.. _adafruit_data_logger_shield: Adafruit Data Logger Shield ########################### Overview ******** The `Adafruit Data Logger Shield`_ rev. B features an `NXP PCF8523 Real-Time Clock/Calendar with Battery Backup`_, an SD card interface, two user LEDs, and a prototyping area. .. figure:: adafruit_data_logger.jpg :align: center :alt: Adafruit Data Logger Shield Adafruit Data Logger Shield (Credit: Adafruit) .. note:: The older revision A of the Adafruit Data Logger Shield is not supported. Pin Assignments =============== +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Shield Connector Pin | Function | +=======================+=============================================+ | D3 | User LED1 (green) [1]_ | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | D4 | User LED2 (red) [1]_ | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | D7 | PCF8523 RTC INT1 [2]_ | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | D10 | SD card SPI CS | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | D11 | SD card SPI MOSI | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | D12 | SD card SPI MISO | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | D13 | SD card SPI SCK | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | SDA | PCF8523 RTC I2C SDA | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | SCL | PCF8523 RTC I2C SCL | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ .. [1] The user LEDs are not connected to ``D3`` and ``D4`` by default. Jumper or jumper wire connections must be established between the ``L1`` and ``Digital I/O 3`` pins for ``LED1`` and ``L2`` and ``Digital I/O 4`` pins for ``LED2`` if they are to be used. .. [2] The PCF8523 RTC ``INT1`` interrupt output pin is not connected to ``D7`` by default. A jumper wire connection must be established between the ``SQ`` pin and the ``Digital I/O 7`` pin in order to use the RTC interrupt functionality (i.e. alarm callback, 1 pulse per second callback). The ``INT1`` interrupt output is open-drain, but the shield definition enables an internal GPIO pull-up and thus no external pull-up resistor is needed. Requirements ************ This shield can only be used with a board which provides a configuration for Arduino connectors and defines node aliases for SPI and GPIO interfaces (see :ref:`shields` for more details). Programming *********** Set ``--shield adafruit_data_logger`` when you invoke ``west build``. For example: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: tests/drivers/rtc/rtc_api :board: frdm_k64f :shield: adafruit_data_logger :goals: build .. _Adafruit Data Logger Shield: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-data-logger-shield/ .. _NXP PCF8523 Real-Time Clock/Calendar with Battery Backup: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/PCF8523.pdf