/* * Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #define DT_DRV_COMPAT nxp_imx_pwm #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(pwm_mcux, CONFIG_PWM_LOG_LEVEL); #define CHANNEL_COUNT 2 struct pwm_mcux_config { PWM_Type *base; uint8_t index; const struct device *clock_dev; clock_control_subsys_t clock_subsys; pwm_clock_prescale_t prescale; pwm_register_reload_t reload; pwm_mode_t mode; bool run_wait; bool run_debug; const struct pinctrl_dev_config *pincfg; }; struct pwm_mcux_data { uint32_t period_cycles[CHANNEL_COUNT]; pwm_signal_param_t channel[CHANNEL_COUNT]; struct k_mutex lock; }; static int mcux_pwm_set_cycles_internal(const struct device *dev, uint32_t channel, uint32_t period_cycles, uint32_t pulse_cycles, pwm_flags_t flags) { const struct pwm_mcux_config *config = dev->config; struct pwm_mcux_data *data = dev->data; pwm_level_select_t level; if (flags & PWM_POLARITY_INVERTED) { level = kPWM_LowTrue; } else { level = kPWM_HighTrue; } if (period_cycles != data->period_cycles[channel] || level != data->channel[channel].level) { uint32_t clock_freq; status_t status; data->period_cycles[channel] = period_cycles; if (clock_control_get_rate(config->clock_dev, config->clock_subsys, &clock_freq)) { return -EINVAL; } data->channel[channel].pwmchannelenable = true; PWM_StopTimer(config->base, 1U << config->index); /* * We will directly write the duty cycle pulse width * and full pulse width into the VALx registers to * setup PWM with higher resolution. * Therefore we use dummy values for the duty cycle * and frequency. */ data->channel[channel].dutyCyclePercent = 0; data->channel[channel].level = level; status = PWM_SetupPwm(config->base, config->index, &data->channel[channel], 1U, config->mode, 1U, clock_freq); if (status != kStatus_Success) { LOG_ERR("Could not set up pwm"); return -ENOTSUP; } /* Setup VALx values directly for edge aligned PWM */ if (channel == 0) { /* Side A */ PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_0, (uint16_t)(period_cycles / 2U)); PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_1, (uint16_t)(period_cycles - 1U)); PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_2, 0U); PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_3, (uint16_t)pulse_cycles); } else { /* Side B */ PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_0, (uint16_t)(period_cycles / 2U)); PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_1, (uint16_t)(period_cycles - 1U)); PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_4, 0U); PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_5, (uint16_t)pulse_cycles); } PWM_SetPwmLdok(config->base, 1U << config->index, true); PWM_StartTimer(config->base, 1U << config->index); } else { /* Setup VALx values directly for edge aligned PWM */ if (channel == 0) { /* Side A */ PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_2, 0U); PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_3, (uint16_t)pulse_cycles); } else { /* Side B */ PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_4, 0U); PWM_SetVALxValue(config->base, config->index, kPWM_ValueRegister_5, (uint16_t)pulse_cycles); } PWM_SetPwmLdok(config->base, 1U << config->index, true); } return 0; } static int mcux_pwm_set_cycles(const struct device *dev, uint32_t channel, uint32_t period_cycles, uint32_t pulse_cycles, pwm_flags_t flags) { struct pwm_mcux_data *data = dev->data; int result; if (channel >= CHANNEL_COUNT) { LOG_ERR("Invalid channel"); return -EINVAL; } if (period_cycles == 0) { LOG_ERR("Channel can not be set to inactive level"); return -ENOTSUP; } if (period_cycles > UINT16_MAX) { /* 16-bit resolution */ LOG_ERR("Too long period (%u), adjust pwm prescaler!", period_cycles); /* TODO: dynamically adjust prescaler */ return -EINVAL; } k_mutex_lock(&data->lock, K_FOREVER); result = mcux_pwm_set_cycles_internal(dev, channel, period_cycles, pulse_cycles, flags); k_mutex_unlock(&data->lock); return result; } static int mcux_pwm_get_cycles_per_sec(const struct device *dev, uint32_t channel, uint64_t *cycles) { const struct pwm_mcux_config *config = dev->config; uint32_t clock_freq; if (clock_control_get_rate(config->clock_dev, config->clock_subsys, &clock_freq)) { return -EINVAL; } *cycles = clock_freq >> config->prescale; return 0; } static int pwm_mcux_init(const struct device *dev) { const struct pwm_mcux_config *config = dev->config; struct pwm_mcux_data *data = dev->data; pwm_config_t pwm_config; status_t status; int i, err; k_mutex_init(&data->lock); if (!device_is_ready(config->clock_dev)) { LOG_ERR("clock control device not ready"); return -ENODEV; } err = pinctrl_apply_state(config->pincfg, PINCTRL_STATE_DEFAULT); if (err < 0) { return err; } LOG_DBG("Set prescaler %d, reload mode %d", 1 << config->prescale, config->reload); PWM_GetDefaultConfig(&pwm_config); pwm_config.prescale = config->prescale; pwm_config.reloadLogic = config->reload; pwm_config.clockSource = kPWM_BusClock; pwm_config.enableDebugMode = config->run_debug; #if !defined(FSL_FEATURE_PWM_HAS_NO_WAITEN) || (!FSL_FEATURE_PWM_HAS_NO_WAITEN) pwm_config.enableWait = config->run_wait; #endif status = PWM_Init(config->base, config->index, &pwm_config); if (status != kStatus_Success) { LOG_ERR("Unable to init PWM"); return -EIO; } /* Disable fault sources */ for (i = 0; i < FSL_FEATURE_PWM_FAULT_CH_COUNT; i++) { config->base->SM[config->index].DISMAP[i] = 0x0000; } data->channel[0].pwmChannel = kPWM_PwmA; data->channel[0].level = kPWM_HighTrue; data->channel[1].pwmChannel = kPWM_PwmB; data->channel[1].level = kPWM_HighTrue; return 0; } static DEVICE_API(pwm, pwm_mcux_driver_api) = { .set_cycles = mcux_pwm_set_cycles, .get_cycles_per_sec = mcux_pwm_get_cycles_per_sec, }; #define PWM_DEVICE_INIT_MCUX(n) \ static struct pwm_mcux_data pwm_mcux_data_ ## n; \ PINCTRL_DT_INST_DEFINE(n); \ \ static const struct pwm_mcux_config pwm_mcux_config_ ## n = { \ .base = (PWM_Type *)DT_REG_ADDR(DT_INST_PARENT(n)), \ .index = DT_INST_PROP(n, index), \ .mode = kPWM_EdgeAligned, \ .prescale = _CONCAT(kPWM_Prescale_Divide_, DT_INST_PROP(n, nxp_prescaler)),\ .reload = DT_ENUM_IDX_OR(DT_DRV_INST(n), nxp_reload,\ kPWM_ReloadPwmFullCycle),\ .clock_dev = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_INST_CLOCKS_CTLR(n)), \ .clock_subsys = (clock_control_subsys_t)DT_INST_CLOCKS_CELL(n, name),\ .run_wait = DT_INST_PROP(n, run_in_wait), \ .run_debug = DT_INST_PROP(n, run_in_debug), \ .pincfg = PINCTRL_DT_INST_DEV_CONFIG_GET(n), \ }; \ \ DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(n, \ pwm_mcux_init, \ NULL, \ &pwm_mcux_data_ ## n, \ &pwm_mcux_config_ ## n, \ POST_KERNEL, CONFIG_PWM_INIT_PRIORITY, \ &pwm_mcux_driver_api); DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(PWM_DEVICE_INIT_MCUX)