/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /** * @brief Driver for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5X UART */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Extract information from devicetree. * * This driver only supports one instance of this IP block, so the * instance number is always 0. */ #define DT_DRV_COMPAT nordic_nrf_uart #define PROP(prop) DT_INST_PROP(0, prop) #define HAS_PROP(prop) DT_INST_NODE_HAS_PROP(0, prop) #define BAUDRATE PROP(current_speed) #define DISABLE_RX PROP(disable_rx) #define HW_FLOW_CONTROL_AVAILABLE PROP(hw_flow_control) #define IRQN DT_INST_IRQN(0) #define IRQ_PRIO DT_INST_IRQ(0, priority) static NRF_UART_Type *const uart0_addr = (NRF_UART_Type *)DT_INST_REG_ADDR(0); struct uart_nrfx_config { const struct pinctrl_dev_config *pcfg; }; /* Device data structure */ struct uart_nrfx_data { struct uart_config uart_config; }; #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC static struct { uart_callback_t callback; void *user_data; uint8_t *rx_buffer; uint8_t *rx_secondary_buffer; size_t rx_buffer_length; size_t rx_secondary_buffer_length; volatile size_t rx_counter; volatile size_t rx_offset; int32_t rx_timeout; struct k_timer rx_timeout_timer; bool rx_enabled; bool tx_abort; const uint8_t *volatile tx_buffer; /* note: this is aliased with atomic_t in uart_nrfx_poll_out() */ unsigned long tx_buffer_length; volatile size_t tx_counter; #if HW_FLOW_CONTROL_AVAILABLE int32_t tx_timeout; struct k_timer tx_timeout_timer; #endif } uart0_cb; #endif /* CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC */ #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN static uart_irq_callback_user_data_t irq_callback; /**< Callback function pointer */ static void *irq_cb_data; /**< Callback function arg */ /* Variable used to override the state of the TXDRDY event in the initial state * of the driver. This event is not set by the hardware until a first byte is * sent, and we want to use it as an indication if the transmitter is ready * to accept a new byte. */ static volatile uint8_t uart_sw_event_txdrdy; static volatile bool disable_tx_irq; #endif /* CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN */ static bool event_txdrdy_check(void) { return (nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_TXDRDY) #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN || uart_sw_event_txdrdy #endif ); } static void event_txdrdy_clear(void) { nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_TXDRDY); #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN uart_sw_event_txdrdy = 0U; #endif } /** * @brief Set the baud rate * * This routine set the given baud rate for the UART. * * @param dev UART device struct * @param baudrate Baud rate * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -EINVAL for invalid baudrate. */ static int baudrate_set(const struct device *dev, uint32_t baudrate) { nrf_uart_baudrate_t nrf_baudrate; /* calculated baudrate divisor */ switch (baudrate) { case 300: /* value not supported by Nordic HAL */ nrf_baudrate = 0x00014000; break; case 600: /* value not supported by Nordic HAL */ nrf_baudrate = 0x00027000; break; case 1200: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_1200; break; case 2400: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_2400; break; case 4800: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_4800; break; case 9600: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_9600; break; case 14400: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_14400; break; case 19200: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_19200; break; case 28800: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_28800; break; #if defined(UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud31250) case 31250: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_31250; break; #endif case 38400: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_38400; break; #if defined(UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud56000) case 56000: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_56000; break; #endif case 57600: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_57600; break; case 76800: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_76800; break; case 115200: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_115200; break; case 230400: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_230400; break; case 250000: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_250000; break; case 460800: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_460800; break; case 921600: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_921600; break; case 1000000: nrf_baudrate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_1000000; break; default: return -EINVAL; } nrf_uart_baudrate_set(uart0_addr, nrf_baudrate); return 0; } /** * @brief Poll the device for input. * * @param dev UART device struct * @param c Pointer to character * * @return 0 if a character arrived, -1 if the input buffer if empty. */ static int uart_nrfx_poll_in(const struct device *dev, unsigned char *c) { if (!nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXDRDY)) { return -1; } /* Clear the interrupt */ nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXDRDY); /* got a character */ *c = nrf_uart_rxd_get(uart0_addr); return 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC static void uart_nrfx_isr(const struct device *dev); #endif /** * @brief Output a character in polled mode. * * @param dev UART device struct * @param c Character to send */ static void uart_nrfx_poll_out(const struct device *dev, unsigned char c) { atomic_t *lock; #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC while (uart0_cb.tx_buffer) { /* If there is ongoing asynchronous transmission, and we are in * ISR, then call uart interrupt routine, otherwise * busy wait until transmission is finished. */ if (k_is_in_isr()) { uart_nrfx_isr(dev); } } /* Use tx_buffer_length as lock, this way uart_nrfx_tx will * return -EBUSY during poll_out. */ lock = &uart0_cb.tx_buffer_length; #else static atomic_val_t poll_out_lock; lock = &poll_out_lock; #endif if (!k_is_in_isr()) { uint8_t safety_cnt = 100; while (atomic_cas((atomic_t *) lock, (atomic_val_t) 0, (atomic_val_t) 1) == false) { if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_MULTITHREADING)) { /* k_sleep allows other threads to execute and finish * their transactions. */ k_msleep(1); } else { k_busy_wait(1000); } if (--safety_cnt == 0) { break; } } } else { *lock = 1; } /* Reset the transmitter ready state. */ event_txdrdy_clear(); /* Activate the transmitter. */ nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STARTTX); /* Send the provided character. */ nrf_uart_txd_set(uart0_addr, (uint8_t)c); /* Wait until the transmitter is ready, i.e. the character is sent. */ bool res; NRFX_WAIT_FOR(event_txdrdy_check(), 10000, 1, res); /* Deactivate the transmitter so that it does not needlessly * consume power. */ nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STOPTX); /* Release the lock. */ *lock = 0; } /** Console I/O function */ static int uart_nrfx_err_check(const struct device *dev) { /* register bitfields maps to the defines in uart.h */ return nrf_uart_errorsrc_get_and_clear(uart0_addr); } static int uart_nrfx_configure(const struct device *dev, const struct uart_config *cfg) { struct uart_nrfx_data *data = dev->data; nrf_uart_config_t uart_cfg; #if defined(UART_CONFIG_STOP_Msk) switch (cfg->stop_bits) { case UART_CFG_STOP_BITS_1: uart_cfg.stop = NRF_UART_STOP_ONE; break; case UART_CFG_STOP_BITS_2: uart_cfg.stop = NRF_UART_STOP_TWO; break; default: return -ENOTSUP; } #else if (cfg->stop_bits != UART_CFG_STOP_BITS_1) { return -ENOTSUP; } #endif if (cfg->data_bits != UART_CFG_DATA_BITS_8) { return -ENOTSUP; } switch (cfg->flow_ctrl) { case UART_CFG_FLOW_CTRL_NONE: uart_cfg.hwfc = NRF_UART_HWFC_DISABLED; break; case UART_CFG_FLOW_CTRL_RTS_CTS: if (HW_FLOW_CONTROL_AVAILABLE) { uart_cfg.hwfc = NRF_UART_HWFC_ENABLED; } else { return -ENOTSUP; } break; default: return -ENOTSUP; } #if defined(UART_CONFIG_PARITYTYPE_Msk) uart_cfg.paritytype = NRF_UART_PARITYTYPE_EVEN; #endif switch (cfg->parity) { case UART_CFG_PARITY_NONE: uart_cfg.parity = NRF_UART_PARITY_EXCLUDED; break; case UART_CFG_PARITY_EVEN: uart_cfg.parity = NRF_UART_PARITY_INCLUDED; break; #if defined(UART_CONFIG_PARITYTYPE_Msk) case UART_CFG_PARITY_ODD: uart_cfg.parity = NRF_UART_PARITY_INCLUDED; uart_cfg.paritytype = NRF_UART_PARITYTYPE_ODD; break; #endif default: return -ENOTSUP; } if (baudrate_set(dev, cfg->baudrate) != 0) { return -ENOTSUP; } nrf_uart_configure(uart0_addr, &uart_cfg); data->uart_config = *cfg; return 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_UART_USE_RUNTIME_CONFIGURE static int uart_nrfx_config_get(const struct device *dev, struct uart_config *cfg) { struct uart_nrfx_data *data = dev->data; *cfg = data->uart_config; return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_UART_USE_RUNTIME_CONFIGURE */ #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC static void user_callback(const struct device *dev, struct uart_event *event) { if (uart0_cb.callback) { uart0_cb.callback(dev, event, uart0_cb.user_data); } } static int uart_nrfx_callback_set(const struct device *dev, uart_callback_t callback, void *user_data) { uart0_cb.callback = callback; uart0_cb.user_data = user_data; #if defined(CONFIG_UART_EXCLUSIVE_API_CALLBACKS) && defined(CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN) irq_callback = NULL; irq_cb_data = NULL; #endif return 0; } static int uart_nrfx_tx(const struct device *dev, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, int32_t timeout) { if (atomic_cas((atomic_t *) &uart0_cb.tx_buffer_length, (atomic_val_t) 0, (atomic_val_t) len) == false) { return -EBUSY; } uart0_cb.tx_buffer = buf; #if HW_FLOW_CONTROL_AVAILABLE uart0_cb.tx_timeout = timeout; #endif nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_TXDRDY); nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STARTTX); nrf_uart_int_enable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_TXDRDY); uint8_t txd = uart0_cb.tx_buffer[uart0_cb.tx_counter]; nrf_uart_txd_set(uart0_addr, txd); return 0; } static int uart_nrfx_tx_abort(const struct device *dev) { if (uart0_cb.tx_buffer_length == 0) { return -EINVAL; } #if HW_FLOW_CONTROL_AVAILABLE if (uart0_cb.tx_timeout != SYS_FOREVER_US) { k_timer_stop(&uart0_cb.tx_timeout_timer); } #endif nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STOPTX); struct uart_event evt = { .type = UART_TX_ABORTED, .data.tx.buf = uart0_cb.tx_buffer, .data.tx.len = uart0_cb.tx_counter }; uart0_cb.tx_buffer_length = 0; uart0_cb.tx_counter = 0; user_callback(dev, &evt); return 0; } static int uart_nrfx_rx_enable(const struct device *dev, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, int32_t timeout) { if (DISABLE_RX) { __ASSERT(false, "TX only UART instance"); return -ENOTSUP; } if (uart0_cb.rx_buffer_length != 0) { return -EBUSY; } uart0_cb.rx_enabled = 1; uart0_cb.rx_buffer = buf; uart0_cb.rx_buffer_length = len; uart0_cb.rx_counter = 0; uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length = 0; uart0_cb.rx_timeout = timeout; nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_ERROR); nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXDRDY); nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXTO); nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STARTRX); nrf_uart_int_enable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_RXDRDY | NRF_UART_INT_MASK_ERROR | NRF_UART_INT_MASK_RXTO); return 0; } static int uart_nrfx_rx_buf_rsp(const struct device *dev, uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { int err; unsigned int key = irq_lock(); if (!uart0_cb.rx_enabled) { err = -EACCES; } else if (uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length != 0) { err = -EBUSY; } else { uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer = buf; uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length = len; err = 0; } irq_unlock(key); return err; } static int uart_nrfx_rx_disable(const struct device *dev) { if (uart0_cb.rx_buffer_length == 0) { return -EFAULT; } uart0_cb.rx_enabled = 0; if (uart0_cb.rx_timeout != SYS_FOREVER_US) { k_timer_stop(&uart0_cb.rx_timeout_timer); } nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STOPRX); return 0; } static void rx_rdy_evt(const struct device *dev) { struct uart_event event; size_t rx_cnt = uart0_cb.rx_counter; event.type = UART_RX_RDY; event.data.rx.buf = uart0_cb.rx_buffer; event.data.rx.len = rx_cnt - uart0_cb.rx_offset; event.data.rx.offset = uart0_cb.rx_offset; uart0_cb.rx_offset = rx_cnt; user_callback(dev, &event); } static void buf_released_evt(const struct device *dev) { struct uart_event event = { .type = UART_RX_BUF_RELEASED, .data.rx_buf.buf = uart0_cb.rx_buffer }; user_callback(dev, &event); } static void rx_disabled_evt(const struct device *dev) { struct uart_event event = { .type = UART_RX_DISABLED }; user_callback(dev, &event); } static void rx_reset_state(void) { nrf_uart_int_disable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_RXDRDY | NRF_UART_INT_MASK_ERROR | NRF_UART_INT_MASK_RXTO); uart0_cb.rx_buffer_length = 0; uart0_cb.rx_enabled = 0; uart0_cb.rx_counter = 0; uart0_cb.rx_offset = 0; uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length = 0; } static void rx_isr(const struct device *dev) { struct uart_event event; nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXDRDY); if (!uart0_cb.rx_buffer_length || !uart0_cb.rx_enabled) { /* Byte received when receiving is disabled - data lost. */ nrf_uart_rxd_get(uart0_addr); } else { if (uart0_cb.rx_counter == 0 && uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length == 0) { event.type = UART_RX_BUF_REQUEST; user_callback(dev, &event); } uart0_cb.rx_buffer[uart0_cb.rx_counter] = nrf_uart_rxd_get(uart0_addr); uart0_cb.rx_counter++; if (uart0_cb.rx_timeout == 0) { rx_rdy_evt(dev); } else if (uart0_cb.rx_timeout != SYS_FOREVER_US) { k_timer_start(&uart0_cb.rx_timeout_timer, K_USEC(uart0_cb.rx_timeout), K_NO_WAIT); } } if (uart0_cb.rx_buffer_length == uart0_cb.rx_counter) { if (uart0_cb.rx_timeout != SYS_FOREVER_US) { k_timer_stop(&uart0_cb.rx_timeout_timer); } rx_rdy_evt(dev); unsigned int key = irq_lock(); if (uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length == 0) { uart0_cb.rx_enabled = 0; } irq_unlock(key); if (uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length) { buf_released_evt(dev); /* Switch to secondary buffer. */ uart0_cb.rx_buffer_length = uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length; uart0_cb.rx_buffer = uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer; uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length = 0; uart0_cb.rx_counter = 0; uart0_cb.rx_offset = 0; event.type = UART_RX_BUF_REQUEST; user_callback(dev, &event); } else { uart_nrfx_rx_disable(dev); } } } static void tx_isr(const struct device *dev) { uart0_cb.tx_counter++; if (uart0_cb.tx_counter < uart0_cb.tx_buffer_length && !uart0_cb.tx_abort) { #if HW_FLOW_CONTROL_AVAILABLE if (uart0_cb.tx_timeout != SYS_FOREVER_US) { k_timer_start(&uart0_cb.tx_timeout_timer, K_USEC(uart0_cb.tx_timeout), K_NO_WAIT); } #endif nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_TXDRDY); uint8_t txd = uart0_cb.tx_buffer[uart0_cb.tx_counter]; nrf_uart_txd_set(uart0_addr, txd); } else { #if HW_FLOW_CONTROL_AVAILABLE if (uart0_cb.tx_timeout != SYS_FOREVER_US) { k_timer_stop(&uart0_cb.tx_timeout_timer); } #endif nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STOPTX); struct uart_event event = { .type = UART_TX_DONE, .data.tx.buf = uart0_cb.tx_buffer, .data.tx.len = uart0_cb.tx_counter }; nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_TXDRDY); uart0_cb.tx_buffer_length = 0; uart0_cb.tx_counter = 0; uart0_cb.tx_buffer = NULL; nrf_uart_int_disable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_TXDRDY); user_callback(dev, &event); } } #define UART_ERROR_FROM_MASK(mask) \ (mask & NRF_UART_ERROR_OVERRUN_MASK ? UART_ERROR_OVERRUN \ : mask & NRF_UART_ERROR_PARITY_MASK ? UART_ERROR_PARITY \ : mask & NRF_UART_ERROR_FRAMING_MASK ? UART_ERROR_FRAMING \ : mask & NRF_UART_ERROR_BREAK_MASK ? UART_BREAK \ : 0) static void error_isr(const struct device *dev) { if (uart0_cb.rx_timeout != SYS_FOREVER_US) { k_timer_stop(&uart0_cb.rx_timeout_timer); } nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_ERROR); if (!uart0_cb.rx_enabled) { nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STOPRX); } struct uart_event event = { .type = UART_RX_STOPPED, .data.rx_stop.reason = UART_ERROR_FROM_MASK( nrf_uart_errorsrc_get_and_clear(uart0_addr)), .data.rx_stop.data.len = uart0_cb.rx_counter - uart0_cb.rx_offset, .data.rx_stop.data.offset = uart0_cb.rx_offset, .data.rx_stop.data.buf = uart0_cb.rx_buffer }; user_callback(dev, &event); /* Abort transfer. */ uart_nrfx_rx_disable(dev); } /* * In nRF hardware RX timeout can occur only after stopping the peripheral, * it is used as a sign that peripheral has finished its operation and is * disabled. */ static void rxto_isr(const struct device *dev) { nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXTO); /* Send rxrdy if there is any data pending. */ if (uart0_cb.rx_counter - uart0_cb.rx_offset) { rx_rdy_evt(dev); } buf_released_evt(dev); if (uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer_length) { uart0_cb.rx_buffer = uart0_cb.rx_secondary_buffer; buf_released_evt(dev); } rx_reset_state(); rx_disabled_evt(dev); } void uart_nrfx_isr(const struct device *uart) { if (nrf_uart_int_enable_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_ERROR) && nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_ERROR)) { error_isr(uart); } else if (nrf_uart_int_enable_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_RXDRDY) && nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXDRDY)) { rx_isr(uart); } if (nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_TXDRDY) && nrf_uart_int_enable_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_TXDRDY)) { tx_isr(uart); } if (nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXTO)) { rxto_isr(uart); } } static void rx_timeout(struct k_timer *timer) { rx_rdy_evt(DEVICE_DT_INST_GET(0)); } #if HW_FLOW_CONTROL_AVAILABLE static void tx_timeout(struct k_timer *timer) { struct uart_event evt; if (uart0_cb.tx_timeout != SYS_FOREVER_US) { k_timer_stop(&uart0_cb.tx_timeout_timer); } nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STOPTX); evt.type = UART_TX_ABORTED; evt.data.tx.buf = uart0_cb.tx_buffer; evt.data.tx.len = uart0_cb.tx_buffer_length; uart0_cb.tx_buffer_length = 0; uart0_cb.tx_counter = 0; user_callback(DEVICE_DT_INST_GET(0), &evt); } #endif #endif /* CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC */ #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN /** Interrupt driven FIFO fill function */ static int uart_nrfx_fifo_fill(const struct device *dev, const uint8_t *tx_data, int len) { int num_tx = 0U; while ((len - num_tx > 0) && event_txdrdy_check()) { /* Clear the interrupt */ event_txdrdy_clear(); /* Send a character */ nrf_uart_txd_set(uart0_addr, (uint8_t)tx_data[num_tx++]); } return (int)num_tx; } /** Interrupt driven FIFO read function */ static int uart_nrfx_fifo_read(const struct device *dev, uint8_t *rx_data, const int size) { int num_rx = 0U; while ((size - num_rx > 0) && nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXDRDY)) { /* Clear the interrupt */ nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXDRDY); /* Receive a character */ rx_data[num_rx++] = (uint8_t)nrf_uart_rxd_get(uart0_addr); } return num_rx; } /** Interrupt driven transfer enabling function */ static void uart_nrfx_irq_tx_enable(const struct device *dev) { uint32_t key; disable_tx_irq = false; /* Indicate that this device started a transaction that should not be * interrupted by putting the SoC into the deep sleep mode. */ pm_device_busy_set(dev); /* Activate the transmitter. */ nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STARTTX); nrf_uart_int_enable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_TXDRDY); /* Critical section is used to avoid any UART related interrupt which * can occur after the if statement and before call of the function * forcing an interrupt. */ key = irq_lock(); if (uart_sw_event_txdrdy) { /* Due to HW limitation first TXDRDY interrupt shall be * triggered by the software. */ NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(IRQN); } irq_unlock(key); } /** Interrupt driven transfer disabling function */ static void uart_nrfx_irq_tx_disable(const struct device *dev) { /* Disable TX interrupt in uart_nrfx_isr() when transmission is done. */ disable_tx_irq = true; } /** Interrupt driven receiver enabling function */ static void uart_nrfx_irq_rx_enable(const struct device *dev) { nrf_uart_int_enable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_RXDRDY); } /** Interrupt driven receiver disabling function */ static void uart_nrfx_irq_rx_disable(const struct device *dev) { nrf_uart_int_disable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_RXDRDY); } /** Interrupt driven transfer empty function */ static int uart_nrfx_irq_tx_ready_complete(const struct device *dev) { /* Signal TX readiness only when the TX interrupt is enabled and there * is no pending request to disable it. Note that this function may get * called after the TX interrupt is requested to be disabled but before * the disabling is actually performed (in the IRQ handler). */ bool ready = nrf_uart_int_enable_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_TXDRDY) && !disable_tx_irq && event_txdrdy_check(); return ready ? 1 : 0; } /** Interrupt driven receiver ready function */ static int uart_nrfx_irq_rx_ready(const struct device *dev) { return nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXDRDY); } /** Interrupt driven error enabling function */ static void uart_nrfx_irq_err_enable(const struct device *dev) { nrf_uart_int_enable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_ERROR); } /** Interrupt driven error disabling function */ static void uart_nrfx_irq_err_disable(const struct device *dev) { nrf_uart_int_disable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_ERROR); } /** Interrupt driven pending status function */ static int uart_nrfx_irq_is_pending(const struct device *dev) { return ((nrf_uart_int_enable_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_TXDRDY) && uart_nrfx_irq_tx_ready_complete(dev)) || (nrf_uart_int_enable_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_RXDRDY) && uart_nrfx_irq_rx_ready(dev))); } /** Interrupt driven interrupt update function */ static int uart_nrfx_irq_update(const struct device *dev) { return 1; } /** Set the callback function */ static void uart_nrfx_irq_callback_set(const struct device *dev, uart_irq_callback_user_data_t cb, void *cb_data) { (void)dev; irq_callback = cb; irq_cb_data = cb_data; #if defined(CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC) && defined(CONFIG_UART_EXCLUSIVE_API_CALLBACKS) uart0_cb.callback = NULL; uart0_cb.user_data = NULL; #endif } /** * @brief Interrupt service routine. * * This simply calls the callback function, if one exists. * * @param arg Argument to ISR. */ static void uart_nrfx_isr(const struct device *dev) { if (disable_tx_irq && nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_TXDRDY)) { nrf_uart_int_disable(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_INT_MASK_TXDRDY); /* Deactivate the transmitter so that it does not needlessly * consume power. */ nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STOPTX); /* The transaction is over. It is okay to enter the deep sleep * mode if needed. */ pm_device_busy_clear(dev); disable_tx_irq = false; return; } if (nrf_uart_event_check(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_ERROR)) { nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_ERROR); } if (irq_callback) { irq_callback(dev, irq_cb_data); } } #endif /* CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN */ /** * @brief Initialize UART channel * * This routine is called to reset the chip in a quiescent state. * It is assumed that this function is called only once per UART. * * @param dev UART device struct * * @return 0 on success */ static int uart_nrfx_init(const struct device *dev) { const struct uart_nrfx_config *config = dev->config; struct uart_nrfx_data *data = dev->data; int err; nrf_uart_disable(uart0_addr); err = pinctrl_apply_state(config->pcfg, PINCTRL_STATE_DEFAULT); if (err < 0) { return err; } /* Set initial configuration */ err = uart_nrfx_configure(dev, &data->uart_config); if (err) { return err; } /* Enable the UART and activate its receiver. With the current API * the receiver needs to be active all the time. The transmitter * will be activated when there is something to send. */ nrf_uart_enable(uart0_addr); if (!DISABLE_RX) { nrf_uart_event_clear(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_EVENT_RXDRDY); nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STARTRX); } #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN /* Simulate that the TXDRDY event is set, so that the transmitter status * is indicated correctly. */ uart_sw_event_txdrdy = 1U; #endif #if defined(CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC) || defined(CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN) IRQ_CONNECT(IRQN, IRQ_PRIO, uart_nrfx_isr, DEVICE_DT_INST_GET(0), 0); irq_enable(IRQN); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC k_timer_init(&uart0_cb.rx_timeout_timer, rx_timeout, NULL); #if HW_FLOW_CONTROL_AVAILABLE k_timer_init(&uart0_cb.tx_timeout_timer, tx_timeout, NULL); #endif #endif return 0; } /* Common function: uart_nrfx_irq_tx_ready_complete is used for two API entries * because Nordic hardware does not distinguish between them. */ static DEVICE_API(uart, uart_nrfx_uart_driver_api) = { #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC .callback_set = uart_nrfx_callback_set, .tx = uart_nrfx_tx, .tx_abort = uart_nrfx_tx_abort, .rx_enable = uart_nrfx_rx_enable, .rx_buf_rsp = uart_nrfx_rx_buf_rsp, .rx_disable = uart_nrfx_rx_disable, #endif /* CONFIG_UART_0_ASYNC */ .poll_in = uart_nrfx_poll_in, .poll_out = uart_nrfx_poll_out, .err_check = uart_nrfx_err_check, #ifdef CONFIG_UART_USE_RUNTIME_CONFIGURE .configure = uart_nrfx_configure, .config_get = uart_nrfx_config_get, #endif #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN .fifo_fill = uart_nrfx_fifo_fill, .fifo_read = uart_nrfx_fifo_read, .irq_tx_enable = uart_nrfx_irq_tx_enable, .irq_tx_disable = uart_nrfx_irq_tx_disable, .irq_tx_ready = uart_nrfx_irq_tx_ready_complete, .irq_rx_enable = uart_nrfx_irq_rx_enable, .irq_rx_disable = uart_nrfx_irq_rx_disable, .irq_tx_complete = uart_nrfx_irq_tx_ready_complete, .irq_rx_ready = uart_nrfx_irq_rx_ready, .irq_err_enable = uart_nrfx_irq_err_enable, .irq_err_disable = uart_nrfx_irq_err_disable, .irq_is_pending = uart_nrfx_irq_is_pending, .irq_update = uart_nrfx_irq_update, .irq_callback_set = uart_nrfx_irq_callback_set, #endif /* CONFIG_UART_0_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN */ }; #ifdef CONFIG_PM_DEVICE static int uart_nrfx_pm_action(const struct device *dev, enum pm_device_action action) { const struct uart_nrfx_config *config = dev->config; int ret; switch (action) { case PM_DEVICE_ACTION_RESUME: ret = pinctrl_apply_state(config->pcfg, PINCTRL_STATE_DEFAULT); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } nrf_uart_enable(uart0_addr); if (!DISABLE_RX) { nrf_uart_task_trigger(uart0_addr, NRF_UART_TASK_STARTRX); } break; case PM_DEVICE_ACTION_SUSPEND: nrf_uart_disable(uart0_addr); ret = pinctrl_apply_state(config->pcfg, PINCTRL_STATE_SLEEP); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } break; default: return -ENOTSUP; } return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_PM_DEVICE */ PINCTRL_DT_INST_DEFINE(0); NRF_DT_CHECK_NODE_HAS_PINCTRL_SLEEP(DT_DRV_INST(0)); static const struct uart_nrfx_config uart_nrfx_uart0_config = { .pcfg = PINCTRL_DT_INST_DEV_CONFIG_GET(0), }; static struct uart_nrfx_data uart_nrfx_uart0_data = { .uart_config = { .stop_bits = UART_CFG_STOP_BITS_1, .data_bits = UART_CFG_DATA_BITS_8, .baudrate = BAUDRATE, #ifdef CONFIG_UART_0_NRF_PARITY_BIT .parity = UART_CFG_PARITY_EVEN, #else .parity = UART_CFG_PARITY_NONE, #endif /* CONFIG_UART_0_NRF_PARITY_BIT */ .flow_ctrl = PROP(hw_flow_control) ? UART_CFG_FLOW_CTRL_RTS_CTS : UART_CFG_FLOW_CTRL_NONE, } }; PM_DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(0, uart_nrfx_pm_action); DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(0, uart_nrfx_init, PM_DEVICE_DT_INST_GET(0), &uart_nrfx_uart0_data, &uart_nrfx_uart0_config, /* Initialize UART device before UART console. */ PRE_KERNEL_1, CONFIG_SERIAL_INIT_PRIORITY, &uart_nrfx_uart_driver_api);