/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Oticon A/S * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include "cmdline_common.h" #include #include "hw_models_top.h" #include "timer_model.h" #include "cmdline.h" #include #include #include "native_tracing.h" static int s_argc, test_argc; static char **s_argv, **test_argv; static struct args_struct_t *args_struct; static int used_args; static int args_aval; #define ARGS_ALLOC_CHUNK_SIZE 20 void native_cleanup_cmd_line(void) { if (args_struct != NULL) { /* LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE */ free(args_struct); args_struct = NULL; } } /** * Add a set of command line options to the program. * * Each option to be added is described in one entry of the input * This input must be terminated with an entry containing ARG_TABLE_ENDMARKER. */ void native_add_command_line_opts(struct args_struct_t *args) { int count = 0; while (args[count].option != NULL) { count++; } count++; /*for the end marker*/ if (used_args + count >= args_aval) { int growby = count; /* reallocs are expensive let's do them only in big chunks */ if (growby < ARGS_ALLOC_CHUNK_SIZE) { growby = ARGS_ALLOC_CHUNK_SIZE; } struct args_struct_t *new_args_struct = realloc(args_struct, (args_aval + growby)* sizeof(struct args_struct_t)); args_aval += growby; /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ if (new_args_struct == NULL) { posix_print_error_and_exit("Could not allocate memory"); } else { args_struct = new_args_struct; } /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ } memcpy(&args_struct[used_args], args, count*sizeof(struct args_struct_t)); used_args += count - 1; /* * -1 as the end marker should be overwritten next time something * is added */ } void native_add_testargs_option(void) { static struct args_struct_t testargs_options[] = { /* * Fields: * manual, mandatory, switch, * option_name, var_name ,type, * destination, callback, * description */ {true, false, false, "testargs", "arg", 'l', (void *)NULL, NULL, "Any argument that follows will be ignored by the top level, " "and made available for possible tests"}, ARG_TABLE_ENDMARKER}; native_add_command_line_opts(testargs_options); } static void print_invalid_opt_error(char *argv) { posix_print_error_and_exit("Incorrect option '%s'. Did you misspell it?" " Is that feature supported in this build?" "\n", argv); } /** * Handle possible command line arguments. * * We also store them for later use by possible test applications */ void native_handle_cmd_line(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; native_add_tracing_options(); native_add_testargs_option(); s_argv = argv; s_argc = argc; cmd_args_set_defaults(args_struct); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if ((cmd_is_option(argv[i], "testargs", 0))) { test_argc = argc - i - 1; test_argv = &argv[i+1]; break; } if (!cmd_parse_one_arg(argv[i], args_struct)) { cmd_print_switches_help(args_struct); print_invalid_opt_error(argv[i]); } } } /** * The application/test can use this function to inspect all the command line * arguments */ void native_get_cmd_line_args(int *argc, char ***argv) { *argc = s_argc; *argv = s_argv; } /** * The application/test can use this function to inspect the command line * arguments received after --testargs */ void native_get_test_cmd_line_args(int *argc, char ***argv) { *argc = test_argc; *argv = test_argv; }