/* * Copyright (c) 2024 ENE Technology Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #define DT_DRV_COMPAT ene_kb1200_adc #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ADC_CONTEXT_USES_KERNEL_TIMER #include "adc_context.h" LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(adc_ene_kb1200, CONFIG_ADC_LOG_LEVEL); struct adc_kb1200_config { /* ADC Register base address */ struct adc_regs *adc; /* Pin control */ const struct pinctrl_dev_config *pcfg; }; struct adc_kb1200_data { struct adc_context ctx; const struct device *adc_dev; uint16_t *buffer; uint16_t *repeat_buffer; uint16_t *buf_end; }; /* ADC local functions */ static bool adc_kb1200_validate_buffer_size(const struct adc_sequence *sequence) { int chan_count = 0; size_t buff_need; uint32_t chan_mask; for (chan_mask = 0x80; chan_mask != 0; chan_mask >>= 1) { if (chan_mask & sequence->channels) { chan_count++; } } buff_need = chan_count * sizeof(uint16_t); if (sequence->options) { buff_need *= 1 + sequence->options->extra_samplings; } if (buff_need > sequence->buffer_size) { return false; } return true; } /* ADC Sample Flow (by using adc_context.h api function) * 1. Start ADC sampling (set up flag ctx->sync) * adc_context_start_read() -> adc_context_start_sampling() * 2. Wait ADC sample finish (by monitor flag ctx->sync) * adc_context_wait_for_completion * 3. Finish ADC sample (isr clear flag ctx->sync) * adc_context_on_sampling_done -> adc_context_complete */ static int adc_kb1200_start_read(const struct device *dev, const struct adc_sequence *sequence) { const struct adc_kb1200_config *config = dev->config; struct adc_kb1200_data *data = dev->data; int error = 0; if (!sequence->channels || (sequence->channels & ~BIT_MASK(ADC_MAX_CHAN))) { LOG_ERR("Invalid ADC channels."); return -EINVAL; } /* Fixed 10 bit resolution of ene ADC */ if (sequence->resolution != ADC_RESOLUTION) { LOG_ERR("Unfixed 10 bit ADC resolution."); return -ENOTSUP; } /* Check sequence->buffer_size is enough */ if (!adc_kb1200_validate_buffer_size(sequence)) { LOG_ERR("ADC buffer size too small."); return -ENOMEM; } /* assign record buffer pointer */ data->buffer = sequence->buffer; data->buf_end = data->buffer + sequence->buffer_size / sizeof(uint16_t); /* store device for adc_context_start_read() */ data->adc_dev = dev; /* Inform adc start sampling */ adc_context_start_read(&data->ctx, sequence); /* Since kb1200 adc has no irq. So need polling the adc conversion * flag to be valid, then record adc value. */ uint32_t channels = (config->adc->ADCCFG & ADC_CHANNEL_BIT_MASK) >> ADC_CHANNEL_BIT_POS; while (channels) { int count; int ch_num; count = 0; ch_num = find_lsb_set(channels) - 1; /* wait valid flag */ while (config->adc->ADCDAT[ch_num] & ADC_INVALID_VALUE) { k_busy_wait(ADC_WAIT_TIME); count++; if (count >= ADC_WAIT_CNT) { LOG_ERR("ADC busy timeout..."); error = -EBUSY; break; } } /* check buffer size is enough then record adc value */ if (data->buffer < data->buf_end) { *data->buffer = (uint16_t)(config->adc->ADCDAT[ch_num]); data->buffer++; } else { error = -EINVAL; break; } /* clear completed channel */ channels &= ~BIT(ch_num); } /* Besause polling the adc conversion flag. don't need wait_for_completion*/ /* Inform adc sampling is done */ adc_context_on_sampling_done(&data->ctx, dev); return error; } /* ADC api functions */ static int adc_kb1200_channel_setup(const struct device *dev, const struct adc_channel_cfg *channel_cfg) { if (channel_cfg->channel_id >= ADC_MAX_CHAN) { LOG_ERR("Invalid channel %d.", channel_cfg->channel_id); return -EINVAL; } if (channel_cfg->acquisition_time != ADC_ACQ_TIME_DEFAULT) { LOG_ERR("Unsupported channel acquisition time."); return -ENOTSUP; } if (channel_cfg->differential) { LOG_ERR("Differential channels are not supported."); return -ENOTSUP; } if (channel_cfg->gain != ADC_GAIN_1) { LOG_ERR("Unsupported channel gain %d.", channel_cfg->gain); return -ENOTSUP; } if (channel_cfg->reference != ADC_REF_INTERNAL) { LOG_ERR("Unsupported channel reference."); return -ENOTSUP; } LOG_DBG("ADC channel %d configured.", channel_cfg->channel_id); return 0; } static int adc_kb1200_read(const struct device *dev, const struct adc_sequence *sequence) { struct adc_kb1200_data *data = dev->data; int error; adc_context_lock(&data->ctx, false, NULL); error = adc_kb1200_start_read(dev, sequence); adc_context_release(&data->ctx, error); return error; } #if defined(CONFIG_ADC_ASYNC) static int adc_kb1200_read_async(const struct device *dev, const struct adc_sequence *sequence, struct k_poll_signal *async) { struct adc_kb1200_data *data = dev->data; int error; adc_context_lock(&data->ctx, true, async); error = adc_kb1200_start_read(dev, sequence); adc_context_release(&data->ctx, error); return error; } #endif /* CONFIG_ADC_ASYNC */ /* ADC api function (using by adc_context.H function) */ static void adc_context_start_sampling(struct adc_context *ctx) { struct adc_kb1200_data *data = CONTAINER_OF(ctx, struct adc_kb1200_data, ctx); const struct device *dev = data->adc_dev; const struct adc_kb1200_config *config = dev->config; data->repeat_buffer = data->buffer; config->adc->ADCCFG = (config->adc->ADCCFG & ~ADC_CHANNEL_BIT_MASK) | (ctx->sequence.channels << ADC_CHANNEL_BIT_POS); config->adc->ADCCFG |= ADC_FUNCTION_ENABLE; } static void adc_context_update_buffer_pointer(struct adc_context *ctx, bool repeat_sampling) { struct adc_kb1200_data *data = CONTAINER_OF(ctx, struct adc_kb1200_data, ctx); if (repeat_sampling) { data->buffer = data->repeat_buffer; } } static DEVICE_API(adc, adc_kb1200_api) = { .channel_setup = adc_kb1200_channel_setup, .read = adc_kb1200_read, .ref_internal = ADC_VREF_ANALOG, #if defined(CONFIG_ADC_ASYNC) .read_async = adc_kb1200_read_async, #endif }; static int adc_kb1200_init(const struct device *dev) { const struct adc_kb1200_config *config = dev->config; struct adc_kb1200_data *data = dev->data; int ret; adc_context_unlock_unconditionally(&data->ctx); /* Configure pin-mux for ADC device */ ret = pinctrl_apply_state(config->pcfg, PINCTRL_STATE_DEFAULT); if (ret < 0) { LOG_ERR("ADC pinctrl setup failed (%d).", ret); return ret; } return 0; } #define ADC_KB1200_DEVICE(inst) \ PINCTRL_DT_INST_DEFINE(inst); \ static struct adc_kb1200_data adc_kb1200_data_##inst = { \ ADC_CONTEXT_INIT_TIMER(adc_kb1200_data_##inst, ctx), \ ADC_CONTEXT_INIT_LOCK(adc_kb1200_data_##inst, ctx), \ ADC_CONTEXT_INIT_SYNC(adc_kb1200_data_##inst, ctx), \ }; \ static const struct adc_kb1200_config adc_kb1200_config_##inst = { \ .adc = (struct adc_regs *)DT_INST_REG_ADDR(inst), \ .pcfg = PINCTRL_DT_INST_DEV_CONFIG_GET(inst), \ }; \ DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(inst, adc_kb1200_init, NULL, &adc_kb1200_data_##inst, \ &adc_kb1200_config_##inst, PRE_KERNEL_1, \ CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEVICE, &adc_kb1200_api); DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(ADC_KB1200_DEVICE)