 * Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @file
 * Public APIs for pin control drivers


 * @brief Pin Controller Interface
 * @defgroup pinctrl_interface Pin Controller Interface
 * @since 3.0
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @ingroup io_interfaces
 * @{

#include <errno.h>

#include <zephyr/device.h>
#include <zephyr/devicetree.h>
#include <zephyr/devicetree/pinctrl.h>
#include <pinctrl_soc.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/util.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @name Pin control states
 * @{

/** Default state (state used when the device is in operational state). */
/** Sleep state (state used when the device is in low power mode). */

/** This and higher values refer to custom private states. */

/** @} */

/** Pin control state configuration. */
struct pinctrl_state {
	/** Pin configurations. */
	const pinctrl_soc_pin_t *pins;
	/** Number of pin configurations. */
	uint8_t pin_cnt;
	/** State identifier (see @ref PINCTRL_STATES). */
	uint8_t id;

/** Pin controller configuration for a given device. */
struct pinctrl_dev_config {
#if defined(CONFIG_PINCTRL_STORE_REG) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	 * Device address (only available if @kconfig{CONFIG_PINCTRL_STORE_REG}
	 * is enabled).
	uintptr_t reg;
#endif /* defined(CONFIG_PINCTRL_STORE_REG) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) */
	/** List of state configurations. */
	const struct pinctrl_state *states;
	/** Number of state configurations. */
	uint8_t state_cnt;

/** Utility macro to indicate no register is used. */

/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */

#if !defined(CONFIG_PM) && !defined(CONFIG_PM_DEVICE)
/** Out of power management configurations, ignore "sleep" state. */

 * @brief Obtain the state identifier for the given node and state index.
 * @param state_idx State index.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define Z_PINCTRL_STATE_ID(state_idx, node_id)				       \
	_CONCAT(PINCTRL_STATE_,						       \
		DT_PINCTRL_IDX_TO_NAME_UPPER_TOKEN(node_id, state_idx))

 * @brief Obtain the variable name storing pinctrl config for the given DT node
 * identifier.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define Z_PINCTRL_DEV_CONFIG_NAME(node_id) \
	_CONCAT(__pinctrl_dev_config, DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node_id))

 * @brief Obtain the variable name storing pinctrl states for the given DT node
 * identifier.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define Z_PINCTRL_STATES_NAME(node_id) \
	_CONCAT(__pinctrl_states, DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node_id))

 * @brief Obtain the variable name storing pinctrl pins for the given DT node
 * identifier and state index.
 * @param state_idx State index.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define Z_PINCTRL_STATE_PINS_NAME(state_idx, node_id) \
	_CONCAT(__pinctrl_state_pins_ ## state_idx, DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node_id))

 * @brief Utility macro to check if given state has to be skipped.
 * If a certain state has to be skipped, a macro named PINCTRL_SKIP_<STATE>
 * can be defined evaluating to 1. This can be useful, for example, to
 * automatically ignore the sleep state if no device power management is
 * enabled.
 * @param state_idx State index.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define Z_PINCTRL_SKIP_STATE(state_idx, node_id)			       \
	_CONCAT(PINCTRL_SKIP_,						       \
		DT_PINCTRL_IDX_TO_NAME_UPPER_TOKEN(node_id, state_idx))

 * @brief Helper macro to define pins for a given pin control state.
 * @param state_idx State index.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define Z_PINCTRL_STATE_PINS_DEFINE(state_idx, node_id)			       \
	COND_CODE_1(Z_PINCTRL_SKIP_STATE(state_idx, node_id), (),	       \
	(static const pinctrl_soc_pin_t					       \
	Z_PINCTRL_STATE_PINS_NAME(state_idx, node_id)[] =		       \
	Z_PINCTRL_STATE_PINS_INIT(node_id, pinctrl_ ## state_idx)))

 * @brief Helper macro to initialize a pin control state.
 * @param state_idx State index.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define Z_PINCTRL_STATE_INIT(state_idx, node_id)			       \
	COND_CODE_1(Z_PINCTRL_SKIP_STATE(state_idx, node_id), (),	       \
	({								       \
		.pins = Z_PINCTRL_STATE_PINS_NAME(state_idx, node_id),	       \
		.pin_cnt = ARRAY_SIZE(Z_PINCTRL_STATE_PINS_NAME(state_idx,     \
								node_id)),      \
		.id = Z_PINCTRL_STATE_ID(state_idx, node_id)		       \

 * @brief Define all the states for the given node identifier.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define Z_PINCTRL_STATES_DEFINE(node_id)				       \
	static const struct pinctrl_state				       \
	Z_PINCTRL_STATES_NAME(node_id)[] = {				       \
		LISTIFY(DT_NUM_PINCTRL_STATES(node_id),			       \
			     Z_PINCTRL_STATE_INIT, (,), node_id)	       \

 * @brief Helper macro to initialize pin control config.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define Z_PINCTRL_DEV_CONFIG_INIT(node_id)				       \
	{								       \
		.reg = DT_REG_ADDR(node_id),				       \
		.states = Z_PINCTRL_STATES_NAME(node_id),		       \
		.state_cnt = ARRAY_SIZE(Z_PINCTRL_STATES_NAME(node_id)),       \
#define Z_PINCTRL_DEV_CONFIG_INIT(node_id)				       \
	{								       \
		.states = Z_PINCTRL_STATES_NAME(node_id),		       \
		.state_cnt = ARRAY_SIZE(Z_PINCTRL_STATES_NAME(node_id)),       \



/** @endcond */

#if defined(CONFIG_PINCTRL_NON_STATIC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
 * @brief Declare pin control configuration for a given node identifier.
 * This macro should be used by tests or applications using runtime pin control
 * to declare the pin control configuration for a device.
 * #PINCTRL_DT_DEV_CONFIG_GET can later be used to obtain a reference to such
 * configuration.
 * Only available if @kconfig{CONFIG_PINCTRL_NON_STATIC} is selected.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define PINCTRL_DT_DEV_CONFIG_DECLARE(node_id)				       \
	extern Z_PINCTRL_DEV_CONFIG_CONST struct pinctrl_dev_config	       \
#endif /* defined(CONFIG_PINCTRL_NON_STATIC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) */

 * @brief Define all pin control information for the given node identifier.
 * This helper macro should be called together with device definition. It
 * defines and initializes the pin control configuration for the device
 * represented by node_id. Each pin control state (pinctrl-0, ..., pinctrl-N) is
 * also defined and initialized. Note that states marked to be skipped will not
 * be defined (refer to Z_PINCTRL_SKIP_STATE for more details).
 * @param node_id Node identifier.
#define PINCTRL_DT_DEFINE(node_id)					       \
	LISTIFY(DT_NUM_PINCTRL_STATES(node_id),				       \
		     Z_PINCTRL_STATE_PINS_DEFINE, (;), node_id);	       \
	Z_PINCTRL_STATES_DEFINE(node_id)				       \
	struct pinctrl_dev_config Z_PINCTRL_DEV_CONFIG_NAME(node_id) =	       \

 * @brief Define all pin control information for the given compatible index.
 * @param inst Instance number.

 * @brief Obtain a reference to the pin control configuration given a node
 * identifier.
 * @param node_id Node identifier.

 * @brief Obtain a reference to the pin control configuration given current
 * compatible instance number.
 * @param inst Instance number.

 * @brief Find the state configuration for the given state id.
 * @param config Pin controller configuration.
 * @param id Pin controller state id (see @ref PINCTRL_STATES).
 * @param state Found state.
 * @retval 0 If state has been found.
 * @retval -ENOENT If the state has not been found.
int pinctrl_lookup_state(const struct pinctrl_dev_config *config, uint8_t id,
			 const struct pinctrl_state **state);

 * @brief Configure a set of pins.
 * This function will configure the necessary hardware blocks to make the
 * configuration immediately effective.
 * @warning This function must never be used to configure pins used by an
 * instantiated device driver.
 * @param pins List of pins to be configured.
 * @param pin_cnt Number of pins.
 * @param reg Device register (optional, use #PINCTRL_REG_NONE if not used).
 * @retval 0 If succeeded
 * @retval -errno Negative errno for other failures.
int pinctrl_configure_pins(const pinctrl_soc_pin_t *pins, uint8_t pin_cnt,
			   uintptr_t reg);

 * @brief Apply a state directly from the provided state configuration.
 * @param config Pin control configuration.
 * @param state State.
 * @retval 0 If succeeded
 * @retval -errno Negative errno for other failures.
static inline int pinctrl_apply_state_direct(
	const struct pinctrl_dev_config *config,
	const struct pinctrl_state *state)
	uintptr_t reg;

	reg = config->reg;

	return pinctrl_configure_pins(state->pins, state->pin_cnt, reg);

 * @brief Apply a state from the given device configuration.
 * @param config Pin control configuration.
 * @param id Id of the state to be applied (see @ref PINCTRL_STATES).
 * @retval 0 If succeeded.
 * @retval -ENOENT If given state id does not exist.
 * @retval -errno Negative errno for other failures.
static inline int pinctrl_apply_state(const struct pinctrl_dev_config *config,
				      uint8_t id)
	int ret;
	const struct pinctrl_state *state;

	ret = pinctrl_lookup_state(config, id, &state);
	if (ret < 0) {
		return ret;

	return pinctrl_apply_state_direct(config, state);

#if defined(CONFIG_PINCTRL_DYNAMIC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
 * @defgroup pinctrl_interface_dynamic Dynamic Pin Control
 * @{

 * @brief Helper macro to define the pins of a pin control state from
 * Devicetree.
 * The name of the defined state pins variable is the same used by @p prop. This
 * macro is expected to be used in conjunction with #PINCTRL_DT_STATE_INIT.
 * @param node_id Node identifier containing @p prop.
 * @param prop Property within @p node_id containing state configuration.
#define PINCTRL_DT_STATE_PINS_DEFINE(node_id, prop)			       \
	static const pinctrl_soc_pin_t prop ## _pins[] =		       \
	Z_PINCTRL_STATE_PINS_INIT(node_id, prop);			       \

 * @brief Utility macro to initialize a pin control state.
 * This macro should be used in conjunction with #PINCTRL_DT_STATE_PINS_DEFINE
 * when using dynamic pin control to define an alternative state configuration
 * stored in Devicetree.
 * Example:
 * @code{.devicetree}
 * // board.dts
 * /{
 *      zephyr,user {
 *              // uart0_alt_default node contains alternative pin config
 *              uart0_alt_default = <&uart0_alt_default>;
 *      };
 * };
 * @endcode
 * @code{.c}
 * // application
 * PINCTRL_DT_STATE_PINS_DEFINE(DT_PATH(zephyr_user), uart0_alt_default);
 * static const struct pinctrl_state uart0_alt[] = {
 * };
 * @endcode
 * @param prop Property name in Devicetree containing state configuration.
 * @param state State represented by @p prop (see @ref PINCTRL_STATES).
#define PINCTRL_DT_STATE_INIT(prop, state)				       \
	{								       \
		.pins = prop ## _pins,					       \
		.pin_cnt = ARRAY_SIZE(prop ## _pins),			       \
		.id = state						       \

 * @brief Update states with a new set.
 * @note In order to guarantee device drivers correct operation the same states
 * have to be provided. For example, if @c default and @c sleep are in the
 * current list of states, it is expected that the new array of states also
 * contains both.
 * @param config Pin control configuration.
 * @param states New states to be set.
 * @param state_cnt Number of new states to be set.
 * @retval -EINVAL If the new configuration does not contain the same states as
 * the current active configuration.
 * @retval -ENOSYS If the functionality is not available.
 * @retval 0 On success.
int pinctrl_update_states(struct pinctrl_dev_config *config,
			  const struct pinctrl_state *states,
			  uint8_t state_cnt);

/** @} */
static inline int pinctrl_update_states(
	struct pinctrl_dev_config *config,
	const struct pinctrl_state *states, uint8_t state_cnt)
	return -ENOSYS;
#endif /* defined(CONFIG_PINCTRL_DYNAMIC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) */

#ifdef __cplusplus

 * @}