Page-1 Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 speed speed Sheet.4 Visibility, debug-ability & ability to instrument Visibility, debug-ability& ability to instrument Sheet.8 Sheet.9 Accuracy of the HW Accuracy of the HW Sheet.32 RTL sim. RTL sim. Sheet.31 HW emu. HW emu. Sheet.34 Sheet.36 Full Full Sheet.37 Rough Rough Sheet.38 Full Full Sheet.39 Low Low Sheet.41 Sheet.42 Sheet.43 Sheet.44 Sheet.45 10x 10x Sheet.46 1x 1x Sheet.47 ≈1/10x ≈1/10x Sheet.48 <1/100x <1/100x Sheet.49 <1/1000x <1/1000x Sheet.54 ISS: Instruction Set Simulator Dev. board: Development board H... ISS: Instruction Set SimulatorDev. board: Development boardHW emu. : Hardware emulator, e.g. Cadence PalladiumRTL sim. : HW RTL simulations Sheet.56 Sheet.33 POSIX arch POSIX arch Sheet.30 ISS ISS Sheet.57 Sheet.58 > 100x > 100x Sheet.59 Sheet.61 Sheet.62 Sheet.63 Sheet.64 Sheet.65 Sheet.66 speed speed Sheet.67 Sheet.68 Sheet.69 Sheet.70 Sheet.71 Sheet.72 10x 10x Sheet.73 1x 1x Sheet.74 ≈1/10x ≈1/10x Sheet.75 <1/100x <1/100x Sheet.76 <1/1000x <1/1000x Sheet.77 Sheet.78 > 100x > 100x Sheet.79 POSIX arch POSIX arch Sheet.80 RTL sim. RTL sim. Sheet.82 ISS ISS Sheet.60 HW emu. HW emu. Sheet.84 QEMU QEMU Sheet.85 QEMU QEMU Sheet.88 native _sim native_sim Sheet.89 native_sim native_sim Sheet.90 Sheet.91 Sheet.92 Dev. board Dev. board Sheet.40 Sheet.93 Dev board Dev board