.. _ptp_interface: Precision Time Protocol (PTP) ############################# .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Overview ******** PTP is a network protocol implemented in the application layer, used to synchronize clocks in a computer network. It's accurate up to less than a microsecond. The stack supports the protocol and procedures as defined in the `IEEE 1588-2019 standard`_ (IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems). It has multiple profiles, and can be implemented on top of L2 (Ethernet) or L3 (UDP/IPv4 or UDP/IPv6). Its accuracy is achieved by using hardware timestamping of the protocol packets. Zephyr's implementation of PTP stack consist following items: * PTP stack thread that handles incoming messages and events * Integration with ptp_clock driver * PTP stack initialization executed during system init The implementation automatically creates PTP Ports (each PTP Port corresponds to unique interface). Supported features ****************** Implementation of the stack doesn't support all features specified in the standard. In the table below all supported features are listed. .. csv-table:: Supported features :header: Feature, Supported :widths: 50,10 Ordinary Clock, yes Boundary Clock, yes Transparent Clock, Management Node, End to end delay mechanism, yes Peer to peer delay mechanism, Multicast operation mode, Hybrid operation mode, Unicast operation mode, Non-volatile storage, UDP IPv4 transport protocol, yes UDP IPv6 transport protocol, yes IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) transport protocol, Hardware timestamping, yes Software timestamping, TIME_RECEIVER_ONLY PTP Instance, yes TIME_TRANSMITTER_ONLY PTP Instance, Supported Management messages ***************************** Based on Table 59 from section of the IEEE 1588-2019 following management TLVs are supported: .. csv-table:: Supported management message's IDs :header: Management_ID, Management_ID name, Allowed actions :widths: 10,40,25 0x0000, NULL_PTP_MANAGEMENT, GET SET COMMAND 0x0001, CLOCK_DESCRIPTION, GET 0x0002, USER_DESCRIPTION, GET 0x0003, SAVE_IN_NON_VOLATILE_STORAGE, - 0x0004, RESET_NON_VOLATILE_STORAGE, - 0x0005, INITIALIZE, - 0x0006, FAULT_LOG, - 0x0007, FAULT_LOG_RESET, - 0x2000, DEFAULT_DATA_SET, GET 0x2001, CURRENT_DATA_SET, GET 0x2002, PARENT_DATA_SET, GET 0x2003, TIME_PROPERTIES_DATA_SET, GET 0x2004, PORT_DATA_SET, GET 0x2005, PRIORITY1, GET SET 0x2006, PRIORITY2, GET SET 0x2007, DOMAIN, GET SET 0x2008, TIME_RECEIVER_ONLY, GET SET 0x2009, LOG_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL, GET SET 0x200A, ANNOUNCE_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT, GET SET 0x200B, LOG_SYNC_INTERVAL, GET SET 0x200C, VERSION_NUMBER, GET SET 0x200D, ENABLE_PORT, COMMAND 0x200E, DISABLE_PORT, COMMAND 0x200F, TIME, GET SET 0x2010, CLOCK_ACCURACY, GET SET 0x2011, UTC_PROPERTIES, GET SET 0x2012, TRACEBILITY_PROPERTIES, GET SET 0x2013, TIMESCALE_PROPERTIES, GET SET 0x2014, UNICAST_NEGOTIATION_ENABLE, - 0x2015, PATH_TRACE_LIST, - 0x2016, PATH_TRACE_ENABLE, - 0x2017, GRANDMASTER_CLUSTER_TABLE, - 0x2018, UNICAST_TIME_TRANSMITTER_TABLE, - 0x2019, UNICAST_TIME_TRANSMITTER_MAX_TABLE_SIZE, - 0x201A, ACCEPTABLE_TIME_TRANSMITTER_TABLE, - 0x201B, ACCEPTABLE_TIME_TRANSMITTER_TABLE_ENABLED, - 0x201C, ACCEPTABLE_TIME_TRANSMITTER_MAX_TABLE_SIZE, - 0x201D, ALTERNATE_TIME_TRANSMITTER, - 0x201E, ALTERNATE_TIME_OFFSET_ENABLE, - 0x201F, ALTERNATE_TIME_OFFSET_NAME, - 0x2020, ALTERNATE_TIME_OFFSET_MAX_KEY, - 0x2021, ALTERNATE_TIME_OFFSET_PROPERTIES, - 0x3000, EXTERNAL_PORT_CONFIGURATION_ENABLED, 0x3001, TIME_TRANSMITTER_ONLY, - 0x3002, HOLDOVER_UPGRADE_ENABLE, - 0x3003, EXT_PORT_CONFIG_PORT_DATA_SET, - 0x4000, TRANSPARENT_CLOCK_DEFAULT_DATA_SET, - 0x4001, TRANSPARENT_CLOCK_PORT_DATA_SET, - 0x4002, PRIMARY_DOMAIN, - 0x6000, DELAY_MECHANISM, GET 0x6001, LOG_MIN_PDELAY_REQ_INTERVAL, GET SET Enabling the stack ****************** The following configuration option must me enabled in :file:`prj.conf` file. - :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_PTP` Testing ******* The stack has been informally tested using the `Linux ptp4l `_ daemons. The :zephyr:code-sample:`PTP sample application ` from the Zephyr source distribution can be used for testing. .. _IEEE 1588-2019 standard: https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/1588/6825/ API Reference ************* .. doxygengroup:: ptp