:orphan: .. _nordic_segger: Nordic nRF5x Segger J-Link ########################## Overview ******** All Nordic nRF5x Development Kits, Preview Development Kits and Dongles are equipped with a Debug IC (Atmel ATSAM3U2C) which provides the following functionality: * Segger J-Link firmware and desktop tools * SWD debug for the nRF5x IC * Mass Storage device for drag-and-drop image flashing * USB CDC ACM Serial Port bridged to the nRF5x UART peripheral * Segger RTT Console * Segger Ozone Debugger Segger J-Link Software Installation *********************************** To install the J-Link Software and documentation pack, follow the steps below: #. Download the appropriate package from the `J-Link Software and documentation pack`_ website #. Depending on your platform, install the package or run the installer #. When connecting a J-Link-enabled board such as an nRF5x DK, PDK or dongle, a drive corresponding to a USB Mass Storage device as well as a serial port should come up nRF5x Command-Line Tools Installation ************************************* The nRF5x command-line Tools allow you to control your nRF5x device from the command line, including resetting it, erasing or programming the flash memory and more. To install them, visit `nRF5x Command-Line Tools`_ and select your operating system. After installing, make sure that ``nrfjprog`` is somewhere in your executable path to be able to invoke it from anywhere. .. _nordic_segger_flashing: Flashing ******** To program the flash with a compiled Zephyr image after having followed the instructions to install the Segger J-Link Software and the nRF5x Command-Line Tools, follow the steps below: * Connect the micro-USB cable to the nRF5x board and to your computer * Erase the flash memory in the nRF5x IC: .. code-block:: console nrfjprog --eraseall -f nrf5 Where ```` is either 1 for nRF51-based boards or 2 for nRF52-based boards * Flash the Zephyr image from the sample folder of your choice: .. code-block:: console nrfjprog --program outdir//zephyr.hex -f nrf5 Where: ```` is the board name you used in the BOARD directive when building (for example nrf52dk/nrf52832) and ```` is either 1 for nRF51-based boards or 2 for nRF52-based boards * Reset and start Zephyr: .. code-block:: console nrfjprog --reset -f nrf5 Where ```` is either 1 for nRF51-based boards or 2 for nRF52-based boards USB CDC ACM Serial Port Setup ***************************** **Important note**: An issue with Segger J-Link firmware on the nRF5x boards might cause data loss and/or corruption on the USB CDC ACM Serial Port on some machines. To work around this disable the Mass Storage Device on your board as described in :ref:`nordic_segger_msd`. Windows ======= The serial port will appear as ``COMxx``. Simply check the "Ports (COM & LPT)" section in the Device Manager. GNU/Linux ========= The serial port will appear as ``/dev/ttyACMx``. By default the port is not accessible to all users. Type the command below to add your user to the dialout group to give it access to the serial port. Note that re-login is required for this to take effect. .. code-block:: bash sudo usermod -a -G dialout `whoami` Recent versions of `ModemManager send AT commands to TTY-like devices`_; this includes Nordic development kits. This will prevent you from using the serial port for a few seconds, and can make your application misbehave if it reads data from the UART. Before running your application, you might want to temporarily disable ModemManager by running these commands: .. code-block:: bash systemctl stop ModemManager.service systemctl disable ModemManager.service You can also `blocklist Segger devices by editing udev rules`_ so ModemManager ignores them, by running: .. code-block:: bash sudo sh -c 'echo "ATTRS{idVendor}==\"1366\", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}=\"1\" " \ >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-segger-modemmanager-blocklist.rules' sudo service udev restart A fix for this is expected in ModemManager 1.8 and new firmware for the Segger IMCUs. Apple macOS (OS X) ================== The serial port will appear as ``/dev/tty.usbmodemXXXX``. .. _nordic_segger_msd: Disabling the Mass Storage Device functionality *********************************************** Due to a known issue in Segger's J-Link firmware, depending on your operating system and version you might experience data corruption or drops if you use the USB CDC ACM Serial Port with packets larger than 64 bytes. This has been observed on both GNU/Linux and macOS (OS X). To avoid this, you can simply disable the Mass Storage Device by opening: * On GNU/Linux or macOS (OS X) JLinkExe from a terminal * On Microsoft Windows the "JLink Commander" application And then typing the following: .. code-block:: bat MSDDisable And finally unplugging and replugging the board. The Mass Storage Device should not appear anymore and you should now be able to send long packets over the virtual Serial Port. Further information from Segger can be found in the `Segger SAM3U Wiki`_. RTT Console *********** Segger's J-Link supports `Real-Time Tracing (RTT)`_, a technology that allows a terminal connection (both input and output) to be established between the target (nRF5x board) and the development computer for logging and input. Zephyr supports RTT on nRF5x targets, which can be very useful if the UART (through USB CDC ACM) is already being used for a purpose different than logging (such as HCI traffic in the hci_uart application). To use RTT, you will first need to enable it by adding the following lines in your ``.conf`` file: .. code-block:: cfg CONFIG_USE_SEGGER_RTT=y CONFIG_RTT_CONSOLE=y .. warning:: There is also a ``HAS_SEGGER_RTT`` symbol that indicates that the platform supports SEGGER J-Link RTT. This symbol is set automatically by the SoC Kconfig files. Do not confuse it with ``USE_SEGGER_RTT``. ``USE_SEGGER_RTT`` depends on ``HAS_SEGGER_RTT``. If you get no RTT output you might need to disable other consoles which conflict with the RTT one if they are enabled by default in the particular sample or application you are running. For example, to disable the UART console, add this to your ``.conf`` file: .. code-block:: cfg CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE=n Once compiled and flashed with RTT enabled, you will be able to display RTT console messages by doing the following: Windows ======= * Open the "J-Link RTT Viewer" application * Select the following options: * Connection: USB * Target Device: Select your IC from the list * Target Interface and Speed: SWD, 4000 KHz * RTT Control Block: Auto Detection GNU/Linux and macOS (OS X) ========================== * Open ``JLinkRTTLogger`` from a terminal * Select the following options: * Device Name: Use the fully qualified device name for your IC * Target Interface: SWD * Interface Speed: 4000 KHz * RTT Control Block address: auto-detection * RTT Channel name or index: 0 * Output file: filename or ``/dev/stdout`` to display on the terminal directly Python viewer ============= A Python RTT viewer tool can be found in the `pyrtt-viewer`_ GitHub repository. Segger Ozone ************ Segger J-Link is compatible with `Segger Ozone`_, a visual debugger that can be obtained here: * `Segger Ozone Download`_ Once downloaded you can install it and configure it like so: * Target Device: Select your IC from the list * Target Interface: SWD * Target Interface Speed: 4 MHz * Host Interface: USB Once configured, you can then use the File->Open menu to open the ``zephyr.elf`` file that you can find in your build folder. References ********** .. target-notes:: .. _nRF5x Command-Line Tools: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-Tools/Development-Tools/nRF-Command-Line-Tools .. _Segger SAM3U Wiki: https://wiki.segger.com/index.php?title=J-Link-OB_SAM3U .. _Real-Time Tracing (RTT): https://www.segger.com/jlink-rtt.html .. _pyrtt-viewer: https://github.com/thomasstenersen/pyrtt-viewer .. _Segger Ozone: https://www.segger.com/ozone.html .. _Segger Ozone Download: https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink#Ozone .. _ModemManager send AT commands to TTY-like devices: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85007 .. _blocklist Segger devices by editing udev rules: http://www.at91.com/linux4sam/bin/view/Linux4SAM/SoftwareTools#Device_or_resource_busy_dev_ttyA .. _J-Link Software and documentation pack: https://www.segger.com/jlink-software.html