/* Bosch BMG160 gyro driver, trigger implementation * * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Datasheet: * http://ae-bst.resource.bosch.com/media/_tech/media/datasheets/BST-BMG160-DS000-09.pdf */ #include #include #include "bmg160.h" extern struct bmg160_device_data bmg160_data; #include LOG_MODULE_DECLARE(BMG160, CONFIG_SENSOR_LOG_LEVEL); static inline int setup_int(const struct device *dev, bool enable) { const struct bmg160_device_config *cfg = dev->config; return gpio_pin_interrupt_configure_dt(&cfg->int_gpio, enable ? GPIO_INT_EDGE_TO_ACTIVE : GPIO_INT_DISABLE); } static void bmg160_gpio_callback(const struct device *port, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pin) { struct bmg160_device_data *bmg160 = CONTAINER_OF(cb, struct bmg160_device_data, gpio_cb); ARG_UNUSED(port); ARG_UNUSED(pin); #if defined(CONFIG_BMG160_TRIGGER_OWN_THREAD) k_sem_give(&bmg160->trig_sem); #elif defined(CONFIG_BMG160_TRIGGER_GLOBAL_THREAD) k_work_submit(&bmg160->work); #endif } static int bmg160_anymotion_set(const struct device *dev, const struct sensor_trigger *trig, sensor_trigger_handler_t handler) { struct bmg160_device_data *bmg160 = dev->data; uint8_t anymotion_en = 0U; if (handler) { anymotion_en = BMG160_ANY_EN_X | BMG160_ANY_EN_Y | BMG160_ANY_EN_Z; } if (bmg160_update_byte(dev, BMG160_REG_ANY_EN, BMG160_ANY_EN_MASK, anymotion_en) < 0) { return -EIO; } bmg160->anymotion_handler = handler; bmg160->anymotion_trig = trig; return 0; } static int bmg160_drdy_set(const struct device *dev, const struct sensor_trigger *trig, sensor_trigger_handler_t handler) { struct bmg160_device_data *bmg160 = dev->data; if (bmg160_update_byte(dev, BMG160_REG_INT_EN0, BMG160_DATA_EN, handler ? BMG160_DATA_EN : 0) < 0) { return -EIO; } bmg160->drdy_handler = handler; bmg160->drdy_trig = trig; return 0; } int bmg160_slope_config(const struct device *dev, enum sensor_attribute attr, const struct sensor_value *val) { struct bmg160_device_data *bmg160 = dev->data; if (attr == SENSOR_ATTR_SLOPE_TH) { uint16_t any_th_dps, range_dps; uint8_t any_th_reg_val; any_th_dps = sensor_rad_to_degrees(val); range_dps = BMG160_SCALE_TO_RANGE(bmg160->scale); any_th_reg_val = any_th_dps * 2000U / range_dps; /* the maximum slope depends on selected range */ if (any_th_dps > range_dps / 16U) { return -ENOTSUP; } return bmg160_write_byte(dev, BMG160_REG_THRES, any_th_dps & BMG160_THRES_MASK); } else if (attr == SENSOR_ATTR_SLOPE_DUR) { /* slope duration can be 4, 8, 12 or 16 samples */ if (val->val1 != 4 && val->val1 != 8 && val->val1 != 12 && val->val1 != 16) { return -ENOTSUP; } return bmg160_write_byte(dev, BMG160_REG_ANY_EN, (val->val1 << BMG160_ANY_DURSAMPLE_POS) & BMG160_ANY_DURSAMPLE_MASK); } return -ENOTSUP; } int bmg160_trigger_set(const struct device *dev, const struct sensor_trigger *trig, sensor_trigger_handler_t handler) { const struct bmg160_device_config *config = dev->config; if (!config->int_gpio.port) { return -ENOTSUP; } if (trig->type == SENSOR_TRIG_DELTA) { return bmg160_anymotion_set(dev, trig, handler); } else if (trig->type == SENSOR_TRIG_DATA_READY) { return bmg160_drdy_set(dev, trig, handler); } return -ENOTSUP; } static int bmg160_handle_anymotion_int(const struct device *dev) { struct bmg160_device_data *bmg160 = dev->data; if (bmg160->anymotion_handler) { bmg160->anymotion_handler(dev, bmg160->anymotion_trig); } return 0; } static int bmg160_handle_dataready_int(const struct device *dev) { struct bmg160_device_data *bmg160 = dev->data; if (bmg160->drdy_handler) { bmg160->drdy_handler(dev, bmg160->drdy_trig); } return 0; } static void bmg160_handle_int(const struct device *dev) { uint8_t status_int[4]; if (bmg160_read(dev, BMG160_REG_INT_STATUS0, status_int, 4) < 0) { return; } if (status_int[0] & BMG160_ANY_INT) { bmg160_handle_anymotion_int(dev); } else { bmg160_handle_dataready_int(dev); } } #ifdef CONFIG_BMG160_TRIGGER_OWN_THREAD static K_KERNEL_STACK_DEFINE(bmg160_thread_stack, CONFIG_BMG160_THREAD_STACK_SIZE); static struct k_thread bmg160_thread; static void bmg160_thread_main(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) { ARG_UNUSED(p2); ARG_UNUSED(p3); struct bmg160_device_data *bmg160 = p1; while (true) { k_sem_take(&bmg160->trig_sem, K_FOREVER); bmg160_handle_int(bmg160->dev); } } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BMG160_TRIGGER_GLOBAL_THREAD static void bmg160_work_cb(struct k_work *work) { struct bmg160_device_data *bmg160 = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct bmg160_device_data, work); bmg160_handle_int(bmg160->dev); } #endif int bmg160_trigger_init(const struct device *dev) { const struct bmg160_device_config *cfg = dev->config; struct bmg160_device_data *bmg160 = dev->data; int ret; /* set INT1 pin to: push-pull, active low */ if (bmg160_write_byte(dev, BMG160_REG_INT_EN1, 0) < 0) { LOG_DBG("Failed to select interrupt pins type."); return -EIO; } /* set interrupt mode to non-latched */ if (bmg160_write_byte(dev, BMG160_REG_INT_RST_LATCH, 0) < 0) { LOG_DBG("Failed to set the interrupt mode."); return -EIO; } /* map anymotion and high rate interrupts to INT1 pin */ if (bmg160_write_byte(dev, BMG160_REG_INT_MAP0, BMG160_INT1_ANY | BMG160_INT1_HIGH) < 0) { LOG_DBG("Unable to map interrupts."); return -EIO; } /* map data ready, FIFO and FastOffset interrupts to INT1 pin */ if (bmg160_write_byte(dev, BMG160_REG_INT_MAP1, BMG160_INT1_DATA | BMG160_INT1_FIFO | BMG160_INT1_FAST_OFFSET) < 0) { LOG_DBG("Unable to map interrupts."); return -EIO; } if (!gpio_is_ready_dt(&cfg->int_gpio)) { LOG_ERR("GPIO device not ready"); return -ENODEV; } bmg160->dev = dev; #if defined(CONFIG_BMG160_TRIGGER_OWN_THREAD) k_sem_init(&bmg160->trig_sem, 0, K_SEM_MAX_LIMIT); k_thread_create(&bmg160_thread, bmg160_thread_stack, CONFIG_BMG160_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, bmg160_thread_main, bmg160, NULL, NULL, K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_BMG160_THREAD_PRIORITY), 0, K_NO_WAIT); #elif defined(CONFIG_BMG160_TRIGGER_GLOBAL_THREAD) bmg160->work.handler = bmg160_work_cb; #endif ret = gpio_pin_configure_dt(&cfg->int_gpio, GPIO_INT_EDGE_TO_ACTIVE); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } gpio_init_callback(&bmg160->gpio_cb, bmg160_gpio_callback, BIT(cfg->int_gpio.pin)); ret = gpio_add_callback(cfg->int_gpio.port, &bmg160->gpio_cb); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } return setup_int(dev, true); }