.. _coap_server_interface: CoAP server ########### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Overview ******** Zephyr comes with a batteries-included CoAP server, which uses services to listen for CoAP requests. The CoAP services handle communication over sockets and pass requests to registered CoAP resources. Setup ***** Some configuration is required to make sure services can be started using the CoAP server. The :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_COAP_SERVER` option should be enabled in your project: .. code-block:: cfg :caption: ``prj.conf`` CONFIG_COAP_SERVER=y All services are added to a predefined linker section and all resources for each service also get their respective linker sections. If you would have a service ``my_service`` it has to be prefixed with ``coap_resource_`` and added to a linker file: .. code-block:: c :caption: ``sections-ram.ld`` #include ITERABLE_SECTION_RAM(coap_resource_my_service, Z_LINK_ITERABLE_SUBALIGN) Add this linker file to your application using CMake: .. code-block:: cmake :caption: ``CMakeLists.txt`` # Support LD linker template zephyr_linker_sources(DATA_SECTIONS sections-ram.ld) # Support CMake linker generator zephyr_iterable_section(NAME coap_resource_my_service GROUP DATA_REGION ${XIP_ALIGN_WITH_INPUT} SUBALIGN ${CONFIG_LINKER_ITERABLE_SUBALIGN}) You can now define your service as part of the application: .. code-block:: c #include static const uint16_t my_service_port = 5683; COAP_SERVICE_DEFINE(my_service, "", &my_service_port, COAP_SERVICE_AUTOSTART); .. note:: Services defined with the ``COAP_SERVICE_AUTOSTART`` flag will be started together with the CoAP server thread. Services can be manually started and stopped with ``coap_service_start`` and ``coap_service_stop`` respectively. Sample Usage ************ The following is an example of a CoAP resource registered with our service: .. code-block:: c #include static int my_get(struct coap_resource *resource, struct coap_packet *request, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len) { static const char *msg = "Hello, world!"; uint8_t data[CONFIG_COAP_SERVER_MESSAGE_SIZE]; struct coap_packet response; uint16_t id; uint8_t token[COAP_TOKEN_MAX_LEN]; uint8_t tkl, type; type = coap_header_get_type(request); id = coap_header_get_id(request); tkl = coap_header_get_token(request, token); /* Determine response type */ type = (type == COAP_TYPE_CON) ? COAP_TYPE_ACK : COAP_TYPE_NON_CON; coap_packet_init(&response, data, sizeof(data), COAP_VERSION_1, type, tkl, token, COAP_RESPONSE_CODE_CONTENT, id); /* Set content format */ coap_append_option_int(&response, COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT, COAP_CONTENT_FORMAT_TEXT_PLAIN); /* Append payload */ coap_packet_append_payload_marker(&response); coap_packet_append_payload(&response, (uint8_t *)msg, sizeof(msg)); /* Send to response back to the client */ return coap_resource_send(resource, &response, addr, addr_len, NULL); } static int my_put(struct coap_resource *resource, struct coap_packet *request, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len) { /* ... Handle the incoming request ... */ /* Return a CoAP response code as a shortcut for an empty ACK message */ return COAP_RESPONSE_CODE_CHANGED; } static const char * const my_resource_path[] = { "test", NULL }; COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE(my_resource, my_service, { .path = my_resource_path, .get = my_get, .put = my_put, }); .. note:: As demonstrated in the example above, a CoAP resource handler can return response codes to let the server respond with an empty ACK response. Observable resources ******************** The CoAP server provides logic for parsing observe requests and stores these using the runtime data of CoAP services. An example using a temperature sensor can look like: .. code-block:: c #include #include #include static void notify_observers(struct k_work *work); K_WORK_DELAYABLE_DEFINE(temp_work, notify_observers); static int send_temperature(struct coap_resource *resource, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len, uint16_t age, uint16_t id, const uint8_t *token, uint8_t tkl, bool is_response) { const struct device *dev = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_ALIAS(ambient_temp0)); uint8_t data[CONFIG_COAP_SERVER_MESSAGE_SIZE]; struct coap_packet response; char payload[14]; struct sensor_value value; double temp; uint8_t type; /* Determine response type */ type = is_response ? COAP_TYPE_ACK : COAP_TYPE_CON; if (!is_response) { id = coap_next_id(); } coap_packet_init(&response, data, sizeof(data), COAP_VERSION_1, type, tkl, token, COAP_RESPONSE_CODE_CONTENT, id); if (age >= 2U) { coap_append_option_int(&response, COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE, age); } /* Set content format */ coap_append_option_int(&response, COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT, COAP_CONTENT_FORMAT_TEXT_PLAIN); /* Get the sensor data */ sensor_sample_fetch_chan(dev, SENSOR_CHAN_AMBIENT_TEMP); sensor_channel_get(dev, SENSOR_CHAN_AMBIENT_TEMP, &value); temp = sensor_value_to_double(&value); snprintk(payload, sizeof(payload), "%0.2f°C", temp); /* Append payload */ coap_packet_append_payload_marker(&response); coap_packet_append_payload(&response, (uint8_t *)payload, strlen(payload)); return coap_resource_send(resource, &response, addr, addr_len, NULL); } static int temp_get(struct coap_resource *resource, struct coap_packet *request, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len) { uint8_t token[COAP_TOKEN_MAX_LEN]; uint16_t id; uint8_t tkl; int r; /* Let the CoAP server parse the request and add/remove observers if needed */ r = coap_resource_parse_observe(resource, request, addr); id = coap_header_get_id(request); tkl = coap_header_get_token(request, token); return send_temperature(resource, addr, addr_len, r == 0 ? resource->age : 0, id, token, tkl, true); } static void temp_notify(struct coap_resource *resource, struct coap_observer *observer) { send_temperature(resource, &observer->addr, sizeof(observer->addr), resource->age, 0, observer->token, observer->tkl, false); } static const char * const temp_resource_path[] = { "sensors", "temp1", NULL }; COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE(temp_resource, my_service, { .path = temp_resource_path, .get = temp_get, .notify = temp_notify, }); static void notify_observers(struct k_work *work) { if (sys_slist_is_empty(&temp_resource.observers)) { return; } coap_resource_notify(&temp_resource); k_work_reschedule(&temp_work, K_SECONDS(1)); } CoAP Events *********** By enabling :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NET_MGMT_EVENT` the user can register for CoAP events. The following example simply prints when an event occurs. .. code-block:: c #include #include #include #define COAP_EVENTS_SET (NET_EVENT_COAP_OBSERVER_ADDED | NET_EVENT_COAP_OBSERVER_REMOVED | \ NET_EVENT_COAP_SERVICE_STARTED | NET_EVENT_COAP_SERVICE_STOPPED) void coap_event_handler(uint32_t mgmt_event, struct net_if *iface, void *info, size_t info_length, void *user_data) { switch (mgmt_event) { case NET_EVENT_COAP_OBSERVER_ADDED: printk("CoAP observer added"); break; case NET_EVENT_COAP_OBSERVER_REMOVED: printk("CoAP observer removed"); break; case NET_EVENT_COAP_SERVICE_STARTED: if (info != NULL && info_length == sizeof(struct net_event_coap_service)) { struct net_event_coap_service *net_event = info; printk("CoAP service %s started", net_event->service->name); } else { printk("CoAP service started"); } break; case NET_EVENT_COAP_SERVICE_STOPPED: if (info != NULL && info_length == sizeof(struct net_event_coap_service)) { struct net_event_coap_service *net_event = info; printk("CoAP service %s stopped", net_event->service->name); } else { printk("CoAP service stopped"); } break; } } NET_MGMT_REGISTER_EVENT_HANDLER(coap_events, COAP_EVENTS_SET, coap_event_handler, NULL); CoRE Link Format **************** The :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_COAP_SERVER_WELL_KNOWN_CORE` option enables handling the ``.well-known/core`` GET requests by the server. This allows clients to get a list of hypermedia links to other resources hosted in that server. API Reference ************* .. doxygengroup:: coap_service .. doxygengroup:: coap_mgmt