.. _network_monitoring: Monitor Network Traffic ####################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 It is useful to be able to monitor the network traffic especially when debugging a connectivity issues or when developing new protocol support in Zephyr. This page describes how to set up a way to capture network traffic so that user is able to use Wireshark or similar tool in remote host to see the network packets sent or received by a Zephyr device. See also the :zephyr:code-sample:`net-capture` sample application from the Zephyr source distribution for configuration options that need to be enabled. Host Configuration ****************** The instructions here describe how to setup a Linux host to capture Zephyr network RX and TX traffic. Similar instructions should work also in other operating systems. On the Linux Host, find the Zephyr `net-tools`_ project, which can either be found in a Zephyr standard installation under the ``tools/net-tools`` directory or installed stand alone from its own git repository: .. code-block:: console git clone https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/net-tools The ``net-tools`` project provides a configure file to setup IP-to-IP tunnel interface so that we can transfer monitoring data from Zephyr to host. In terminal #1, type: .. code-block:: console ./net-setup.sh -c zeth-tunnel.conf This script will create following IPIP tunnel interfaces: .. csv-table:: :header: "Interface name", "Description" :widths: auto "``zeth-ip6ip``", "IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel" "``zeth-ipip``", "IPv4-over-IPv4 tunnel" "``zeth-ipip6``", "IPv4-over-IPv6 tunnel" "``zeth-ip6ip6``", "IPv6-over-IPv6 tunnel" Zephyr will send captured network packets to one of these interfaces. The actual interface will depend on how the capturing is configured. You can then use Wireshark to monitor the proper network interface. After the tunneling interfaces have been created, you can use for example ``net-capture.py`` script from ``net-tools`` project to print or save the captured network packets. The ``net-capture.py`` provides an UDP listener, it can print the captured data to screen and optionally can also save the data to a pcap file. .. code-block:: console $ ./net-capture.py -i zeth-ip6ip -w capture.pcap [20210408Z14:33:08.959589] Ether / IP / ICMP > echo-request 0 / Raw [20210408Z14:33:08.976178] Ether / IP / ICMP > echo-reply 0 / Raw [20210408Z14:33:16.176303] Ether / IPv6 / ICMPv6 Echo Request (id: 0x9feb seq: 0x0) [20210408Z14:33:16.195326] Ether / IPv6 / ICMPv6 Echo Reply (id: 0x9feb seq: 0x0) [20210408Z14:33:21.194979] Ether / IPv6 / ICMPv6ND_NS / ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Source Link-Layer Address 02:00:5e:00:53:3b [20210408Z14:33:21.217528] Ether / IPv6 / ICMPv6ND_NA / ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Destination Link-Layer Address 00:00:5e:00:53:ff [20210408Z14:34:10.245408] Ether / IPv6 / UDP 2001:db8::2:47319 > 2001:db8::1:4242 / Raw [20210408Z14:34:10.266542] Ether / IPv6 / UDP 2001:db8::1:4242 > 2001:db8::2:47319 / Raw The ``net-capture.py`` has following command line options: .. code-block:: console Listen captured network data from Zephyr and save it optionally to pcap file. ./net-capture.py \ -i | --interface Listen this interface for the data [-p | --port ] UDP port (default is 4242) where the capture data is received [-q | --quiet] Do not print packet information [-t | --type ] Scapy L2 type name of the UDP payload, default is Ether [-w | --write ] Write the received data to file in PCAP format Instead of the ``net-capture.py`` script, you can for example use ``netcat`` to provide an UDP listener so that the host will not send port unreachable message to Zephyr: .. code-block:: console nc -l -u 2001:db8:200::2 4242 > /dev/null The IP address above is the inner tunnel endpoint, and can be changed and it depends on how the Zephyr is configured. Zephyr will send UDP packets containing the captured network packets to the configured IP tunnel, so we need to terminate the network connection like this. .. _`net-tools`: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/net-tools Zephyr Configuration ******************** In this example, we use the ``native_sim`` board. You can also use any other board that supports networking. In terminal #3, type: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/net/capture :host-os: unix :board: native_sim :gen-args: -DCONFIG_NATIVE_UART_AUTOATTACH_DEFAULT_CMD=\""gnome-terminal -- screen %s"\" :goals: build :compact: To see the Zephyr console and shell, start Zephyr instance like this: .. code-block:: console build/zephyr/zephyr.exe -attach_uart Any other application can be used too, just make sure that suitable configuration options are enabled (see ``samples/net/capture/prj.conf`` file for examples). The network capture can be configured automatically if needed, but currently the ``capture`` sample application does not do that. User has to use ``net-shell`` to setup and enable the monitoring. The network packet monitoring needs to be setup first. The ``net-shell`` has ``net capture setup`` command for doing that. The command syntax is .. code-block:: console net capture setup is the (outer) endpoint IP address is the (inner) local IP address is the (inner) peer IP address Local and Peer IP addresses can have UDP port number in them (optional) like or [2001:db8:100::2]:4242 In Zephyr console, type: .. code-block:: console net capture setup 2001:db8:200::1 2001:db8:200::2 This command will create the tunneling interface. The ```` is the remote host where the tunnel is terminated. The address is used to select the local network interface where the tunneling interface is attached to. The ``2001:db8:200::1`` tells the local IP address for the tunnel, the ``2001:db8:200::2`` is the peer IP address where the captured network packets are sent. The port numbers for UDP packet can be given in the setup command like this for IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel .. code-block:: console net capture setup [2001:db8:200::1]:9999 [2001:db8:200::2]:9998 and like this for IPv4-over-IPv4 tunnel .. code-block:: console net capture setup If the port number is omitted, then ``4242`` UDP port is used as a default. The current monitoring configuration can be checked like this: .. code-block:: console uart:~$ net capture Network packet capture disabled Capture Tunnel Device iface iface Local Peer NET_CAPTURE0 - 1 [2001:db8:200::1]:4242 [2001:db8:200::2]:4242 which will print the current configuration. As we have not yet enabled monitoring, the ``Capture iface`` is not set. Then we need to enable the network packet monitoring like this: .. code-block:: console net capture enable 2 The ``2`` tells the network interface which traffic we want to capture. In this example, the ``2`` is the ``native_sim`` board Ethernet interface. Note that we send the network traffic to the same interface that we are monitoring in this example. The monitoring system avoids to capture already captured network traffic as that would lead to recursion. You can use ``net iface`` command to see what network interfaces are available. Note that you cannot capture traffic from the tunnel interface as that would cause recursion loop. The captured network traffic can be sent to some other network interface if configured so. Just set the ```` option properly in ``net capture setup`` so that the IP tunnel is attached to desired network interface. The capture status can be checked again like this: .. code-block:: console uart:~$ net capture Network packet capture enabled Capture Tunnel Device iface iface Local Peer NET_CAPTURE0 2 1 [2001:db8:200::1]:4242 [2001:db8:200::2]:4242 After enabling the monitoring, the system will send captured (either received or sent) network packets to the tunnel interface for further processing. The monitoring can be disabled like this: .. code-block:: console net capture disable which will turn currently running monitoring off. The monitoring setup can be cleared like this: .. code-block:: console net capture cleanup It is not necessary to use ``net-shell`` for configuring the monitoring. The :ref:`network capture API ` functions can be called by the application if needed. Wireshark Configuration *********************** The `Wireshark `_ tool can be used to monitor the captured network traffic in a useful way. You can monitor either the tunnel interfaces or the ``zeth`` interface. In order to see the actual captured data inside an UDP packet, see `Wireshark decapsulate UDP`_ document for instructions. .. _Wireshark decapsulate UDP: https://osqa-ask.wireshark.org/questions/28138/decoding-ethernet-encapsulated-in-tcp-or-udp/