ident = ident; buffer->rtr = rtr; buffer->DLC = noOfBytes; buffer->bufferFull = false; buffer->syncFlag = syncFlag; return buffer; } CO_ReturnError_t CO_CANsend(CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule, CO_CANtx_t *buffer) { CO_ReturnError_t ret = CO_ERROR_NO; struct can_frame frame; int err; if (!CANmodule || !CANmodule->dev || !buffer) { return CO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame)); CO_LOCK_CAN_SEND(); if (buffer->bufferFull) { if (!CANmodule->first_tx_msg) { CO_errorReport(CANmodule->em, CO_EM_CAN_TX_OVERFLOW, CO_EMC_CAN_OVERRUN, buffer->ident); } buffer->bufferFull = false; ret = CO_ERROR_TX_OVERFLOW; } frame.id = buffer->ident; frame.dlc = buffer->DLC; frame.flags = (buffer->rtr ? CAN_FRAME_RTR : 0); memcpy(frame.data, buffer->data, buffer->DLC); err = can_send(CANmodule->dev, &frame, K_NO_WAIT, canopen_tx_callback, CANmodule); if (err == -EAGAIN) { buffer->bufferFull = true; } else if (err != 0) { LOG_ERR("failed to send CAN frame (err %d)", err); CO_errorReport(CANmodule->em, CO_EM_GENERIC_SOFTWARE_ERROR, CO_EMC_COMMUNICATION, 0); ret = CO_ERROR_TX_UNCONFIGURED; } CO_UNLOCK_CAN_SEND(); return ret; } void CO_CANclearPendingSyncPDOs(CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule) { bool_t tpdoDeleted = false; CO_CANtx_t *buffer; uint16_t i; if (!CANmodule) { return; } CO_LOCK_CAN_SEND(); for (i = 0; i < CANmodule->tx_size; i++) { buffer = &CANmodule->tx_array[i]; if (buffer->bufferFull && buffer->syncFlag) { buffer->bufferFull = false; tpdoDeleted = true; } } CO_UNLOCK_CAN_SEND(); if (tpdoDeleted) { CO_errorReport(CANmodule->em, CO_EM_TPDO_OUTSIDE_WINDOW, CO_EMC_COMMUNICATION, 0); } } void CO_CANverifyErrors(CO_CANmodule_t *CANmodule) { CO_EM_t *em = (CO_EM_t *)CANmodule->em; struct can_bus_err_cnt err_cnt; enum can_state state; uint8_t rx_overflows; uint32_t errors; int err; /* * TODO: Zephyr lacks an API for reading the rx mailbox * overflow counter. */ rx_overflows = 0; err = can_get_state(CANmodule->dev, &state, &err_cnt); if (err != 0) { LOG_ERR("failed to get CAN controller state (err %d)", err); return; } errors = ((uint32_t)err_cnt.tx_err_cnt << 16) | ((uint32_t)err_cnt.rx_err_cnt << 8) | rx_overflows; if (errors != CANmodule->errors) { CANmodule->errors = errors; if (state == CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF) { /* Bus off */ CO_errorReport(em, CO_EM_CAN_TX_BUS_OFF, CO_EMC_BUS_OFF_RECOVERED, errors); } else { /* Bus not off */ CO_errorReset(em, CO_EM_CAN_TX_BUS_OFF, errors); if ((err_cnt.rx_err_cnt >= 96U) || (err_cnt.tx_err_cnt >= 96U)) { /* Bus warning */ CO_errorReport(em, CO_EM_CAN_BUS_WARNING, CO_EMC_NO_ERROR, errors); } else { /* Bus not warning */ CO_errorReset(em, CO_EM_CAN_BUS_WARNING, errors); } if (err_cnt.rx_err_cnt >= 128U) { /* Bus rx passive */ CO_errorReport(em, CO_EM_CAN_RX_BUS_PASSIVE, CO_EMC_CAN_PASSIVE, errors); } else { /* Bus not rx passive */ CO_errorReset(em, CO_EM_CAN_RX_BUS_PASSIVE, errors); } if (err_cnt.tx_err_cnt >= 128U && !CANmodule->first_tx_msg) { /* Bus tx passive */ CO_errorReport(em, CO_EM_CAN_TX_BUS_PASSIVE, CO_EMC_CAN_PASSIVE, errors); } else if (CO_isError(em, CO_EM_CAN_TX_BUS_PASSIVE)) { /* Bus not tx passive */ CO_errorReset(em, CO_EM_CAN_TX_BUS_PASSIVE, errors); CO_errorReset(em, CO_EM_CAN_TX_OVERFLOW, errors); } } /* This code can be activated if we can read the overflows*/ if (false && rx_overflows != 0U) { CO_errorReport(em, CO_EM_CAN_RXB_OVERFLOW, CO_EMC_CAN_OVERRUN, errors); } } } static int canopen_init(void) { k_work_queue_start(&canopen_tx_workq, canopen_tx_workq_stack, K_KERNEL_STACK_SIZEOF(canopen_tx_workq_stack), CONFIG_CANOPENNODE_TX_WORKQUEUE_PRIORITY, NULL); k_thread_name_set(&canopen_tx_workq.thread, "canopen_tx_workq"); k_work_init(&canopen_tx_queue.work, canopen_tx_retry); return 0; } SYS_INIT(canopen_init, APPLICATION, CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);