/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Thomas Stranger * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #define DT_DRV_COMPAT zephyr_w1_serial /** * @brief 1-Wire Bus Master driver using Zephyr serial interface. * * This driver implements the 1-Wire interface using an uart. * The driver uses a uart peripheral with a baudrate of 115.2 kBd to send * and receive data bits and a baurade of 9.6 kBd for slave reset and * presence detection as suggested for normal speed operating mode in: * https://www.analog.com/en/resources/technical-articles/using-a-uart-to-implement-a-1wire-bus-master.html * For overdrive speed communication baudrates of 1 MBd and 115.2 kBd * are used, respectively. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(w1_serial, CONFIG_W1_LOG_LEVEL); #define W1_SERIAL_READ_REQ_BYTE 0xFF #define W1_SERIAL_BIT_1 0xFF #define W1_SERIAL_BIT_0 0x00 /* Standard speed signal parameters: * RST: t_RSTL=520us; t_slot=1041us * DATA: t_low1=8.68us; t_low0=78.1us; t_slot=86.8us */ #define W1_SERIAL_STD_RESET_BYTE 0xF0 #define W1_SERIAL_STD_RESET_BAUD 9600u #define W1_SERIAL_STD_DATA_BAUD 115200u /* * Overdrive speed signal parameters: * RST: t_RSTL=52.1us; t_slot=86.8us * DATA: t_low1=1.0us; t_low0=9.0us; t_slot=10.0us */ #define W1_SERIAL_OD_RESET_BYTE 0xE0 #define W1_SERIAL_OD_RESET_BAUD 115200u #define W1_SERIAL_OD_DATA_BAUD 1000000u struct w1_serial_config { /** w1 master config, common to all drivers */ struct w1_master_config master_config; /** UART device used for 1-Wire communication */ const struct device *uart_dev; }; struct w1_serial_data { /** w1 master data, common to all drivers */ struct w1_master_data master_data; struct uart_config uart_cfg; bool overdrive_active; }; /* * Concurrently transmits and receives one 1-Wire bit * by sending and receiving one uart byte */ static int serial_tx_rx(const struct device *dev, const uint8_t *tx_data, uint8_t *rx_data, size_t len, uint32_t timeout) { const struct w1_serial_config *cfg = dev->config; k_timepoint_t end; uint8_t dummy; int ret = 0; __ASSERT_NO_MSG(tx_data != NULL); __ASSERT_NO_MSG(rx_data != NULL); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { while (uart_poll_in(cfg->uart_dev, &dummy) == 0) { /* poll in any buffered data */ } uart_poll_out(cfg->uart_dev, tx_data[i]); end = sys_timepoint_calc(K_USEC(timeout)); do { ret = uart_poll_in(cfg->uart_dev, &rx_data[i]); } while (ret != 0 && !sys_timepoint_expired(end)); } return ret; } /* Concurretly tranmits and receives one 1-Wire byte */ static int serial_tx_rx_byte(const struct device *dev, uint8_t tx_byte, uint8_t *rx_byte) { __ASSERT_NO_MSG(rx_byte != NULL); uint8_t byte_representation[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { /* * Transmitting 0xFF the uart start bit pulls the line low to * indicate either write Bit 1, or read low time. * Write Bit 0 is represented as 0x00 */ byte_representation[i] = ((tx_byte & (1 << i)) != 0) ? W1_SERIAL_BIT_1 : W1_SERIAL_BIT_0; } if (serial_tx_rx(dev, &byte_representation[0], &byte_representation[0], 8, CONFIG_W1_ZEPHYR_SERIAL_BIT_TIMEOUT) < 0) { return -EIO; } *rx_byte = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { /* * rx-byte different from 0xFF indicates that a slave has * pulled line low to transmit a 0 bit, otherwise a 1 bit. */ *rx_byte |= (uint8_t)(byte_representation[i] == 0xFF) << i; } return 0; } static int w1_serial_reset_bus(const struct device *dev) { const struct w1_serial_config *cfg = dev->config; struct w1_serial_data *data = dev->data; uint8_t reset_byte = data->overdrive_active ? W1_SERIAL_OD_RESET_BYTE : W1_SERIAL_STD_RESET_BYTE; /* reset uses 115200/9600=12 slower baudrate, * adjust timeout accordingly, also valid for overdrive speed. */ const uint32_t reset_timeout = CONFIG_W1_ZEPHYR_SERIAL_BIT_TIMEOUT * 12; data->uart_cfg.baudrate = data->overdrive_active ? W1_SERIAL_OD_RESET_BAUD : W1_SERIAL_STD_RESET_BAUD; if (uart_configure(cfg->uart_dev, &data->uart_cfg) != 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed set baud rate for reset pulse"); return -EIO; } if (serial_tx_rx(dev, &reset_byte, &reset_byte, 1, reset_timeout) < 0) { LOG_ERR("tx_rx_error reset_present"); return -EIO; } data->uart_cfg.baudrate = data->overdrive_active ? W1_SERIAL_OD_DATA_BAUD : W1_SERIAL_STD_DATA_BAUD; if (uart_configure(cfg->uart_dev, &data->uart_cfg) != 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed set baud rate for data transfer"); return -EIO; } /* At least 1 device is present on bus, if reset_byte is different * from 0xF0. But Bus probably shorted if reset_byte is 0x00. */ return (reset_byte != W1_SERIAL_STD_RESET_BYTE) && (reset_byte != 0x00); } static int w1_serial_read_bit(const struct device *dev) { uint8_t tx_bit = W1_SERIAL_READ_REQ_BYTE; uint8_t rx_bit; if (serial_tx_rx(dev, &tx_bit, &rx_bit, 1, CONFIG_W1_ZEPHYR_SERIAL_BIT_TIMEOUT) != 0) { return -EIO; }; return rx_bit == W1_SERIAL_READ_REQ_BYTE; } static int w1_serial_write_bit(const struct device *dev, const bool bit) { uint8_t tx_bit; uint8_t rx_bit; tx_bit = bit ? W1_SERIAL_BIT_1 : W1_SERIAL_BIT_0; if (serial_tx_rx(dev, &tx_bit, &rx_bit, 1, CONFIG_W1_ZEPHYR_SERIAL_BIT_TIMEOUT) != 0) { return -EIO; } return 0; } static int w1_serial_read_byte(const struct device *dev) { uint8_t tx_byte = 0xFF; uint8_t rx_byte; if (serial_tx_rx_byte(dev, tx_byte, &rx_byte) != 0) { return -EIO; } return rx_byte; } static int w1_serial_write_byte(const struct device *dev, const uint8_t byte) { uint8_t rx_byte; return serial_tx_rx_byte(dev, byte, &rx_byte); } static int w1_serial_configure(const struct device *dev, enum w1_settings_type type, uint32_t value) { const struct w1_serial_config *cfg = dev->config; struct w1_serial_data *data = dev->data; int ret = 0; bool temp; switch (type) { case W1_SETTING_SPEED: temp = (bool)value; if (temp == data->overdrive_active) { break; } data->overdrive_active = temp; data->uart_cfg.baudrate = data->overdrive_active ? W1_SERIAL_OD_DATA_BAUD : W1_SERIAL_STD_DATA_BAUD; if (uart_configure(cfg->uart_dev, &data->uart_cfg) != 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed set baud rate for data transfer"); ret = -EIO; } break; default: ret = -ENOTSUP; } return ret; } static int w1_serial_init(const struct device *dev) { const struct w1_serial_config *cfg = dev->config; struct w1_serial_data *data = dev->data; if (!device_is_ready(cfg->uart_dev)) { LOG_ERR("Serial device not ready"); return -ENODEV; } data->uart_cfg.baudrate = W1_SERIAL_STD_DATA_BAUD; data->uart_cfg.parity = UART_CFG_PARITY_NONE; data->uart_cfg.data_bits = UART_CFG_DATA_BITS_8; data->uart_cfg.stop_bits = UART_CFG_STOP_BITS_1; data->uart_cfg.flow_ctrl = UART_CFG_FLOW_CTRL_NONE; if (uart_configure(cfg->uart_dev, &data->uart_cfg) != 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed to configure UART"); return -EINVAL; } data->overdrive_active = false; LOG_DBG("w1-serial initialized, with %d slave devices", cfg->master_config.slave_count); return 0; } static DEVICE_API(w1, w1_serial_driver_api) = { .reset_bus = w1_serial_reset_bus, .read_bit = w1_serial_read_bit, .write_bit = w1_serial_write_bit, .read_byte = w1_serial_read_byte, .write_byte = w1_serial_write_byte, .configure = w1_serial_configure, }; #define W1_ZEPHYR_SERIAL_INIT(inst) \ static const struct w1_serial_config w1_serial_cfg_##inst = { \ .uart_dev = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_INST_BUS(inst)), \ .master_config.slave_count = W1_INST_SLAVE_COUNT(inst) \ }; \ static struct w1_serial_data w1_serial_data_##inst = {}; \ DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(inst, &w1_serial_init, NULL, &w1_serial_data_##inst, \ &w1_serial_cfg_##inst, POST_KERNEL, \ CONFIG_W1_INIT_PRIORITY, &w1_serial_driver_api); \ DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(W1_ZEPHYR_SERIAL_INIT)