# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2024, Nordic Semiconductor ASA # CMake YAML module for handling of YAML files. # # This module offers basic support for simple yaml files. # # It supports basic key-value pairs, like # foo: bar # # basic key-object pairs, like # foo: # bar: baz # # Simple value lists, like: # foos: # - foo1 # - foo2 # - foo3 # # All of above can be combined, for example like: # foo: # bar: baz # quz: # greek: # - alpha # - beta # - gamma # fred: thud # # Support for list of objects are currently experimental and not guranteed to work. # For example: # foo: # - bar: val1 # baz: val1 # - bar: val2 # baz: val2 include_guard(GLOBAL) include(extensions) include(python) # Internal helper function for checking that a YAML context has been created # before operating on it. # Will result in CMake error if context does not exist. function(internal_yaml_context_required) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "" "NAME" "" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML NAME) yaml_context(EXISTS NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME} result) if(NOT result) message(FATAL_ERROR "YAML context '${ARG_YAML_NAME}' does not exist." "Remember to create a YAML context using 'yaml_create()' or 'yaml_load()'" ) endif() endfunction() # Internal helper function for checking if a YAML context is free before creating # it later. # Will result in CMake error if context exists. function(internal_yaml_context_free) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "" "NAME" "" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML NAME) yaml_context(EXISTS NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME} result) if(result) message(FATAL_ERROR "YAML context '${ARG_YAML_NAME}' already exists." "Please create a YAML context with a unique name" ) endif() endfunction() # Usage # yaml_context(EXISTS NAME ) # # Function to query the status of the YAML context with the name . # The result of the query is stored in # # EXISTS : Check if the YAML context exists in the current scope # If the context exists, then TRUE is returned in # NAME : Name of the YAML context # : Variable to store the result of the query. # function(yaml_context) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "EXISTS" "NAME" "" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required_all(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML EXISTS NAME) if(NOT DEFINED ARG_YAML_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Missing argument in " "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}(EXISTS NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME} )." ) endif() zephyr_scope_exists(scope_defined ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) if(scope_defined) list(POP_FRONT ARG_YAML_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS out-var) set(${out-var} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${out-var} ${ARG_YAML_NAME}-NOTFOUND PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Usage: # yaml_create(NAME [FILE ]) # # Create a new empty YAML context. # Use the file for storing the context when 'yaml_save(NAME )' is # called. # # Values can be set by calling 'yaml_set(NAME )' by using the # specified when creating the YAML context. # # NAME : Name of the YAML context. # FILE : Path to file to be used together with this YAML context. # function(yaml_create) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "" "FILE;NAME" "" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML NAME) internal_yaml_context_free(NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) zephyr_create_scope(${ARG_YAML_NAME}) if(DEFINED ARG_YAML_FILE) zephyr_set(FILE ${ARG_YAML_FILE} SCOPE ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) endif() zephyr_set(JSON "{}" SCOPE ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) endfunction() # Usage: # yaml_load(FILE NAME ) # # Load an existing YAML file and store its content in the YAML context . # # Values can later be retrieved ('yaml_get()') or set/updated ('yaml_set()') by using # the same YAML scope name. # # FILE : Path to file to load. # NAME : Name of the YAML context. # function(yaml_load) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "" "FILE;NAME" "" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required_all(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML FILE NAME) internal_yaml_context_free(NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) zephyr_create_scope(${ARG_YAML_NAME}) zephyr_set(FILE ${ARG_YAML_FILE} SCOPE ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import json; import yaml; print(json.dumps(yaml.safe_load(open('${ARG_YAML_FILE}'))))" OUTPUT_VARIABLE json_load_out ERROR_VARIABLE json_load_error RESULT_VARIABLE json_load_result ) if(json_load_result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to load content of YAML file: ${ARG_YAML_FILE}\n" "${json_load_error}" ) endif() zephyr_set(JSON "${json_load_out}" SCOPE ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) endfunction() # Usage: # yaml_get( NAME KEY ...) # # Get the value of the given key and store the value in . # If key represents a list, then the list is returned. # # Behavior is undefined if key points to a complex object. # # NAME : Name of the YAML context. # KEY ... : Name of key. # : Name of output variable. # function(yaml_get out_var) # Current limitation: # - Anything will be returned, even json object strings. cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "" "NAME" "KEY" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required_all(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML NAME KEY) internal_yaml_context_required(NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) zephyr_get_scoped(json_content ${ARG_YAML_NAME} JSON) # We specify error variable to avoid a fatal error. # If key is not found, then type becomes '-NOTFOUND' and value handling is done below. string(JSON type ERROR_VARIABLE error TYPE "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY}) if(type STREQUAL ARRAY) string(JSON subjson GET "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY}) string(JSON arraylength LENGTH "${subjson}") set(array) math(EXPR arraystop "${arraylength} - 1") if(arraylength GREATER 0) foreach(i RANGE 0 ${arraystop}) string(JSON item GET "${subjson}" ${i}) list(APPEND array ${item}) endforeach() endif() set(${out_var} ${array} PARENT_SCOPE) else() # We specify error variable to avoid a fatal error. # Searching for a non-existing key should just result in the output value '-NOTFOUND' string(JSON value ERROR_VARIABLE error GET "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY}) set(${out_var} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Usage: # yaml_length( NAME KEY ...) # # Get the length of the array defined by the given key and store the length in . # If key does not define an array, then the length -1 is returned. # # NAME : Name of the YAML context. # KEY ... : Name of key defining the list. # : Name of output variable. # function(yaml_length out_var) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "" "NAME" "KEY" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required_all(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML NAME KEY) internal_yaml_context_required(NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) zephyr_get_scoped(json_content ${ARG_YAML_NAME} JSON) string(JSON type ERROR_VARIABLE error TYPE "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY}) if(type STREQUAL ARRAY) string(JSON subjson GET "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY}) string(JSON arraylength LENGTH "${subjson}") set(${out_var} ${arraylength} PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(type MATCHES ".*-NOTFOUND") set(${out_var} ${type} PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(WARNING "YAML key: ${ARG_YAML_KEY} is not an array.") set(${out_var} -1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Usage: # yaml_set(NAME KEY ... VALUE ) # yaml_set(NAME KEY ... [APPEND] LIST ...) # # Set a value or a list of values to given key. # # If setting a list of values, then APPEND can be specified to indicate that the # list of values should be appended to the existing list identified with key(s). # # NAME : Name of the YAML context. # KEY ... : Name of key. # VALUE : New value for the key. # List : New list of values for the key. # APPEND : Append the list of values to the list of values for the key. # function(yaml_set) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "APPEND" "NAME;VALUE" "KEY;LIST" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required_all(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML NAME KEY) zephyr_check_arguments_required_allow_empty(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML VALUE LIST) zephyr_check_arguments_exclusive(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML VALUE LIST) internal_yaml_context_required(NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) zephyr_get_scoped(json_content ${ARG_YAML_NAME} JSON) set(yaml_key_undefined ${ARG_YAML_KEY}) foreach(k ${yaml_key_undefined}) list(REMOVE_AT yaml_key_undefined 0) # We ignore any errors as we are checking for existence of the key, and # non-existing keys will throw errors but also set type to NOT-FOUND. string(JSON type ERROR_VARIABLE ignore TYPE "${json_content}" ${valid_keys} ${k}) if(NOT type) list(APPEND yaml_key_create ${k}) break() endif() list(APPEND valid_keys ${k}) endforeach() list(REVERSE yaml_key_undefined) if(NOT "${yaml_key_undefined}" STREQUAL "") if(ARG_YAML_APPEND) set(json_string "[]") else() set(json_string "\"\"") endif() foreach(k ${yaml_key_undefined}) set(json_string "{\"${k}\": ${json_string}}") endforeach() string(JSON json_content SET "${json_content}" ${valid_keys} ${yaml_key_create} "${json_string}" ) endif() if(DEFINED ARG_YAML_LIST OR LIST IN_LIST ARG_YAML_KEYWORDS_MISSING_VALUES) if(NOT ARG_YAML_APPEND) string(JSON json_content SET "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY} "[]") endif() string(JSON subjson GET "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY}) string(JSON index LENGTH "${subjson}") list(LENGTH ARG_YAML_LIST length) math(EXPR stop "${index} + ${length} - 1") if(NOT length EQUAL 0) foreach(i RANGE ${index} ${stop}) list(POP_FRONT ARG_YAML_LIST value) string(JSON json_content SET "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY} ${i} "\"${value}\"") endforeach() endif() else() string(JSON json_content SET "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY} "\"${ARG_YAML_VALUE}\"") endif() zephyr_set(JSON "${json_content}" SCOPE ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) endfunction() # Usage: # yaml_remove(NAME KEY ...) # # Remove the KEY ... from the YAML context . # # Several levels of keys can be given, for example: # KEY build cmake command # # To remove the key 'command' underneath 'cmake' in the toplevel 'build' # # NAME : Name of the YAML context. # KEY : Name of key to remove. # function(yaml_remove) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "" "NAME" "KEY" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required_all(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML NAME KEY) internal_yaml_context_required(NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) zephyr_get_scoped(json_content ${ARG_YAML_NAME} JSON) string(JSON json_content REMOVE "${json_content}" ${ARG_YAML_KEY}) zephyr_set(JSON "${json_content}" SCOPE ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) endfunction() # Usage: # yaml_save(NAME [FILE ]) # # Write the YAML context to the file which were given with the earlier # 'yaml_load()' or 'yaml_create()' call. # # NAME : Name of the YAML context # FILE : Path to file to write the context. # If not given, then the FILE property of the YAML context will be # used. In case both FILE is omitted and FILE property is missing # on the YAML context, then an error will be raised. # function(yaml_save) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG_YAML "" "NAME;FILE" "" ${ARGN}) zephyr_check_arguments_required(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML NAME) internal_yaml_context_required(NAME ${ARG_YAML_NAME}) zephyr_get_scoped(yaml_file ${ARG_YAML_NAME} FILE) if(NOT yaml_file) zephyr_check_arguments_required(${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} ARG_YAML FILE) endif() zephyr_get_scoped(json_content ${ARG_YAML_NAME} JSON) to_yaml("${json_content}" 0 yaml_out) if(DEFINED ARG_YAML_FILE) set(yaml_file ${ARG_YAML_FILE}) else() zephyr_get_scoped(yaml_file ${ARG_YAML_NAME} FILE) endif() if(EXISTS ${yaml_file}) FILE(RENAME ${yaml_file} ${yaml_file}.bak) endif() FILE(WRITE ${yaml_file} "${yaml_out}") endfunction() function(to_yaml json level yaml) if(level GREATER 0) math(EXPR level_dec "${level} - 1") set(indent_${level} "${indent_${level_dec}} ") endif() string(JSON length LENGTH "${json}") if(length EQUAL 0) # Empty object return() endif() math(EXPR stop "${length} - 1") foreach(i RANGE 0 ${stop}) string(JSON member MEMBER "${json}" ${i}) string(JSON type TYPE "${json}" ${member}) string(JSON subjson GET "${json}" ${member}) if(type STREQUAL OBJECT) set(${yaml} "${${yaml}}${indent_${level}}${member}:\n") math(EXPR sublevel "${level} + 1") to_yaml("${subjson}" ${sublevel} ${yaml}) elseif(type STREQUAL ARRAY) set(${yaml} "${${yaml}}${indent_${level}}${member}:") string(JSON arraylength LENGTH "${subjson}") if(${arraylength} LESS 1) set(${yaml} "${${yaml}} []\n") else() set(${yaml} "${${yaml}}\n") math(EXPR arraystop "${arraylength} - 1") foreach(i RANGE 0 ${arraystop}) string(JSON item GET "${json}" ${member} ${i}) set(${yaml} "${${yaml}}${indent_${level}} - ${item}\n") endforeach() endif() else() set(${yaml} "${${yaml}}${indent_${level}}${member}: ${subjson}\n") endif() endforeach() set(${yaml} ${${yaml}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()