""" Zephyr Extension ################ Copyright (c) 2023-2025 The Linux Foundation SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 This extension adds a new ``zephyr`` domain for handling the documentation of various entities specific to the Zephyr RTOS project (ex. code samples). Directives ---------- - ``zephyr:code-sample::`` - Defines a code sample. - ``zephyr:code-sample-category::`` - Defines a category for grouping code samples. - ``zephyr:code-sample-listing::`` - Shows a listing of code samples found in a given category. - ``zephyr:board-catalog::`` - Shows a listing of boards supported by Zephyr. - ``zephyr:board::`` - Flags a document as being the documentation page for a board. Roles ----- - ``:zephyr:code-sample:`` - References a code sample. - ``:zephyr:code-sample-category:`` - References a code sample category. - ``:zephyr:board:`` - References a board. """ import json import re import sys from collections.abc import Iterator from os import path from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from anytree import ChildResolverError, Node, PreOrderIter, Resolver, search from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, roles from docutils.statemachine import StringList from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.application import Sphinx from sphinx.domains import Domain, ObjType from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment from sphinx.roles import XRefRole from sphinx.transforms import SphinxTransform from sphinx.transforms.post_transforms import SphinxPostTransform from sphinx.util import logging from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective, switch_source_input from sphinx.util.nodes import NodeMatcher, make_refnode from sphinx.util.parsing import nested_parse_to_nodes from sphinx.util.template import SphinxRenderer from zephyr.doxybridge import DoxygenGroupDirective from zephyr.gh_utils import gh_link_get_url __version__ = "0.2.0" sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).parents[4] / "scripts/dts/python-devicetree/src")) sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).parents[3] / "_scripts")) from gen_boards_catalog import get_catalog ZEPHYR_BASE = Path(__file__).parents[4] TEMPLATES_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "templates" RESOURCES_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "static" # Load and parse binding types from text file BINDINGS_TXT_PATH = ZEPHYR_BASE / "dts" / "bindings" / "binding-types.txt" ACRONYM_PATTERN = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*\((.*?)\)') BINDING_TYPE_TO_DOCUTILS_NODE = {} def parse_text_with_acronyms(text): """Parse text that may contain acronyms into a list of nodes.""" result = nodes.inline() last_end = 0 for match in ACRONYM_PATTERN.finditer(text): # Add any text before the acronym if match.start() > last_end: result += nodes.Text(text[last_end : match.start()]) # Add the acronym abbr, explanation = match.groups() result += nodes.abbreviation(abbr, abbr, explanation=explanation) last_end = match.end() # Add any remaining text if last_end < len(text): result += nodes.Text(text[last_end:]) return result with open(BINDINGS_TXT_PATH) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue key, value = line.split('\t', 1) BINDING_TYPE_TO_DOCUTILS_NODE[key] = parse_text_with_acronyms(value) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CodeSampleNode(nodes.Element): pass class RelatedCodeSamplesNode(nodes.Element): pass class CodeSampleCategoryNode(nodes.Element): pass class CodeSampleListingNode(nodes.Element): pass class BoardNode(nodes.Element): pass class ConvertCodeSampleNode(SphinxTransform): default_priority = 100 def apply(self): matcher = NodeMatcher(CodeSampleNode) for node in self.document.traverse(matcher): self.convert_node(node) def convert_node(self, node): """ Transforms a `CodeSampleNode` into a `nodes.section` named after the code sample name. Moves all sibling nodes that are after the `CodeSampleNode` in the document under this new section. Adds a "See Also" section at the end with links to all relevant APIs as per the samples's `relevant-api` attribute. """ parent = node.parent siblings_to_move = [] if parent is not None: index = parent.index(node) siblings_to_move = parent.children[index + 1 :] # Create a new section new_section = nodes.section(ids=[node["id"]]) new_section += nodes.title(text=node["name"]) gh_link = gh_link_get_url(self.app, self.env.docname) gh_link_button = nodes.raw( "", f""" Browse source code on GitHub """, format="html", ) new_section += nodes.paragraph("", "", gh_link_button) # Move the sibling nodes under the new section new_section.extend(siblings_to_move) # Replace the custom node with the new section node.replace_self(new_section) # Remove the moved siblings from their original parent for sibling in siblings_to_move: parent.remove(sibling) # Add a "See Also" section at the end with links to relevant APIs if node["relevant-api"]: see_also_section = nodes.section(ids=["see-also"]) see_also_section += nodes.title(text="See also") for api in node["relevant-api"]: desc_node = addnodes.desc() desc_node["domain"] = "c" desc_node["objtype"] = "group" title_signode = addnodes.desc_signature() api_xref = addnodes.pending_xref( "", refdomain="c", reftype="group", reftarget=api, refwarn=True, ) api_xref += nodes.Text(api) title_signode += api_xref desc_node += title_signode see_also_section += desc_node new_section += see_also_section # Set sample description as the meta description of the document for improved SEO meta_description = nodes.meta() meta_description["name"] = "description" meta_description["content"] = node.children[0].astext() node.document += meta_description # Similarly, add a node with JSON-LD markup (only renders in HTML output) describing # the code sample. json_ld = nodes.raw( "", f"""""", format="html", ) node.document += json_ld class ConvertCodeSampleCategoryNode(SphinxTransform): default_priority = 100 def apply(self): matcher = NodeMatcher(CodeSampleCategoryNode) for node in self.document.traverse(matcher): self.convert_node(node) def convert_node(self, node): # move all the siblings of the category node underneath the section it contains parent = node.parent siblings_to_move = [] if parent is not None: index = parent.index(node) siblings_to_move = parent.children[index + 1 :] node.children[0].extend(siblings_to_move) for sibling in siblings_to_move: parent.remove(sibling) # note document as needing toc patching self.document["needs_toc_patch"] = True # finally, replace the category node with the section it contains node.replace_self(node.children[0]) class ConvertBoardNode(SphinxTransform): default_priority = 100 def apply(self): matcher = NodeMatcher(BoardNode) for node in self.document.traverse(matcher): self.convert_node(node) def convert_node(self, node): parent = node.parent siblings_to_move = [] if parent is not None: index = parent.index(node) siblings_to_move = parent.children[index + 1 :] new_section = nodes.section(ids=[node["id"]]) new_section += nodes.title(text=node["full_name"]) # create a sidebar with all the board details sidebar = nodes.sidebar(classes=["board-overview"]) new_section += sidebar sidebar += nodes.title(text="Board Overview") if node["image"] is not None: figure = nodes.figure() # set a scale of 100% to indicate we want a link to the full-size image figure += nodes.image(uri=f"/{node['image']}", scale=100) figure += nodes.caption(text=node["full_name"]) sidebar += figure field_list = nodes.field_list() sidebar += field_list details = [ ("Name", nodes.literal(text=node["id"])), ("Vendor", node["vendor"]), ("Architecture", ", ".join(node["archs"])), ("SoC", ", ".join(node["socs"])), ] for property_name, value in details: field = nodes.field() field_name = nodes.field_name(text=property_name) field_body = nodes.field_body() if isinstance(value, nodes.Node): field_body += value else: field_body += nodes.paragraph(text=value) field += field_name field += field_body field_list += field gh_link = gh_link_get_url(self.app, self.env.docname) gh_link_button = nodes.raw( "", f""" """, format="html", ) sidebar += gh_link_button # Move the sibling nodes under the new section new_section.extend(siblings_to_move) # Replace the custom node with the new section node.replace_self(new_section) # Remove the moved siblings from their original parent for sibling in siblings_to_move: parent.remove(sibling) class CodeSampleCategoriesTocPatching(SphinxPostTransform): default_priority = 5 # needs to run *before* ReferencesResolver def output_sample_categories_list_items(self, tree, container: nodes.Node): list_item = nodes.list_item() compact_paragraph = addnodes.compact_paragraph() # find docname for tree.category["id"] docname = self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["code-samples-categories"][tree.category["id"]][ "docname" ] reference = nodes.reference( "", "", *[nodes.Text(tree.category["name"])], internal=True, refuri=docname, anchorname="", classes=["category-link"], ) compact_paragraph += reference list_item += compact_paragraph sorted_children = sorted(tree.children, key=lambda x: x.category["name"]) # add bullet list for children (if there are any, i.e. there are subcategories or at least # one code sample in the category) if sorted_children or any( code_sample.get("category") == tree.category["id"] for code_sample in self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["code-samples"].values() ): bullet_list = nodes.bullet_list() for child in sorted_children: self.output_sample_categories_list_items(child, bullet_list) for code_sample in sorted( [ code_sample for code_sample in self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["code-samples"].values() if code_sample.get("category") == tree.category["id"] ], key=lambda x: x["name"].casefold(), ): li = nodes.list_item() sample_xref = nodes.reference( "", "", *[nodes.Text(code_sample["name"])], internal=True, refuri=code_sample["docname"], anchorname="", classes=["code-sample-link"], ) sample_xref["reftitle"] = code_sample["description"].astext() compact_paragraph = addnodes.compact_paragraph() compact_paragraph += sample_xref li += compact_paragraph bullet_list += li list_item += bullet_list container += list_item def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if not self.document.get("needs_toc_patch"): return code_samples_categories_tree = self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["code-samples-categories-tree"] category = search.find( code_samples_categories_tree, lambda node: hasattr(node, "category") and node.category["docname"] == self.env.docname, ) bullet_list = nodes.bullet_list() self.output_sample_categories_list_items(category, bullet_list) self.env.tocs[self.env.docname] = bullet_list class ProcessCodeSampleListingNode(SphinxPostTransform): default_priority = 5 # needs to run *before* ReferencesResolver def output_sample_categories_sections(self, tree, container: nodes.Node, show_titles=False): if show_titles: section = nodes.section(ids=[tree.category["id"]]) link = make_refnode( self.env.app.builder, self.env.docname, tree.category["docname"], targetid=None, child=nodes.Text(tree.category["name"]), ) title = nodes.title("", "", link) section += title container += section else: section = container # list samples from this category list = create_code_sample_list( [ code_sample for code_sample in self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["code-samples"].values() if code_sample.get("category") == tree.category["id"] ] ) section += list sorted_children = sorted(tree.children, key=lambda x: x.name) for child in sorted_children: self.output_sample_categories_sections(child, section, show_titles=True) def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: matcher = NodeMatcher(CodeSampleListingNode) for node in self.document.traverse(matcher): self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["has_code_sample_listing"][self.env.docname] = True code_samples_categories = self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["code-samples-categories"] code_samples_categories_tree = self.env.domaindata["zephyr"][ "code-samples-categories-tree" ] container = nodes.container() container["classes"].append("code-sample-listing") if self.env.app.builder.format == "html" and node["live-search"]: search_input = nodes.raw( "", """ """, format="html", ) container += search_input for category in node["categories"]: if category not in code_samples_categories: logger.error( f"Category {category} not found in code samples categories", location=(self.env.docname, node.line), ) continue category_node = search.find( code_samples_categories_tree, lambda node, category=category: hasattr(node, "category") and node.category["id"] == category, ) self.output_sample_categories_sections(category_node, container) node.replace_self(container) def create_code_sample_list(code_samples): """ Creates a bullet list (`nodes.bullet_list`) of code samples from a list of code samples. The list is alphabetically sorted (case-insensitive) by the code sample name. """ ul = nodes.bullet_list(classes=["code-sample-list"]) for code_sample in sorted(code_samples, key=lambda x: x["name"].casefold()): li = nodes.list_item() sample_xref = addnodes.pending_xref( "", refdomain="zephyr", reftype="code-sample", reftarget=code_sample["id"], refwarn=True, ) sample_xref += nodes.Text(code_sample["name"]) li += nodes.inline("", "", sample_xref, classes=["code-sample-name"]) li += nodes.inline( text=code_sample["description"].astext(), classes=["code-sample-description"], ) ul += li return ul class ProcessRelatedCodeSamplesNode(SphinxPostTransform): default_priority = 5 # before ReferencesResolver def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: matcher = NodeMatcher(RelatedCodeSamplesNode) for node in self.document.traverse(matcher): id = node["id"] # the ID of the node is the name of the doxygen group for which we # want to list related code samples code_samples = self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["code-samples"].values() # Filter out code samples that don't reference this doxygen group code_samples = [ code_sample for code_sample in code_samples if id in code_sample["relevant-api"] ] if len(code_samples) > 0: admonition = nodes.admonition() admonition += nodes.title(text="Related code samples") admonition["classes"].append("related-code-samples") admonition["classes"].append("dropdown") # used by sphinx-togglebutton extension admonition["classes"].append("toggle-shown") # show the content by default sample_list = create_code_sample_list(code_samples) admonition += sample_list # replace node with the newly created admonition node.replace_self(admonition) else: # remove node if there are no code samples node.replace_self([]) class CodeSampleDirective(SphinxDirective): """ A directive for creating a code sample node in the Zephyr documentation. """ required_arguments = 1 # ID optional_arguments = 0 option_spec = {"name": directives.unchanged, "relevant-api": directives.unchanged} has_content = True def run(self): code_sample_id = self.arguments[0] env = self.state.document.settings.env code_samples = env.domaindata["zephyr"]["code-samples"] if code_sample_id in code_samples: logger.warning( f"Code sample {code_sample_id} already exists. " f"Other instance in {code_samples[code_sample_id]['docname']}", location=(env.docname, self.lineno), ) name = self.options.get("name", code_sample_id) relevant_api_list = self.options.get("relevant-api", "").split() # Create a node for description and populate it with parsed content description_node = nodes.container(ids=[f"{code_sample_id}-description"]) self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, description_node) code_sample = { "id": code_sample_id, "name": name, "description": description_node, "relevant-api": relevant_api_list, "docname": env.docname, } domain = env.get_domain("zephyr") domain.add_code_sample(code_sample) # Create an instance of the custom node code_sample_node = CodeSampleNode() code_sample_node["id"] = code_sample_id code_sample_node["name"] = name code_sample_node["relevant-api"] = relevant_api_list code_sample_node += description_node return [code_sample_node] class CodeSampleCategoryDirective(SphinxDirective): required_arguments = 1 # Category ID optional_arguments = 0 option_spec = { "name": directives.unchanged, "show-listing": directives.flag, "live-search": directives.flag, "glob": directives.unchanged, } has_content = True # Category description final_argument_whitespace = True def run(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env id = self.arguments[0] name = self.options.get("name", id) category_node = CodeSampleCategoryNode() category_node["id"] = id category_node["name"] = name category_node["docname"] = env.docname description_node = self.parse_content_to_nodes() category_node["description"] = description_node code_sample_category = { "docname": env.docname, "id": id, "name": name, } # Add the category to the domain domain = env.get_domain("zephyr") domain.add_code_sample_category(code_sample_category) # Fake a toctree directive to ensure the code-sample-category directive implicitly acts as # a toctree and correctly mounts whatever relevant documents under it in the global toc lines = [ name, "#" * len(name), "", ".. toctree::", " :titlesonly:", " :glob:", " :hidden:", " :maxdepth: 1", "", f" {self.options['glob']}" if "glob" in self.options else " */*", "", ] stringlist = StringList(lines, source=env.docname) with switch_source_input(self.state, stringlist): parsed_section = nested_parse_to_nodes(self.state, stringlist)[0] category_node += parsed_section parsed_section += description_node if "show-listing" in self.options: listing_node = CodeSampleListingNode() listing_node["categories"] = [id] listing_node["live-search"] = "live-search" in self.options parsed_section += listing_node return [category_node] class CodeSampleListingDirective(SphinxDirective): has_content = False required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 0 option_spec = { "categories": directives.unchanged_required, "live-search": directives.flag, } def run(self): code_sample_listing_node = CodeSampleListingNode() code_sample_listing_node["categories"] = self.options.get("categories").split() code_sample_listing_node["live-search"] = "live-search" in self.options return [code_sample_listing_node] class BoardDirective(SphinxDirective): has_content = False required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 def run(self): # board_name is passed as the directive argument board_name = self.arguments[0] boards = self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["boards"] vendors = self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["vendors"] if board_name not in boards: logger.warning( f"Board {board_name} does not seem to be a valid board name.", location=(self.env.docname, self.lineno), ) return [] elif "docname" in boards[board_name]: logger.warning( f"Board {board_name} is already documented in {boards[board_name]['docname']}.", location=(self.env.docname, self.lineno), ) return [] else: self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["has_board"][self.env.docname] = True board = boards[board_name] # flag board in the domain data as now having a documentation page so that it can be # cross-referenced etc. board["docname"] = self.env.docname board_node = BoardNode(id=board_name) board_node["full_name"] = board["full_name"] board_node["vendor"] = vendors.get(board["vendor"], board["vendor"]) board_node["supported_features"] = board["supported_features"] board_node["archs"] = board["archs"] board_node["socs"] = board["socs"] board_node["image"] = board["image"] return [board_node] class BoardCatalogDirective(SphinxDirective): has_content = False required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 0 def run(self): if self.env.app.builder.format == "html": self.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["has_board_catalog"][self.env.docname] = True domain_data = self.env.domaindata["zephyr"] renderer = SphinxRenderer([TEMPLATES_DIR]) rendered = renderer.render( "board-catalog.html", { "boards": domain_data["boards"], "vendors": domain_data["vendors"], "socs": domain_data["socs"], "hw_features_present": self.env.app.config.zephyr_generate_hw_features, }, ) return [nodes.raw("", rendered, format="html")] else: return [nodes.paragraph(text="Board catalog is only available in HTML.")] class BoardSupportedHardwareDirective(SphinxDirective): """A directive for showing the supported hardware features of a board.""" has_content = False required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 0 def run(self): env = self.env docname = env.docname matcher = NodeMatcher(BoardNode) board_nodes = list(self.state.document.traverse(matcher)) if not board_nodes: logger.warning( "board-supported-hw directive must be used in a board documentation page.", location=(docname, self.lineno), ) return [] board_node = board_nodes[0] supported_features = board_node["supported_features"] result_nodes = [] paragraph = nodes.paragraph() paragraph += nodes.Text("The ") paragraph += nodes.literal(text=board_node["id"]) paragraph += nodes.Text(" board supports the hardware features listed below.") result_nodes.append(paragraph) if not env.app.config.zephyr_generate_hw_features: note = nodes.admonition() note += nodes.title(text="Note") note["classes"].append("warning") note += nodes.paragraph( text="The list of supported hardware features was not generated. Run a full " "documentation build for the required metadata to be available." ) result_nodes.append(note) return result_nodes html_contents = """
on-chip / on-board
Feature integrated in the SoC / present on the board.
2 / 2
Number of instances that are enabled / disabled.
Click on the label to see the first instance of this feature in the board/SoC DTS files.
Compatible string for the Devicetree binding matching the feature.
Click on the link to view the binding documentation.
""" result_nodes.append(nodes.raw("", html_contents, format="html")) for target, features in sorted(supported_features.items()): if not features: continue target_heading = nodes.section(ids=[f"{board_node['id']}-{target}-hw-features"]) heading = nodes.title() heading += nodes.literal(text=target) heading += nodes.Text(" target") target_heading += heading result_nodes.append(target_heading) table = nodes.table(classes=["colwidths-given", "hardware-features"]) tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=4) tgroup += nodes.colspec(colwidth=15, classes=["type"]) tgroup += nodes.colspec(colwidth=12, classes=["location"]) tgroup += nodes.colspec(colwidth=53, classes=["description"]) tgroup += nodes.colspec(colwidth=20, classes=["compatible"]) thead = nodes.thead() row = nodes.row() headers = ["Type", "Location", "Description", "Compatible"] for header in headers: entry = nodes.entry(classes=[header.lower()]) entry += nodes.paragraph(text=header) row += entry thead += row tgroup += thead tbody = nodes.tbody() def feature_sort_key(feature): # Put "CPU" first. Later updates might also give priority to features # like "sensor"s, for example. if feature == "cpu": return (0, feature) return (1, feature) sorted_features = sorted(features.keys(), key=feature_sort_key) for feature in sorted_features: items = list(features[feature].items()) num_items = len(items) for i, (key, value) in enumerate(items): row = nodes.row() # TYPE column if i == 0: type_entry = nodes.entry(morerows=num_items - 1, classes=["type"]) type_entry += nodes.paragraph( "", "", BINDING_TYPE_TO_DOCUTILS_NODE.get( feature, nodes.Text(feature) ).deepcopy(), ) row += type_entry # LOCATION column location_entry = nodes.entry(classes=["location"]) location_para = nodes.paragraph() if "board" in value["locations"]: location_chip = nodes.inline( classes=["location-chip", "onboard"], text="on-board", ) location_para += location_chip elif "soc" in value["locations"]: location_chip = nodes.inline( classes=["location-chip", "onchip"], text="on-chip", ) location_para += location_chip location_entry += location_para row += location_entry # DESCRIPTION column desc_entry = nodes.entry(classes=["description"]) desc_para = nodes.paragraph(classes=["status"]) desc_para += nodes.Text(value["description"]) # Add count indicators for okay and not-okay instances okay_nodes = value.get("okay_nodes", []) disabled_nodes = value.get("disabled_nodes", []) role_fn, _ = roles.role( "zephyr_file", self.state_machine.language, self.lineno, self.state.reporter ) def create_count_indicator(nodes_list, class_type, role_function=role_fn): if not nodes_list: return None count = len(nodes_list) if role_function is None: return nodes.inline( classes=["count", f"{class_type}-count"], text=str(count) ) # Create a reference to the first node in the list first_node = nodes_list[0] file_ref = f"{count} <{first_node['filename']}#L{first_node['lineno']}>" role_nodes, _ = role_function( "zephyr_file", file_ref, file_ref, self.lineno, self.state.inliner ) count_node = role_nodes[0] count_node["classes"] = ["count", f"{class_type}-count"] return count_node desc_para += create_count_indicator(okay_nodes, "okay") desc_para += create_count_indicator(disabled_nodes, "disabled") desc_entry += desc_para row += desc_entry # COMPATIBLE column compatible_entry = nodes.entry(classes=["compatible"]) xref = addnodes.pending_xref( "", refdomain="std", reftype="dtcompatible", reftarget=key, refexplicit=False, refwarn=(not value.get("custom_binding", False)), ) xref += nodes.literal(text=key) compatible_entry += nodes.paragraph("", "", xref) row += compatible_entry tbody += row tgroup += tbody table += tgroup result_nodes.append(table) return result_nodes class ZephyrDomain(Domain): """Zephyr domain""" name = "zephyr" label = "Zephyr" roles = { "code-sample": XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, warn_dangling=True), "code-sample-category": XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, warn_dangling=True), "board": XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, warn_dangling=True), } directives = { "code-sample": CodeSampleDirective, "code-sample-listing": CodeSampleListingDirective, "code-sample-category": CodeSampleCategoryDirective, "board-catalog": BoardCatalogDirective, "board": BoardDirective, "board-supported-hw": BoardSupportedHardwareDirective, } object_types: dict[str, ObjType] = { "code-sample": ObjType("code sample", "code-sample"), "code-sample-category": ObjType("code sample category", "code-sample-category"), "board": ObjType("board", "board"), } initial_data: dict[str, Any] = { "code-samples": {}, # id -> code sample data "code-samples-categories": {}, # id -> code sample category data "code-samples-categories-tree": Node("samples"), # keep track of documents containing special directives "has_code_sample_listing": {}, # docname -> bool "has_board_catalog": {}, # docname -> bool "has_board": {}, # docname -> bool } def clear_doc(self, docname: str) -> None: self.data["code-samples"] = { sample_id: sample_data for sample_id, sample_data in self.data["code-samples"].items() if sample_data["docname"] != docname } self.data["code-samples-categories"] = { category_id: category_data for category_id, category_data in self.data["code-samples-categories"].items() if category_data["docname"] != docname } # TODO clean up the anytree as well self.data["has_code_sample_listing"].pop(docname, None) self.data["has_board_catalog"].pop(docname, None) self.data["has_board"].pop(docname, None) def merge_domaindata(self, docnames: list[str], otherdata: dict) -> None: self.data["code-samples"].update(otherdata["code-samples"]) self.data["code-samples-categories"].update(otherdata["code-samples-categories"]) # self.data["boards"] contains all the boards right from builder-inited time, but it still # potentially needs merging since a board's docname property is set by BoardDirective to # indicate the board is documented in a specific document. for board_name, board in otherdata["boards"].items(): if "docname" in board: self.data["boards"][board_name]["docname"] = board["docname"] # merge category trees by adding all the categories found in the "other" tree that to # self tree other_tree = otherdata["code-samples-categories-tree"] categories = [n for n in PreOrderIter(other_tree) if hasattr(n, "category")] for category in categories: category_path = f"/{'/'.join(n.name for n in category.path)}" self.add_category_to_tree( category_path, category.category["id"], category.category["name"], category.category["docname"], ) for docname in docnames: self.data["has_code_sample_listing"][docname] = otherdata[ "has_code_sample_listing" ].get(docname, False) self.data["has_board_catalog"][docname] = otherdata["has_board_catalog"].get( docname, False ) self.data["has_board"][docname] = otherdata["has_board"].get(docname, False) def get_objects(self): for _, code_sample in self.data["code-samples"].items(): yield ( code_sample["id"], code_sample["name"], "code-sample", code_sample["docname"], code_sample["id"], 1, ) for _, code_sample_category in self.data["code-samples-categories"].items(): yield ( code_sample_category["id"], code_sample_category["name"], "code-sample-category", code_sample_category["docname"], code_sample_category["id"], 1, ) for _, board in self.data["boards"].items(): # only boards that do have a documentation page are to be considered as valid objects if "docname" in board: yield ( board["name"], board["full_name"], "board", board["docname"], board["name"], 1, ) # used by Sphinx Immaterial theme def get_object_synopses(self) -> Iterator[tuple[tuple[str, str], str]]: for _, code_sample in self.data["code-samples"].items(): yield ( (code_sample["docname"], code_sample["id"]), code_sample["description"].astext(), ) def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, type, target, node, contnode): if type == "code-sample": elem = self.data["code-samples"].get(target) elif type == "code-sample-category": elem = self.data["code-samples-categories"].get(target) elif type == "board": elem = self.data["boards"].get(target) else: return if elem and "docname" in elem: if not node.get("refexplicit"): contnode = [nodes.Text(elem["name"] if type != "board" else elem["full_name"])] return make_refnode( builder, fromdocname, elem["docname"], elem["id"] if type != "board" else elem["name"], contnode, elem["description"].astext() if type == "code-sample" else None, ) def add_code_sample(self, code_sample): self.data["code-samples"][code_sample["id"]] = code_sample def add_code_sample_category(self, code_sample_category): self.data["code-samples-categories"][code_sample_category["id"]] = code_sample_category self.add_category_to_tree( path.dirname(code_sample_category["docname"]), code_sample_category["id"], code_sample_category["name"], code_sample_category["docname"], ) def add_category_to_tree( self, category_path: str, category_id: str, category_name: str, docname: str ) -> Node: resolver = Resolver("name") tree = self.data["code-samples-categories-tree"] if not category_path.startswith("/"): category_path = "/" + category_path # node either already exists (and we update it to make it a category node), or we need to # create it try: node = resolver.get(tree, category_path) if hasattr(node, "category") and node.category["id"] != category_id: raise ValueError( f"Can't add code sample category {category_id} as category " f"{node.category['id']} is already defined in {node.category['docname']}. " "You may only have one category per path." ) except ChildResolverError as e: path_of_last_existing_node = f"/{'/'.join(n.name for n in e.node.path)}" common_path = path.commonpath([path_of_last_existing_node, category_path]) remaining_path = path.relpath(category_path, common_path) # Add missing nodes under the last existing node for node_name in remaining_path.split("/"): e.node = Node(node_name, parent=e.node) node = e.node node.category = {"id": category_id, "name": category_name, "docname": docname} return tree class CustomDoxygenGroupDirective(DoxygenGroupDirective): """Monkey patch for Breathe's DoxygenGroupDirective.""" def run(self) -> list[Node]: nodes = super().run() if self.config.zephyr_breathe_insert_related_samples: return [*nodes, RelatedCodeSamplesNode(id=self.arguments[0])] else: return nodes def compute_sample_categories_hierarchy(app: Sphinx, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: domain = env.get_domain("zephyr") code_samples = domain.data["code-samples"] category_tree = env.domaindata["zephyr"]["code-samples-categories-tree"] resolver = Resolver("name") for code_sample in code_samples.values(): try: # Try to get the node at the specified path node = resolver.get(category_tree, "/" + path.dirname(code_sample["docname"])) except ChildResolverError as e: # starting with e.node and up, find the first node that has a category node = e.node while not hasattr(node, "category"): node = node.parent code_sample["category"] = node.category["id"] def install_static_assets_as_needed( app: Sphinx, pagename: str, templatename: str, context: dict[str, Any], doctree: nodes.Node ) -> None: if app.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["has_code_sample_listing"].get(pagename, False): app.add_css_file("css/codesample-livesearch.css") app.add_js_file("js/codesample-livesearch.js") if app.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["has_board_catalog"].get(pagename, False): app.add_css_file("css/board-catalog.css") app.add_js_file("js/board-catalog.js") if app.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["has_board"].get(pagename, False): app.add_css_file("css/board.css") app.add_js_file("js/board.js") def load_board_catalog_into_domain(app: Sphinx) -> None: board_catalog = get_catalog( generate_hw_features=( app.builder.format == "html" and app.config.zephyr_generate_hw_features ) ) app.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["boards"] = board_catalog["boards"] app.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["vendors"] = board_catalog["vendors"] app.env.domaindata["zephyr"]["socs"] = board_catalog["socs"] def setup(app): app.add_config_value("zephyr_breathe_insert_related_samples", False, "env") app.add_config_value("zephyr_generate_hw_features", False, "env") app.add_domain(ZephyrDomain) app.add_transform(ConvertCodeSampleNode) app.add_transform(ConvertCodeSampleCategoryNode) app.add_transform(ConvertBoardNode) app.add_post_transform(ProcessCodeSampleListingNode) app.add_post_transform(CodeSampleCategoriesTocPatching) app.add_post_transform(ProcessRelatedCodeSamplesNode) app.connect( "builder-inited", (lambda app: app.config.html_static_path.append(RESOURCES_DIR.as_posix())), ) app.connect("builder-inited", load_board_catalog_into_domain) app.connect("html-page-context", install_static_assets_as_needed) app.connect("env-updated", compute_sample_categories_hierarchy) # monkey-patching of the DoxygenGroupDirective app.add_directive("doxygengroup", CustomDoxygenGroupDirective, override=True) return { "version": __version__, "parallel_read_safe": True, "parallel_write_safe": True, }