.. _intel_adsp_generic: Intel ADSP cAVS and ACE ####################### Intel's Audio and Digital Signal Processing (ADSP) hardware offerings include the Converged Audio Voice Speech (cAVS) series and its successor, the Audio and Context Engine (ACE). These Xtensa-based ADSPs can be integrated into a variety of Intel products. The below table lists (some of) the Intel microprocessor(s) that each version of the Intel ADSP is compatible with. +----------+-----------------------------+ | ADSP | Microprocessor | +==========+=============================+ | cAVS 1.5 | Apollo Lake | +----------+-----------------------------+ | cAVS 1.8 | Whiskey Lake | +----------+-----------------------------+ | cAVS 2.5 | Tiger Lake | +----------+-----------------------------+ | ACE 1.5 | Meteor Lake | +----------+-----------------------------+ Intel open-sources firmware for its ADSP hardware under the Sound Open Firmware (`SOF`_) project. SOF can be built with either Zephyr or Cadence's proprietary Xtensa OS (XTOS) and run on a variety of Intel and non-Intel platforms. The Intel `UP Xtreme`_ product line has the publicly available reference boards for Zephyr's Intel ADSP support. This guide uses the `UP Xtreme i11-0001 series`_ (:ref:`intel_adsp_cavs25`) board as an example. However, the instructions are generic and will work on other boards unless otherwise stated. You will be referred to the documentation for your specific board in these cases. System requirements ******************* Setting Up Target Board ----------------------- You can only flash Zephyr to the ADSP by using Zephyr's Python tool in a Linux host running on the board's main CPU. It is possible (and recommended) for users to build the binary locally on their development machine and flash remotely, but the board itself must be capable of running the Python script that receives the binary sent over the network by West and flashes it. You should install a version of Linux that supports or comes with the current version of Python that Zephyr requires. Consider using Ubuntu 20.04, which comes with Python 3.8 installed. Note that if you plan to use SOF on your board, you will need to build and install the modified Linux SOF kernel instead of the default kernel. It is recommended you follow the `SOF instructions`_ to build and run SOF on Zephyr. UP Xtreme users can refer to the `UP Community wiki`_ for help installing a Linux operating system on their board. Signing Tool ------------ As firmware binary signing is mandatory on Intel products from Skylake onwards, you will also need to set up the SOF rimage signing tool and key. .. code-block:: shell cd zephyrproject west config manifest.project-filter -- +sof west update cd modules/audio/sof/tools/rimage Follow the instructions in the rimage :file:`README.md` to build the tool on your system. You can either copy the executable to a directory in your PATH or use ``west config rimage.path /path/to/rimage-build/rimage``; see more details in the output of ``west sign -h``. Running directly from the build directory makes you less likely to use an obsolete rimage version by mistake. Platform-specific configuration files are located in the ``rimage/config/`` subdirectory. For a different configuration directory you can use: ``west config build.cmake-args -- -DRIMAGE_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/my/rimage/config``. Xtensa Toolchain (Optional) --------------------------- The Zephyr SDK provides GCC-based toolchains necessary to build Zephyr for the cAVS and ACE boards. However, users seeking greater levels of optimization may desire to build with the proprietary Xtensa toolchain distributed by `Cadence`_ instead. The following instructions assume you have purchased and installed the toolchain(s) and core(s) for your board following their instructions. First, make sure to set the ``$HOME/.flexlmrc`` file or ``XTENSAD_LICENSE_FILE`` variable as instructed by Cadence. Next, set the following environment variables: .. code-block:: shell export XTENSA_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=$HOME/xtensa/XtDevTools/install/tools export XTENSA_BUILDS_DIR=$XTENSA_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/../builds export ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=xcc export TOOLCHAIN_VER=RG-2017.8-linux export XTENSA_CORE=cavs2x_LX6HiFi3_2017_8 The bottom three variables are specific to each version of cAVS / ACE; refer to your board's documentation for their values. Programming and Debugging ************************* Building -------- Build as usual. .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world :board: intel_adsp/cavs25 :goals: build Signing ------- ``west build`` tries to sign the binary at the end of the build. If you need to sign the binary yourself, you can invoke ``west sign`` directly. Read the ``west`` logs to find the ``west sign`` invocation; you can copy and modify the command logged for your own purposes. Run ``west sign -h`` for more details. The build tries to provide as many default rimage parameters are possible. If needed, there are several ways to override them depending on your specific situation and use case. They're often not mutually exclusive but to avoid undocumented rimage precedence rules it's best to use only one way at a time. - For local, interactive use prefer ``rimage.extra-args`` in west config, see ``west sign -h``. The WEST_CONFIG_LOCAL environment variable can point at a different west configuration file if needed. - You can add or overwrite a ``$platform.toml`` file(s) in your ``rimage/config/`` directory - For board-specific needs you can define WEST_SIGN_OPTS in ``boards/my/board/board.cmake``, see example in ``soc/intel/adsp/common/CMakeLists.txt`` Starting with Zephyr 3.6.0, ``west flash`` does not invoke ``west sign`` anymore and you cannot pass rimage parameters to ``west flash`` anymore. To see an up-to-date list of all arguments to the Intel ADSP runner, run the following after you have built the binary: .. code-block:: console west flash --context Remote Flashing to cAVS-based ADSP ---------------------------------- As mentioned previously, the recommended way to run and monitor the output of Zephyr on cAVS boards is remotely. The Linux host on the main CPU may freeze up and need to be restarted if a flash or runtime error occurs on the ADSP. From this point onward, we will refer to the board as the "remote host" and your development machine as the "local host". Copy the below scripts to the cAVS board. :zephyr_file:`soc/intel/intel_adsp/tools/remote-fw-service.py` will receive the binary sent over the network by West and invoke :zephyr_file:`soc/intel/intel_adsp/tools/cavstool.py` (referred to as the "cAVS tool"), which performs the flash and captures the log. Start :file:`remote-fw-service.py`. .. code-block:: console scp -r $ZEPHYR_BASE/soc/intel/intel_adsp/tools/cavstool.py username@remotehostname scp -r $ZEPHYR_BASE/soc/intel/intel_adsp/tools/remote-fw-service.py username@remotehostname ssh username@remotehostname sudo ./remote-fw-service.py :file:`remote-fw-service.py` uses ports 9999 and 10000 on the remote host to communicate. It forwards logs collected by :file:`cavstool.py` on port 9999 (referred to as its "log port") and services requests on port 10000 (its "requests port"). When you run West or Twister on your local host, it sends requests using the :zephyr_file:`soc/intel/intel_adsp/tools/cavstool_client.py` script (referred to as "cAVS tool client"). It also uses ports 9999 and 10000 on your local host, so be sure those ports are free. Flashing with West is simple. .. code-block:: console west flash --remote-host remotehostname --pty remotehostname Running tests with Twister is slightly more complicated. .. code-block:: console twister -p intel_adsp/cavs25 --device-testing --device-serial-pty="$ZEPHYR_BASE/soc/intel/intel_adsp/tools/cavstool_client.py,-s,remotehostname,-l" --west-flash="--remote-host=remotehostname" -T samples/hello_world If your network is set up such that the TCP connection from :file:`cavstool_client.py` to :file:`remote-fw-service.py` is forwarded through an intermediate host, you may need to tell :file:`cavstool_client.py` to connect to different ports as well as a different hostname. You can do this by appending the port numbers to the intermediate host name. .. code-block:: console west flash --remote-host intermediatehost:reqport --pty remotehostname:logport twister -p intel_adsp/cavs25 --device-testing --device-serial-pty="$ZEPHYR_BASE/soc/intel/intel_adsp/tools/cavstool_client.py,-s,remotehostname:logport,-l" --west-flash="--remote-host=remotehostname:reqport" -T samples/hello_world You can also save this information to a hardware map file and pass that to Twister. .. code-block:: console twister -p intel_adsp/cavs25 --hardware-map cavs.map --device-testing -T samples/hello_world Here's a sample ``cavs.map``: .. code-block:: console - connected: true id: None platform: intel_adsp/cavs25 product: None runner: intel_adsp serial_pty: "/home/zephyrus/zephyrproject/zephyr/soc/intel/intel_adsp/tools/cavstool_client.py,-s,remotehostname:logport,-l" runner_params: - --remote-host=remotehostname:reqport Any of the arguments you would pass to Twister or West, you can pass with the hardware map. As mentioned previously, you can see the Intel ADSP runner arguments by passing the ``--context`` flag while flashing with West. Refer to :ref:`twister_script` for more information on hardware maps. Local Flashing to cAVS-based ADSP --------------------------------- You can also directly flash the signed binary with the cAVS tool on the board. This may be useful for debugging. .. code-block:: console sudo ./cavstool.py zephyr.ri You should see the following at the end of the log if you are successful: .. code-block:: console ***** Booting Zephyr OS vx.x.x-xxx-gxxxxxxxxxxxx ***** Hello World! intel_adsp Flashing to ACE-based ADSP -------------------------- Flashing is not yet supported for platforms with ACE-based ADSP, as these platforms are not yet publicly available. Debugging --------- As Zephyr doesn't (yet) support GDB for the Intel ADSP platforms, users are recommended to take advantage of Zephyr's built-in :ref:`coredump` and :ref:`logging_api` features. Troubleshooting *************** You can pass verbose flags directly to the Intel ADSP scripts: .. code-block:: console sudo ./remote-fw-service.py -v sudo ./cavstool.py zephyr.ri -v To see a list of their arguments: .. code-block:: console sudo ./remote-fw-service.py --help sudo ./cavstool.py --help If flashing fails at ``west sign`` with errors related to unparsed keys, try reinstalling the latest version of the signing tool. For example: .. code-block:: shell error: 1 unparsed keys left in 'adsp' error: 1 unparsed arrays left in 'adsp' If you get an "Address already in use" error when starting :file:`remote-fw-service.py` on the board, you may have another instance of the script running. Kill it. .. code-block:: console $ sudo netstat -peanut | grep 9999 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 289788 14795/python3 $ sudo kill 14795 If West or Twister successfully sign and establish TCP connections with :file:`remote-fw-service.py` but hang with no output afterwards, there are two possibilities: either :file:`remote-fw-service.py` failed to communicate, or :file:`cavstool.py` failed to flash. Log into the remote host and check the output of :file:`remote-fw-service.py`. If a message about "incorrect communication" appears, you mixed up the port numbers for logging and requests in your command or hardware map. Switch them and try again. .. code-block:: shell ERROR:remote-fw:incorrect monitor communication! If a "load failed" message appears, that means the flash failed. Examine the log of ``west flash`` and carefully check that the arguments to ``west sign`` are correct. .. code-block:: console WARNING:cavs-fw:Load failed? FW_STATUS = 0x81000012 INFO:cavs-fw:cAVS firmware load complete -- Sometimes a flash failure or network miscommunication corrupts the state of the ADSP or :file:`remote-fw-service.py`. If you are unable to identify a cause of repeated failures, try restarting the scripts and / or power cycling your board to reset the state. Users - particularly, users of the Xtensa toolchain - should also consider clearing their Zephyr cache, as caching issues can occur from time to time. Delete the cache as well as any applicable build directories and start from scratch. You can try using the "pristine" option of West first, if you like. .. code-block:: console rm -rf build twister-out* rm -rf ~/.ccache ~/.cache/zephyr Xtensa toolchain users can get more detailed logs from the license server by exporting ``FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS=3``. .. _SOF: https://thesofproject.github.io/latest/index.html .. _Chromebooks: https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/pdp/hp-chromebook-x360-14c-cc0047nr .. _UP Xtreme: https://up-board.org/up-xtreme/ .. _UP Xtreme i11-0001 series: https://up-shop.org/up-xtreme-i11-boards-0001-series.html .. _SOF instructions: https://thesofproject.github.io/latest/getting_started/build-guide/build-with-zephyr.html .. _UP Community wiki: https://github.com/up-board/up-community/wiki/Ubuntu .. _Cadence: https://www.cadence.com/en_US/home/tools/ip/tensilica-ip.html