/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Ambiq Micro Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /** * @brief Ambiq SPI based Bluetooth HCI driver. */ #define DT_DRV_COMPAT ambiq_bt_hci_spi #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_LEVEL CONFIG_BT_HCI_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(bt_hci_driver); #include "apollox_blue.h" /* Offset of special item */ #define PACKET_TYPE 0 #define PACKET_TYPE_SIZE 1 #define EVT_HEADER_TYPE 0 #define EVT_CMD_COMP_OP_LSB 3 #define EVT_CMD_COMP_OP_MSB 4 #define EVT_CMD_COMP_DATA 5 #define EVT_OK 0 #define EVT_DISCARD 1 #define EVT_NOP 2 #define BT_FEAT_SET_BIT(feat, octet, bit) (feat[octet] |= BIT(bit)) #define BT_FEAT_SET_NO_BREDR(feat) BT_FEAT_SET_BIT(feat, 4, 5) #define BT_FEAT_SET_LE(feat) BT_FEAT_SET_BIT(feat, 4, 6) /* Max SPI buffer length for transceive operations. * The maximum TX packet number is 512 bytes data + 12 bytes header. * The maximum RX packet number is 255 bytes data + 3 header. */ #define SPI_MAX_TX_MSG_LEN 524 #define SPI_MAX_RX_MSG_LEN 258 /* The controller may be unavailable to receive packets because it is busy * on processing something or have packets to send to host. Need to free the * SPI bus and wait some moment to try again. */ #define SPI_BUSY_WAIT_INTERVAL_MS 25 #define SPI_BUSY_TX_ATTEMPTS 200 static uint8_t __noinit rxmsg[SPI_MAX_RX_MSG_LEN]; static struct spi_dt_spec spi_bus = SPI_DT_SPEC_INST_GET(0, SPI_OP_MODE_MASTER | SPI_HALF_DUPLEX | SPI_TRANSFER_MSB | SPI_MODE_CPOL | SPI_MODE_CPHA | SPI_WORD_SET(8), 0); static K_KERNEL_STACK_DEFINE(spi_rx_stack, CONFIG_BT_DRV_RX_STACK_SIZE); static struct k_thread spi_rx_thread_data; static struct spi_buf spi_tx_buf; static struct spi_buf spi_rx_buf; static const struct spi_buf_set spi_tx = {.buffers = &spi_tx_buf, .count = 1}; static const struct spi_buf_set spi_rx = {.buffers = &spi_rx_buf, .count = 1}; static K_SEM_DEFINE(sem_irq, 0, 1); static K_SEM_DEFINE(sem_spi_available, 1, 1); struct bt_apollo_data { bt_hci_recv_t recv; }; void bt_packet_irq_isr(const struct device *unused1, struct gpio_callback *unused2, uint32_t unused3) { bt_apollo_rcv_isr_preprocess(); k_sem_give(&sem_irq); } static inline int bt_spi_transceive(void *tx, uint32_t tx_len, void *rx, uint32_t rx_len) { spi_tx_buf.buf = tx; spi_tx_buf.len = (size_t)tx_len; spi_rx_buf.buf = rx; spi_rx_buf.len = (size_t)rx_len; /* Before sending packet to controller the host needs to poll the status of * controller to know it's ready, or before reading packets from controller * the host needs to get the payload size of coming packets by sending specific * command and putting the status or size to the rx buffer, the CS should be * held at this moment to continue to send or receive packets. */ if (tx_len && rx_len) { spi_bus.config.operation |= SPI_HOLD_ON_CS; } else { spi_bus.config.operation &= ~SPI_HOLD_ON_CS; } return spi_transceive_dt(&spi_bus, &spi_tx, &spi_rx); } static int spi_send_packet(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { int ret; uint16_t fail_count = 0; do { /* Wait for SPI bus to be available */ k_sem_take(&sem_spi_available, K_FOREVER); /* Send the SPI packet to controller */ ret = bt_apollo_spi_send(data, len, bt_spi_transceive); /* Free the SPI bus */ k_sem_give(&sem_spi_available); if (ret) { /* Give some chance to controller to complete the processing or * packets sending. */ k_sleep(K_MSEC(SPI_BUSY_WAIT_INTERVAL_MS)); } else { break; } } while (fail_count++ < SPI_BUSY_TX_ATTEMPTS); return ret; } static int spi_receive_packet(uint8_t *data, uint16_t *len) { int ret; /* Wait for SPI bus to be available */ k_sem_take(&sem_spi_available, K_FOREVER); /* Receive the SPI packet from controller */ ret = bt_apollo_spi_rcv(data, len, bt_spi_transceive); /* Free the SPI bus */ k_sem_give(&sem_spi_available); return ret; } static int hci_event_filter(const uint8_t *evt_data) { uint8_t evt_type = evt_data[EVT_HEADER_TYPE]; switch (evt_type) { case BT_HCI_EVT_LE_META_EVENT: { uint8_t subevt_type = evt_data[sizeof(struct bt_hci_evt_hdr)]; switch (subevt_type) { case BT_HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT: return EVT_DISCARD; default: return EVT_OK; } } case BT_HCI_EVT_CMD_COMPLETE: { uint16_t opcode = (uint16_t)(evt_data[EVT_CMD_COMP_OP_LSB] + (evt_data[EVT_CMD_COMP_OP_MSB] << 8)); switch (opcode) { case BT_OP_NOP: return EVT_NOP; case BT_HCI_OP_READ_LOCAL_FEATURES: { /* The BLE controller of some Ambiq Apollox Blue SOC may have issue to * report the expected supported features bitmask successfully, thought the * features are actually supportive. Need to correct them before going to * the host stack. */ struct bt_hci_rp_read_local_features *rp = (void *)&evt_data[EVT_CMD_COMP_DATA]; if (rp->status == 0) { BT_FEAT_SET_NO_BREDR(rp->features); BT_FEAT_SET_LE(rp->features); } return EVT_OK; } default: return EVT_OK; } } default: return EVT_OK; } } static struct net_buf *bt_hci_evt_recv(uint8_t *data, size_t len) { int evt_filter; bool discardable = false; struct bt_hci_evt_hdr hdr = {0}; struct net_buf *buf; size_t buf_tailroom; if (len < sizeof(hdr)) { LOG_ERR("Not enough data for event header"); return NULL; } evt_filter = hci_event_filter(data); if (evt_filter == EVT_NOP) { /* The controller sends NOP event when wakes up based on * hardware specific requirement, do not post this event to * host stack. */ return NULL; } else if (evt_filter == EVT_DISCARD) { discardable = true; } memcpy((void *)&hdr, data, sizeof(hdr)); data += sizeof(hdr); len -= sizeof(hdr); if (len != hdr.len) { LOG_ERR("Event payload length is not correct"); return NULL; } buf = bt_buf_get_evt(hdr.evt, discardable, K_NO_WAIT); if (!buf) { if (discardable) { LOG_DBG("Discardable buffer pool full, ignoring event"); } else { LOG_ERR("No available event buffers!"); } return buf; } net_buf_add_mem(buf, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); buf_tailroom = net_buf_tailroom(buf); if (buf_tailroom < len) { LOG_ERR("Not enough space in buffer %zu/%zu", len, buf_tailroom); net_buf_unref(buf); return NULL; } net_buf_add_mem(buf, data, len); return buf; } static struct net_buf *bt_hci_acl_recv(uint8_t *data, size_t len) { struct bt_hci_acl_hdr hdr = {0}; struct net_buf *buf; size_t buf_tailroom; if (len < sizeof(hdr)) { LOG_ERR("Not enough data for ACL header"); return NULL; } buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_NO_WAIT); if (buf) { memcpy((void *)&hdr, data, sizeof(hdr)); data += sizeof(hdr); len -= sizeof(hdr); } else { LOG_ERR("No available ACL buffers!"); return NULL; } if (len != sys_le16_to_cpu(hdr.len)) { LOG_ERR("ACL payload length is not correct"); net_buf_unref(buf); return NULL; } net_buf_add_mem(buf, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); buf_tailroom = net_buf_tailroom(buf); if (buf_tailroom < len) { LOG_ERR("Not enough space in buffer %zu/%zu", len, buf_tailroom); net_buf_unref(buf); return NULL; } net_buf_add_mem(buf, data, len); return buf; } static void bt_spi_rx_thread(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) { const struct device *dev = p1; struct bt_apollo_data *hci = dev->data; ARG_UNUSED(p2); ARG_UNUSED(p3); struct net_buf *buf; int ret; uint16_t len = 0; while (true) { /* Wait for controller interrupt */ k_sem_take(&sem_irq, K_FOREVER); do { /* Recevive the HCI packet via SPI */ ret = spi_receive_packet(&rxmsg[0], &len); if (ret) { break; } /* Check if needs to handle the vendor specific events which are * incompatible with the standard Bluetooth HCI format. */ if (bt_apollo_vnd_rcv_ongoing(&rxmsg[0], len)) { break; } switch (rxmsg[PACKET_TYPE]) { case BT_HCI_H4_EVT: buf = bt_hci_evt_recv(&rxmsg[PACKET_TYPE + PACKET_TYPE_SIZE], (len - PACKET_TYPE_SIZE)); break; case BT_HCI_H4_ACL: buf = bt_hci_acl_recv(&rxmsg[PACKET_TYPE + PACKET_TYPE_SIZE], (len - PACKET_TYPE_SIZE)); break; default: buf = NULL; LOG_WRN("Unknown BT buf type %d", rxmsg[PACKET_TYPE]); break; } /* Post the RX message to host stack to process */ if (buf) { hci->recv(dev, buf); } } while (0); } } static int bt_apollo_send(const struct device *dev, struct net_buf *buf) { int ret = 0; /* Buffer needs an additional byte for type */ if (buf->len >= SPI_MAX_TX_MSG_LEN) { LOG_ERR("Message too long"); return -EINVAL; } switch (bt_buf_get_type(buf)) { case BT_BUF_ACL_OUT: net_buf_push_u8(buf, BT_HCI_H4_ACL); break; case BT_BUF_CMD: net_buf_push_u8(buf, BT_HCI_H4_CMD); break; default: LOG_ERR("Unsupported type"); net_buf_unref(buf); return -EINVAL; } /* Send the SPI packet */ ret = spi_send_packet(buf->data, buf->len); net_buf_unref(buf); return ret; } static int bt_apollo_open(const struct device *dev, bt_hci_recv_t recv) { struct bt_apollo_data *hci = dev->data; int ret; ret = bt_hci_transport_setup(spi_bus.bus); if (ret) { return ret; } /* Start RX thread */ k_thread_create(&spi_rx_thread_data, spi_rx_stack, K_KERNEL_STACK_SIZEOF(spi_rx_stack), (k_thread_entry_t)bt_spi_rx_thread, (void *)dev, NULL, NULL, K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_BT_DRIVER_RX_HIGH_PRIO), 0, K_NO_WAIT); ret = bt_apollo_controller_init(spi_send_packet); if (ret == 0) { hci->recv = recv; } return ret; } static int bt_apollo_close(const struct device *dev) { int ret; struct bt_apollo_data *hci = dev->data; ret = bt_apollo_controller_deinit(); if (ret) { return ret; } hci->recv = NULL; return ret; } static int bt_apollo_setup(const struct device *dev, const struct bt_hci_setup_params *params) { ARG_UNUSED(params); int ret; ret = bt_apollo_vnd_setup(); return ret; } static DEVICE_API(bt_hci, drv) = { .open = bt_apollo_open, .close = bt_apollo_close, .send = bt_apollo_send, .setup = bt_apollo_setup, }; static int bt_apollo_init(const struct device *dev) { int ret; ARG_UNUSED(dev); if (!device_is_ready(spi_bus.bus)) { LOG_ERR("SPI device not ready"); return -ENODEV; } ret = bt_apollo_dev_init(); if (ret) { return ret; } LOG_DBG("BT HCI initialized"); return 0; } #define HCI_DEVICE_INIT(inst) \ static struct bt_apollo_data hci_data_##inst = {}; \ DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(inst, bt_apollo_init, NULL, &hci_data_##inst, NULL, POST_KERNEL, \ CONFIG_BT_HCI_INIT_PRIORITY, &drv) /* Only one instance supported right now */ HCI_DEVICE_INIT(0)