.. _circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160: nRF9160 Feather ############### .. figure:: img/circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160.jpg :align: center :alt: Circuit Dojo nRF9160 Feather nRF9160 Feather (Credit: Circuit Dojo) Overview ******** The nRF9160 Feather by Circuit Dojo is a single-board development for bringing your LTE-M and NB-IoT applications to life. The circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160 board configuration leverages the pre-existing support for the Nordic Semiconductor nRF9160. Supported nRF9160 peripherals include: * :abbr:`ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)` * CLOCK * FLASH * :abbr:`GPIO (General Purpose Input Output)` * :abbr:`I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)` * :abbr:`MPU (Memory Protection Unit)` * :abbr:`NVIC (Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller)` * :abbr:`PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)` * :abbr:`RTC (nRF RTC System Clock)` * Segger RTT (RTT Console) * :abbr:`SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)` * :abbr:`UARTE (Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter with EasyDMA)` * :abbr:`WDT (Watchdog Timer)` * :abbr:`IDAU (Implementation Defined Attribution Unit)` More information about the board can be found at the `nRF9160 Feather Documentation`_. Hardware ******** .. figure:: img/nrf9160-feather-v31-features.jpg :align: center :alt: nRF9160 Feather Features Connections and IOs =================== The nRF9160 Feather has everything you know and love about the Feather platform. Here are some of the highlights: LED --- * D7 (blue) = P0.03 Push buttons and Switches ------------------------- * MODE = P0.12 * RESET USB --- Contains a USB/UART connection for both debugging and loading new code using a UART Enabled MCUBoot. Standard Battery Connection ---------------------------- The nRF9160 Feather has a 2 pin battery connector on board. Lithium Polymer batteries > 300mA required. Nano SIM Holder --------------- The nRF9160 Feather has a built-in nano SIM (4FF) holder located on the bottom side. Programming and Debugging ************************* circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160 has a Tag Connect TC2030-CTX-NL. It can be used by most programmers like: * J-Link (the nRF53-DK is recommended) * CMSIS-DAP based programmers Check out `Getting Started`_ for more info. Building an application ======================= In most cases you'll want to use the ``ns`` target with any of the Zephyr or Nordic based examples. .. note:: Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) and building the ``ns`` target is not supported for this board. Some of the examples do not use secure mode, so they do not require the ``ns`` suffix. A great example of this is the ``hello_world`` below. Flashing ======== Follow the instructions in the :ref:`nordic_segger` page to install and configure all the necessary software. Further information can be found in :ref:`nordic_segger_flashing`. Then build and flash applications as usual (see :ref:`build_an_application` and :ref:`application_run` for more details). Here is an example for the :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application. First, run your favorite terminal program to listen for output. .. code-block:: console $ screen /dev/ 115200 Replace :code:`` with the port where the nRF9160 Feather can be found. In most cases (On Linux/Mac) it will be: :code:`/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART`. Then build and flash the application in the usual way. .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world :board: circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160 :goals: build flash Debugging ========= Refer to the :ref:`nordic_segger` page to learn about debugging Nordic boards with a Segger IC. Testing the LEDs and buttons on the nRF9160 Feather *************************************************** There are 2 samples that allow you to test that the buttons (switches) and LEDs on the board are working properly with Zephyr: * :zephyr:code-sample:`blinky` * :zephyr:code-sample:`button` You can build and flash the examples to make sure Zephyr is running correctly on your board. The button and LED definitions can be found in :zephyr_file:`boards/circuitdojo/feather/circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160_common.dtsi`. References ********** .. target-notes:: **Side note** This page was based on the documentation for the nRF9160 DK. Thanks to Nordic for developing a great platform! .. _nRF9160 Feather Documentation: https://docs.jaredwolff.com/nrf9160-introduction.html .. _Getting Started: https://docs.jaredwolff.com/nrf9160-getting-started.html