# Copyright (c) 2020, Kim Bøndergaard # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 description: ST7735R/ST7735S 160x128 (max) display controller compatible: "sitronix,st7735r" include: [mipi-dbi-spi-device.yaml, display-controller.yaml] properties: x-offset: type: int required: true description: The column offset in pixels of the LCD to the controller memory y-offset: type: int required: true description: The row offset in pixels of the LCD to the controller memory madctl: type: int default: 0x00 description: Memory Data Access Control colmod: type: int default: 0x06 description: Interface Pixel Format pwctr1: type: uint8-array default: [0xb4, 0x14, 0x04] description: Power Control 1 Parameter pwctr2: type: uint8-array default: [0xc0] description: Power Control 2 Parameter pwctr3: type: uint8-array default: [0x0a, 0x00] description: Power Control 3 Parameter pwctr4: type: uint8-array default: [0x8a, 0x26] description: Power Control 4 Parameter pwctr5: type: uint8-array default: [0x8a, 0xee] description: Power Control 5 Parameter gamctrp1: type: uint8-array required: true description: Positive Voltage Gamma Control Parameter gamctrn1: type: uint8-array required: true description: Negative Voltage Gamma Control Parameter frmctr1: type: uint8-array default: [0x05, 0x3a, 0x3a] description: Frame rate control (normal mode / full colors) frmctr2: type: uint8-array default: [0x05, 0x3a, 0x3a] description: Frame rate control (idle mode / 8 colors) frmctr3: type: uint8-array default: [0x05, 0x3a, 0x3a, 0x05, 0x3a, 0x3a] description: Frame rate control (partial mode / full colors) caset: type: uint8-array default: [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7f] description: Column Address Set raset: type: uint8-array default: [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9f] description: Row Address Set vmctr1: type: int default: 0x0a description: VCOM Control 1 invctr: type: int default: 0x07 description: | Display Inversion Control Set dot inversion or line inversion for each normal/idle/partial mode. inversion-on: type: boolean description: | Enable Display Inversion Make a drawing with the inverted color of the frame memory. rgb-is-inverted: type: boolean description: | Inverting color format order (RGB->BGR or BGR->RGB) In the case of enabling this option, API reports pixel-format in capabilities as the inverted value of the RGB pixel-format specified in MADCTL. This option is convenient for supporting displays with bugs where the actual color is different from the pixel format of MADCTL.