/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Badgerd Technologies B.V. * Copyright (c) 2023 Metratec GmbH * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "bmp581.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(bmp581, CONFIG_SENSOR_LOG_LEVEL); #if DT_NUM_INST_STATUS_OKAY(DT_DRV_COMPAT) == 0 #warning "BMP581 driver enabled without any devices" #endif static int power_up_check(const struct device *dev); static int get_nvm_status(uint8_t *nvm_status, const struct device *dev); static int get_interrupt_status(uint8_t *int_status, const struct device *dev); static int validate_chip_id(struct bmp581_data *drv); static int get_osr_odr_press_config(struct bmp581_osr_odr_press_config *osr_odr_press_cfg, const struct device *dev); static int set_osr_config(const struct sensor_value *osr, enum sensor_channel chan, const struct device *dev); static int set_odr_config(const struct sensor_value *odr, const struct device *dev); static int soft_reset(const struct device *dev); static int set_iir_config(const struct sensor_value *iir, const struct device *dev); static int get_power_mode(enum bmp5_powermode *powermode, const struct device *dev); static int set_power_mode(enum bmp5_powermode powermode, const struct device *dev); static int set_power_mode(enum bmp5_powermode powermode, const struct device *dev) { struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; int ret = BMP5_OK; uint8_t odr = 0; enum bmp5_powermode current_powermode; CHECKIF(dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } ret = get_power_mode(¤t_powermode, dev); if (ret != BMP5_OK) { LOG_ERR("Couldnt set the power mode because something went wrong when getting the " "current power mode."); return ret; } if (current_powermode != BMP5_POWERMODE_STANDBY) { /* * Device should be set to standby before transitioning to forced mode or normal * mode or continuous mode. */ ret = i2c_reg_read_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_ODR_CONFIG, &odr); if (ret == BMP5_OK) { /* Setting deep_dis = 1(BMP5_DEEP_DISABLED) disables the deep standby mode */ odr = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(odr, BMP5_DEEP_DISABLE, BMP5_DEEP_DISABLED); odr = BMP5_SET_BITS_POS_0(odr, BMP5_POWERMODE, BMP5_POWERMODE_STANDBY); ret = i2c_reg_write_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_ODR_CONFIG, odr); if (ret != BMP5_OK) { LOG_DBG("Failed to set power mode to BMP5_POWERMODE_STANDBY."); return ret; } } } /* lets update the power mode */ switch (powermode) { case BMP5_POWERMODE_STANDBY: /* this change is already done so we can just return */ ret = BMP5_OK; break; case BMP5_POWERMODE_DEEP_STANDBY: LOG_DBG("Setting power mode to DEEP STANDBY is not supported, current power mode " "is BMP5_POWERMODE_STANDBY."); ret = -ENOTSUP; break; case BMP5_POWERMODE_NORMAL: case BMP5_POWERMODE_FORCED: case BMP5_POWERMODE_CONTINUOUS: odr = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(odr, BMP5_DEEP_DISABLE, BMP5_DEEP_DISABLED); odr = BMP5_SET_BITS_POS_0(odr, BMP5_POWERMODE, powermode); ret = i2c_reg_write_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_ODR_CONFIG, odr); break; default: /* invalid power mode */ ret = -EINVAL; break; } return ret; } static int get_power_mode(enum bmp5_powermode *powermode, const struct device *dev) { struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; int ret = BMP5_OK; CHECKIF(powermode == NULL || dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } uint8_t reg = 0; uint8_t raw_power_mode = 0; ret = i2c_reg_read_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_ODR_CONFIG, ®); if (ret != BMP5_OK) { LOG_DBG("Failed to read odr config to get power mode!"); return ret; } raw_power_mode = BMP5_GET_BITS_POS_0(reg, BMP5_POWERMODE); switch (raw_power_mode) { case BMP5_POWERMODE_STANDBY: { /* Getting deep disable status */ uint8_t deep_dis = BMP5_GET_BITSLICE(reg, BMP5_DEEP_DISABLE); /* Checking deepstandby status only when powermode is in standby mode */ /* If deep_dis = 0(BMP5_DEEP_ENABLED) then deepstandby mode is enabled. * If deep_dis = 1(BMP5_DEEP_DISABLED) then deepstandby mode is disabled */ if (deep_dis == BMP5_DEEP_ENABLED) { /* TODO: check if it is really deep standby */ *powermode = BMP5_POWERMODE_DEEP_STANDBY; } else { *powermode = BMP5_POWERMODE_STANDBY; } break; } case BMP5_POWERMODE_NORMAL: *powermode = BMP5_POWERMODE_NORMAL; break; case BMP5_POWERMODE_FORCED: *powermode = BMP5_POWERMODE_FORCED; break; case BMP5_POWERMODE_CONTINUOUS: *powermode = BMP5_POWERMODE_CONTINUOUS; break; default: /* invalid power mode */ ret = -EINVAL; LOG_DBG("Something went wrong invalid powermode!"); break; } return ret; } static int power_up_check(const struct device *dev) { int8_t rslt = 0; uint8_t nvm_status = 0; CHECKIF(dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } rslt = get_nvm_status(&nvm_status, dev); if (rslt == BMP5_OK) { /* Check if nvm_rdy status = 1 and nvm_err status = 0 to proceed */ if ((nvm_status & BMP5_INT_NVM_RDY) && (!(nvm_status & BMP5_INT_NVM_ERR))) { rslt = BMP5_OK; } else { rslt = -EFAULT; } } return rslt; } static int get_interrupt_status(uint8_t *int_status, const struct device *dev) { struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; CHECKIF(int_status == NULL || dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } return i2c_reg_read_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_INT_STATUS, int_status); } static int get_nvm_status(uint8_t *nvm_status, const struct device *dev) { struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; CHECKIF(nvm_status == NULL || dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } return i2c_reg_read_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_STATUS, nvm_status); } static int validate_chip_id(struct bmp581_data *drv) { int8_t rslt = 0; CHECKIF(drv == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } if ((drv->chip_id == BMP5_CHIP_ID_PRIM) || (drv->chip_id == BMP5_CHIP_ID_SEC)) { rslt = BMP5_OK; } else { drv->chip_id = 0; rslt = -ENODEV; } return rslt; } /*! * This API gets the configuration for oversampling of temperature, oversampling of * pressure and ODR configuration along with pressure enable. */ static int get_osr_odr_press_config(struct bmp581_osr_odr_press_config *osr_odr_press_cfg, const struct device *dev) { struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; /* Variable to store the function result */ int8_t rslt = 0; /* Variable to store OSR and ODR config */ uint8_t reg_data[2] = {0}; CHECKIF(osr_odr_press_cfg == NULL || dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } /* Get OSR and ODR configuration in burst read */ rslt = i2c_burst_read_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_OSR_CONFIG, reg_data, 2); if (rslt == BMP5_OK) { osr_odr_press_cfg->osr_t = BMP5_GET_BITS_POS_0(reg_data[0], BMP5_TEMP_OS); osr_odr_press_cfg->osr_p = BMP5_GET_BITSLICE(reg_data[0], BMP5_PRESS_OS); osr_odr_press_cfg->press_en = BMP5_GET_BITSLICE(reg_data[0], BMP5_PRESS_EN); osr_odr_press_cfg->odr = BMP5_GET_BITSLICE(reg_data[1], BMP5_ODR); } return rslt; } static int set_osr_config(const struct sensor_value *osr, enum sensor_channel chan, const struct device *dev) { CHECKIF(osr == NULL || dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } struct bmp581_data *drv = (struct bmp581_data *)dev->data; struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; int ret = 0; uint8_t oversampling = osr->val1; uint8_t press_en = osr->val2 != 0; /* if it is not 0 then pressure is enabled */ uint8_t osr_val = 0; ret = i2c_reg_read_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_OSR_CONFIG, &osr_val); if (ret == BMP5_OK) { switch (chan) { case SENSOR_CHAN_ALL: osr_val = BMP5_SET_BITS_POS_0(osr_val, BMP5_TEMP_OS, oversampling); osr_val = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(osr_val, BMP5_PRESS_OS, oversampling); osr_val = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(osr_val, BMP5_PRESS_EN, press_en); break; case SENSOR_CHAN_PRESS: osr_val = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(osr_val, BMP5_PRESS_OS, oversampling); osr_val = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(osr_val, BMP5_PRESS_EN, press_en); break; case SENSOR_CHAN_AMBIENT_TEMP: osr_val = BMP5_SET_BITS_POS_0(osr_val, BMP5_TEMP_OS, oversampling); break; default: ret = -ENOTSUP; break; } if (ret == BMP5_OK) { ret = i2c_reg_write_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_OSR_CONFIG, osr_val); get_osr_odr_press_config(&drv->osr_odr_press_config, dev); } } return ret; } static int set_odr_config(const struct sensor_value *odr, const struct device *dev) { CHECKIF(odr == NULL || dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } struct bmp581_data *drv = (struct bmp581_data *)dev->data; struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; int ret = 0; uint8_t odr_val = 0; ret = i2c_reg_read_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_ODR_CONFIG, &odr_val); if (ret != BMP5_OK) { return ret; } odr_val = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(odr_val, BMP5_ODR, odr->val1); ret = i2c_reg_write_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_ODR_CONFIG, odr_val); get_osr_odr_press_config(&drv->osr_odr_press_config, dev); return ret; } static int soft_reset(const struct device *dev) { struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; int ret = 0; const uint8_t reset_cmd = BMP5_SOFT_RESET_CMD; uint8_t int_status = 0; CHECKIF(dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } ret = i2c_reg_write_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_CMD, reset_cmd); if (ret == BMP5_OK) { k_usleep(BMP5_DELAY_US_SOFT_RESET); ret = get_interrupt_status(&int_status, dev); if (ret == BMP5_OK) { if (int_status & BMP5_INT_ASSERTED_POR_SOFTRESET_COMPLETE) { ret = BMP5_OK; } else { ret = -EFAULT; } } } else { LOG_DBG("Failed perform soft-reset."); } return ret; } static int bmp581_sample_fetch(const struct device *dev, enum sensor_channel chan) { CHECKIF(dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } if (chan != SENSOR_CHAN_ALL) { return -ENOTSUP; } struct bmp581_data *drv = (struct bmp581_data *)dev->data; struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; uint8_t data[6]; int ret = 0; ret = i2c_burst_read_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_TEMP_DATA_XLSB, data, 6); if (ret == BMP5_OK) { /* convert raw sensor data to sensor_value. Shift the decimal part by 1 decimal * place to compensate for the conversion in sensor_value_to_double() */ drv->last_sample.temperature.val1 = data[2]; drv->last_sample.temperature.val2 = (data[1] << 8 | data[0]) * 10; if (drv->osr_odr_press_config.press_en == BMP5_ENABLE) { uint32_t raw_pressure = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(data[5] << 16) | (uint16_t)(data[4] << 8) | data[3]); /* convert raw sensor data to sensor_value. Shift the decimal part by * 4 decimal places to compensate for the conversion in * sensor_value_to_double() */ drv->last_sample.pressure.val1 = raw_pressure >> 6; drv->last_sample.pressure.val2 = (raw_pressure & BIT_MASK(6)) * 10000; } else { drv->last_sample.pressure.val1 = 0; drv->last_sample.pressure.val2 = 0; } } return ret; } static int bmp581_channel_get(const struct device *dev, enum sensor_channel chan, struct sensor_value *val) { CHECKIF(dev == NULL || val == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } struct bmp581_data *drv = (struct bmp581_data *)dev->data; switch (chan) { case SENSOR_CHAN_PRESS: /* returns pressure in Pa */ *val = drv->last_sample.pressure; return BMP5_OK; case SENSOR_CHAN_AMBIENT_TEMP: /* returns temperature in Celsius */ *val = drv->last_sample.temperature; return BMP5_OK; default: return -ENOTSUP; } } static int set_iir_config(const struct sensor_value *iir, const struct device *dev) { struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; int ret = BMP5_OK; CHECKIF((iir == NULL) | (dev == NULL)) { return -EINVAL; } /* Variable to store existing powermode */ enum bmp5_powermode prev_powermode; ret = get_power_mode(&prev_powermode, dev); if (ret != BMP5_OK) { LOG_DBG("Not able to get current power mode."); return ret; } /* IIR configuration is writable only during STANDBY mode(as per datasheet) */ set_power_mode(BMP5_POWERMODE_STANDBY, dev); /* update IIR config */ uint8_t dsp_config[2]; ret = i2c_burst_read_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_DSP_CONFIG, dsp_config, 2); if (ret != BMP5_OK) { LOG_DBG("Failed to read dsp config register."); return ret; } /* Put IIR filtered values in data registers */ dsp_config[0] = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(dsp_config[0], BMP5_SHDW_SET_IIR_TEMP, BMP5_ENABLE); dsp_config[0] = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(dsp_config[0], BMP5_SHDW_SET_IIR_PRESS, BMP5_ENABLE); /* Configure IIR filter */ dsp_config[1] = iir->val1; dsp_config[1] = BMP5_SET_BITSLICE(dsp_config[1], BMP5_SET_IIR_PRESS, iir->val2); /* Set IIR configuration */ ret = i2c_burst_write_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_DSP_CONFIG, dsp_config, 2); if (ret != BMP5_OK) { LOG_DBG("Failed to configure IIR filter."); return ret; } /* Restore previous power mode if it is not standby already */ if (prev_powermode != BMP5_POWERMODE_STANDBY) { ret = set_power_mode(prev_powermode, dev); } return ret; } static int bmp581_attr_set(const struct device *dev, enum sensor_channel chan, enum sensor_attribute attr, const struct sensor_value *val) { CHECKIF(dev == NULL || val == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } int ret; switch ((int)attr) { case SENSOR_ATTR_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY: ret = set_odr_config(val, dev); break; case SENSOR_ATTR_OVERSAMPLING: ret = set_osr_config(val, chan, dev); break; case BMP5_ATTR_POWER_MODE: { enum bmp5_powermode powermode = (enum bmp5_powermode)val->val1; ret = set_power_mode(powermode, dev); break; } case BMP5_ATTR_IIR_CONFIG: ret = set_iir_config(val, dev); break; default: ret = -ENOTSUP; break; } return ret; } static int bmp581_init(const struct device *dev) { CHECKIF(dev == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } struct bmp581_data *drv = (struct bmp581_data *)dev->data; struct bmp581_config *conf = (struct bmp581_config *)dev->config; int ret = -1; /* Reset the chip id. */ drv->chip_id = 0; memset(&drv->osr_odr_press_config, 0, sizeof(drv->osr_odr_press_config)); memset(&drv->last_sample, 0, sizeof(drv->last_sample)); soft_reset(dev); ret = i2c_reg_read_byte_dt(&conf->i2c, BMP5_REG_CHIP_ID, &drv->chip_id); if (ret != BMP5_OK) { return ret; } if (drv->chip_id != 0) { ret = power_up_check(dev); if (ret == BMP5_OK) { ret = validate_chip_id(drv); if (ret != BMP5_OK) { LOG_ERR("Unexpected chip id (%x). Expected (%x or %x)", drv->chip_id, BMP5_CHIP_ID_PRIM, BMP5_CHIP_ID_SEC); } } } else { /* that means something went wrong */ LOG_ERR("Unexpected chip id (%x). Expected (%x or %x)", drv->chip_id, BMP5_CHIP_ID_PRIM, BMP5_CHIP_ID_SEC); return -EINVAL; } return ret; } static DEVICE_API(sensor, bmp581_driver_api) = { .sample_fetch = bmp581_sample_fetch, .channel_get = bmp581_channel_get, .attr_set = bmp581_attr_set, }; #define BMP581_CONFIG(i) \ static const struct bmp581_config bmp581_config_##i = { \ .i2c = I2C_DT_SPEC_INST_GET(i), \ } #define BMP581_INIT(i) \ static struct bmp581_data bmp581_data_##i; \ BMP581_CONFIG(i); \ \ SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(i, bmp581_init, NULL, &bmp581_data_##i, &bmp581_config_##i, \ POST_KERNEL, CONFIG_SENSOR_INIT_PRIORITY, \ &bmp581_driver_api); DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(BMP581_INIT)