/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Vestas Wind Systems A/S * Copyright (c) 2020 Innoseis BV * Copyright (c) 2023 Cruise LLC * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ADC_CONTEXT_USES_KERNEL_TIMER 1 #include "adc_context.h" #define DT_DRV_COMPAT ti_ads1112 LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(ADS1112, CONFIG_ADC_LOG_LEVEL); #define ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN(x) ((x)&BIT_MASK(2)) #define ADS1112_CONFIG_DR(x) (((x)&BIT_MASK(2)) << 2) #define ADS1112_CONFIG_CM(x) (((x)&BIT_MASK(1)) << 4) #define ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX(x) (((x)&BIT_MASK(2)) << 5) #define ADS1112_CONFIG_MASK_READY BIT(7) #define ADS1112_DEFAULT_CONFIG 0x8C #define ADS1112_REF_INTERNAL 2048 enum ads1112_reg { ADS1112_REG_OUTPUT = 0, ADS1112_REG_CONFIG = 1, }; enum { ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_0_1 = 0, ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX_BOTH_2_3 = 1, ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_0_3 = 2, ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_1_3 = 3, }; enum { ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_240_RES_12 = 0, ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_60_RES_14 = 1, ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_30_RES_15 = 2, ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_15_RES_16 = 3, ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_DEFAULT = ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_15_RES_16, }; enum { ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN_1 = 0, ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN_2 = 1, ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN_4 = 2, ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN_8 = 3, }; enum { ADS1112_CONFIG_CM_SINGLE = 0, ADS1112_CONFIG_CM_CONTINUOUS = 1, }; struct ads1112_config { const struct i2c_dt_spec bus; }; struct ads1112_data { struct adc_context ctx; k_timeout_t ready_time; struct k_sem acq_sem; int16_t *buffer; int16_t *buffer_ptr; bool differential; }; static int ads1112_read_reg(const struct device *dev, enum ads1112_reg reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_val) { const struct ads1112_config *config = dev->config; uint8_t buf[3] = {0}; int rc = i2c_read_dt(&config->bus, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (reg_addr == ADS1112_REG_OUTPUT) { reg_val[0] = buf[0]; reg_val[1] = buf[1]; } else { reg_val[0] = buf[2]; } return rc; } static int ads1112_write_reg(const struct device *dev, uint8_t reg) { uint8_t msg[1] = {reg}; const struct ads1112_config *config = dev->config; /* It's only possible to write the config register, so the ADS1112 * assumes all writes are going to that register and omits the register * parameter from write transactions */ return i2c_write_dt(&config->bus, msg, sizeof(msg)); } static inline int ads1112_acq_time_to_dr(const struct device *dev, uint16_t acq_time) { struct ads1112_data *data = dev->data; int odr = -EINVAL; uint16_t acq_value = ADC_ACQ_TIME_VALUE(acq_time); uint32_t ready_time_us = 0; if (acq_time == ADC_ACQ_TIME_DEFAULT) { acq_value = ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_DEFAULT; } else if (ADC_ACQ_TIME_UNIT(acq_time) != ADC_ACQ_TIME_TICKS) { return -EINVAL; } switch (acq_value) { case ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_15_RES_16: odr = ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_15_RES_16; ready_time_us = (1000 * 1000) / 15; break; case ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_30_RES_15: odr = ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_30_RES_15; ready_time_us = (1000 * 1000) / 30; break; case ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_60_RES_14: odr = ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_60_RES_14; ready_time_us = (1000 * 1000) / 60; break; case ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_240_RES_12: odr = ADS1112_CONFIG_DR_RATE_240_RES_12; ready_time_us = (1000 * 1000) / 240; break; default: break; } /* Add some additional time to ensure that the data is truly ready, * as chips in this family often require some additional time beyond * the listed times */ data->ready_time = K_USEC(ready_time_us + 10); return odr; } static int ads1112_wait_data_ready(const struct device *dev) { int rc; struct ads1112_data *data = dev->data; k_sleep(data->ready_time); uint8_t status = 0; rc = ads1112_read_reg(dev, ADS1112_REG_CONFIG, &status); if (rc != 0) { return rc; } while ((status & ADS1112_CONFIG_MASK_READY) == 0) { k_sleep(K_USEC(100)); rc = ads1112_read_reg(dev, ADS1112_REG_CONFIG, &status); if (rc != 0) { return rc; } } return 0; } static int ads1112_read_sample(const struct device *dev, uint16_t *buff) { int res; uint8_t sample[2] = {0}; res = ads1112_read_reg(dev, ADS1112_REG_OUTPUT, sample); buff[0] = sys_get_be16(sample); return res; } static int ads1112_channel_setup(const struct device *dev, const struct adc_channel_cfg *channel_cfg) { struct ads1112_data *data = dev->data; uint8_t config = 0; int dr = 0; if (channel_cfg->channel_id != 0) { return -EINVAL; } if (channel_cfg->differential) { if (channel_cfg->input_positive == 0 && channel_cfg->input_negative == 1) { config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX(ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_0_1); } else if (channel_cfg->input_positive == 2 && channel_cfg->input_negative == 3) { config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX(ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX_BOTH_2_3); } else { return -EINVAL; } } else { if (channel_cfg->input_positive == 0) { config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX(ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_0_3); } else if (channel_cfg->input_positive == 1) { config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX(ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_1_3); } else if (channel_cfg->input_positive == 2) { config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX(ADS1112_CONFIG_MUX_BOTH_2_3); } else { return -EINVAL; } } data->differential = channel_cfg->differential; dr = ads1112_acq_time_to_dr(dev, channel_cfg->acquisition_time); if (dr < 0) { return dr; } config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_DR(dr); switch (channel_cfg->gain) { case ADC_GAIN_1: config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN(ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN_1); break; case ADC_GAIN_2: config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN(ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN_2); break; case ADC_GAIN_3: config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN(ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN_4); break; case ADC_GAIN_4: config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN(ADS1112_CONFIG_GAIN_8); break; default: return -EINVAL; } config |= ADS1112_CONFIG_CM(ADS1112_CONFIG_CM_SINGLE); /* Only single shot supported */ return ads1112_write_reg(dev, config); } static int ads1112_validate_buffer_size(const struct adc_sequence *sequence) { size_t needed = sizeof(int16_t); if (sequence->options) { needed *= (1 + sequence->options->extra_samplings); } if (sequence->buffer_size < needed) { LOG_ERR("Insufficient buffer %i < %i", sequence->buffer_size, needed); return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } static int ads1112_validate_sequence(const struct device *dev, const struct adc_sequence *sequence) { if (sequence->channels != BIT(0)) { LOG_ERR("Invalid Channel 0x%x", sequence->channels); return -EINVAL; } if (sequence->oversampling) { LOG_ERR("Oversampling not supported"); return -EINVAL; } return ads1112_validate_buffer_size(sequence); } static void adc_context_update_buffer_pointer(struct adc_context *ctx, bool repeat_sampling) { struct ads1112_data *data = CONTAINER_OF(ctx, struct ads1112_data, ctx); if (repeat_sampling) { data->buffer = data->buffer_ptr; } } static void adc_context_start_sampling(struct adc_context *ctx) { struct ads1112_data *data = CONTAINER_OF(ctx, struct ads1112_data, ctx); data->buffer_ptr = data->buffer; k_sem_give(&data->acq_sem); } static int ads1112_adc_start_read(const struct device *dev, const struct adc_sequence *sequence, bool wait) { int rc = 0; struct ads1112_data *data = dev->data; rc = ads1112_validate_sequence(dev, sequence); if (rc != 0) { return rc; } data->buffer = sequence->buffer; adc_context_start_read(&data->ctx, sequence); if (wait) { rc = adc_context_wait_for_completion(&data->ctx); } return rc; } static int ads1112_adc_perform_read(const struct device *dev) { int rc; struct ads1112_data *data = dev->data; k_sem_take(&data->acq_sem, K_FOREVER); rc = ads1112_wait_data_ready(dev); if (rc != 0) { adc_context_complete(&data->ctx, rc); return rc; } rc = ads1112_read_sample(dev, data->buffer); if (rc != 0) { adc_context_complete(&data->ctx, rc); return rc; } data->buffer++; adc_context_on_sampling_done(&data->ctx, dev); return rc; } static int ads1112_read(const struct device *dev, const struct adc_sequence *sequence) { int rc; struct ads1112_data *data = dev->data; adc_context_lock(&data->ctx, false, NULL); rc = ads1112_adc_start_read(dev, sequence, false); while (rc == 0 && k_sem_take(&data->ctx.sync, K_NO_WAIT) != 0) { rc = ads1112_adc_perform_read(dev); } adc_context_release(&data->ctx, rc); return rc; } static int ads1112_init(const struct device *dev) { int rc = 0; const struct ads1112_config *config = dev->config; struct ads1112_data *data = dev->data; adc_context_init(&data->ctx); k_sem_init(&data->acq_sem, 0, 1); if (!device_is_ready(config->bus.bus)) { return -ENODEV; } rc = ads1112_write_reg(dev, ADS1112_DEFAULT_CONFIG); if (rc) { LOG_ERR("Could not set default config 0x%x", ADS1112_DEFAULT_CONFIG); return rc; } adc_context_unlock_unconditionally(&data->ctx); return rc; } static DEVICE_API(adc, api) = { .channel_setup = ads1112_channel_setup, .read = ads1112_read, .ref_internal = ADS1112_REF_INTERNAL, }; #define ADC_ADS1112_INST_DEFINE(n) \ static const struct ads1112_config config_##n = {.bus = I2C_DT_SPEC_INST_GET(n)}; \ static struct ads1112_data data_##n; \ DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(n, ads1112_init, NULL, &data_##n, &config_##n, POST_KERNEL, \ CONFIG_ADC_INIT_PRIORITY, &api); DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(ADC_ADS1112_INST_DEFINE);